View Full Version : Version 1.10.8 - Amun available to the public!
06-17-2014, 09:12 PM
Hey everyone!
We're glad to inform you guys that we've opened Amun to the public, containing the 1.10.8 version of the game.
- Modified: Gems and Relics now require a minimum level for them to be carried (default: level 45).
- Modified: Realm Gems in Altars or Portals require a quantity of players (the quantity set in Amun is NOT final) to interact with them in order to release them to be stolen. This quantity is determined per world.
- Fixed: Limit to Realm Points obtained.
- Fixed: Syrtis Great wall near Korsum could be climbed by relogging in specific cases.
- Fixed: Warmaster West Portal spawning near a tree causing fall damage.
- Added: When a player is carrying a Relic and gets close to the zone of the Realm Doors it is given 3 seconds to turn back or else it will be killed and the Relic restored to a safe place near the mentioned Door.
- Added: If a player has a Draconic Gem and is inside the Dragon Cave and the chosen wish is the one that gives that gem, this player will be automatically expelled from the cave.
- Added: Tooltip to indicate the status of a Realm Gem when it’s locked and awaiting player interactions.
- Fixed: Premium category “Teleport” was being hidden in Fixed Pipeline video mode instead of “Paint”.
- Added: World Cup Event Brazil 2014. Details in Event section in the Official Website once the event is launched.
- Modified: Forest Goblins quest in Syrtis cave open time changed to 40 seconds.
- Modified: Race Change scroll can now be bought by Lamai players. It still doesn’t allow to change from any other race to Lamai.
We also think it's necessary to clarify that the small amount of changes correspond to the fact that we wanted to launch as soon as possible so we can provide you with the world cup event.
This is also due to several improvements related to internal tools that obviously users won't be able to appreciate directly, but that are extremely useful for ourselves.
Anyway, please post here if any of these changes has errors. Thank you!
06-17-2014, 09:44 PM
The things I posted before were caused by the client who was trying to use system proxy settings. It's fixed now on my side.
06-17-2014, 09:50 PM
Don't forget to post your computer's information in each report. OS and client language, specially.
06-17-2014, 10:32 PM
Darkness still can be dispelled by knights? Please fix this, darkness by it's nature should not be dispellable!
06-17-2014, 10:39 PM
Add Dwarf Mages :(
06-18-2014, 04:09 AM
What about deleting that stupid and selfish dragonic gem wish completely? Or at least modify it for gods sake!
One per week per realm is more than enough!! It's getting really retarded that syrtis shows up every day with another one...
06-18-2014, 05:57 AM
What about deleting that stupid and selfish dragonic gem wish completely? Or at least modify it for gods sake!
One per week per realm is more than enough!! It's getting really retarded that syrtis shows up every day with another one...
I agree, it gives unfair advantage to the overpopulated realm. In my opinion wishes shouldn't boost lvl 60 players in warzone.
06-18-2014, 07:30 AM
- Fixed: Limit to Realm Points obtained.
Can you please elaborate on this one a little? Is that RPS per day, per week, per month, or just a maximum you can reach in total?
06-18-2014, 07:34 AM
Darkness still can be dispelled by knights? Please fix this, darkness by it's nature should not be dispellable!
Yeah i can not agree enough if it needs a nerf then decreese its duration on higher levels or somthing but do not allow knights to dispel it, at the moment it is usless in war and alot of other situations.
06-18-2014, 08:24 AM
- Modified: Gems and Relics now require a minimum level for them to be carried (default: level 45).
can we please have it at a bit higher level? as you can just scroll yourself to lvl 45 and still mess up some things
- Modified: Realm Gems in Altars or Portals require a quantity of players (the quantity set in Amun is NOT final) to interact with them in order to release them to be stolen. This quantity is determined per world.
i'd like to know how the carrier is chosen after unlocking the gem.
Added: When a player is carrying a Relic and gets close to the zone of the Realm Doors it is given 3 seconds to turn back or else it will be killed and the Relic restored to a safe place near the mentioned Door.
oh god, yes! why not just send the relic back to its fort?
