View Full Version : Having Some Warlock Fun At Herb
11-18-2014, 03:59 AM
So glad I got my warlock to level 50 :smile:, so I figured I'd skill for war instead of grinding and try out spells I'm unfamiliar with. After the reskill, I went to Herb, and was a part of an awesome fight.:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
This shows how awesome the game is when all realms involved in the fight have good numbers. :smile:
I will be uploading stuff on my RO youtube channel, and I will put a huge focus on helping newcomers find their way in the game (with tutorial vids and stuff like that, that I am currently working on). I also want to try and help people that haven't tried the game see how fun it can be.
Well hopefully people enjoy my vids, and not get too bored. :p
EDIT- This was yesterday btw.
11-18-2014, 04:07 AM
Why don't you use arcane devotion? It's on your spellbar but you haven't used it throughout the entire video, and its pretty much required to play lock effectively.
11-18-2014, 04:17 AM
Why don't you use arcane devotion? It's on your spellbar but you haven't used it throughout the entire video, and its pretty much required to play lock effectively.
Right before that fight, I reskilled for war... before that I was always skilled for mostly grinding, so I'm still getting the hang of spells I haven't used before. Plus I have some extra cast speed on my gear, so that helps not need that spell as much at least. Was also playing kinda cautious because it was my first real fight as Warlock.
Spells I never used before that fight: Arcane Devotion, Mana Pylon, Wind Wall, Energy Borrow. Mana Burn and Soul Keeper I have skilled before to do the "kill 5 players" type of quests for war practice, but didn't use them much because I didn't really know how to lol.
I'm learning, but warlock will be my main toon soon enough. Tired of playing hunter.
Edit- Was just a part of a fight at Agg where I used arcane devotion quite a bit, so I'm testing out spells as I go along.
You should aim to have arcane devotion and barrier up at all times if possible. Extra cast speed on your gear won't help that much.
11-18-2014, 08:24 AM
I love the retro runescape graphics
11-18-2014, 09:59 AM
I really have no words how to describe what I saw...
oh wait.. maybe a lord?
11-18-2014, 01:13 PM
Oh damn, all the fight without AD. I feel kinda sick after watching :)
11-18-2014, 01:55 PM
Considering that you dont deal damage with your unbuffed staff, you absolutely have no use for arcane projection and arcane acceleration.
Its only projection that could be slightly useful with summon Lightning, otherwise no benefits at all from using them.
I really hope you didnt get the staff passive combat magic as well.
11-18-2014, 02:06 PM
Considering your level, I would go for this setup for fort fights to be much more efficient than you're now:
Of course, this is just a suggestion, many things can be changed in this setup.
And, as Az said, Energy Barrier and Arcane Devotion must be up all the time.
11-18-2014, 02:57 PM
watching this i finally can understand why many Haven players seem to agree that locks are useless in fort wars :biggrin:
11-18-2014, 04:06 PM
Warlocks are very useful at fort wars, just to name a few things I try and do when playing lock as forts:
Sultaring the zerg as warriors rush in for an attack
Darknessing that OP barb when his support conj forgets to re-cast DI on him
Cremating fallen foes when trying to reclaim one of your own forts
CCing enemies attacking from above to either kill or keep them at bay
Stealing mana and hp from everything that moves
The list goes on...
I do feel though, that warlocks are a lot less useful at fort wars since spells like frozen storm, darkness, slow, have been nerfed; which is a little bit dissapointing. I would still go as far as saying warlock is the most fun-to-play class in the game.
To the OP: as others have mentioned, arcane devotion and energy barrier are a must. I always try and wait until energy barrier is going to be ready to re-cast before I go in to close quarter combat at a fort. You then have the option to re-cast it without having to find cover when that boss gear marksman removes it in 2 hits from above.
