View Full Version : The Battle of Aggers today.
Ludwig Von Mises
04-05-2015, 04:55 AM
Notice that about half of our zerg are knights which is cool. :D
04-05-2015, 05:37 PM
Notice that about half of our zerg are knights which is cool. :D]
04-05-2015, 06:32 PM
I think Halvdan is the only knight left in Syrtis.
Ludwig Von Mises
04-05-2015, 06:34 PM
I think Halvdan is the only knight left in Syrtis.
Haters gonna hate. xD I'm sure you would prefer knights who can't kill you as fast. xD
04-05-2015, 06:38 PM
Haters gonna hate. xD I'm sure you would prefer knights who can't kill you as fast. xD
No hating involved there. Was just stating the fact that halvdan is the only true knight who hasn't succumbed to the dark side of knarbery.
04-05-2015, 06:58 PM
Haters gonna hate. xD I'm sure you would prefer knights who can't kill you as fast. xD
Kill you fast rofl. you were doing almost nothing most of the video and the thing killing you was the lag and fps drops. I only watched coz skit was in the video.
Fourth Realm 43VA.
Ludwig Von Mises
04-05-2015, 06:59 PM
Was just stating the fact that halvdan is the only true knight who hasn't succumbed to the dark side of knarbery.
Thats stating an opinion not a fact. Because your full support knight or half support knight or one third support knight doesn't mean your not a real knight. Again what you stated is only an opinion not a fact.
04-05-2015, 07:03 PM
No hating involved there. Was just stating the fact that halvdan is the only true knight who hasn't succumbed to the dark side of knarbery.
It's like that in every realm now...I even have a hard time naming the support knights in each realm since Knights / Knarbs got a boost in the last update.
04-05-2015, 07:05 PM
Thats stating an opinion not a fact. Because your full support knight or half support knight or one third support knight doesn't mean your not, or are, a real knight. Again what you stated is only an opinion not a fact.
A true knight would mean playing the class as it was supposed to be played: support. You're not even using sw in the video. Most knarbs I've seen at least have that skilled. You were also in offstance a majority of the time. Why don't you just play barb?
04-05-2015, 07:12 PM
A true knight would mean playing the class as it was supposed to be played: support. You're not even using sw in the video. Most knarbs I've seen at least have that skilled. You were also in offstance a majority of the time. Why don't you just play barb?
Barbs don't have any level 60 msing hammers XDD
04-05-2015, 07:14 PM
Thats stating an opinion not a fact. Because your full support knight or half support knight or one third support knight doesn't mean your not a real knight. Again what you stated is only an opinion not a fact.
Here is a fact for you:
From official RO website.
Defensive discipline. Increases the player's ability to take on huge amounts of damage as well as the use of shields.
Knights have as their main role the purpose of tanking enemies and dangerous creatures, as well as protecting their allies with defensive auras and buffs."
You use offensive stance, lowers your defense. You don't use auras.
Ludwig Von Mises
04-05-2015, 07:19 PM
A true knight would mean playing the class as it was supposed to be played: support. You're not even using sw in the video. Most knarbs I've seen at least have that skilled. You were also in instance a majority of the time. Why don't you just play barb?
From my experience as a knight and sense the nerf of shield wall, all knight buffs except for protect ally and heal are ineffective in keeping a fort. Barbs hit through all those buffs like grass so its pretty much a waste of mana and skill points.
From my experience as a knight, the best and most effective strategy is to kill the enemy as fast as possible or to keep them occupied getting them to waste their hits and spells while you cast precise block, imobolize, knocks, and slow them down a bit with intimidate when their out of reach and chasing your allies.
Knights, if you don't know, have offensive stance as well. Note: Halv doesn't use off stance. Does this make him not a real knight because he doesn't use a skill in the vanguard tree? xD
I'll give you a fact though. Your complaining about knights having the ability to be effective as more offensive knights. Face the facts ha? xD
04-05-2015, 08:03 PM
With your logic ngd does everything according to plan. shows how much you expect from them. also that quote is just guideline for new players.
