View Full Version : Random Montage #5
02-17-2016, 05:05 PM (I recorded it a month ago)
+ extra bonus... I decided to make a PvP video :D (happened today)
Enjoy. :)
02-23-2016, 03:20 PM
i gotta like the pvp vid for the gw2 fanmade song right? xD (
I liked watching your ehm random montage, cant really say anything bout gameplay :p
but its nice to see some of my friends still playing ^^
02-23-2016, 11:10 PM
That PvP video is epic.
Elva Hunter
02-24-2016, 03:40 PM
Crap video of pvp.
Vectoria sucks and pvp using warjur is easy way to win basically vs any class, because warjurer's are "semi-gods" in this game, and everyone know it.
But the montage video was good, specially the background song ^^
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
02-24-2016, 04:38 PM
Vectoria sucks and pvp using warjur is easy way to win basically vs any class, because warjurer's are "semi-gods" in this game...
Huh? Warju? With one dmg spell?
02-24-2016, 04:45 PM
lmao he just using mental
Elva Hunter
02-24-2016, 05:52 PM
even so, this just confirm what i said, 1 that vectoria sucks and 2 that conjuers/warjurers are OP.
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 02:47 AM
You talking so much bulshit multi, so i will only answer to the most crazy ones and the smallest shit i will do not even have the work of contest, because you don't deserve it.
1- so lets go, you said from the deep of your not graded mind:
before saying something about how bad someone else maybe you should look at yourself because after all those years you still didn't mastered track on your hunter (else you wouldn't had posted a screenshot not so long ago here about how you got zerged by alsius close to pn on your hunter
- Look, you disgusting thing, first of all, the screen shot which i own posted was showing how goats team up to kill me. Also, come on, tell that i don't know how to track? you must be using so much weed, because all this time in all my videos i am hunting and tracking my foes, tracking and out hunting even others hunters, so listen, never more say a bulshit of this quality in a forum, everyone will think that you are too dumb or too crazy. ( i think that is the two things)
2- not satisfied with the crap you said above you still continued, and told that:
also not everyone is running around with a pvp build (totaly useless for fort fights, but yes I forgot syrtis doesn't fight at forts unless they are 20+ (using the way syrtis count the enemies here) and prefer to afk at wall with knights and w/c). in case you didn't know there are several builds possible for each class, not all pvp oriented.
- Now answer me you nab, who ever said to you that i use a pvp set up? did you ever saw me in pvp set up? if you are too retard and don't "study" properly your enemyes i will have a bit of mercy of you and will tell you something about my gameplay, that some good enemyes ( you are not between them ) knew about me.
I dont have a pvp set up while you see me in wz. i play using 80% of what i can use in a real pvp, all the time. look you nab, i carry my pet with reduced spells, and my self also with reduced spells, for many reasons, and between them is the fact that a hunter will naturealy own reduced spells in wz no matter the set up he make, unless if he cut some spells which are essential for a hunter. so, you only will see me in a pvp set up if i get some challenge with date and hour marked, as i did in the tournament. out of this, i will have a general set up, the same general which i use to rekt you any anyone else in wz and the same general set up which i use when i make/was used to make videos. I don't need reset to hunt because is not necessary, i can kill anyone easily with my fair 80% of capacity using the terrain to take advantage when possible.
And if you don't know, even sometimes when i get too bored and want to trol around, i go to pet less, like i am at this moment, just to run faster and apeal a bit like mostly of the hunters does, using the range, move speed, damage and defense which a pet user will never have acess on a pet set up. but the problem is that this cut even more my capacity of pvp to around 60% once that im not a main pet less. so even if someone for some miracle manage to kill me in pet less mode, he still did not managed kill me indeed.
now that you know this, please, please....stop talk about things which you don't know. if there is someone who dont know fuck nothing about hunting or hunter class/marksmans is your self.
kind regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
So glad Elvo is back on the forum train.
Please continue.
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 12:19 PM
If I'm the "nab" please explain me why you ran away from me in a 2 vs 2 situation 2 times in a row (would had been a fair fight you had a conj with u I had a conj with me).
Next time you see me in wz pls don't run, maybe you will manage to kill me once cause so far your have a big 0 there. If I know nothing about hunters/marks then why you didn't managed to kill my hunter?!?
I did not readed all your post due it be so tiring and sense less, but tell me, when i ever ran from you? i do not even know the name of your fagg hunter. you are a litle liar who don't know shit.
And retard, i was offline due personal things to solve, i only play in 1 realm since when i started in the game, unlike you.
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 10:59 PM
now? basically every time you see me you run away.
What? tell me the name of your noob hunter and we see who run.
You are acting as if you did something positive ingame for me when in fact all I remember are insults, no suggestions, no info about game mechanisms and telling your friends to ask high prices for bows (like double compared to their real value).
you little liar when was in syrtis was i my clan and asked to learn about pets with me, what you say here about pets (and still wrong) you learned when was there in syrtis, and if you deny it i don't mind because you are a liar and liars usually do it until the end of their miserable life.
Also i do not even make deals in commerce, how come you say that i tell to my friends ask high prices for bows? and to go even deeper on this subject....who the fuck is doing something wrong in ask a price which for you is not "low". each person sell their items for the price which pleases to him/her, so if you are f. multi realmer who enjoy to create accounts in every single realm and want arrive there want buy good items or take it "borrowed" for never more give back and then change to other realm, that's your problem, i dont mind. and no one syrtian have no obligation to sell things to you for "low prices". go pay $$$ for ximerin to buy items and then come put them for sale in commerce, and when someone offer you 50 mags for them tell me if you will enjoy.