11-18-2014, 07:39 PM
Thanks for the suggestions... Well, at least the ones said in a respectful manor. This was my first battle to test out lock spells, instead of using grind setup. :thumb_up:
Warlocks are very useful at fort wars, just to name a few things I try and do when playing lock as forts:
Sultaring the zerg as warriors rush in for an attack
Darknessing that OP barb when his support conj forgets to re-cast DI on him
Cremating fallen foes when trying to reclaim one of your own forts
CCing enemies attacking from above to either kill or keep them at bay
Stealing mana and hp from everything that moves
onsidering that you dont deal damage with your unbuffed staff, you absolutely have no use for arcane projection and arcane acceleration.
Its only projection that could be slightly useful with summon Lightning, otherwise no benefits at all from using them.
I really hope you didnt get the staff passive combat magic as well.
All 3 of those are level 1. I have an attack speed fast staff that I will mostly use for fort doors (which is why I skilled arcane acceleration), or if I can't cast spells I guess the fast staff is an option. *waits for the hate train to roll in*
I love the retro runescape graphics
I have to play on lowest graphic setting, any higher and I lag too hard to even really play the game. My graphics card and processor (if I remember correctly) are close to, if not slightly worse than the lowest recommended hardware to play the game. I'm pretty sure my internet is plenty good enough, but I am a noob when it comes to software and gaming stuff.
AMD Athlon X2 5000 dual core, NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE
EDIT- After listening to some of the suggestions here, while still keeping in mind what I am trying to do with my warlock... I've chosen a new setup that I will try out.
11-18-2014, 09:06 PM
All 3 of those are level 1. I have an attack speed fast staff that I will mostly use for fort doors (which is why I skilled arcane acceleration), or if I can't cast spells I guess the fast staff is an option. *waits for the hate train to roll in*
Ok, thats just OP.
11-18-2014, 09:10 PM
Ok, thats just OP.
Projection and acceleration are level 1 because I don't plan on using them often, but they are just options if certain situations come up. If I end up not using them enough, then eventually I will not skill them.
11-18-2014, 09:19 PM
Projection and acceleration are level 1 because I don't plan on using them often, but they are just options if certain situations come up. If I end up not using them enough, then eventually I will not skill them.
Yes np I got it, keep testing shit.
Its can be fun and even if may take a bit longer, its without a doubt the best way to learn things really well, instead of mindlessly using other peoples setups.
11-19-2014, 05:03 PM
i love how u play keep doing it and unskill arcane devotion...."easykill" for me :)
11-19-2014, 07:28 PM
I think what many have failed to understand, was that this video was about 3 things.
1: How fun the fight at Herb was
2: I was glad to have finally leveled my lock to lvl 50, so I figured I'd get some footage
3: Just a reason to put it out there that I will start making vids on my RO channel for various reasons, including tutorial vids and other (hopefully) helpful vids as well
I didn't title this thread "bow down to my amazing warlock play". I felt useless at fort battles as a hunter, and wanted to be better support for my allies while still doing more damage. That's why I skill support spells too. I don't play this game to be like "haw haw, I just owned that noob". :lighten:
11-19-2014, 11:32 PM
I felt useless at fort battles as a hunter, and wanted to be better support for my allies while still doing more damage.
yeah, i dont see that changing
i play both classes, so i know the pain
11-20-2014, 07:25 AM
EDIT- After listening to some of the suggestions here, while still keeping in mind what I am trying to do with my warlock... I've chosen a new setup that I will try out.
I too have been working on a full support setup for my warlock now that those tome thingy's have been introduced. The most important fact you need to remember is that you're not a conjurer. You support your allies by debuffing and controlling your enemies. With that said I would drop mana pylon, conjurer's are better equipped for that role with the help of their sorcery tree. Its also a huge mana sink for lower level undergeared player.
You really can't hybrid a warlock with the primary goal of supporting imho. So if you're including a damaging spell, make sure it has an alternate purpose such as meteor for the dizzy or mana burn for the draining.
If you're going support I would suggest you drop the staff mastery tree completely. You really don't need them irrespective of how good they are for grinding. Vitality Absorption is pretty crappy as it is so having it in a support setup seems a tad bit redundant.
