View Full Version : Suggestion for wmc jewelry/abuse

07-27-2015, 01:50 PM

This is my suggestion for wmc abuse.

First of all, from Realm rank it seems that 3 realms have same number but alsius has more during certain time and zerg for wmc sake.

I didn't play for weeks but from what i saw before, from 1h am to 9h am some players from same clan log all in Alsius and zerg to win and plan invasion and bosses which make wmc rank full of alsius...but when it come to protecting alsius undernumber they log off.

My suggestion is :
1 -- Adding wm guard near each realm wall with 2 daily quests :
Defender : this quest will enable rewards(wmc) while defending ur realm. max wmc that you can get 5000. then wmc reward wil be disabled.
Attacker : this quest will enable reward (wmc) while attaking other realm. max wmc that you can get 5000. then wmc reward wil be disabled.
So each day you will have to take those quest to activate wmc rewards, which means you can't get more than 10 000 wmc each day from forts/castles.

2 -- Make all rings & amulets quests :
I don't have jewelry and i have already around 400k wmc, but i don't want to get wm jewelry in an empty server.

That means that in each castle you will have 6 quest, each quest will ask you to get the needed wmc. (you can't take more than 1 quest)
So after the update, everyone will take a quest and will start fighting to get the needed wmc ! more fight ! more blood !
NGD said that they will add more things for wmc so ur old wmc can be used to buy other things than wm jewelry

3 -- Simply remove realm chat

4 -- for next update :
Improve protection for each class.
Nerf marks dmg
Nerf barb areas or fulm. (I think nerfing areas is better)

07-27-2015, 01:59 PM
Or...just change dragon wish from 12.5k wmc to the war master coins bonus for 1 week?

1) No more daily/weekly wmc farming

2) less zergy game, logging all multies to 1 realm wont benefit them anymore

3) good fort fights unless vastly outnumbered tho still zerg will loose in this scenario-> too few uniques to do quests-> no wmc for you

4) people playing in the same realm (often contributing by colecting gems earlier) but not playing same time zone as the current wmc farmers will benefit as well

5) no more logging just to get my 12.5k wmc and log out


ALSO MAKE FORT REWARDS AVAILABLE ONLY WHEN AT LEAST 2 FORTS ARE HOLD BY THE SET TIME- this will end stupid empty fort running or migrating zerg from 1 reward fort to another, scatter enemy and give chance to the defender

07-27-2015, 02:10 PM
Just make limitations for wmc rewards, remove wmc wish and add old weekly 10k noble quest. I think it's time to bring boats back.

07-27-2015, 02:59 PM
So each day you will have to take those quest

Lv 50+ players have ( mostly ) five quests taken all of the time,
1; Kill 25 Ignis players
2; Kill 25 Syrtis players
3; Kill 30 Ignis players at forts
4; Kill 30 Syrtis players at forts
5; Kill Nobles.

There's no place for a 6'th quest to be taken.
Been suggested many times to improve the amount of quests that can be taken at once.
Plain stupid this limitation, is.

Not that bad suggestion this is though, in fact ^^

07-28-2015, 10:32 AM
Anukai, archers need a debuff in protection. They are the fastest, longest range and have the most defensive skills.

Re rewards: Want to stop multies? Make jewellery timed (1 week) and reduce the prices. People have to keep playing on the same few characters to keep their jewels.

07-28-2015, 05:48 PM
I agree with removing the WMC award from the dragon wish list. Making the wish a 100% bonus to WMC earned for 7 days would go a long way to restoring balance.
