View Full Version : New TDM

05-17-2016, 09:14 PM
Whats your opinion of the new map/changes in TDM?

I played 3 matches. I don't know why its only 4 people per team in RA. I'd rather have the old map than this map. Teams seemed unbalanced. 2nd match we had 4 barbs. Easy win for us. Not sure why that team comp is even possible. We just kept killing those mini bosses. I heard other times there were 3 conjs 1 barb. Also 2 conjs and a knight. (Haven) I don't enjoy it like I did when the First TDM's came. This is just my opinion.

05-17-2016, 10:35 PM
My thoughts after playing 4-5 matches on Haven:

3v3 is too few IMO, everything pretty much depends on your class composition rather than on your ability to play as a team. Class composition was an important factor in old TDM too, but you could somewhat compensate having a mediocre composition if you played well as a team. With 3v3 that's not really possible to do, from what I've experienced (1 conj 1 lock, 1 support knight team ftw). And in 3v3 every player has just too much importance, if one dies the fight is pretty much lost and you can only try to get back to your base. In 6v6 or 8v8 you could still hope to win even if you lost one or two players, and that made the fights much more interesting to me.

I'm ok with the fact bases shouldn't be accessed by other realm players, but the zone that kills you when you're in it seems too large to me. Ranged players can get back there way too easily, and it doesn't really push you to take any risks. I've been in a match where only 2 kills were made during the entire time, as everyone was just camping near to its base. Besides, you get 5% necro if you die in an ennemy base, which seems unecessary to me. Necro is still painfull to grind off for support classes...

Bosses buffs seem ok to me. Haven't seen them getting exploited a lot yet, but I guess that's because it's launch day and people haven't figured out exactly the best strategy yet.

TDM still kills warzone activity. I guess you made it 3v3 so that not too many players would take part in it at once, but since you can apparently have more than one match going on at the same time, it just doesn't work. Everyone is in queue waiting for a match to happen. However, it's still launch day after all so maybe it'll get better after that. I've also seen taking part in a TDM match is supposed to cost "tickets" (it doesn't atm, though), which I guess will be obtainable by taking part in RvR, so maybe that's a way to fix that problem too.

Overall I feel like battlezones do have potential but the 3v3 format is just too restrictive as it is to make them truly enjoyable in my opinion. I really hope it will be changed in the future.

05-17-2016, 10:53 PM
personally I think its dumb

05-17-2016, 11:52 PM
I think this map is a lot better than the old one. This is way more open and doesn't favour barbs as much as the other. Barbs are nonetheless the most impactful class in battlezones, what a surprise.

So far I had about 6 mages and the matches were usually fun. Some teams play very passive though which can make it a bit boring, not sure what you could do about that.

I personally like 4v4v4 more than the larger version.

The fact that it kinda kills war will change probably? Those tickets which don't exist yet will do it I guess.

05-18-2016, 02:22 AM
We will make a revision of the items. We made a huge mistake in not consulting with the community about them.

Also, Battlezones may be deactivated now that we have enough feedback about their weak points and bugs that only appeared when used massively.

05-18-2016, 02:44 AM
well +10 ms for barb...that really W
+10ms for hunter...that really W.
i was really surpriced no +10%range for marks xD

+5ms for hunter is already an issue with dragon set...

Other than items, i like the new map and also the random 3 players, it is fun and build some new situations.

05-18-2016, 02:51 AM
On haven its a choice between war or TDM, people are just gonna wait at cs for a match instead of running around capturing forts etc. On Ra it would work but haven is definitely the server that comes out worse.

The champion items for hunter and barb are too strong, there is no use in giving them more movement speed.

05-18-2016, 03:19 AM
Barbs will always carry these TDMS now. I enjoyed the old map as a archer. I would always pick off opponents near death and steal the kill from barbs. I liked having all range on my team. Just hate that Groups now get 2 conjs and a lock vs all barbs teams now.

Also its not really much open space to me. Map seems smaller imo.

05-18-2016, 03:55 AM
We will make a revision of the items. We made a huge mistake in not consulting with the community about them.

Also, Battlezones may be deactivated now that we have enough feedback about their weak points and bugs that only appeared when used massively.

Really? Barbarian's has to be getting better? I know NGD always preffer Barbs and Marks but when you can think in rest of classes? You see how dominant is the barb actually?

05-18-2016, 04:34 AM
i played 3 matches so far in battlezone. 2 out of 3 i crashed out of it during combat. the one that i didn't get booted out is heavily imbalanced with 2 barb and 1 marks on one side dominating while the side with a lock and no fucking barb get ass kicked... make the damn team 6 players one from each class. not fucking mixed with some team getting 2 conju and 1 lock and the other get 2 barbs and a knight wtf...this is retarded. out of the 3 matches, i see people quit/crash mid game and having 2vs3vs1?

