View Full Version : Pro's of alsius
Elva Hunter
11-03-2015, 05:12 PM
i let here some screen shots of the awesome gameplay of some goats.
Really amazing xD ahah
11-03-2015, 05:31 PM
I don't get it.
11-03-2015, 06:15 PM
"You've casted Master of Doom (5)"
i let here some screen shots of the awesome gameplay of some goats.
I call it teamplay.
11-03-2015, 06:26 PM
That particular warlock loves using MoD both in PvP and 40vs1, but nothing bad on it really. It is like using Son of the Wind when a warlock is attacking you, not fair against him, he could say. He had invested his power points to that spell so he uses it, or it would just be a waste of points. Also you didn't have to come that close to him in the first place, especially when they were 3, coming close was not smart.
11-03-2015, 06:32 PM
Oh, OK; he's complaining about MoD. I thought maybe it was about getting killed going against 3 people. I mean, either one is silly to complain about, but, whatever.
Elva Hunter
11-03-2015, 07:18 PM
T Also you didn't have to come that close to him in the first place, especially when they were 3, coming close was not smart.
ahah i wish i could not stay close,but i did not had anywehere to go brother xD if in open field >>> ivy under dizzy. not much to do. specially with the conj and barbarian in my tail. if the MOD was 1v1 i was fine, but in 3 x 1. is complicated, really complicated.
Elva Hunter
11-03-2015, 07:23 PM
"You've casted Master of Doom (5)"
I call it teamplay.
ahahaha sure sure :clapping5365:
11-03-2015, 09:25 PM
but in 3 x 1. is complicated, really complicated.
Try playing in Ra against the totally skilled Ignis players... They spam every area at you even if you're alone against their zerg of 50+ (it's the only thing they know how to do). I've seen it all in Ra.
Areas need nerfing, and MoD is one of them. 100% dizzy chance for 30 seconds at level 5 and -30 const... Even without the 100% dizzy chance, the spell would still be useful in rvr. Warlocks have so many cc spells anyway, and they are still effective in pvp and even rvr without using MoD.
11-03-2015, 11:35 PM
mine opinion is that there is no reason to hate any spell. Because if you play well you can counter basically all things.
so bro, in a fight we have many variables, but the only thing which can't change is your will of improve your gameplay.
So, I guess, improve your game play and learn to counter MoD?
Elva Hunter
11-04-2015, 06:22 AM
So, I guess, improve your game play and learn to counter MoD?
ahah and who said that i am in hate with the spell? i just found funny what i could call as "excessive force" to combat a single player since they already had the numeric advatage. But ofcourse, since its elva i understand that they must make sure that there will have NO ONE CHANCE of escape xD lmao
Keep in mind that im not complaining in mod for 1v1, im complaining in mod in a 3x 1 with conj and bb. seems fair to me :3
11-04-2015, 08:23 AM
Normally I'd say using MoD in small battles is horrible, with no sense for fair play...but
it depends on situation, that means, I'm not sure you were playing in the first place fair elvo, because ambushing player who is not buffed from camo, hitting him 700 normals while he didn't have even chance for buff isn't fair either. In such situation, if an allied warlock came to help with MoD, there is nothing unfair or dirty, because maybe it was you who started playing dirty.
That being said, I can't say if they played dirty as fuck, or if it was just classic situation "lets gank grinders hurrdurr, ambush 5 catch my jeweled shots".
From 3 pictures I can't see shit, the battle could have been completely different like you suggest. Maybe you're right, maybe not.
On the other side, lately I've seen more Alsius archers playing 4v2 'justrun' style trying to play w/o any risk or sense for fun, so I wouldn't wonder.
11-04-2015, 11:53 AM
alsius have lots of pr0's.i get to see them on a daily basis as they zerg us 10:2 and dance on our corpses like they are pr0.
one particular goat hunter danced on us everytime he zerged us,then jumped into the river near PP when we caught him alone.
couldnt confuse 5 me so drowned lolz
11-05-2015, 07:28 PM
yup,pros :D
11-05-2015, 07:30 PM
yup,pros :D
Jajajaja xD
11-08-2015, 06:23 AM
LOL Elva talking about being pro just makes me laugh.
Elva's daily routine:
Dismount a rider with instant confuse 5 and tree hug while pet hits for 350 normals, if things don't work then go insta camo and again open fire using confuse 5. So, pro yeah :fingers:.
All hail the hunter and marksman champion of elite of syrtis!!!
