View Full Version : Warzone buf

01-28-2016, 04:04 PM
This popped out at me today in warzone and disappeared after a while.
It looks like a test of future warzone buf for lowbies. I would like if mages were not forgotten this time though, classes hitting with normal hits will benefit more than mages. Low level mage cannot have Arcane devotion spell on level 5. On level 4, it is only 65% and with that, he just stands still for too much time to cast anything and he is a dead meat without a chance. Before he cast a spell on a barbarian, who is at 25 meters, the barbarian will reach him before he finishes his one spell. I hope the buf will add cast speed to mages too (and only mages). Mage spells are balanced with AD5 in mind so it would be nice to give +35% cast speed to mages bellow level 37.

Anyway, I am glad it is worked on.

01-29-2016, 12:29 AM
I saw yesterday a strange buff icon when we we're camping Efe and log said that castle guard casted on me something like (can't remember exactly) heroic or similar. Anyway it was +15% weapon damage buff. Nice for warlock spell master.

01-29-2016, 11:18 AM
Hmm today it showed up again. I think it is actually a bug. It looks like a feature that is not supposed to be enabled for now at all. It shows up in warzone only when you level up in warzone and it doesn't disappear even after you enter inner realm. It disappears when you relog, or when you mount, and it doesn't appear until you level up again. I am going to report it as a bug.

01-29-2016, 08:24 PM
Before any more adjusting/buffing lower classes (including new weapons, jewlery etc), armor system should be relooked into. Damage absorbtion seems still to be 100% absolute by armor points.

Should be something like 50% absolute, 50% relative IMO. This would lead to a smaller gap between high lvl and low lvl, between op gear and merchant gear.

I saw yesterday a strange buff icon when we we're camping Efe and log said that castle guard casted on me something like (can't remember exactly) heroic or similar. Anyway it was +15% weapon damage buff. Nice for warlock spell master.

This buff is old. Enabled this damage test back in 2013: http://i.imgur.com/8EaB1k1.png