View Full Version : General discussion

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  1. Welcome Speaking-English Beta-Testers
  2. Unable to create a character
  3. Soloution to black screen and cursour problem
  4. Bi-Lingual ?
  5. Changing realms
  6. Can't complete quests
  7. i cant get anything working well >.<
  8. Add global chat (english)
  9. Bad Points of the game
  10. wat do u pik sytrus or Ignis
  11. error: [effect_manager(534)]...
  12. Anyone have any good screen shots?
  13. crafting?
  14. why cant.....
  15. Problems connecting
  16. how to change port?
  17. to NGD staff
  18. Review Questions for Developers and/or anyone who knows the answer
  19. i have been waiting all morning...
  20. nclaim...
  21. Zone Alarm Ports Guide
  22. Moving
  23. character Deletion?
  24. wat do u guys think of regnum?
  25. Where to find young hyena?
  26. Special Attacks disabled?
  27. is this ZA bug going to be fixed soon?
  28. Stuck in Loading screen
  29. Conection problem....
  30. We're still here...
  31. still not fixed??
  32. Bitácora de cambios: Actualización del 15 de Junio del 2006 (Versión: 11347)
  33. Download problem.
  34. New update..
  35. error
  36. English!!!
  37. about the character wipe
  38. Gameing Guides
  39. Why have the servers
  40. Reason for sever shutdown?
  41. Server Restart?
  42. Is there teleports/ and dungeons?
  43. if this gose P2P
  44. Connexion problem
  45. ro in linux
  46. F2p Or P2p?
  47. Filipino Players! Post Here
  48. user already logged in?
  49. english clan
  50. training skills
  51. Help pliz GMs i am locked up ...!!!!!!! Cant Play
  52. Game Masters pliz help me cant log in!!!
  53. characters wipe
  54. Trouble Finding a NPC
  55. failed to copy file error
  56. English community
  57. English Translation
  58. Linux problem
  59. Unsure if this spell does anything
  60. How do you play?
  61. Health potions or spells
  62. a question
  63. Server hanging, global lag
  64. Can you play this game on a mac?
  65. Just joined. First Impressions.
  66. Staff range
  67. Adult Goblin
  68. NGD Studios plans to solve the lag issues
  69. Request for a Quick Disconnect option
  70. Saying Hi from the U.S.
  71. We need a world map or overlay.
  72. How about an arrow or direction indicator?
  73. Pace of combat seems a little slow.
  74. More variation to combat animations.
  75. Beginning/ending combat.
  76. Mage spells cost too much mana.
  77. Why no humanoid mobs?
  78. What nation do most U.S. players play in...
  79. Mobs healing themselves!
  80. Energy Barrier
  81. User Already Logged In...
  82. Staves not repaired
  83. Website down?
  84. Equipment / degradation
  85. Avenging Aquantis Unbalanced?
  86. Levelling up disciplines
  87. Mage training and Conjurer training?
  88. Where to go at level 10?
  89. First self-picture thread
  90. hello
  91. help... no money no weapon....
  92. stuff for next version
  93. offline/online?
  94. Hello
  95. Server Online
  96. Is there an english translation?
  97. activity
  98. Suggestion
  99. Issues with Regnum
  100. Can sum1 tell me what attributes are for?
  101. ACC wipe?
  102. Wizard Abilities - the skill tree translated
  103. Stuck in clan...
  104. Quest
  105. During beta, maybe offer higher starting level.
  106. Logging in problem
  107. Suggestion
  108. Tossing around ideas: The future of RO
  109. Working on english translation
  110. The War-Reminder of another game
  111. Official server down?
  112. Fan sites?
  113. lost all my lvls,equip,gold everything
  114. Can't connect to server
  115. How do you
  116. Improvements to the server (2006/11/7)
  117. Reboot problem
  118. Faster mana/health increase
  119. English Clan coming soon
  120. friend list
  121. unregistered
  122. Taking a break
  123. New Barbarian Damage
  124. Game Map
  125. Spell Bar Goes Unresponsive
  126. Mobs Evade on Ground ? ?
  127. Bank Feature
  128. Ring of Licant -
  129. Admin please read this and deal with this player
  130. Barbarian Colossus
  131. Barbarian Power Book
  132. Quest-giver icons please.
  133. ?Inquiry: Flag designs
  134. party system
  135. good comment and a suggetion
  136. attack ..