11-08-2015, 06:45 AM
11-08-2015, 07:26 AM
yup,pros :D
Distract shot right after confuse 5...? :huh:
11-08-2015, 09:30 AM
The sad part (not about elva) is shown in this screenshot ... level 60 hunters with jewels will hit you 300, while poor level 50ish hunter will hit 10 damage on everyone (and op 200 damage in coldblood), which is 30 times less. All classes are getting boosts to damage or defenses, but this boost is only balanced for level 60 players, lower level players are not taken into consideration and their gameplay is made more and more pain.
Elva Hunter
11-08-2015, 10:30 AM
this boost is only balanced for level 60 players, lower level players are not taken into consideration and their gameplay is made more and more pain.
Not true. a lvl 50 now days can face a lvl 60, depending ofcourse of the class.
For example, any lvl 40 + warlock can face other lock or any other class even if they be lvl 60 wm. ( one example of this is that in my lock lvl 42 i got warlock lvl 60 wm in 1v1,).
a hunter/marksman in lvl 40 also can face a lvl 60 barb.
in short the only problem is when you put a lvl 40 barb x a lvl 60 barb. then i have to admit, there is basically no chance of the barb lvl 60 die. and this is because barbarians are a damage based class, and then the differences between a warrior in low lvl and a warrior in high lvl are indeed considerable.
but in mage class, specially warlocks, which have a base damage fixed (ice blast for example, does same damage in lvl 5 no matter if used by a lvl 60 or a lvl 40). then the lvl is not a problem at all.
but even so, in any case, what will count, what will make difference is the player ability. no matter if you are lvl 60 wm; ... if you are a sucker player/noob player, you will die brother, even for a lvl 40 tree hugger. in same way, if you are a lvl 40-50 and want hunt, you better be prepared for what you will face in warzone, this was your choise go try on hunt/war, then dont come cry about lvl differences.
is necessary the players recognize that in any game based in a sistem of lvl up. the ones who are in highter lvl are stronger than the ones who are in lower lvl. this is natural, there is nothing wrong on that, and if you don't like this, then better go play some FPS based in turns, like counter stryke or other game of the genre, and even so, now days the games in general are going in a way, increasingly, to make players who are experienced be naturally stronger and have access to more powers than novice players.
this is even good, because I'm sure the larger goal of a new player is leveling and try to get on top, with that top armor, that top weapon and hit the lvl cap to use that OP power.
I really don't understand why i see some players of RO complain about this. if you guys cry here you should take a look in how are the things in others MMOs;....The difference between a lower lvl and a top lvl there is just brutal.
here in RO is easy to you find a lower lvl killing a lvl 60 war master ( which is suposed to be the top goal/most strong form, of a lvl 60 player). in others games you don't have not even the hope of kill a highter lvl player.
and to tell you the truth i believe the developpers of RO should increase the powers of the war master spells. make it more usefull for single fights. instead of making it depend of allies for example.
Because in fact, there is a complete discrepancy, one paradox, between the spells from war master tree and others spells from the commons trees which can be skilled for anyone, war master or not.
One cleary example of this is the Sultar's Terror, Master of Doom, frozen storn, Stalker, Typhoon, defensive support, mass ressurection, fulmination.
Look that those spells make such a difference in the war if well used. but they can be skilled by anyone, by any low lvl player and still makes such a difference in the fight.
In compensation the discipline of spells which is suposed to makes the difference and to change the course of the fight / war, are hardly accessible, and in mostly of cases don't make a direct self effect, or even depend on the presence of others to be used, as the horn of the wind and defensive beacon in war master discipline.
This don't makes sense, and this is the main reason of why is not that rewarding work to become a war master. Then....why become a war master if in some cases even after become war master's we do not even can skill or skill the war master powers?
Now with the wm jewelry update we had a great improvment and is more rewarding work to become war master, because then you can use the new jewelry, but even so....what must count in the end, is not the items which you have, but the time spent, your experience and the tittles which you got during your journey in the game.
Thinking on that...The war masters as the TOP goal of the game/"max power" accessbile for the players, should create really a line to separate the common player from the master of war.
Moving some of those spells which i quoted above from the regular disciplines and put in to war master discipline would be a good solution. Other good measure is make the discipline of warmaster be free to be used in its entirety without the need of discipline points.
This way, we could really see a real difference between a war master and a non war master; Between who is working in the game and who is just passing.
and in a deeper sense, it may be recognized that the NGD gives value to their regular players. which would not be a "buffer" between who is low lvl and who is high lvl, but, rest assured that the company appreciates and recognizes your effort / contribution.
This is the reason of why some games organize competitions, including worldwide for its players. Note which that does not create a difference between who plays well and who plays bad, but, rest assured that there is recognition of those who strive, and this my friends, increasingly attract new players.
This is why is necessary you guys awake, and stop to cry that the lvl 50 does less damage, or that the low lvl die, or that.... or that...etc....etc...
because indeed there must be a difference, and actually this difference is too short, basically nonexistent, and this yes...Need a fix.
