View Full Version : Quick Question About New System

11-15-2014, 06:46 AM
Not sure if this has been cleared yet, but I haven't seen it asked or anything anywhere, and haven't seen it tested in amun...

Just wondering what would happen (for example) we take Herb and Alg relics to Syrtis gate, but we run into an Alsius ambush on the way at both relics, and both are placed at Syrtis wall by Alsius players, would that summon Alasthor instead of Tenax? I'm guessing this is a no, but...

What if while we were on the way to Syrtis gate with Alg and Herb relics, Alsius quick caps both of those forts before we place them, but we still place both relics... Would it instead summon Alasthor instead of Tenax because Alsius has both of those forts capped at the time of relic placement?

As always I apologize if this has been cleared somewhere already.


11-15-2014, 01:47 PM
Just wondering what would happen (for example) we take Herb and Alg relics to Syrtis gate, but we run into an Alsius ambush on the way at both relics, and both are placed at Syrtis wall by Alsius players, would that summon Alasthor instead of Tenax? I'm guessing this is a no, but...

The fisrt realm who place the first relic will be the invasor realm, so in this example Alasthor will be summon.

What if while we were on the way to Syrtis gate with Alg and Herb relics, Alsius quick caps both of those forts before we place them, but we still place both relics... Would it instead summon Alasthor instead of Tenax because Alsius has both of those forts capped at the time of relic placement?

the same

The fisrt realm who place the first relic will be the invasor realm, so in this example Alasthor will be summon.

Grettings! :hat:

11-18-2014, 07:54 PM
I assume this has been intentionally programed out of the code, but if alsius have efe and alga relic, Syrtis kills the goats with alga relic, can we then place it so any further relic placement will summon a dragon to defend our gate? I.E. Vesper appears because Syrtis is invading Syrtis.

As I say, I assume this doesn't work, but it would be a nice incentive to get the first relic before it's placed.

11-19-2014, 11:50 AM
Syrtis can kill the Alsius players and retrieve the relic of alga to the jail of alga.
Syrtis cannot place any green relic in the wall.
The second relic placed on the wall, will spawn the dragon of invasor realm (First realm who place first relic).
If Ignis kill Alsius players before they place the first relic on syrtis wall, Ignis can place this first relic. The second relic spawn Tenax.

Do you have any other questions about the new system of invasions? (:


11-19-2014, 06:30 PM
Syrtis can kill the Alsius players and retrieve the relic of alga to the jail of alga.
Syrtis cannot place any green relic in the wall.
The second relic placed on the wall, will spawn the dragon of invasor realm (First realm who place first relic).
If Ignis kill Alsius players before they place the first relic on syrtis wall, Ignis can place this first relic. The second relic spawn Tenax.

Do you have any other questions about the new system of invasions? (:

as a matter of fact:

is it technically possible to support an invasion by other realm?
lets go with this scenario:
Alsius places samal relic in the power source
can syrtis take shaa (we assume they just have it) relic and place it in another source to support Alsius invasion ?

11-19-2014, 09:53 PM
can syrtis take shaa (we assume they just have it) relic and place it in another source to support Alsius invasion ?

No, only the first realm who place the first relic can place another relics.

Syrtis can pick the relic, but cannot place it.