To hell you and your conception of price, this is personal, and each person sell any item for the price which pleases to them. end of talk.
you were the one that wrote stuff about Vectoria, I decided to defend him because as far as I know Vectoria doesn't have a forum account (I might be wrong).
1- what stuff i wrothe about vectoria here? that she is not good at pvp? is there any "sin" on this?
2- are you working to her as body guard? or personal lawyer? or are you her father to take her "pains" which she do not even felt? go care of your own life and stop say bullshit. the only one that is posting "stuff" here is you.
It is that hard to understand that I do not like a realm where all I see are overpriced items, afk at cs, insults and swearing for no real reason in realm chat? (In the other games I play toxic players like you end up banned.) In place of writing insults on the forum maybe you should spend that time ingame teaching new players the game mechanism (like what resists are important on archers armor and why, explain them who are their main enemies, what good/op items are, tell them the normal prices not overpriced ones).
do you really think in your crazy mind that i give a fuck for the fact of you change realms? dude....i dont care, i don't give a fuck because to me you are less than a nothing, you are a non existent thing and what you are doing in alsius is not my busness. if you change realms, if you have accounts in every single realm and want to get items easy, and log in only to get the wish from wm when some realm open the portal and still feel your self "full of right" in doing that; i dont care.
what i care, what irritate me is that even changing realms you still keep loging in syrtis. the only one "Poison" here is you, which keep spliting it in one realm and in other and once again in other. loging in to complain or win the rewards of the hard work which was done by syrtis after a invasion. and yet want to pose of "good boy" this is that piss me off.
you are what we call here, a tremendous of a stick guy. you do not have moral to complain about the conduct of anyone in game.
Hard for me to believe that 20+ Syrtis players had random personal problems during the exact same period of time because if you ask them you get similar answers as yours.
I don't know of it. i was too busy taking care of my life and joining in the Brazilian order of lawyers.
and during this time.... what you was doing JustTheLonelyOne?.......well i guess you did not had anything better to do beyond get locked in the basement of your mother's house playing and spying syrtis to check out what was going on.
Kind regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis.
Elva Hunter
02-26-2016, 12:23 PM
what you write here that I'm doing without providing a single evidence. Btw a lawyer supposed to know that you need evidences when you make accusations.
- ingle evidence? you got chats in syrtis and char in alsius, what else evidence i need? you confess here by your self that you own toons there and arguie that: I know it's "fery" hard for you to understand but you can actually play in all 3 realms and not share any informations."and when asked why log in in syrtis you say:I was testing something because I was asked to do that. And maybe I deserve some reward for solo trying to defend Syrtis wall (thanks ewz + friends for trying help me).
so you still searching for evidences? go back to school.
With people like you elfa syrtis is on the "good" road.
i believe Syrtis is in the good road indeed. because when i came back syrtis was without any gem, and stayed like this for 1 week or so. then me and some friends managed to invade your realm alsius and take a gem, even with very few players. And for this we did not needed the usually numbers of alsius (4 to 1 ) to take the gem. that's why i say, you don't know nothing.
you talk like this in court also? now it's obvious why you are not consequent
because of "let me ask my friend elva" when i asked how much that bow...
O.o? so someone told you that was going to ask to me the price of his bow which you was going to buy and you tell that i ask them to sell high? look i do not even knew/know that you was doing any deal.
Usually i receive many chats while on from players questioning or asking
about all kinds of things, if someone ask my opinion i just tell it, and usually i do not even know what he will do with this information, after all, i am just helping a mate with a question; so dont come tell that i overprice the items, i do not even make deals.
Btw study a bit the Brazil legislation about calumny, maybe you will find out something that you don't know yet.
If you had googled it at least a bit better you would know that "calumny" only eixsist if there is a crime in the conduct that is attributed to the person.
having said that, there is no slander, once that its not criminally relevant the fact that you are multi realm.
So next time you wish speak with me about law, google better, you will need it :)
Kind Regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
Elva Hunter
02-26-2016, 01:51 PM
I can say whatever I want. For example now I admit that I am Michael Jackson (the singer). I have a song for you ofc: , you are not alone elfa you have the pet with you. :devil:
Think I can't do a better confession than this:
ahah i knew that could work, i answered the post just to prove that you was a liar since you did not fulfilled what you said that had put me on ignore.
Now look.... I watched the video, and i heard your "confession" little dwarf, and if you require a trial by combat, I .... Elva Hunter, founder of Elite of Syrtis clan, and Hunter's Champion, accept with pleasure.
If you beat me. i never more call you multi realmer, and when you log in on syrtis to trol as you used to do, or to take the wmc from our drac wish i will just ignore even if this piss me and others mates off.
but...if i win.... i want you to stop loging in syrtis when we open drac wish. out of this i don't mind you trol there because be multi is your choise, but take our wmcs, that's silly, so i only ask this. if you agree then Just tell when and where.
Kind Regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis.
Elva Hunter
02-26-2016, 02:20 PM
In case you don't know wmc wish is gone :p.
O.o? wmc wish is gone? wow how sad.
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