Kind regards,
Elva hunter - Elite of Syrtis
11-08-2015, 01:01 PM
Not true. a lvl 50 now days can face a lvl 60, depending ofcourse of the class.
For example, any lvl 40 + warlock can face other lock or any other class even if they be lvl 60 wm. ( one example of this is that in my lock lvl 42 i got warlock lvl 60 wm in 1v1,).
a hunter/marksman in lvl 40 also can face a lvl 60 barb.
in short the only problem is when you put a lvl 40 barb x a lvl 60 barb. then i have to admit, there is basically no chance of the barb lvl 60 die. and this is because barbarians are a damage based class, and then the differences between a warrior in low lvl and a warrior in high lvl are indeed considerable.
but in mage class, specially warlocks, which have a base damage fixed (ice blast for example, does same damage in lvl 5 no matter if used by a lvl 60 or a lvl 40). then the lvl is not a problem at all.
but even so, in any case, what will count, what will make difference is the player ability. no matter if you are lvl 60 wm; ... if you are a sucker player/noob player, you will die brother, even for a lvl 40 tree hugger. in same way, if you are a lvl 40-50 and want hunt, you better be prepared for what you will face in warzone, this was your choise go try on hunt/war, then dont come cry about lvl differences.
is necessary the players recognize that in any game based in a sistem of lvl up. the ones who are in highter lvl are stronger than the ones who are in lower lvl. this is natural, there is nothing wrong on that, and if you don't like this, then better go play some FPS based in turns, like counter stryke or other game of the genre, and even so, now days the games in general are going in a way, increasingly, to make players who are experienced be naturally stronger and have access to more powers than novice players.
this is even good, because I'm sure the larger goal of a new player is leveling and try to get on top, with that top armor, that top weapon and hit the lvl cap to use that OP power.
I really don't understand why i see some players of RO complain about this. if you guys cry here you should take a look in how are the things in others MMOs;....The difference between a lower lvl and a top lvl there is just brutal.
here in RO is easy to you find a lower lvl killing a lvl 60 war master ( which is suposed to be the top goal/most strong form, of a lvl 60 player). in others games you don't have not even the hope of kill a highter lvl player.
and to tell you the truth i believe the developpers of RO should increase the powers of the war master spells. make it more usefull for single fights. instead of making it depend of allies for example.
Because in fact, there is a complete discrepancy, one paradox, between the spells from war master tree and others spells from the commons trees which can be skilled for anyone, war master or not.
One cleary example of this is the Sultar's Terror, Master of Doom, frozen storn, Stalker, Typhoon, defensive support, mass ressurection, fulmination.
Look that those spells make such a difference in the war if well used. but they can be skilled by anyone, by any low lvl player and still makes such a difference in the fight.
In compensation the discipline of spells which is suposed to makes the difference and to change the course of the fight / war, are hardly accessible, and in mostly of cases don't make a direct self effect, or even depend on the presence of others to be used, as the horn of the wind and defensive beacon in war master discipline.
This don't makes sense, and this is the main reason of why is not that rewarding work to become a war master. Then....why become a war master if in some cases even after become war master's we do not even can skill or skill the war master powers?
Now with the wm jewelry update we had a great improvment and is more rewarding work to become war master, because then you can use the new jewelry, but even so....what must count in the end, is not the items which you have, but the time spent, your experience and the tittles which you got during your journey in the game.
Thinking on that...The war masters as the TOP goal of the game/"max power" accessbile for the players, should create really a line to separate the common player from the master of war.
Moving some of those spells which i quoted above from the regular disciplines and put in to war master discipline would be a good solution. Other good measure is make the discipline of warmaster be free to be used in its entirety without the need of discipline points.
This way, we could really see a real difference between a war master and a non war master; Between who is working in the game and who is just passing.
and in a deeper sense, it may be recognized that the NGD gives value to their regular players. which would not be a "buffer" between who is low lvl and who is high lvl, but, rest assured that the company appreciates and recognizes your effort / contribution.
This is the reason of why some games organize competitions, including worldwide for its players. Note which that does not create a difference between who plays well and who plays bad, but, rest assured that there is recognition of those who strive, and this my friends, increasingly attract new players.
This is why is necessary you guys awake, and stop to cry that the lvl 50 does less damage, or that the low lvl die, or that.... or that...etc....etc...
because indeed there must be a difference, and actually this difference is too short, basically nonexistent, and this yes...Need a fix.
Kind regards,
Elva hunter - Elite of Syrtis
I absolutely agree with you. This happens in all MMO's and its natural. Although NGD should make some lower level fights(like in dungeons or something) so new players have some war fun and experience cuz if they go to wz they will insta die
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