WTF NGD?! fix this fucking bs!

05-18-2016, 07:21 AM
We will make a revision of the items. We made a huge mistake in not consulting with the community about them.

Also, Battlezones may be deactivated now that we have enough feedback about their weak points and bugs that only appeared when used massively.

Is Champion gear supposed to be a set or can you just mix it with regular armor?

Here is an idea for the champ gear.

Make them one time customizable. By that I mean after you buy it, for once you can pick the resists and pick one stat. So basically you can make a special gear like you want.

For example I could go with

Champion Leggings
Vg,Vg,Vg,Vb,Vb,Vb 5 attack speed.


n,Vg,g,n,Vb,b 5 dex.

Whatever would be possible on special gear for the specific class. (or maybe even the "legendary" stats as well.)

05-18-2016, 09:26 AM
We will make a revision of the items. We made a huge mistake in not consulting with the community about them.

Also, Battlezones may be deactivated now that we have enough feedback about their weak points and bugs that only appeared when used massively.

What feedback? I barely see anything written in the English forum lol


here's what we noticed

Random disconnects arise while fighting, almost every second game!!. I think they happen because of a bad teleport into the void.
The "120 sec" timeframe for rejoining the instance does not work. Got disconnected (see previous), and could NOT re-join my instance / did not get any coins / joined another one instead.
Please add a button for leaving the queue
Please add a button for leaving the game. If this is intended, then why can we leave it using ALT+F4? Same effect.
Please add a marking line on the ground where the spawn zones begin. There needs to be some kind of visible indication (line, flag, tree, a sign) which tells you not to go further, other than just rapidly losing health.
Kill stealing is an issue
I still don't really understand why the map had to be redisigned - the old one was pretty neat. However, I really like the new one, too. I think you did a great job on terrain forming (those three mounds in the middle are nice), interface, monsters, buffs, and spawn zones.
Wouldn't it be good to have some kind of checklist ingame, where we can see what we need to do for another ticket? Having to check a website in order to understand the game is not so cool.
I hope the tickets are used upon instance joining, and not upon joining a queue (which eventually might not evolve into an instance)
Late joining: You don't get invited into the party automatically
If you buff yourself before the battle starts, these buffs will be gone once it does
Armor stats are inbalanced
Conju resurrection doesn't seem to work (not sure about this one), but it should imo
There is no "+100% coins bonus for your first victory today!" - alert in the dialog anymore, but the bonus seems to exist either way
I've heard ppl talkiing about 4v4v4, but on Valhalla it was 3v3v3

05-18-2016, 12:51 PM
RA : 4V4V4 but we were 3V4V4 and 2nd place honorably ^^
VAL : 3V3V3
Haven : no idea this server is boring ^^ i didn't try :p

05-18-2016, 05:57 PM
haven is dead not even worth playing tdm not that tdm is any good anyways

05-19-2016, 11:57 AM
I feel like WM skills should be disabled in BZ. Hunters can't use theirs at all for example.
I think barbs can't use their banner, at least i never saw one use it. Mage port is useless.

Also mounts should be disabled, haven't really seen anyone use them though.

05-19-2016, 01:22 PM
another very good suggestion I've heard:
Once you leave your spawning zone, you can't go back. This prevents fights on the edge to the spawn zones which are really frustrating for the enemies

one more thing
maybe it'd be a good idea to restrict the instances to
1 mage / 1 warrior / 1 archer. This way, inbalanced fights are less likely to occur.

plus, imo 3v3v3 is too little. Not enough action going on.

05-19-2016, 01:23 PM
one more thing

maybe it'd be a good idea to restrict the instances to
1 mage / 1 warrior / 1 archer. This way, inbalanced fights are less likely to occur.

plus, imo 3v3v3 is too little. Not enough action going on.

I also feel like class composition should be balanced in one way or another, but I'm not sure your proposal would work. The warrior spot would have to be barb to be able to win (Unless you try to killsteal everything but that'd be fairly boring and not so easy to do imo), so this could get quite frustrating for knight players.

Again, this wouldn't be an issue if we had more players in TDM matches. I think Haven and Valhalla should have 4v4v4 at least, like Ra. It's not like those that aren't in TDM try to war anyway (at least in Haven), so not sure it'd really affect the server more.

05-19-2016, 01:33 PM
1) Merge Haven with Ra to solve the population problem on limping Haven which is the root of the problem and not TDM itself. I'm not sure why you keep beating around the bush on Haven when it's pretty obvious the server is dead in the water and give the players left there some chance to have fun and continue to play the game before they quit the game entirely. Alternatively, provide for transfers for those who want to move to Ra.