  137. Admin pls read and give me the answer.
  138. Good Idea/suggestion
  139. Syrtis First Tournament
  140. A few issues found while grouping
  141. New Player
  142. Pet issue (Bug)
  143. Skills: how to spend my points?
  144. Basic questions
  145. hi im lvl 10 and were do i go to get the secondery class or soming
  146. hi im lvl 10 and were do i go to get the secondery class or soming
  147. Lvl 10
  148. weres the hunter trainer??????????
  149. weres the hunter trainer please tell me
  150. Dome
  151. Kingdom
  152. Stat Descriptions
  153. Re: Making English Clan
  154. Where To Go-Siege Enemies
  155. can we be good/evil ?
  156. Dungeons?
  157. Ignis Clan
  158. OpenGL vs Directx
  159. Update
  160. any English speakers in Alsius ? (possible clan)
  161. to party or not to party...that is the question.
  162. The Official English Speaking Clan
  163. is there any english-speaking clan on syrtis?
  164. Problem [Please Help]
  165. English Players...READ
  166. Is this game fun?
  167. Suggestion to expand number of quests
  168. Will our characters get wiped you think?
  169. Attention all fansite leaders
  170. need english players
  171. Pure grind is not enough
  172. need english players
  173. any clans need a lvl 13 warlock?
  174. Whats the Point
  175. Contacting Developers
  176. rings and things
  177. Hello
  178. can barbarians duel weild?
  179. recomendaciones para el server
  180. Cant Log In
  181. Cant Log in at all...
  182. character wipe
  183. The Ultimate Two-Handed Weapon?!
  184. Linux users count
  185. MOBs after update on 12/22/06
  186. Calling All English Players
  187. Forts and Castles what is the point.......
  188. Money
  189. What is bow damage ?
  190. Where are most of the English players?
  191. Weapon damage and Armor calculation questions
  192. The Great Ignis invacion is near
  193. Request: English channel & Help channel
  194. Quest Texts in Spanish
  195. Suggestions for the Client
  196. english, the game, and gameplay
  197. Where are all the monsters?
  198. Ignis English Speakers, Here Is A Clan For You!
  199. Fonts suggestions
  200. OH where, oh where...
  201. What faction is the best
  202. help!!!!!!! i need some translation
  203. Lefan's Amulet Quest
  204. Alsius has a serious problem NGD
  205. F2p?
  206. NGD please read
  207. Help in Medeto(i think)
  208. Chat command?
  209. Form on Balance -- Spanish only needs to change
  210. Protector's Runic Stone from Adult Aquantis Quest
  211. A ider!
  212. Syrtis - Korsum Village Quests
  213. Graphics Cards
  214. About Fansites (NGD)
  215. Spell Resist, mob resist too much
  216. weapons and armor question
  217. About Fan Sites
  218. Looking for ppl to make guild
  219. how to make regnum more fun?
  220. Healers stone
  221. Adopt me, already. o.O
  222. lvl 16 Quest Lotion
  223. Calling Snelgr, morphine, Walker, Tharnela
  224. Pls Answer Fast
  225. Article about Regnum, at my blog.
  226. Search Clan Syrtis
  227. At the Admins
  228. Some more info?
  229. A bag full of my inventory
  230. Mob spawn
  231. Friend List
  232. run away! run away!
  233. Server down for maintenance
  234. Problem with horse
  235. Suggestions..
  236. Is this game Targeting or line of sight-Aiming Eldar Scrolls Style
  237. Question to NGD (OpenGL,ximerin etc..)
  238. Crashing after chosing the character
  239. Conjurer pets not working right......
  240. quest:"interacting" in Fisgael city
  241. Begginers island.
  242. New version quick list (20-Feb-2007)
  243. Questions about Ximerin and how do I get it?
  244. Horses (Answer QUICK)
  245. Calling NGD
  246. I can't...
  247. hmm...how is it
  248. I have just about had it NGD
  249. problem
  250. Something is wrong (answer quick)