Added: If a player has a Draconic Gem and is inside the Dragon Cave and the chosen wish is the one that gives that gem, this player will be automatically expelled from the cave.
i think most of CoR players will be in favour of removing draco completely (apart from those who use it)
06-18-2014, 08:56 AM
Can you please elaborate on this one a little? Is that RPS per day, per week, per month, or just a maximum you can reach in total?
There was a limit to Realm Points a character could make. In Ra, a player got to that limit and we raised it to a number no one will ever reach, I guess.
can we please have it at a bit higher level? as you can just scroll yourself to lvl 45 and still mess up some things
This value can be changed in real-time, so this numbers are not final, just defaults. Of course we're planning to allow only near level cap players to manage Invasions objects.
i'd like to know how the carrier is chosen after unlocking the gem.
When the gem gets all the interactions needed, it still stays in the Altar but mentioning it can be picked. So, anyone there (with enough level) could pick it. No automatic choosing at all.
oh god, yes! why not just send the relic back to its fort?
If we do this, people would go to the Realm Doors in purpose just to make it go back to the Fort/Castle. We don't want to encourage this.
i think most of CoR players will be in favour of removing draco completely (apart from those who use it)
To remove Draconic Gem, first we have to put something in exchange that is as attractive (or more) and not unbalancing as this gem. We're discussing what to do and in the next update after this one, there surely be something about it.
06-18-2014, 09:00 AM
Have to wait and watch the gem group feature, not sure how it will improve invasion gameplay. Now it will be even more necessary to maintain a zerg at all times, lesser realms can forget invasions completely, holding gate and then sending that many to get a gem.. almost impossible. (from Haven's point of view). It will also take away things like stalkering with gem etc. Well, only time will tell.
06-18-2014, 09:26 AM
Have to wait and watch the gem group feature, not sure how it will improve invasion gameplay. Now it will be even more necessary to maintain a zerg at all times, lesser realms can forget invasions completely, holding gate and then sending that many to get a gem.. almost impossible. (from Haven's point of view). It will also take away things like stalkering with gem etc. Well, only time will tell.
Also further weakens hunter class in invasions. Some of the most epic caps have been clever hunter action (particularly by Alsius) and the furious racing around trying to find the camoed/stalkered players - which is good fun :)
06-18-2014, 09:27 AM
Have to wait and watch the gem group feature, not sure how it will improve invasion gameplay. Now it will be even more necessary to maintain a zerg at all times, lesser realms can forget invasions completely, holding gate and then sending that many to get a gem.. almost impossible. (from Haven's point of view). It will also take away things like stalkering with gem etc. Well, only time will tell.
This first step was to remove the Relic Blocks. This will only avoid that 2 or 3 players open the portal daily. In the future, more changes are coming. And as you rightfully say: time will tell and some things need to be analysed live.
So, anyone has an error regarding the posted changelog? (which was the reason this thread was open)
06-18-2014, 09:34 AM
Modified: Realm Gems in Altars or Portals require a quantity of players (the quantity set in Amun is NOT final) to interact with them in order to release them to be stolen. This quantity is determined per world.
I'm slightly worried about this change. Could you please explain the calculation for this, because I may be completely misunderstanding it.
06-18-2014, 10:29 AM
I know this is not the thread for this report, but I would like to see few (small) fixes in next update:
1. Fix glitching relic on the ground when relic carrier die / log off. Relic should be pickable again.
2. Do NOT return glitched relic (point 2) to the castle where it was taken from. Example (which actually happened): Alsius hardly captured Trelle relic from Efe, carrier dies because of relic timeout on the hill in front of Trelle, 15m away from door. Relic is glitched on the ground and returns back to Efe (!!!!)
3. Revert darkness back to undispellable state. Since no one documented this change in changelog, everyone assume it a bug which renders darkness completely unusable in fort fights.
4. Disable casting WM teleport inside fortification. Many discussions already made on this subject.
5. When casting WM teleport, the bubble disappears and caster need to randomly click the area where bubble _supposed_ to be to select teleport destination. Very annoying.
6. Etc etc... Fixing every reported bug should be priority #1
Everyone would rather see old and annoying bugs fixed than new features implemented.
Thank you.
06-18-2014, 10:53 AM
4. Disable casting WM teleport inside fortification. Many discussions already made on this subject.
Congratulations on pissing off the entire Syrtis community.
