View Full Version : This week the epic struggle has been between Alsius & Ignis.. Where is Syrtis??

04-02-2014, 04:44 AM
For some reason this week, Alsius catapaulted to the top of the League devastating Syrtis (no more gems omg) and taking all but one of Ignis gems?

Many epic and fun battles were had and I was very impressed by the leadership and tenacity of the Alsians :)

But then the Igneans are now really fighting back. I heard they smashed the Alsian gates and now took back 2 more gems from Alsius, leaving it 3 - 3 for Alsius and Ignis and nothing for Syrtis...

What happened to Syrtis? What happened to the mighty Syrtis war machine ?

04-02-2014, 08:51 AM
i think they started to miss their families and returned to RL for a while :p

04-02-2014, 09:34 AM
They grew a brain and moved to Ra.

04-02-2014, 12:34 PM
No, RL didn't exactly call them away & neither did Ra. Syrtis has zerg-fever & has had it for years. It takes about 2 to 1 odds in their favor for many Haven-gelfs to not run away & 3 to 1 or even higher to act like they 'tener cojones'. Any fair fight they might actually lose is a fight to run from or never have in the first place. So thus, the infected-gelfs remain absent until such time as the fight once again becomes a can't-lose-gimmee' to them. They're elsewhere atm, getting their 'kicks' zerg-dominating in other realms, servers or games. When Syrtis has enough to steamroll the server once more, then they'll be back as a realm; it truly is as simple as that.


04-02-2014, 01:58 PM
No, RL didn't exactly call them away & neither did Ra. Syrtis has zerg-fever & has had it for years. It takes about 2 to 1 odds in their favor for many Haven-gelfs to not run away & 3 to 1 or even higher to act like they 'tener cojones'. Any fair fight they might actually lose is a fight to run from or never have in the first place. So thus, the infected-gelfs remain absent until such time as the fight once again becomes a can't-lose-gimmee' to them. They're elsewhere atm, getting their 'kicks' zerg-dominating in other realms, servers or games. When Syrtis has enough to steamroll the server once more, then they'll be back as a realm; it truly is as simple as that.

I'm curious if you know the people that turn Syrtis into a zerg realm are the same people in Alsius and/or Ignis right now. (I'm not sure of the current situation as I have been taking a break)
Seeing as they are the same people, you can say the same shit about all 3 realms since they clearly don't have a home realm. Not that I really care anyways, ro sux ballz

04-02-2014, 02:25 PM
The syrtis multis moved to alsius.

04-02-2014, 02:46 PM
The syrtis multis moved to alsius.

shh dont let them know we know, or they might log off :harhar:

04-02-2014, 03:41 PM
Alsians :)


04-02-2014, 05:14 PM
ur ass lolololololololol

04-02-2014, 05:19 PM
shh dont let them know we know, or they might log off :harhar:


I think they know already.

04-02-2014, 06:18 PM
For some reason this week, Alsius catapaulted to the top of the League devastating Syrtis (no more gems omg) and taking all but one of Ignis gems?


IMHO the devastated realm state is the main reason that less people log into the syrtis realm. If the own realm has no gems, there is no need to defend forts → less many players log into that realm, because of no war and less realm activity.

After Syrtis gets their gems back, their numbers will surely raise again.

04-02-2014, 07:02 PM
For some reason this week, Alsius catapaulted to the top of the League devastating Syrtis (no more gems omg) and taking all but one of Ignis gems?

Many epic and fun battles were had and I was very impressed by the leadership and tenacity of the Alsians :)

But then the Igneans are now really fighting back. I heard they smashed the Alsian gates and now took back 2 more gems from Alsius, leaving it 3 - 3 for Alsius and Ignis and nothing for Syrtis...

What happened to Syrtis? What happened to the mighty Syrtis war machine ?

They enjoy sleeping at night.

04-02-2014, 07:17 PM

I think they know already.

bah.. who told them?!

(also hi! :D plz come chat sometime, cs is boring ^^)

04-03-2014, 02:09 AM
I'm curious if you know the people that turn Syrtis into a zerg realm are the same people in Alsius and/or Ignis right now. (I'm not sure of the current situation as I have been taking a break)
Seeing as they are the same people, you can say the same shit about all 3 realms since they clearly don't have a home realm. Not that I really care anyways, ro sux ballzYup, I know it quite well. The reason I posit my claims as I do is because these multis mostly began in Syrtis, & given the choice, will usually choose to play there moreso than in Alsius or Ignis, but only as long as they get to zerg. Yet, u r entirely correct, wherever the zerg is currently online, that is the realm where one can usually find most of these multis.

