View Full Version : The Legacy of Dwarven King!!!
02-23-2016, 08:09 AM
Hey All,
After many many days I have made another power packed Marksman video for you all featuring my marks. Below is the link for the video and make sure you watch it :wiggle14:.
Hope you all like it.
02-23-2016, 03:07 PM
Good Video :dance:
02-23-2016, 03:16 PM
Good Video :dance:
Thanks Pery :beerchug:
02-23-2016, 03:21 PM
congrats on reaching the save deepu ^^
02-23-2016, 04:37 PM
Respect form Hamsters king
02-23-2016, 06:02 PM
xD Winty, Haha Blue we shall work together and fulfill our Master Buk wish :drinks:
Elva Hunter
02-24-2016, 03:56 PM
Respect form Hamsters king
2 resists to my spells and mob reducing my cs, even so, he still gained a free pass back to his central save.
Luciana is a good person but her abillity is farm and she is pro doing this, but not to pvp. panso gotta learn, agus is a low lvl knight, and can't keep up with you. To tell the truth, not even my horse can, i wonder how you "tele run" so fast...i have a guess.
hotis i do not even know who he is.
so, good luck in your legacy.
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
02-25-2016, 12:00 AM
2 resists to my spells and mob reducing my cs, even so, he still gained a free pass back to his central save.
Luciana is a good person but her abillity is farm and she is pro doing this, but not to pvp. panso gotta learn, agus is a low lvl knight, and can't keep up with you. To tell the truth, not even my horse can, i wonder how you "tele run" so fast...i have a guess.
hotis i do not even know who he is.
so, good luck in your legacy.
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
1. Regarding that screenshot, ya you defeated me with your uber cs speed, your shitty ability to keep hugging trees and you had 454hp. You are like as if you defeated me with a major health gap.
2. You can see a hell lot of enemies resisting my spells in the video, so stfu no one cares.
3. Most of the syrtis are noobs and there are only few good ones that I can count on my fingertips.
4. The LOL moment, clearly you can see my ping between 60-100 and the ability of me using spells and yet you say the words "TELE RUN" I know that you are expert in this.
5. Not to mention about your Hunter, Oh!boy confuse 5 inc and insane tree hugging with pet while it hits an enemy for 300 normals.
6. I have a quick suggestion for you, learn to play and let me know when you can fight face to face.
Thanking You,
02-25-2016, 12:18 AM
lol you crashed louna love it
02-25-2016, 12:59 AM
lol you crashed louna love it
Where did she crash?xD, she was fighting till the end.
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 03:37 AM
1. Regarding that screenshot, ya you defeated me with your uber cs speed, your shitty ability to keep hugging trees and you had 454hp. You are like as if you defeated me with a major health gap.
- My uber cs speed? ahaha lmao, look dude, my cs bow is in elfa, as my better gears are on her. one shot one kill gear is kinda common, and unlike you, he do not own any boss jewelry.
your shitty ability to keep hugging trees
- ahaha my what? ^_^" :facepalm3:
- Dude, everyone...even the most fucked noob in the game know that i hate trees, and that i can't fight well in trees, many players as soon see me go to a rock or tree to win advatage against me, and you come here talk about my "ability" to keep hugging? ahah and look, in this fight as soon you saw one shot one kill you passed through every single alsius arbor from your save road until there, and then you come here tell that i was tree hugging? circled those trees so intimately that i get to think that in past life you was a tree or from greenpeace, lols and you come tell that i tree hug? come fair :thumb:
By the way, you got resist to lethal stryke full buffed and ambush, plus that fucking globin took 50% of my casting speed, what you expect me to do? win with 2 k hp? no sorry, kill a xim boy even after all those "eventualities" which happened and send you to save gives me the same pleasure, no matter the hp i have in the end :drinks: ahaha
2. You can see a hell lot of enemies resisting my spells in the video, so stfu no one cares.
- No i can't see they resisting, and look, everyone cares, "random" resists are betwen the TOP subjects of discussion in the game since ages, and this is so true that we had an update to try fix it, which did not helped so much, once that the same players which always resisted still keep resisting, and usually in crucial moments.
3. Most of the syrtis are noobs and there are only few good ones that I can count on my fingertips.
- Talk, the dude who was rekt in pvp and that is in the realm which only invade when there is 4 goats for 1 syrtian and yet, they still manage to fail hundred of times in the invasion. the dude who is in the realm that no matter the time of day, if you hit their forts, specially agger, there will have a camper, this when your self is not there camping, as you enjoy to do.