06-18-2014, 12:06 PM
To remove Draconic Gem, first we have to put something in exchange that is as attractive (or more) and not unbalancing as this gem. We're discussing what to do and in the next update after this one, there surely be something about it.
For new realm wishes. ( Ehh a bit outdated but still valid.
Also are relics still carried with mounts? If yes, please remove them. It's obvious what an unfair advantage there is and it should be removed.
06-18-2014, 01:12 PM
To remove Draconic Gem, first we have to put something in exchange that is as attractive (or more) and not unbalancing as this gem. We're discussing what to do and in the next update after this one, there surely be something about it.
what do you think about one gem per realm per week..? Would be fine, I think
Have to wait and watch the gem group feature, not sure how it will improve invasion gameplay. Now it will be even more necessary to maintain a zerg at all times, lesser realms can forget invasions completely, holding gate and then sending that many to get a gem.. almost impossible. (from Haven's point of view). It will also take away things like stalkering with gem etc. Well, only time will tell.
yes. maybe ngd should consider removing the condition to hold the gate for picking up gems.
3. Revert darkness back to undispellable state. Since no one documented this change in changelog, everyone assume it a bug which renders darkness completely unusable in fort fights.
4. Disable casting WM teleport inside fortification. Many discussions already made on this subject.
"Bug report".
Seriously, WHO the HELL translates all the texts into German? It is being done SO badly, sometimes it isn't even laughable anymore.
One example:
When you carry a relic and enter the area around the realm gate and if you manage to get out again quickly (btw, this feature seems to work well), the text says "Puh! Sie sind gerettet, denn jetzt!". Translated into English, this would be
"Phew! You've been rescued, because now!"
wtf? Are Gorillas doing this job?
06-18-2014, 01:23 PM
When you carry a relic and enter the area around the realm gate and if you manage to get out again quickly (btw, this feature seems to work well), the text says "Puh! Sie sind gerettet, denn jetzt!". Translated into English, this would be
"Phew! You've been rescued, because now!"
Most of the translations are placeholders. A more helpful attitude would be stating which texts are wrong and putting an alternative.
I'm starting to doubt if opening Amun to the public is useful at all :biggrin:
06-18-2014, 01:36 PM
The players on Amun are random and a bit in their own world for now and hence calling one and all for invasion testing is becoming a bit hard. Is it possible to trigger some event there like opened realm gates or something? So people can test and check on the fly without actually needing to get relics from every fort and then move on with the invasion system. Maybe, something like this would be more easy and could result in faster responses on bugs, glitches, etc.
Just a thought.
06-18-2014, 01:49 PM
I'm starting to doubt if opening Amun to the public is useful at all :biggrin:
I've seen a whole bunch of people trying to find bugs and testing the new features, but the update seems to be too flawless :(
06-18-2014, 01:49 PM
The players on Amun are random and a bit in their own world for now and hence calling one and all for invasion testing is becoming a bit hard. Is it possible to trigger some event there like opened realm gates or something? So people can test and check on the fly without actually needing to get relics from every fort and then move on with the invasion system. Maybe, something like this would be more easy and could result in faster responses on bugs, glitches, etc.
Just a thought.
Yes, of course it's possible and we did it yesterday. But skipping steps is not always the best way to test. Later surely Frosk will enter Amun and help this way.
06-18-2014, 01:50 PM
I've seen a whole bunch of people trying to find bugs and testing the new features, but the update seems to be too flawless :(
Nice! :hat:
06-18-2014, 02:12 PM
This first step was to remove the Relic Blocks. This will only avoid that 2 or 3 players open the portal daily...I did NOT see a specific statement listed in the opening post that relic blocks had been removed in this initial update being tested. Just so we are clear on the matter, relic locks HAVE, or have NOT, been permanently disabled in version 1.10.8?
Secondly, I feel that any 2 or 3 (or any other number of players) who can successfully invade, prolly should be entirely allowed to do so. Just saying...
Thirdly, Rob is entirely right. Minimum level of gem carrier must be higher imho than the xim cost of some scroll, guys. Please make it 50 or even 55.
06-18-2014, 03:01 PM
I really do like that update.
