View Full Version : Alsius takes ALL with only 8 players
11-13-2015, 06:03 AM
Icon, Nippy and I decided to take all forts and castles.
We also had all relics at one point too.
Just for fun to see what low numbers can do.
We started with old school door knocking first.
Ignis and Syrtis didn't have a clue what was going on as they seemed to run everywhere searching for one of our 2 small parties.
Thanks everyone for the fun run.
11-13-2015, 07:52 AM
Dead server at its finest
11-13-2015, 07:59 AM
shows how much u guys suck lmao ..... try hunt me down instead. best,
11-13-2015, 11:01 AM
From now on, when I get discouraged from constantly being zerged in Ra... I'll remember that screenshot of Haven and think to myself "it could be worse". :razz:
11-13-2015, 01:22 PM
Well, gates are still red and green. Title is misleading.
11-13-2015, 01:31 PM
even server TYR had more players lol
11-13-2015, 02:29 PM
From now on, when I get discouraged from constantly being zerged in Ra... I'll remember that screenshot of Haven and think to myself "it could be worse". :razz:
Thank you! :beerchug:
Elva Hunter
11-13-2015, 03:05 PM
Icon, Nippy and I decided to take all forts and castles.
heheh you guys seems to be good playing against doors and npc guards. why instead of do that you don't call some of the syrtians/ignians to ignis boats, then we could see how far does the Alsius capacity. :play_ball:
11-13-2015, 05:41 PM
seriously faith?
when we killed bilbo carrying relic,we left it on the ground and moved on to another fight....we didnt care about them.the 2nd time we killed bilbo with the relic we tried to take it back but got zerged by you guys.we actually wanted alsius to play the game how it was meant to be played and try to invade since syrtis only had 4 online at the time,but you are too scared to try.
dont let yourself be seems to me hiding behind lvl 4 forts when you have more numbers is starting to rot the brains of alsius players,
11-13-2015, 05:43 PM
heheh you guys seems to be good playing against doors and npc guards. why instead of do that you don't call some of the syrtians/ignians to ignis boats, then we could see how far does the Alsius capacity. :play_ball:
Can guarantee Alsius capacity is far better than Syrtis capacity.
11-13-2015, 06:13 PM
A: "We've capped all forts, we so pr0!"
B: "HAHA, server was dead, you're noobs!"
C: "zerging is super and your server sucks"
D: "you're so right, they suck! thank you man, you opened my eyes!" <img>fancygif<\img>
E: "Ahahahahahahahaha, you're good at fighting guards! Your realm is shit! POWER OF HUNTERS!"
F: "Your realm is bigger shit!"
E: "You're poophead!"
F: "You suck!"
E: "You suck!"
G: "Buying OP offhand"
11-13-2015, 06:34 PM
I think we can all say at 1 point we've been apart of a group that just felt like running around and capping forts, Usually when the server is completely dead.
Calm down on the ego, calling them losers for having fun when the server was dead and they wanted to at least do something while in game.
11-13-2015, 07:07 PM
Haters gonna hate! xD Keep crying.
Calm down on the ego, calling them losers for having fun when the server was dead and they wanted to at least do something while in game.
11-14-2015, 11:12 AM
Best server ever... I start feeling glad that i got banned lol :D
11-14-2015, 12:58 PM
Yes, as I have been saying for some time, haven is dead. OP proves my point.
GJ grinding guards :P
11-14-2015, 11:22 PM
A: "We've capped all forts, we so pr0!"
B: "HAHA, server was dead, you're noobs!"
C: "zerging is super and your server sucks"
D: "you're so right, they suck! thank you man, you opened my eyes!" <img>fancygif<\img>
E: "Ahahahahahahahaha, you're good at fighting guards! Your realm is shit! POWER OF HUNTERS!"
F: "Your realm is bigger shit!"
E: "You're poophead!"
F: "You suck!"
E: "You suck!"
G: "Buying OP offhand"
B: "G how much u offer?"
