View Full Version : Are you guys introducing new friends to play Regnum? why or why not?

08-13-2014, 12:22 AM
I'm thinking about the game's population.
It's a great game now, it's a fun game and the devs are making it more and more fun.

But I'm sure it's far from perfect and during good times and bad I'm always wondering: are we doing our bit to help intro the game to new players, doing stuff to help the population grow?

It's quite a hard slog. So many new games coming out: Wildstar, Defiance with its huge budget and TV shows, Tera, SAO, ESO.... Yet I feel Regnum still has one of the very best Open RvR formats out there.

Are we introducing new people and friends to the game? Are we doing all we can to help the game grow. What can we do to do more, and why or why not?

(i might post some more in this thread later)

08-13-2014, 12:29 AM
Na, my friends prefer play station and xbox


08-13-2014, 02:20 AM
I have told people I know, and talk to about games a bit about it, but they don't really care to try it. This game is an indie, small game, and didn't have the advertisement hype that other games have had, even on its couple releases. All of the hyped games rise and fall after some time and people move on to the next new thing. While this game does have a loyal player base, we have seen a lot of the older players trickling out and not all of them being replaced. It shouldn't be my responsibility to champion the longevity of this game. It should have it's own draw.

ETA: I wasn't meaning to sound callous, Regnum will always have good memories for me, and I'd love to see the new direction start changing the game in the right ways. I'd love to be able to come back to a polished game, and have a revitalized community to play with.

08-13-2014, 01:09 PM
Problem is the grind. I feel uncomfortable suggesting a game to someone but having to add... "oh but before you can experience any of the awesome rvrvr you have to do months of boring grinding with a few buggy quests along the way."

08-13-2014, 05:32 PM
Problem is the grind.

I brought in two friends. They got to the point where they had to grind to advance, laughed and then quit.

Zina Pallas
08-13-2014, 08:38 PM
Yup, the problem is grinding. I invited 2 friends already, both quitted around lvl30. We have to admit that there are many other games out there with much better graphics and instant action. I don't suggest playing regnum for my friends anymore.

08-14-2014, 08:10 AM
ive invited a friend before, but he couldnt look passed the graphics and the weirdness of the first 10 lvls so he quit
I got him back, he liked the spells he got when getting a subclass loved teh warzone
untill our decent group went off and he got insta killed a few times in a row (as a lv 21.. i warned him xD)

and he doesnt want to try again :/

Its hard finding the right kind of people who will give the game enough time to prove itself

08-14-2014, 08:21 AM
I introduced it to a friend. He was interested but after I explained it to him, the grind just put him off. He wasn't prepared to spend months on grinding or having to spend loads of cash on getting the toon lvl'ed. Have not found anyone else interested in the game so far. Main factor - time to actually start playing (i.e. grind).

08-14-2014, 08:22 AM
Yet I feel Regnum still has one of the very best Open RvR formats out there.

That might have been the case about 5 years ago. However while NGD was stagnating on their RvR and focussing on things like dragon caves etc, the rest of the mmorpg industry where taking leaps beyond what we see in this game now.

I have not recommended this game because quite frankly there is a high chance that I would lose my credibility.

08-14-2014, 08:27 AM
To my friends running Linux, yes, I will tell them about it. RO is the only decent MMO that runs natively on this platform. Any one else, I probably won't recommend it as it stands. The levelling experience is mundane and such a joke I would not waste their time. Also, RO does not feel "polished". It's obviously riddled with bugs, some that go years without being fixed with little to no response from the developers/representatives, the spells change every season. I don't think I've ever seen an MMO change their powers so often. I understand it's to try and fix balance, but it should be right from the word go. I feel like I'm still playing a game in its alpha stage.
Having said that, Regnum is one of the most addictive games you'll find once you hit around level 55, and the actual fighting game play is second to none. I might say a lot of bad things about it, but the truth is, it's the only game I will continue coming back to.
If my friends could insta-level to 55 (No, level 45 is not good enough), or have a MUCH better questing/levelling experience, I would recommend this game to all.

08-14-2014, 08:27 AM
Are we introducing...friends to the game?I play CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM...

...WTF R "friends"?:warning:

08-14-2014, 10:55 AM
I've already did , and they left game before lvl 10.
To quote some of them:
"sucks graphisc"
"i've tryed but game is crashig"
"boring game"
"ohhh champions of regnum is old sucks regnum online"

To be honnest , i think better than rebranding just name NGD shall made entire revamp of NG3D and sharred trees of spells , classes and other thinks to be kept the same , but they chosen fast rebrand of same think ...i know is harder but faster than rebuild new MMOrPG ... wtv ..

08-15-2014, 09:14 PM
A few of my friends have tried this game and quit. I even gave one of them a lvl 60 conj which he played for a few hours, but he later called me and said he couldnt bother cause of so many weird bugs (positionlag and huge pingspikes even tho he lives about 15km from the place the servers are located are just a few things that made him leave)

No i would not recommend the current regnum to anyone :/

08-18-2014, 07:24 PM
Friends introduced me into some nice age of regnum, funny none of them still playing.

Not high level period its a pain in the ass, i kept playing because friends were high lvl and made me horny with their high lvl armor compared to my bear skin bp.

And i dont know, Haven is shit compared to RA, not lvl 60 population there is high and they are active, ppl in Haven make their quest alone while in Ra they have fun interacting with other players.

