View Full Version : A bit of conjurer gameplay.

08-24-2014, 03:39 PM
I decided to record some fights before the next balance update and luckily, I managed to get a few yesterday evening on Nemon. So yeah, I made a video :


I did it mainly to show what it's like to play conjurer in a group of 8-10. Gameplay isn't perfect, I think I am an average conjurer but there is always some flaws here and there, however I did not made this video to demonstrate my skills.

I hope you'll enjoy it, I may upload the rest of the fights if I get positive feedback. ^^

Edit: Part 2 is now available : http://youtu.be/mbOpeLcURPc

08-24-2014, 05:07 PM
I liked it!

You're quick on your feet. You're good by my standards hehe.

Also nice mana number. I have 100 less, decent mana gear, no passives. :p

08-24-2014, 05:16 PM
I don't have any mana on my gear, but I had the luck to win 3 Rings and 1 Amulet of the Champion during World Cup Event (Was quite easy on Nemon due to low population), and I play with Mana Pool 4, which explains my mana number. :P

Also, thanks for the compliment. :)

08-27-2014, 12:38 AM
Part 2 is here, for those who are interested: http://youtu.be/mbOpeLcURPc :)