5. Not to mention about your Hunter, Oh!boy confuse 5 inc and insane tree hugging with pet while it hits an enemy for 300 normals.
- i already said, i dont know how to tree hug, to be truth if you think in give me some tips since you are the expert here in this thing i would enjoy ^^
my normals using my hunter are around 40-60 and something on you, so don't complain little xim boy.
6. I have a quick suggestion for you, learn to play and let me know when you can fight face to face.
- i also got a suggestion for you....print the screen shot i posted here, and glue it in the door of your bedroom. this way you will remember every single day of your life how sick you play and what happens when instead of fight unprepared players or womens who just farm items, you face the champion of the class in the server.
Kind regards, :drinks:
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
02-25-2016, 04:27 AM
I finally get that why ELVA is called the noob shit of syrtis. By the way I ain't a xim boy, everything I have is hard earned gear and WM jewels unlike you who got boss jewels shit which are mostly duped lol.
And between I am not having a close fight setup which includes stunning fist and ambush on 5. You had them both stunning fist 4 and ambush 5 which gave you an edge with cc's. And one screenshot of you defeating me doesn't prove anything. I wrecked your hunter on my hunter several times in case you forgot.
02-25-2016, 05:25 AM
Oh Deepak, pr0 runner
02-25-2016, 05:37 AM
Oh Deepak, pr0 runner
Not as pro as your realm people dude.
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 12:43 PM
I finally get that why ELVA is called the noob shit of syrtis. By the way I ain't a xim boy, everything I have is hard earned gear and WM jewels unlike you who got boss jewels shit which are mostly duped lol.
look you nab, i dont have "boss jewels". i only have 1 eve ring fair droped since ages in my low lvl knight. You should not make any kind of acusation like this without proof, because my name is in the light since when i started on this game, i loathe multi realmers, scammers and people who buy boss items dupied using money, and everyone know it, i already made thousand of posts here criticizing this kind of attitude. So, next time you suppose that I practice any behavior of this kind, i suggest you to have more attention, because the burden of proof lies with those who claim and i may will want you to make proof of what you say before the NGD.
And between I am not having a close fight setup which includes stunning fist and ambush on 5. You had them both stunning fist 4 and ambush 5 which gave you an edge with cc's. And one screenshot of you defeating me doesn't prove anything. I wrecked your hunter on my hunter several times in case you forgot.
you had ambush as well, so don't come here lie. And if you make one ranged setup to shoot from 60 m way tree hugging, it's not my fault, each one makes the set up which pleases to him self, so if your set up was not good enough it's, once again, your own fault.
Moreover, who ever is your hunter? dude i dont remember the day in which i lost in a 1v1 using elva for another hunter. specially because i passed like 2 months off the game, so how come you "defeated me several times"? please put it on imgur and post here to "refresh my memory" oka? serious, so at least i will know when was it and what happened.
Talk less and do more, little wrecked "dwarven king" :wink:
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
02-25-2016, 01:10 PM
meant crushed not crashed
02-25-2016, 01:25 PM
Good video, Deepak.
You have a very fragile ego, Elva. I'd suggest counseling.
02-25-2016, 01:31 PM
Nice video :)
and once again enjoy this clip: :dance::bananajoy::horsey:
02-25-2016, 01:59 PM
You can enjoy this one as well.
Dismount, confuse and still die like shit.
Wasn't on my gaming computer to have better control.
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 02:08 PM
You can enjoy this one as well.
Dismount, confuse and still die like shit.
Wasn't on my gaming computer to have better control.
did you saw my pet? no right, exactly i was testing pet less on lb set up with sp and finese in ticks tree. and again...fight on tree, as i said im really not good on it.
Anyway as he got me i also got him, its wz bro, eventually you die and kill, the difference is that some ppl can play leaving the program to record without any lag. unfortunately it's not my case :3
Elva Hunter -Elite of Syrtis
02-25-2016, 02:13 PM
i have farmed u with ur pet several times.
ii can upload all of it when i'm at home.
rather than killing low lvls and noobs from camo ambu conf 5 u are just a noob. call this elva combo i know
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 02:16 PM
Nice video :)
and once again enjoy this clip: :dance::bananajoy::horsey:
Once he rock huging all the time. and then in 1:50 in the video, of course, resist my ds and he had less hp than me.