Nah, ofc i don't think everything goes according to their plan. However i believe this is their vision of how they planned the roles of the classes.
And since this guy apparently cares so much about the input of ngd itself, like we saw in that "protect ally vs darkness" discussion, i thought it might be worth showing the vision of ngd, how they see the classes. If they are able to implement their visions or not is another story, but there is a reason we have terms like knarb and warju now, that's because people play "against" ngds original vision of the class. They clearly divide the subclasses in offensive/defensive not offensive/offensive.
While i can't proof this, in my opinion off stance and summons for example are mainly designed by ngd for grinding purposes.
04-05-2015, 08:39 PM
While i can't proof this, in my opinion off stance and summons for example are mainly designed by ngd for grinding purposes.
I originally thought this too actually, but then I wondered why warlock has possess summoning.
Too many mysteries in this game. Oh, and Ludwig is full of shit.
Ludwig Von Mises
04-05-2015, 09:23 PM
And since this guy apparently cares so much about the input of ngd itself, like we saw in that "protect ally vs darkness" discussion
Input of NGD? why not they are the makers of the game. Who would you expect me to ask for the correct information?
I asked here on forum about PA because i wasn't sure if PA was working correctly which i was right it wasn't. It stopped dispelling freeze and used to dispel darkness and didn't. But i didn't know that it wasn't supposed to dispel darkness and only was supposed to dispel freeze.
Which i asked for confirmation of this on this forum and all i got were here-say. I was looking for proof meaning confirmation. They could have avoided all the back and forth if they would have given me the information from the beginning or at least pointed me in the right direction.
I thought this forum was supposed to help players with their game issues or if they don't understand a certain spell to find help here. But many here seem to have been more interested in bashing and putting people down then getting to the truth and solving the issue. :]
While i can't proof this, in my opinion off stance and summons for example are mainly designed by ngd for grinding purposes.
I don't think off stance is a good spell for grinding even with a conjur on your back. It takes to much damage. And army of one only last 15 seconds and takes alot of mana and time to cast. Summons are useful in grinding though.
I look at this in terms of adaptability and this you'v got to find out from your own experience. Knight auras except for PA and heal ally are ineffective when keeping or taking a fort.
And about this:
Here is a fact for you:
From official RO website.
Defensive discipline. Increases the player's ability to take on huge amounts of damage as well as the use of shields. Knights have as their main role the purpose of tanking enemies and dangerous creatures, as well as protecting their allies with defensive auras and buffs."
This needs to be updated and even more so sense the new updates. This only mentions the shield tree. Knights have the tactics tree, and vangerud tree. Thats a bad description of knights as far as i know. Better advertisement description needed here.
You use offensive stance, lowers your defense. You don't use auras.
Sometimes the best offence is the best defence. Its called adaptability and strategy. You know like in medieval times knights were both used for attack and defence so whatever the situation called for. Auras are not as effective as eliminating the one doing the damage to the ally. You know cut the head off the sneak first? xD
This below is what the NGD description should be more like, for both knights and other classes. Thats the point of the page below. They made it because the basic info on the NGD page is not quite informative.
"Knights are one of Regnum Online's defensive subclasses, focusing on melee combat. Warriors that choose to follow the knight subclass gain access to heavier armor, as well as 2 unique disciplines, Vanguard and Shields. Their armor grants them the highest base protection of all classes, which together with their powers can make them tougher to take down. Knights also specialize in using shields, and as a result they also have a chance to block attacks.
Along with keeping themselves alive, knights can also be powerful as a supportive class, making use of defensive auras, damage resistances, and other buffs for allies which can be helpful for holding ground in a battle. Their strong defense also makes them ideal for leading attacks into the heart of the enemy, keeping foes busy and their allies protected. To further devastate the enemy, they can run into the back of enemy lines and use single target crowd control and debuff skills. In short, knights are for those who prefer to take their time and find the right moments to strike."
04-05-2015, 10:26 PM
Input of NGD? why not they are the makers of the game. Who would you expect me to ask for the correct information?