Some thought concerning the invasion system:
Is there a minimum level required to be part of the unlocking? If not, low level toons may be popping up like hell during night invasion.
Can a single account be part of the unlock system multiple times: Read: Can I switch chars and click to count the lock down?
And you should be level 60 to grab a gem, and maybe there is a possibility for some RP requirements, too?
06-18-2014, 03:14 PM
And you should be level 60 to grab a gem, and maybe there is a possibility for some RP requirements, too?
Too high. 56 minimum, but I like the idea of RPS. Shows they have bled for the realm in some way at least.
06-18-2014, 03:59 PM
Too high. 56 minimum, but I like the idea of RPS. Shows they have bled for the realm in some way at least.
The reason why I asked for a RP requirement are Multi-Realm-Accounts. On Valhalla we see relics and gems getting picked up and brought away from time to time. I do have Multi-Realm by myself but most of my RP are made in Syrtis, so I would only be allowed to pick up gems for them.
Still no perfect solution, but as long as there is nothing like a time restriction (may be as low as 1 hour) for switching between realms, this feels like a pretty good way to go.
The reason why I asked for a RP requirement are Multi-Realm-Accounts. On Valhalla we see relics and gems getting picked up and brought away from time to time. I do have Multi-Realm by myself but most of my RP are made in Syrtis, so I would only be allowed to pick up gems for them.
Still no perfect solution, but as long as there is nothing like a time restriction (may be as low as 1 hour) for switching between realms, this feels like a pretty good way to go.
I can add to this that you should count the regnum points in the whole account,so if I have scrolled char to 60 our something I can still pick gems with it.
06-18-2014, 06:15 PM
I can add to this that you should count the regnum points in the whole account,so if I have scrolled char to 60 our something I can still pick gems with it.
Yes I agree, but only RP you scored for the realm you are currently playing in, else the whole change is quite useless.
06-18-2014, 07:09 PM
I did NOT see a specific statement listed in the opening post that relic blocks had been removed in this initial update being tested. Just so we are clear on the matter, relic locks HAVE, or have NOT, been permanently disabled in version 1.10.8?
Secondly, I feel that any 2 or 3 (or any other number of players) who can successfully invade, prolly should be entirely allowed to do so. Just saying...
Thirdly, Rob is entirely right. Minimum level of gem carrier must be higher imho than the xim cost of some scroll, guys. Please make it 50 or even 55.
Be that as it may, I'm somewhat disappointed by relic carrier level requirements because I play a very alert and active style in fort battles, always flanking, always looking for vulnerable targets to lock down, and a dropped relic is one thing that I would be quick to grab and move toward my realm's objective, except now I can't because I'm not high enough level yet. Granted, the level requirement is not exorbitant, and I will be able to perform at my accustomed level again soon enough. However, I don't see that under-leveled players grabbing gems and relics is a big enough problem to justify making such a sweeping rule change. The fact of the matter is, if your realm controls the item, someone dropping it will not ruin anything, because someone else who may be better suited to the job of carrying will quickly pick it up. Low levels running around stupidly with a relic or a gem, may be annoying, but it isn't game-breaking by any stretch, and there will always be trolls at every level. Bottom line: I don't think this is going to actually fix anything. It will just make war a little less accessible, which is painful to newer players.
06-18-2014, 07:16 PM
No hate, by the way. I've been around a bit. Got three toons on Haven and one on Ra. My philosophy is always just to play it where it lies, do whatever you can within the system, and don't forget to break the meta. I just have a huge heart for newer players because I find the community in which I play rather oppressive. I won't mention details. The concerned will likely understand what I mean :P
06-19-2014, 02:37 AM
Most of the translations are placeholders. A more helpful attitude would be stating which texts are wrong and putting an alternative.
I'm starting to doubt if opening Amun to the public is useful at all :biggrin:
If you need help with translations to German, there surely are some people out there, who would like to help you with that. If you'd PM me the new lines you added I could provide an accurate German translation.
And sure enough, there are a lot of other people who could help you with this, maybe even someone at Gamigo could provide the correct German translations ;)
06-19-2014, 08:47 AM
Tried out Amun yesterday, was a little weird. Gems reset just before Vesper arrived at our gate (Ignis). He also disappeared 15 minutes into the invasion causing Syrtis to retreat immediately. It also gave me the option to respawn at the realm wall which was funny, but really helpful xD
Is all of this normal, or was NGD just resetting stuff on-the-fly?
