View Full Version : Idea for recurrent events

07-19-2015, 10:12 PM
Recurrent events

Expand the current event system that allows their real-time activation. Creation of simple events for recurrent use and enhance the interfaces to clearly understand what to do, when and how.

Creation of an Event Calendar to be up to date about programmed events.

That is currently on roadmap. Can we get a bit more insight into this?
From what I can see, it's meant to be tool for GMs to easily trigger events.
I have a bit of problem with that: there has to be GM present to make that happen.
I would much rather see this automated, so that players can get to experience it.
Also, what kind of events are we talking about?

I really hope we get something PvE related.
Currently, you can't be other than target practice in RvR if you are not L50+, and only ways to get to 50+ is with quests (which stop providing enough XP for levelup around L30) and grind / realm tasks (you get reward after long grind or you travel whole inner realm to get small dose of XP).
It is long and boring. And more dynamic PvE way to get XP would make game way more fun.
In fact, I think that could stop game from dying.
>inb4 b-b-but it's not dying
on Steam Group discussions (http://steamcommunity.com/app/222520/discussions/), 2 out of first 4 questions are related tog game dying.
I play Alsius on Haven and inner realm is almost wasteland, you see some other player once every 10 minutes if you are lucky, at least when I log on.