I asked here on forum about PA because i wasn't sure if PA was working correctly which i was right it wasn't. It stopped dispelling freeze and used to dispel darkness and didn't. But i didn't know that it wasn't supposed to dispel darkness and only was supposed to dispel freeze.
Which i asked for confirmation of this on this forum and all i got were here-say. I was looking for proof meaning confirmation. They could have avoided all the back and forth if they would have given me the information from the beginning or at least pointed me in the right direction.
I thought this forum was supposed to help players with their game issues or if they don't understand a certain spell to find help here. But many here seem to have been more interested in bashing and putting people down then getting to the truth and solving the issue. :]
People explained to you nicely in the beginning the pa matter, they explained it with the changelog and everything. But you kept refusing to believe because you wanted someone from ngd to confirm (while their changelog should be confirmation enough). Then a guy who is not even a developer btw, used the exact same explanation and suddenly it was the truth.
I don't think off stance is a good spell for grinding even with a conjur on your back. It takes to much damage. And army of one only last 15 seconds and takes alot of mana and time to cast. Summons are useful in grinding though.
I look at this in terms of adaptability and this you'v got to find out from your own experience. Knight auras except for PA and heal ally are ineffective when keeping or taking a fort.
Honestly, i don't even know what to say anymore...knight heal more effective than SW...
And about this:
This needs to be updated and even more so sense the new updates. This only mentions the shield tree. Knights have the tactics tree, and vangerud tree. Thats a bad description of knights as far as i know. Better advertisement description needed here.
You use offensive stance, lowers your defense. You don't use auras.
Sometimes the best offence is the best defence. Its called adaptability and strategy. You know like in medieval times knights were both used for attack and defence so whatever the situation called for. Auras are not as effective as eliminating the one doing the damage to the ally. You know cut the head off the sneak first? xD
This below is what the NGD description should be more like, for both knights and other classes. Thats the point of the page below. They made it because the basic info on the NGD page is not quite informative.
"Knights are one of Regnum Online's defensive subclasses, focusing on melee combat. Warriors that choose to follow the knight subclass gain access to heavier armor, as well as 2 unique disciplines, Vanguard and Shields. Their armor grants them the highest base protection of all classes, which together with their powers can make them tougher to take down. Knights also specialize in using shields, and as a result they also have a chance to block attacks.
Along with keeping themselves alive, knights can also be powerful as a supportive class, making use of defensive auras, damage resistances, and other buffs for allies which can be helpful for holding ground in a battle. Their strong defense also makes them ideal for leading attacks into the heart of the enemy, keeping foes busy and their allies protected. To further devastate the enemy, they can run into the back of enemy lines and use single target crowd control and debuff skills. In short, knights are for those who prefer to take their time and find the right moments to strike."
Hm, i don't know man. Is that text even a fact? i need confirmation from ngd first.
And of course you want knights to do the job of barbs as well.
answer in green
Ludwig Von Mises
04-05-2015, 10:41 PM
People explained to you nicely in the beginning the pa matter, they explained it with the changelog and everything. But you kept refusing to believe because you wanted someone from ngd to confirm (while their changelog should be confirmation enough). Then a guy who is not even a developer btw, used the exact same explanation and suddenly it was the truth.
This is actually false. What Humulus gave me was a partial proof relating to freeze but no proof on darkness. The only one who gave me an answer with hardcore proof to back it up was "Iheartpancakes" in which i thanked him or her for it and that was the end of that. Like i said before all of this could have been avoided if people or the GM's etc had provided the info i was looking for or atleast had pointed me in the right direction which they didn't.
And of course you want knights to do the job of barbs as well.
What??? xD.. I'm not sure if you are trolling or really believe this. xD I think your pretty inflexible in your thinking. There is no job of barbs when it comes to killing. All classes are able to kill. Your pretty much saying that because i use a knight only power, like offensive stance, in the vanguard tree i want knights to be barbs? If this was the case i would just stay logged on a barb. xD Also thats like saying i want hunters to do the jobs of barbs because they have some spells and gear that allow them to hit fairly hard. What nonsense are you talking about Hayir? haha Also its like saying because knights can heal some that i want knights to be conjurs? xD Oh dear your funny. xD.