G: "no habla ingles xd"
(i hope i wrote this as correctly as possible xD)
11-15-2015, 04:35 AM
yeah right. enough of your bs. even in pvp you guys call zerg to help when losing. grats i see alsius capacity.
oh yeah wait a zerg full of jeweled players killing pvpers gg.
Elva Hunter
11-15-2015, 11:08 AM
even in pvp you guys call zerg to help when losing. grats i see alsius capacity.
Yup, i never saw a player in alsius who goes for 1v1 by him self, i am serious, never. all their gameplay is hidding in tress/rocks while calling help, until someone show up to save his/her ass, or even a ignis, which ofc will team up with the alsian.
If someone here ever saw the description of the people of alsius, in short words is: "The auturians do anything for the person who offer a fuller bag of gold". ie, no honor.
By coincidence or not, all ( yes i am saying all ) players of alsius, even the called "pr0" ones do the same thing. >> run run run >> tree hug tree hug tree hug >>> summon zerg/pig friend lvl 5 to help.
Why we dont see one alsian pro here? i am serious, would be cool have such a challenge. even hunting the alsians never do it alone. and well, do they ever "hunt"? ( alone i mean ).
We got many players who like of go after a borring fort fight, but that in the end, dont know nothing about war.
11-15-2015, 11:25 AM
Don't except too much from 1-50lvls on grind setups. It isn't my bad that you killing grinders at oc and then getting zerged xD if you are looking for challenges go somewhere else than grind places... or visit arena/buy duel banners and fight with pro players from Syrtis.
If someone here ever saw the description of the people of alsius, in short words is: "The auturians do anything for the person who offer a fuller bag of gold". ie, no honor.
No offence but the ppl who camp oc 24/7, dismount->confuse (5) and call it PvP or being pro shouldn't talk about honor lol
one screen shot speak more than 1000 words, so check it out:
meh again stupid screen...
11-15-2015, 11:40 AM
Some gelfs just completely lack self-awareness.
Its funny though, keep your posts coming tania and elfa.
Elva Hunter
11-15-2015, 12:49 PM
No offence but the ppl who camp oc 24/7, dismount->confuse (5) and call it PvP or being pro shouldn't talk about honor lol
1- I am a hunter, what do you want me to do? send you a call phone saying that i wanna attack you?.
2- I don't camo often, i camo when is necessary, i camo just and only to get close of the foe, because EVERY enemy when see me, run straight to his/her central save while screaming on his realm chat for help.
3- even when i camo im still alone, so its me and most of times, is me vs 2 + players, so, is even unfair with me.
4- camouflage is a double-edged sword, for various reasons. furthermore, If you use it without know how to do, or if you dont be a well-prepared hunter, even if you hit from camo and confu with your enemy horsed up, you will still have a good chance of die or at least, finish the fight the with hp in the soul. doubt?
one screen shot speak more than 1000 words, so check it out:
Here we have one alsian using camo + confu + shield piercing ( OP hit ) while i was in my horse going to samal. guess what happened?
Here is the log for you see how was his "opening" in this fight.
this is what happen when a goat try face someone who is not noob like them and who is used to play alone and face his foes by him self. ( one thing which goats never do ).
Take care, and learn to speak with foundation, not by what others say, because most of the complains from the people about my gameplay is based on their own frustrations by defead. :gun_bandana:
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
11-15-2015, 02:45 PM
god cant you see that you do the same? every fking realm do the same , you just too blind to see how your allies plays. And dont you know how stupid you sound elvo? Plz stahp
11-15-2015, 02:48 PM
Why so much hate about alsius? Well I often see our ppl going hunt alone(I do the same many times) but since this server is low populated why should I go hunt instead of going to a fort or something? 90% of my hunting I found only grinders and Max 2 lvl 60's, and Elva,I'm not fond of grinders: ) so please stop complaining about that and please,don't talk about honnor... it makes me laugh.
Elva Hunter
11-15-2015, 07:17 PM
god cant you see that you do the same?
1- I don't deny that i also attack from camo, quite the contrary, i tell that this is legit. But what is not right is you blame on me because of that.