They generally care far more about playing in the zerg realm & 'winning' than they do about playing in any particular realm. As I've said b4 in other threads, their highest loyalty is to themselves alone, feeding their fragile egos by dominating & humiliating the competition with sheer numbers & if/when they can't do so, they usually won't & don't play CoR at all.

04-03-2014, 01:49 PM
Multirealmers are from the US.

04-03-2014, 06:07 PM
Sometimes this phoney and this advert like narration of even some simple shitty events by leafdale makes me suspect if s/he's an NGD worker trying to create enthusiasm.

Or maybe it's just the style/preference of narration.

04-03-2014, 11:03 PM
Really? My post with a Spongebob image on it was removed within hours, yet they leave a picture of a cock on the forums for almost a week? I need to be more vulgar next time apparently.

04-04-2014, 07:26 PM
Really? My post with a Spongebob image on it was removed within hours, yet they leave a picture of a cock on the forums for almost a week? I need to be more vulgar next time apparently.

His was better

04-05-2014, 03:05 AM
Ok, Ol' Spongey is trademarked & someone vulgarly 'erected-a-monument' to NGD with that other aweful pic (Eyeful Tower Anyone?), so let's post something without a copyright & that's totally innocent in & of itself, test this matter out & see if it gets left on forum (oh, btw the bed-of-lettuce pictured is GREEN & therefore entirely relates to thread's subject of "Where is Syrtis?" by answering that question):

04-05-2014, 05:49 AM
I'm a vegetarian, no ty, Leb :)

04-05-2014, 12:18 PM
No one believes in the curse of the draconic gem no matter how many times it happens.

05-20-2014, 05:02 AM
I start playing at Haven as the Syrtis mass was gone. At this time, Alsius did invade all day each realm around noon EU time. Therefor they made the relic lock and they did that right. I dont remeber exactly if i started with a bonus at Syrtis, but after that, each realm did get one by turns because there been less players at each realm.
The one what mainly left at Syrtis been seems partially allready multiplayers.
After the new players hit higher levels again, we could invade again a few days/weeks, but also all this Multis seems did play in syrtis too.
After a while this new players did stop too, but the other realms had a longer time an bonus, and get more players and are bigger now with her population.

OVer time more and more Players lost her fun too, as they saw, how some Peopes simple did log into that realm, where they pleased to do and play once Ignis or alsius, when it was about to defend a fort in Alsius or Ignis, or interact with relics.

Today its more and more worse, more Players simple leave and stop to playing, when once after relic unlock are 40-50+ Alsius Players for 3 Hours, and then 10Pm est are suddenly 30-40 Players for 3 hours at ignis vs 5 Syrtis to invade.
Peoples here are not that stupid to dont see that, how Peoples log between the Realms for few Hours and simple stop playing with that.
Seems for me, that some smart Guys figured the time out, where the one what play in one realm are offline.

Nobody needs to tell me, that this are accidently players what log into the game at the same time.
Multirealming destroy the game over long term, this "Just for Fun" Multis create an unbalance, where others, what play at one Realm leave over time.
And they dont will tell, they now stop playing, they simple leave.

So, your first post, "How great the invasion was" is in my opinion pretty ridicoulus, because its only a unbalanced Fight what anyone can do.
And allowing this Multishit further will destroy the game more and more for that one what only play in one Realm, without excuses.

2 Things more. Once, as we got all relics during a time before 4-6 weeks, we got a lot Peoples on to get them, but when then an invasion did start, all did suddenly log off. Great, Huh. Not
Seems some Multis had her "Fun to play in another Realm"
Second. Vesper was bugged a Week or 2 too, he was only at gate and did nothing. There as not really a point anymore to try one. I see Tenax attacking us through all 2 doors when you are inside from the gate, Alasthor acts on any enemy at the Wall.
At ignis gates ie, Barbs can run out, kill peoples, (that now works sometimes too at tenax from syrtis side) but at Vesper i saw Alsius breaking the Door from outside infront of Vesper, as we had an Invasion on ignis and dont react in any way. Thats still more on from the great jokes what we got here.