What it comes down to i think, Hayir, is that you are bothered that knights can be effective in battle. And when your trying to compare knights damage with barbs damage its getting pretty ridiculous. Your envious of knights maybe? Your too boxed minded and inflexible in your thinking maybe? Maybe you want to nerf knights really bad because your too inflexible minded and unwilling to learn and adapt?
This is my advice to you: Allow yourself the flexibility to learn from battles. I hope this helps. :]
04-06-2015, 12:51 AM
I don't want to insult you Ludwig or create flame again, but just looking on your quickbar makes me pretty much sure you've mistaken knight with barb.
You're not even using sw in the video. Most knarbs I've seen at least have that skilled. You were also in offstance a majority of the time. Why don't you just play barb?
Can't agree more with this ^. Not sure why people or me try to explain you this though; I'm 110% sure you ignore everything what is not your taste.
Basically, when I saw that video, I finally understood why did you complain about knight in your nonsense thread "For the poor knights".
And yes, knarbs are crappy, laughable, useless, childish, boring, and crappy. :juggle:
make a barb ludwig
Ludwig Von Mises
04-06-2015, 01:47 AM
I don't want to insult you Ludwig.
Right....... xD
You love to troll i know. :] Anyways knights are better at forts. I don't get your issue with my video. I just made a video of mostly knights fighting at fort for people to enjoy. I feel sorry for you Halv. Is it that hard for you to enjoy the video?
04-06-2015, 01:56 AM
Right... xD
You love to troll i know. :] Anyways knights are better at forts. I don't get your issue with my video. I just made a video of mostly knights fighting at fort for people to enjoy. I feel sorry for you Halv. Is it that hard for you to enjoy the video?
He's probably one of the least trolling people on these forums. So everything he says you can put down as sincere.
I'm pretty sure Halv wasn't the only one with issues towards this video and you calling yourself a "knight", which is why we're having this talk now. If you can't see that, then I feel sorry for you. It's a shame, you could learn a lot from Halv and Hayir. They're actually good at the class.
Ludwig Von Mises
04-06-2015, 02:02 AM
I'm pretty sure Halv wasn't the only one with issues towards this video and you calling yourself a "knight", which is why we're having this talk now.
So now your saying i'm not a knight? Any other insults you want to pass along?
Its quite obvious your trolling no need to explain yourself with further trolling.
What your doing is calling someone not a knight because their useing knight powers? Does anyone else see the obvious stupidity in this duds comment?
Your mindset is that knights are only alive to support in only one way, and that this is by spamming auras. This is faulty logic and ridiculous. Knights can be supportive in other ways that are more effective then standing around just spamming auras. Thats a pretty boxed headed way of looking at the class. Anyone whos played the game knows that knights are a defensive as well as an offensive class.
04-06-2015, 02:31 AM
So now your saying i'm not a knight? Any other insults you want to pass along?
Its quite obvious your trolling no need to explain yourself with further trolling.
What your doing is calling someone not a knight because their useing knight powers? Does anyone else see the obvious stupidity in this duds comment?
Your mindset is that knights are only alive to support in only one way, and that this is by spamming auras. This is faulty logic and ridiculous. Knights can be supportive in other ways that are more effective then standing around just spamming auras. Thats a pretty boxed headed way of looking at the class. Anyone whos played the game knows that knights are a defensive as well as an offensive class.
There is a difference between trolling and constructive criticism.
You think everyone is trolling when they say things you don't want to hear.
04-06-2015, 02:39 AM
Barbs don't have any level 60 msing hammers XDD
WM knight hammer, 2h elite hammer, 2h WM hammer :p
Ludwig Von Mises
04-06-2015, 02:56 AM
There is a difference between trolling and constructive criticism.
