View Full Version : knight setup

06-01-2014, 06:31 PM
Well my Knight is now lvl 48 and i got a pvp setup for him,what you Think about it?

http://trainer.claninquisition.org/trainer.html?s=giXbaaaaauFmaeajacaaauLbbfauaLaJfha caaa

P.s-I don't,like to use many weapons and defensive stance,and this is not rvr setup.

06-01-2014, 07:43 PM
I'd lose Troll's Skin and Arcane Constitution if I were you.

Defensive Stance is quite useful you know, especially against cowardly archers.
What about Offensive Stance? You have no attack buff, not even Brutal Impacts.

I'd lose Lethal Anatomy and Versatility as well. I would put few points in Brutal Impacts, Offensive Stance when your opponent is knocked down if you want, Defensive Support if you feel like it. Shield Bash is quite useful if timed correctly with the knockdown. Disable(1) gives a massive malus to your enemy as well.

I would also grab a sword and invest 1 or 2 points in Disable Limb.

I always kept one of each weapon to keep the enemy from running away. I know you don't like using a lot of weapons, but at least keep two different weapons. Knight is slow and you need all the advantage you can get.

Hope I helped.

06-01-2014, 08:02 PM
Tamui gives solid advice. Here's mine. If I were 48 & planning on generic PvP single-weapon only gameplay, I might try something about like this:

http://goo.gl/OWuzJX (it does needs disabling tbph; some martial defense would be nice too)

Or u might could try a crit-boosting build using execution & martial reflexes. Experiment, ask around, & most importantly, get yourself a REAL knight build for l8r on at 60th ... a RvR SUPPORT knight build that is.

-Good Luck & Enjoy!

06-01-2014, 08:25 PM
This is what i would use at lvl 48, using blunt and hating def stance (which is needed) http://trainer.claninquisition.org/trainer.html?s=giXfanaaauLjaeahaoaaasDaAeguaJaaeoi daaa

Also you need to practice using other weapons, balestra and disable limb are pretty useful, last one is kinda needed if you want to kill archers.

I use army of one lvl 4 with my lvl 60, 10% isnt much for me, between 70 and 80%. Brutal impacts will give you more dmg than high lvl strenght passives.

I gave points to tactics for disabling, it was that or shields at lvl 4, with steadiness, but since defensive support is there... use it.

This one is with offensive stance, useful skill while using army of one or when your enemy is knocked. http://trainer.claninquisition.org/trainer.html?s=giXfanaaaqDhabahaoaaaqDazcauaAFaeub eaff

Def barrier is useful while its bugged.

But two things you need to know:
-Mindsquasher is for pussies, but needed against attack conjurs.
-Defensive stance... lol man, if youre not using it atleast use slash weaps and get high level disable limb.

06-02-2014, 04:14 AM
Thanks for all the help,and btw what the bug in def barrier?

And also tamui I got alot strength bonus

06-02-2014, 07:06 AM
Thanks for all the help,and btw what the bug in def barrier?

And also tamui I got alot strength bonus

Def Barrier works on caster too. NGD never confirmed that it is a bug, it is prolly tho :P

Also 1 point in taunt is kinda handy if you can effort it. It is not just a supportive spell to get pets/summons away from allies, but also is a great stun cancler and you can get mobs from further away for that purpose. Since most archers are not smart enough to do 1 hit on the mob first before stunning to take away the aggro.

06-02-2014, 07:55 PM
And also tamui I got alot strength bonus

Brutal Impacts/Off. Stance, alone would make a bigger difference for less points. Point being, you're off better spending your points somewhere else. At least, my opinion.

06-02-2014, 08:41 PM
you can also take a look into this thread about knight setups:
Knight setups? (http://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=94257)

but this older thread is more about RvR and mixed setups instead of strict PvP setups.

06-02-2014, 09:31 PM
I invite you to watch this video sir, its a good knight without defensive stance, you could learn something from him.

You're welcome.

06-03-2014, 08:07 AM
I invite you to watch this video sir, its a good knight without defensive stance, you could learn something from him.

You're welcome.
You forgot the link :)

06-03-2014, 10:51 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AqwRA1yNt8 lol

06-03-2014, 02:32 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AqwRA1yNt8 lol

Thanks ,he realy is good

06-15-2014, 07:56 AM
there is no reason, ever, to not be in def stance when you're not hitting someone. its easily toggled.

06-15-2014, 12:43 PM
there is no reason, ever, to not be in def stance when you're not hitting someone. its easily toggled....yes, yes, young padawan, to Obi-Tel you listen...:lightsabre:

06-16-2014, 01:30 AM
if u don't want to change your weap the best option for you is lance, cus lance has a bigger range for feint, but there's no problem of changing your weapon if u want to use hammer, it's not a good idea using brutal impact, becus you will lose it when you change your weap

this is the build that i would use:

06-16-2014, 04:12 AM
if u don't want to change your weap the best option for you is lance, cus lance has a bigger range for feint, but there's no problem of changing your weapon if u want to use hammer, it's not a good idea using brutal impact, becus you will lose it when you change your weap

this is the build that i would use:
Thanks alot,and already 50:)

06-16-2014, 09:16 AM
Thanks alot,and already 50 :)50, eh? Ok, for pure pvp, try this one on: http://goo.gl/jjgJ7H. Good Luck & Enjoy:warning:

07-14-2014, 12:19 PM
...yes, yes, young padawan, to Obi-Tel you listen...:lightsabre:

? Am I not correct?

07-14-2014, 12:38 PM
? Am I not correct?"...yes, yes, to Obi-Wan you listen..." is what Yoda said to Luke after Ben's ghost gave Luke advice, because Yoda totally agreed with the advice that was given. I intend no sarcasm whatsoever, completely agree with the advice u gave (correct imho), & also stay in def stance nearly all of the time meself on knight (unless I really need to kick, mindsquasher, or attack with full damage), 'cuz a dead knight casts NO auras & supports NO one....