06-19-2014, 09:25 AM
Tried out Amun yesterday, was a little weird. Gems reset just before Vesper arrived at our gate (Ignis). He also disappeared 15 minutes into the invasion causing Syrtis to retreat immediately. It also gave me the option to respawn at the realm wall which was funny, but really helpful xD
Is all of this normal, or was NGD just resetting stuff on-the-fly?
Amun's settings are completely different for Invasions to be easier and shorter.
06-19-2014, 09:34 AM
Amun's settings are completely different for Invasions to be easier and shorter.
Ah ok, thanks. I've never been on Amun before so wasn't sure what to expect. I guess that makes sense for a testing server. Regarding the new team costumes, is there any way you can view the total amount of points accumulated, or is that just recorded server-side?
06-19-2014, 09:50 AM
Ah ok, thanks. I've never been on Amun before so wasn't sure what to expect. I guess that makes sense for a testing server. Regarding the new team costumes, is there any way you can view the total amount of points accumulated, or is that just recorded server-side?
There will be a live ranking in the website. In the future we want this rankings to be in-game, but there was no time to do it for this one.
06-19-2014, 09:54 AM
There will be a live ranking in the website. In the future we want this rankings to be in-game, but there was no time to do it for this one.
That's ok. I found the in-game results annoying on my small screen anyway. The pumpkin candy thing was a nightmare to hide xD
06-19-2014, 01:45 PM
The relic timer near to gate seems a bit too quick, could barely read the warning in that time and turn around to move out of the area and dead already.
Also not sure if that should give necro. And once the relic is dropped it won't stay for more than a min there before returning to original location. So if you die, you can't make it back to the relic from the central save in time to pick it up again.
Maybe adding two more seconds to the timer before death and another min or so after death would be more appropriate.
06-19-2014, 03:39 PM
Running Windows 8 (64bit) - English Client
Once I try to pick up a relic with my level 2 mage:
In the item shop, New and Events Tab:
06-19-2014, 04:27 PM
Running Windows 8 (64bit) - English Client
Once I try to pick up a relic with my level 2 mage:
In the item shop, New and Events Tab:
try starting the game via the official launcher
on a serious sidenote, @NGD, would it be very sophisticated to raise the lvl of Rha, Eve and Thorkul to 60 with the next update?
Boss kills are (still) a farce because of their low level :s
06-19-2014, 04:38 PM
Running Windows 8 (64bit) - English Client
Once I try to pick up a relic with my level 2 mage:
In the item shop, New and Events Tab:
Check your firewall settings for <path>\TestServer\ROClientGame.exe also if you are using proxy in your system - disable it just for a moment. In my case it solved this problem.
06-19-2014, 06:03 PM
@ Adrian...I did NOT see a specific statement listed in the opening post that relic blocks had been removed in this initial update being tested. Just so we are clear on the matter, relic locks HAVE, or have NOT, been permanently disabled in version 1.10.8?
06-19-2014, 08:20 PM
@ Adrian...
Relics block have been removed a long time ago.
06-19-2014, 09:08 PM
Relics block have been removed a long time ago.I did not know this. In fact, just a few days ago, I assuredly saw all the portal gem openings lit in that special glowy way that they are only when locks are engaged. However, this was observed on Ra, & not Haven, server. Odd, nonetheless. So, they are or aren't still active/in use? On Haven? On Ra? Adrian?....
06-20-2014, 10:36 AM
I did not know this. In fact, just a few days ago, I assuredly saw all the portal gem openings lit in that special glowy way that they are only when locks are engaged. However, this was observed on Ra, & not Haven, server. Odd, nonetheless. So, they are or aren't still active/in use? On Haven? On Ra? Adrian?....
I'm sorry, was my bad. I thought that relics blocks were removed but I was wrong, after checking in-game at low population time.
06-20-2014, 10:55 AM
Tomorrow at 7 AM GMT we will perform the update to the game and the launch of the World Cup event. Thank you for your contributions!
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