Calling someone who is a knight not a knight because they have a different way of playing is not constructive criticism but is meant as insult and equals to trolling.
Constructive criticism would be saying: We both have different ways of playing knight i may think mine is more effective then yours but were still both knights. Which is the fact.
You think everyone is trolling when they say things you don't want to hear.
No. I think people you who say that i'm not a knight even though factually speaking i'm a knight are trolling. :]
04-06-2015, 03:04 AM
Your mindset is that knights are only alive to support in only one way, and that this is by spamming auras
No. I'm saying it's fine to deal damage as well, but for gods sake, skill something else useful for your team mates like sw. Don't give me this shit about it being nerfed. Yes it was, but it has still saved my allies countless times.
Do you know what most good players would do? They ignore the knights and go straight for mages. This is where the knights are supposed to protect them. That is your job. If you don't like that, then you're playing the wrong class. Like I said, it's fine to go knarb if you want, however seeing only pa, but ripost and gutting in your spell bar, made me cringe to no end.
Please don't misunderstand my factual statements for trolling either.
04-06-2015, 03:13 AM
Calling someone who is a knight, not a knight because they have a different way of playing is not constructive criticism but is meant as insult and equals to trolling.
Constructive criticism would be saying: We both have different ways of playing knight i may think mine is more effective then yours but were still both knights. Which is the fact.
speaking i'm a knight are trolling. :]
I don't think you fully understand what constructive criticism is.
Yes, you are a knight.
Yes, it is beneficial for knights to deal damage.
No, you are not an effective knight.
No, knights should never be without auras.
We aren't saying you don't have the freedom to play however you want, we are saying you're not effective compared to a knight that has support spells.
Just make a barb.
Ludwig Von Mises
04-06-2015, 03:32 AM
Do you know what most good players would do? They ignore the knights and go straight for mages. This is where the knights are supposed to protect them. That is your job.
Shield wall last 10 seconds at 50% damage resistance. Lets say a barb hits 1500 or 2000k. That is 750 or 1000k and you know those op barbs hit very fast and hard. So they can hit about five times within those 10 seconds and tow handed weapons hit even harder with those barb damage buffs. And their may be more then one hitting your conjur. Lets see: 5 x 750 is 3750 and 5 x 1000 is 5000. Now what conjur has that much hp? This is why i don't use sw. Its ineffective in battle. Now i know we may differ in opinion on this, but this is only one example of many.
Also, the conjur may get roared or kicked within those 10 seconds in which case the sw is gone pretty much and the conjur is dead. Or you can start killing the barb, immobilizing it, slowing it down a bit maybe. Getting the barbs attention on you.
If you don't like that, then you're playing the wrong class. Like I said, it's fine to go knarb if you want, however seeing only pa, but ripost and gutting in your spell bar, made me cringe to no end.
Please don't misunderstand my factual statements for trolling either.
Knight is the right class for this kind of strategy. Ripost is to get rid of the threat quicker. Anyways you assume that theres a barb with me so no need to skill offensive stance or do more damage? Also, doing more damage is helpful when trying to bring a door down as quickly as possible.
I will add also that smart conjurs skill sanctuary so that if a barb is chasing you you can cast and by the time the sect is over the UM is also over and the knights can finish the job by knocking, immobilizing, riposting, cutting, and so on. :P
Ludwig Von Mises
04-06-2015, 03:39 AM
I don't think you fully understand what constructive criticism is.
Yes, you are a knight.
Yes, it is beneficial for knights to deal damage.
No, you are not an effective knight.
No, knights should never be without auras.
We aren't saying you don't have the freedom to play however you want, we are saying you're not effective compared to a knight that has support spells.
Just make a barb.
Thats only a matter of opinion Kyrenis. Remember that a knight can't cast everything at once and all those auras cost lots of mana. And while your casting all your auras i'm already killing your allies, immobilizing you, and knocking known your other allies. xD
04-06-2015, 03:45 AM
Thats only a matter of opinion Kyrenis.
No, it is a fact.