2) Open up multiple tiers in the TDM interface for 3v3,4v4,5v5,6v6 etc and let the people choose what they want to play at that moment. Not restricting to lvl 60 could also help.

3) Map is actually good except for a few things which has been mentioned above like giving out visual highlights for deadzone at spawn, etc. Also, it would be better if you remove the HP regeneration in the spawn safe zone, so people actually fight and not keep running back after they get hit, especially ranged classes.

4) Also if possible, restrict one class per slot per instance.

5) Enhance the interface by providing buttons and stuff for leaving queues (without wait) etc.

6) Start a point loss timer when players refuse to fight and idle in the instance. i.e., If they stay idle for more than 20secs, they lose one point/kill.

7) I would advise against the necro penalty that you get in the instance when entering enemy spawn and which later carries on outside the instance to the warzone.

05-19-2016, 05:43 PM
1) Merge Haven with Ra to solve the population problem on limping Haven which is the root of the problem and not TDM itself. I'm not sure why you keep beating around the bush on Haven when it's pretty obvious the server is dead in the water and give the players left there some chance to have fun and continue to play the game before they quit the game entirely. Alternatively, provide for transfers for those who want to move to Ra.

2) Open up multiple tiers in the TDM interface for 3v3,4v4,5v5,6v6 etc and let the people choose what they want to play at that moment. Not restricting to lvl 60 could also help.

3) Map is actually good except for a few things which has been mentioned above like giving out visual highlights for deadzone at spawn, etc. Also, it would be better if you remove the HP regeneration in the spawn safe zone, so people actually fight and not keep running back after they get hit, especially ranged classes.

4) Also if possible, restrict one class per slot per instance.

5) Enhance the interface by providing buttons and stuff for leaving queues (without wait) etc.

6) Start a point loss timer when players refuse to fight and idle in the instance. i.e., If they stay idle for more than 20secs, they lose one point/kill.

7) I would advise against the necro penalty that you get in the instance when entering enemy spawn and which later carries on outside the instance to the warzone.

+40 to all these suggestions. Lets make it happen NGD. Especially the first one. :beerchug:

05-19-2016, 08:19 PM
Experienced my first D/C in TDM. Happen twice in a row. Are these problems being fixed?

05-19-2016, 09:05 PM
1) Merge Haven with Ra to solve the population problem on limping Haven which is the root of the problem and not TDM itself. I'm not sure why you keep beating around the bush on Haven when it's pretty obvious the server is dead in the water and give the players left there some chance to have fun and continue to play the game before they quit the game entirely. Alternatively, provide for transfers for those who want to move to Ra.

2) Open up multiple tiers in the TDM interface for 3v3,4v4,5v5,6v6 etc and let the people choose what they want to play at that moment. Not restricting to lvl 60 could also help.

3) Map is actually good except for a few things which has been mentioned above like giving out visual highlights for deadzone at spawn, etc. Also, it would be better if you remove the HP regeneration in the spawn safe zone, so people actually fight and not keep running back after they get hit, especially ranged classes.

4) Also if possible, restrict one class per slot per instance.

5) Enhance the interface by providing buttons and stuff for leaving queues (without wait) etc.

6) Start a point loss timer when players refuse to fight and idle in the instance. i.e., If they stay idle for more than 20secs, they lose one point/kill.

7) I would advise against the necro penalty that you get in the instance when entering enemy spawn and which later carries on outside the instance to the warzone.

+1 merge will happen IF NGD STILL WANTS there game to live

05-19-2016, 09:11 PM
I was quite excited about TDM since it was promissed. For about three years now.

After a few games, here's my first review:
Positive features
Map is good, well structured.
Mobs giving bonuses
Nice interface

Negative stuff:
3 players per team is too few. For the size of map, I would like to see at least five players for each team.
When an enemy dies at spawn place, it should count as a kill for the team, who's spawn place it was. This way, I see too many kill denies, where an enemy commits suicide when on low health. Yes, for some it might be a positive feature, I don't like it.
Last but not least: DISCONNECTIONS. Every game I have played, someone DC'd. I don't understand, how this could get past the testing stage. Not sure how others have it, but when I reconnected, I spawned on top of the altar (another bug I thought was fixed long ago..)

05-19-2016, 10:29 PM
Lol every D/C I get I'm up by like 15 points each match. Ngd's barb nerf. :lol:

05-20-2016, 12:52 PM
Haven is dead, we have to wait 1 hour for one TDM and with same syrtis group all time.Merge please or at least find solutions.
And please, remove mouvement speed from hunter, barb armor.
Lower a bit armor points.