And its a process i think, they made game good looking with that one big update from 1-2 years ago. Now this new balance thing for rvr that looks good, next step must be making the quests funnier.

08-19-2014, 12:52 AM
these are really useful replies.

i thought i could try to summarise some of the above and put my own interpretation in.

1) rvr pvp mmos like regnum will always appeal to a niche following. I suspect maybe 1 in 20 of mmo players overall may be interested. Simply because pvp is always a tough challenge, and it depends on whether regnums particular style of pvp appeals to a particular player.

2) the biggest obstacle to more players trying out regnum seems to be the grind up to lvl 50ish.

personally i think regnum's closest competitors would be mmos like Asherons Call 1 and DAOC. I Asherons is bigger than Regnum, so from that perspective Regnum has scope to grow.

based on the above, i think a possible idea is to have a test server where all players start at level 50 and largely the entire focus is on the hugely fun RvR pvp. but the question is: will such a test server attract enough additional players in the long term, to make it worthwhile. just how much larger can such a test server grow the playerbase?

08-22-2014, 06:07 PM
Would be a great game if you started at lv 50.

08-25-2014, 03:41 AM
my friends didnt like the grind or the effect ping had on the game.the lucky box system was another things they didnt like.but mostly the game felt dead and empty to them.

i didnt help that cause,2 years later im still looking for a 7%cs gem,they heard me complain how after 3 tries at lucky box's and $45 later i could only get 3 x 3%cs gems.wasted $45 didnt i NGD.there was no luck involved,i got ripped off plain and simple.

08-25-2014, 08:50 AM
i didnt help that cause,2 years later im still looking for a 7%cs gem,they heard me complain how after 3 tries at lucky box's and $45 later i could only get 3 x 3%cs gems.wasted $45 didnt i NGD.there was no luck involved,i got ripped off plain and simple.

Boxes are a real problem in this game. Buying 2 boxes cost more than a subscription fee of a better mmorpg. Needless to say those 2 boxes has a very high chance of producing an item that is totally crap and useless to you. I understand that this is a business and its how NGD makes majority of its income, but I cant help but feel ripped off every since time I've purchased a platinum or diamond box.

After the release of diamond boxes I must have purchased 10-15 of them and am yet to receive a legendary piece. In fact not one item out of that lot was used because they were all terrible and not even worthy of giving away for free. There are better ways to spend your cash in the mmorpg industry and since then I have not spent a cent on this game.

08-28-2014, 04:55 AM
I tried to but people usually go off because:

Dated graphics.

Regnum is not for everyone. Demands time and effort, something that nowadays may sound weird or even crazy.

10-27-2014, 04:42 PM
I came back from the past, just to look around and I find this topic very interesting. This topic should be in the main focus of devs actually. Especially due to opinions of players and their friends who tried the game.

Back in the days the grinding was also the main problem (wasn't till change of the xp gain while in the group grind), many of my friends tried and left, some lower lvls, some higher levels. In the end, we were 3 close friends, from one town playing almost daily. Then around year 2010+- we've left due to introducing lucky boxes and changing the game system form F2P to more P2W (Pay to Win). Last hits were:
1) increasing the level cap to 60, because all the stuff we've been collecting for years just lost their value.
2) the change of the system of powers (You used to have lvl 1 of each power without need of lvling it up). So I left MMO's playing and my 2 friends switched to another game, because basically RO has became a new game.
3) many bugs remained since 2007 (lift off the game)
4) old ingame friends were leaving mainly due to points above and increasing effects of premium items towards ingame balance

Yet I would still recommend this game, mainly because the community, then because the look aint Japanese-like or childish (IMO) and then because of the RvRvR system.


P. S. I still find the graphics of this game as pretty :)

11-12-2014, 01:16 AM
I'd be interested to see what percentage of income is from lvl and xp scrolls, I imagine it's below half. We know the grind is the problem, we also know that without it NGD will potentially become profitless. There *might* be a solution though! :D

All new players start with a level 50 of their choice (maybe throw in a special lucky box that's guaranteed ro give something useful (from a small list of items - not fantastic but targeted to the players sub class eg. Cs gloves for conj, attack speed legs for archer etc.)). Then if they want a second character they have to buy scrolls or boost to avoid the long grind. This would require NGD to ban more than 1 account per machine/IP etc, which would in turn ban multirealming, which is good in my eyes.

Lets be honest lvl 50 - 60 is what? 75% of the total xp? So chances are people will still buy xp scrolls for these levels anyway.

So NGD, new business model for you. Get many more people playing, have higher player retention, make marginally less money per player. Frosk|Adrian any chance you'll respond to this?

11-12-2014, 01:33 PM

Make it possible to level until 60 by warzone activity in the same time as you would need by killing mobs. (Currently, the latter is way faster)

I think there should be individual boosters: Battle boosters, which are activated when you hit an enemy or gain exp from them, but not if you're killing mobs; and the usual grind boosters, which though should not grant any exp bonus from enemies then.

I know NGD would like to implement small battle zones and islands for low-levlers. This might sound interesting, but on smaller servers it would not solve anything. To start with, there are just not enough newbies to fight.

it's sad that champions of regnum can't be released to steam a second time :D

Valhalla has been down for about 2 hours now