Sultar's Terror is a huge benefit for your team, if the RNG is on your side. The buffs to Laziness and Petrify Hands are amazing. I personally would skill those to 5 as soon as you have the points.
Bless Weapon is nice for support but while you're at this level I would suggest dropping it for Freeze, Frozen Storm and Twister. Once you get to a higher level you can consider getting more ally buffs since most conjurers don't bother skilling them. The cc's in the elemental tree are a must have for any RvR encounter.
You don't need lightning. You aren't going to kill anything with this setup, rather get vampirism for the emergency heal and its a nice bit of damage on a knight who thinks he's safe in defensive stance. Also mind push is a life saver once you get the hang of it. Consider getting sadistic servants in the place of cremate. The usage of cremate is far too rare to warrant 4 power points at your level
These are just my opinions and I haven't been actively playing lately so take my advice with a grain of salt. Hope you work out a good setup, the whole dot and cc warlock playstyle is getting lame so this kind of gameply is rather refreshing.
11-20-2014, 09:02 AM
@Shwish: Now THAT is the kind of reply that I appreciate, and was hoping for when I made this thread. People that actually explain stuff to help others understand things, rather than just criticize and insult the way others do things is what the world needs more of. Thanks! :thumb_up::smile:
With that said I would drop mana pylon, conjurer's are better equipped for that role with the help of their sorcery tree. Its also a huge mana sink for lower level undergeared player.
Will consider it. I just wish Ignis had more regular conjurers, then I wouldn't feel the need to use such mage support spells in my setup. My goal in the game is to help Ignis the best way I can (more so for the long run, rather than just right now), especially when we have low numbers. I know I am better off as a support warlock in that case, rather than being a hunter.
If you're going support I would suggest you drop the staff mastery tree completely. You really don't need them irrespective of how good they are for grinding. Vitality Absorption is pretty crappy as it is so having it in a support setup seems a tad bit redundant.
Point well taken for vitality absorption, and it has crossed my mind before whether or not I should even skill it. I skilled it with the thought of staying alive in war as much as possible, since I'm still level 50 and will die a lot in outnumbered situations. I guess I can ditch arcane proj, but with my fast attack speed staff as a backup... Arcane acceleration has been a beautiful option in grind. I got my CS staff to cast spells, and then use arcane acceleration before I switch to my fast attack speed staff for grinding.
The buffs to Laziness and Petrify Hands are amazing
Hm, maybe I will give petrify hands another thought. What usually keeps me from skilling spells like that really high is the fact that they will probably be dispelled right away, so I thought why waste the mana for something like laziness 5.
Bless Weapon is nice for support but while you're at this level I would suggest dropping it for Freeze, Frozen Storm and Twister.
I recently stopped using freeze because even though the enemy can't attack, I don't like the fact that I can't attack them. That's why I unskilled freeze, because I figured I'd rely on beetle swarm or will domain. I've so many times been on my hunter about to kill someone, and an ally freezes the enemy at the worst time. I just didn't want to be the one doing the freezing at a bad time lol.
Also mind push is a life saver once you get the hang of it
I used to skill this spell, but it never seemed to make a difference in the arena, my opponent seemed to still catch up to me and what not. Maybe I was doing something wrong.
The usage of cremate is far too rare to warrant 4 power points at your level
I focus on cremate purely because of all of the Syrtis conjurers that play regularly. So many times I've been a part of trying to take back our own forts, and Syrtis barbs just keep getting resurrected so quickly because they aren't cremated. So I thought I'd be the one that would do something about that.
the whole dot and cc warlock playstyle is getting lame so this kind of gameply is rather refreshing.
Exactly, I don't wanna be just the typical warlock that spams Lightning 5, Ice Blast 5, and Meteor 5. I want to feel like I make a difference for not just myself, but more so to my allies... While still having warlock fun. :smile:
Again, thanks for the RIGHT kind of feedback. Much appreciated! :D
11-20-2014, 02:22 PM
Yeah, looks like removing mana pylon and reduce mana control to lvl 15, can be a good idea considering that you only have energy barrier at lvl 5 anyway and you desperately need points for other spells in order to be fully occupied and have enough powers to never have to get idle.