Come on....again, kill me due "random" resists & rock hugg will not make me feel nothing, because i really dont feel that i lost. and this is so true that after this video i found him in the rock of samal road and he did not got the same luck
Plus, at this time he had amy of tenax & rings of daen, i had amulet of hardeness and 1 rol
so, keep dreaming
Kind regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 02:20 PM
i have farmed u with ur pet several times.
ii can upload all of it when i'm at home.
rather than killing low lvls and noobs from camo ambu conf 5 u are just a noob. call this elva combo i know
brother you and beast hunter came to syrtis save once and killed you two, and you come here tell that i am noob?
come can upload anything this will not change the fact that you suck. and i really want watch those videos, please upload, i want see how you killed me, and in which conditions this happened. so please if you are not lying then prove and upload the video(s), i am waiting. i doubt there did not had resists & tree hug.
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
02-25-2016, 02:22 PM
it seems u are big liar and it is useless to talk to u
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 02:31 PM
it seems u are big liar and it is useless to talk to u
I am liar? lol you are the one who claimed that:
i have farmed u with ur pet several times.
ii can upload all of it when i'm at home.
and i am here asking for you share your content with us, this make of me a liar? ahaha ajaja the only one liar here can be you, so stop say bullshit. ;)
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
02-25-2016, 02:59 PM
What a troll you are
02-25-2016, 03:01 PM
Now I understand why so many Syrtis left this realm... elva+Tania on realm chat... plus nobody can deny their pr0ness and skill... I would feel useless and worthless while fighting on their side.
The best duo I have seen so far, the best duo in CoR history.
02-25-2016, 03:48 PM
elva got pwned so damn hard
02-25-2016, 04:02 PM
@ Elva, log in> user cp (upper left) > Edit signature.
Nice vid Pandey! :thumb_up:
02-25-2016, 04:47 PM
Thanks Tenel and Yoda :wiggle14:.
02-25-2016, 10:03 PM
He was happy with the video and didn't say anything to start a flame in op, chill:p
Good song btw:p
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 10:26 PM
What a troll you are
i have farmed u with ur pet several times.
ii can upload all of it when i'm at home.
Im still waiting for see the video(S), which you talked about. or at least the proofs that you got me "several times".
what i see here is a single screen shot cuted of you getting 1 kill of me. and to be truth i do not even remember when was it lol
but once that i was dressed with the soccer clothe i suppose it was in the event of 2014, from the world cup, so it's a screen shot of "Only" two years ago. :clapping5365: ahaha
by the said that got me "several times", but i only see 1 screen shot, i wonder how many hours you spent in the paste of RO searching for a single screen shot to post xD
well...never mind, i guess i am really very important for you, unfortunatelly the reverse is not true.
ima not argue, but i wanted you to post it in video, so we could see how was it indeed.
that being said, i still want to know Anunnaki...
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
Elva Hunter
02-25-2016, 11:08 PM
@ Elva, log in> user cp (upper left) > Edit signature.
Nice vid Pandey! :thumb_up:
Thank you i will try ^^
02-26-2016, 12:02 AM
Normally I wouldn't give fuck about archer vids, but seeing how insulting and aggresive comments can one cocky player who thinks he's just god produce, made me watch it.
Nice vid, especially liked those moments when it wasn't just about "1v1 who comes first". I think that creating nice vids could be a way to attract new players, so doing good vids can't just make things worse. Seeya :)
02-26-2016, 04:03 AM
Thanks Ulti, thanks Halvdan - will try to make some warrior videos as well :horsey:.
02-26-2016, 09:05 AM
Im still waiting for ...
Well the screen shots are from 2015.
That's enough for me. Or i will spend 1 or 2 years trying to find you on my 400g records.
LOL imporant to me, i just replied to you because i found your comment on deep video disgusting.
I won't reply again to a legend of trolls.
Elva Hunter
02-26-2016, 12:31 PM
Well the screen shots are from 2015.
That's enough for me. Or i will spend 1 or 2 years trying to find you on my 400g records.
ahahah so is serious that you just repeated above the single screen shot from 1-2 years ago that you showed in the previous post? so that's it? 1 kill? that we dont know not even when it was indeed? ahahah
i have farmed you several times"
i can't see it coming to the true here, so who is the liar?...
but well i think you will be desperately seeking in your game paste for something else to not worry D usop...
not in a hurry. :drinks:
But we could make it "easier" for you, why don't you turn on your recording program and meet me in somewhere for some fun? at least if you get a kill you would post it for everyone and trol around without all this work of 2 days searching for a screen shot in your game paste :play_ball:
Kind Regards,
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
03-16-2016, 04:46 AM
And someone said that I'm not good enough to kill the so called self proclaimed noob champion of regnum. He got completely wrecked in a straight pvp.
03-16-2016, 12:50 PM
He got rekt so bad :bananajoy: RIP
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