Again, i dont complain about the use of any spell in a 1v1 situation. Is a game of war and if you are not ready to face a 1v1 under any circumstance, then, you will not be ready for a larger fight.
. And dont you know how stupid you sound elvo? Plz stahp
2 - "elvo" is the lord you father! you not close of me. i dont know you, and i dont want know you, so, for name is elva. if you call me by any other name I have EVERY right to ignore you or to respond IN KIND.
3 - the only one who sound "stupid" here is you; who is using this name (piroca) in one account of the forum; for you put a name like that you surely must know very well the meaning of that name, and this which sounds stupid to me. In my opinion anyone who use a name which mean "Di*k" in one official forum of the game can't be taken serious and probably do not have anything useful to append.
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
Elva Hunter
11-15-2015, 07:30 PM
Elva,I'm not fond of grinders: ) so please stop complaining about that and please,don't talk about honnor... it makes me laugh
Reble...I am "complaining", if this is the word which you want use, not about any spell, and i suggest you read again the previous posts to try understand better. what i said was that most of the alsians don't play alone, and that this way they seems which don't have strength, intelligence or ability enough to play and win their fights by themselves; they always beg for help.
Kind regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
11-15-2015, 07:48 PM
This thread reminds me of how thankful I am that my realm in Haven is Ignis. :thumb_up:
Edit- Also, this is a realm vs realm game, and some of us play it as exactly that and not for pvp. ;)
11-15-2015, 08:45 PM
Reble...I am "complaining", if this is the word which you want use, not about any spell, and i suggest you read again the previous posts to try understand better. what i said was that most of the alsians don't play alone, and that this way they seems which don't have strength, intelligence or ability enough to play and win their fights by themselves; they always beg for help.
Kind regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
Can say the same about syrtis , elvo and others.
11-15-2015, 10:27 PM
Funniest about this is that some seem to think there is much skill to this game.
Alas there is not, outcome depends on numbers, ping, resists/evades, skill, items...
Three random factors in the lead, so don't get too exited guys.
Play around and have fun.
If u want a game of skill, try chess, no random...
11-16-2015, 03:12 AM
lmao funny to see talks going on here. I remember elva and me going hunt once and happened to occur 2v2 marksman fight near alsius market and guess what when they lost they brought like 5-6 people for us..good job i think you guys should learn first.
11-16-2015, 03:30 AM
lmao funny to see talks going on here. I remember elva and me going hunt once and happened to occur 2v2 marksman fight near alsius market and guess what when they lost they brought like 5-6 people for us..good job i think you guys should learn first.
Um.. this happens with every realm...
Pot calling the kettle black.
11-16-2015, 06:40 AM
Funniest about this is that some seem to think there is much skill to this game.
Alas there is not, outcome depends on numbers, ping, resists/evades, skill, items...
Three random factors in the lead, so don't get too exited guys.
Play around and have fun.
If u want a game of skill, try chess, no random...
TBH I remember calling for help while being attacked by a goat archer 1vs1
recently, but I was on full support conj. Besides I don't usually do that.
12-10-2015, 05:49 PM
Yup, i never saw a player in alsius who goes for 1v1 by him self, i am serious, never. all their gameplay is hidding in tress/rocks while calling help, until someone show up to save his/her ass, or even a ignis, which ofc will team up with the alsian.
Comon, even me? :p
12-10-2015, 05:55 PM
Reble...I am "complaining", if this is the word which you want use, not about any spell, and i suggest you read again the previous posts to try understand better. what i said was that most of the alsians don't play alone, and that this way they seems which don't have strength, intelligence or ability enough to play and win their fights by themselves; they always beg for help.
Kind regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
Aw, man, you seem to forget the days we were outnumbered every single day and night by ignis at night and during the day by syrtians! Many people back then learned to play alone or with tiny numbers against big groups. Every realm goes through this at some point. Dunno how it is now, don't play, but I remember for the 5 years I did it was always the same. One realm gets op zerg another complains and then it switches to another realm, rinse repeat, rotatation = always how RO has been.
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