Same with necro, getting it to lvl 15 only for cremate is such a waste.
With small changes you can get twister and maybe time master, static field or lvl 5 dispel or MoD etc.
Save some more power points from beetle swarm --> lvl 1 should be enough, arcane acceleration (please take the time and see how many more hits you make with a fast staff in 15 sec with and then without it, im pretty sure you will reconsider having it skilled after that), ok fine arcane projection is a waste, but i can buy it since it can help with dismount etc if you dont have any archer around.
Apart from what you already got, and regardless of what kind of warlock style you play you should ALWAYS get mind push, twister, freeze and frozen storm, all are useful from lvl 1 and up, then you got infuriate and slow as possible lvl 1 options that can be nice but maybe not quite as essential.
11-20-2014, 07:18 PM
you should ALWAYS get mind push, twister, freeze and frozen storm
With that in mind, I edited my setup...
I hesitated for a while to remove Sultar's Terror, but I guess I can wait for higher levels to use that again.
11-20-2014, 08:13 PM
With that in mind, I edited my setup...
I hesitated for a while to remove Sultar's Terror, but I guess I can wait for higher levels to use that again.
Its starting to look really good.
Mana pool is really nice to have, but also lazy and with no benefit in drawn out battles.
Mages dont regain mana as quickly as other clases and also have higher mana cost for most spells. But its unlikely that your max mana need to be boosted, its the way you use sacrifice and drains to maintain it that makes the difference.
This is basically what i use my self, if you feellike trying it, you could remove mana pool, get sacrifice lvl 3, energy borrow lvl 5, vamp 4 and soulkeeper lvl 1 instead. Same amount of power points you use now, better health and mana drains, it should make you last longer and you only sacrifice max mana worth like 2 spells.
11-20-2014, 08:43 PM
Its starting to look really good.
Mana pool is really nice to have, but also lazy and with no benefit in drawn out battles.
Mages dont regain mana as quickly as other clases and also have higher mana cost for most spells. But its unlikely that your max mana need to be boosted, its the way you use sacrifice and drains to maintain it that makes the difference.
This is basically what i use my self, if you feellike trying it, you could remove mana pool, get sacrifice lvl 3, energy borrow lvl 5, vamp 4 and soulkeeper lvl 1 instead. Same amount of power points you use now, better health and mana drains, it should make you last longer and you only sacrifice max mana worth like 2 spells.
Good point. :thumb_up:
11-21-2014, 07:27 AM
Never again will I have a mage and not skill AD... :facepalm3::facepalm3::facepalm3:
Edit- After a lot of spell testing and constantly re-skilling for minor changes as I go along (and of course listening to suggestions on this thread, which I thank you for)... I'm very close to a comfortable setup, that I will build off of as I gain power points from leveling up (instead of completely reskilling every level).
Hehe, yeah gotta have AD. Setup is looking OK. Personally, I'd forget that point in dragons blood, drop freeze to lvl2 and get sadistic servant lvl2.
I'd also recommend getting slow too, seeing as it goes through UM.
Keep experimenting though, you'll find something that suits the way you play :horsey:
11-21-2014, 07:33 PM
I'd also recommend getting slow too, seeing as it goes through UM.
I like the sound of that. :D
11-22-2014, 01:40 PM
OMG so pro
11-22-2014, 01:46 PM
OMG so pro
Don't worry, you are not only idiot who didn't read whole thread.
11-22-2014, 05:53 PM
Don't worry, you are not only idiot who didn't read whole thread.
no, i think you don't understand but ok
11-22-2014, 08:16 PM
OMG so pro
I suck at this game. :beerchug:
I suck at this game. :beerchug:
I'm going to scroll to warlock soon ^^ we should practice together ;)
would help if you had raid or mumble or something too.
11-25-2014, 07:27 PM
I do need to get better (as we all see in the video lol).
I don't have mumble or anything like that tho.
11-26-2014, 09:56 AM
Man...., i totally miss these fights :S
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