The main element that makes the class useful in RvR situations is the area support. Take that away and you are just a barb with minor DPS.
There is no reason not to have auras since they fit into nearly any knarb setup with relative ease.
Here is an example of a blunt "knarb" setup I have been using for months. (
Ludwig Von Mises
04-06-2015, 04:25 AM
No, it is a fact.
Thats not a fact thats an opinion, but sense you called it a fact wheres your proof?
The main element that makes the class useful in RvR situations is the area support. Take that away and you are just a barb with minor DPS.
Knights have two knocks, precise block which in my opinion has a supporting affect to allies. Meaning they act as distractions from your allies. Like an enemy my try to immobilize you by casting different spells but by blocking at that right essential time their spells are wasted, go into cooldown, and this spell cannot be casted on your ally until the cooldown is finish because it was wasted on you.
Barbs don't have defense support, protect ally, and heal ally, these are all supportive to allies. And again there are other ways to support allies like going on the offensive. Sometimes the best defence is the best offence. I thought you would have gotten this by now. xD
Your so stuck on what you think knights should do that you don't see what they can do. Your shortcutting the class. So as you see you are wrong.
In my opinion when it comes to fort fights i think that by not having these auras it actually makes knights more useful and active in rvr because their engaging the enemy in combat more.
04-06-2015, 04:39 AM
Thats not a fact thats an opinion, but sense you called it a fact wheres your proof?
Knights have two knocks, precise block which in my opinion has a supporting affect to allies. Meaning they act as distractions from your allies. Like an enemy my try to immobilize you by casting different spells but by blocking at that right essential time their spells are wasted, go into cooldown, and this spell cannot be casted on your ally until the cooldown is finish because it was wasted on you.
Barbs don't have defense support, protect ally, and heal ally, these are all supportive to allies. And again there are other ways to support allies like going on the offensive. Sometimes the best defence is the best offence. I thought you would have gotten this by now. xD
Your so stuck on what knights should do that you don't see what knights can do. Your shortcutting the class. So as you see you are wrong.
In my opinion when it comes to fort fights i think that by not having these auras it actually makes knights more useful and active in rvr because their engaging the enemy in combat more.
You are the most thick headed person I currently know, and that's a fact.
04-06-2015, 07:18 AM
I use off stance, typhoon, sc lvl5, accurate swings and all auras/wm spells on my knight (something like this ( So it's balanced build, 50:50 and I prefer to play aggressive. I guess i'm not true knight lols.
This guy started thread about fort battle and you criticize his style of play and build. lol
btw... From official RO website:
Warlock: Offensive discipline. Grants the player the ability to cast devastating spells on the target.
04-06-2015, 12:59 PM
Well, Hey everyone,
About this fight: It was pretty cool, we held Aggs for a damn long time, had great fun in there, and it was mostly because the nice support we had, and the many knights, and generally the numbers too.
Not too bad vid, Lud, just a bit laggy, and the game background sounds are quite odd, add some music to make it more "watchable" :)
Aaaand, about this knight topic:
After about 6 years of massive knight class playing, I dont judge anyone by their gameplay, there are noobs, there are skilled good players, its up to everyone how they prefer to enjoy that game, and its their choice.
I dont defend anyone, nor offending. Im a knarb, and almost always been one, thats how i use that class, its the best way for myself.
Yes, knights "should" use at least 3 usefull auras, (Heroic, Deflecting, Shield Wall). That'd help in wars probably. But since not everyone plays as knarb, someone will use them, lets say like Halvdan, hes a good friend of mine, and a good supporter knight.
Im kinda his opposite, yet he is as good in a pvp as me.
It'd be worse if we all used the same setups, imo.
Mere God, Haven
04-16-2015, 01:44 AM
:D knight discussion! If you can't pressure the other enemies in the field or fort you won't be most effective:) Having all auras up won't make you a good knight, it's how you deal with cc'ing other enemies, who are a danger to your team and looking around picking off other players and looking out for your conjus that makes you a good asset in rvr in this game imo.
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