05-20-2016, 10:49 PM
Guys did u notice we can now rent mount for gold ? i didn't see that in change log :huh:

Elva Hunter
05-21-2016, 01:18 AM
My opinion about TDM & Champion Gear

- number of people per match: 3v3 seems good, but often (in haven at least) we see that 2 realms have enough ppl but other only have 1 and then everyone have to keep waiting; In servers with small population the system of 1v1 would be just great. please allow the TDM to be also in 1v1. so we can depend less of others players.

-map: The map is decent, but fight always in the same map is boring, i know it demand work to create maps, but well, thats your work guys (developers have to develop something) in this case, more 3 maps at least, so we randomly could fall in one of them and enjoy having a different place to use other kind of strategy.

-Champion items: I really don't know why the people complain so much about "oh oh that item is OP have to be nerf"
Wake up! we are talking about a champion gear. Please don't do with champion gear what you guys did with war master gear and war master powers. Actually be a warmaster don't mean anything. The gear is crap (for archers at least) and the powers are kinda useless, mostly only works for group and there is no one "self improvement" for the user who worked to become a war master.

The same is going to happen in Champion gear if you guys listen to the complains and cry of players which really barely can use their own class decently.

What i mean is, i don't see, nothing "uber" OP in the champion gear. To me it is kinda common and even just a bit improved version of dragon gear.

The status in the gear for hunters must be everything which increase the character time of reaction. And when i tell this, i mean, attack speed, casting speed, move speed. Etc.

Hunters need this due their lack of crowd control skills, low damage and small defense.

So if we look for champion gear as it is atm, the only good thing is the 7% as on gloves.
The mana on helm makes not much difference, since some elite gear gives the same. The pauldrons are a shame, 5 const, in a champion item? please...we all know that most of the players own 5% cs and 5 const pauds.

the leggins gives 10% move speed. But in reality hunters only gonna win a improvement of 5% on its move speed. because elite gears and drac gear both can give 5% move speed. so the difference in 5% from a champion gear to a drac gear/elite gear, does not makes no difference in short terms distance. the hunter, if be running, will have to stay alive for enough time to run a medium or large distance to feel at least a bit of the effect of this timid 5% move speed booster. This speaking about hunter class.

Because if we see the same 10% move speed in others class, then may we indeed have a issue. why? simple....

A barbarian, already have 30% move speed from spring + 5% on leggings (not everyone have it of course, but have players that have), and then will get 10% ms on champion gear. Since the spring gives to the barb a huge "explosion power" in the speed, even 5% makes a huge difference. Now we going to see barbs rushing from behind a tree with 40% move speed and 30% ranged resist under unstoppable madness. This yes is a problem!

Now pay attention...Barbarians, unlike hunters, does not need a better time of reaction, for many reasons: they own plenty of crowd control spells, they have most of their powers in instant casting, they own enough damage to don't need to keep a fight for a medium or long time, so in short. Barbarians, as everyone know, is a class of explosion. In short time it can destroy its target and then retreat. the problem is that if you guys give even more move speed, or attack speed etc for barbarians, it will just increase the umbalance which already exists since the spring was drastically improved, together with the actual situation of this bugy range from the spears, which in the end no one know what is the attack range. some players hit you from 5 m with spear, others hit you from 3 m with dual swords, after all, not even i know what is the real range of a melee class in this game. and gives more move speed for a class such barbarians, is a sad mistake.

Out this, i think the status of the champion gear is in the right way to some classes of the game, and indeed should be increased, but for others, as it is for barbarians, it should be really rethought.

Kind Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


05-21-2016, 03:30 AM
My opinion about TDM & Champion Gear

- number of people per match: 3v3 seems good, but often (in haven at least) we see that 2 realms have enough ppl but other only have 1 and then everyone have to keep waiting; In servers with small population the system of 1v1 would be just great. please allow the TDM to be also in 1v1. so we can depend less of others players.

Sorry, i stopped here. Asking TDM to be aviable for 1v1 is more stupid than i can deal with. Especially irritating since you are playing the hunter class, i.e. you can not loose a fight if you don' t decide to. "Oh damn im outplayed, ill stay camod until my opponent goes AFK for boredness or logs off". This whole fking game doesn't work if a fight doesn't involve a class that cannot run away from the truth. That has to fight when its time to.. Hunters were always kind of lame, and the only thing saving them was that this was a RvR game. Now dont start asking for 1v1, because it would just ask to abandon this"error" in design - and delete Hunters altogether.

Elva Hunter
05-21-2016, 03:38 AM
Hunters were always kind of lame, and the only thing saving them was that this was a RvR game. Now dont start asking for 1v1, because it would just ask to abandon this"error" in design - and delete Hunters altogether.

The only "error" here is a such tard player like you Enio come here complain about hunters class. (which is completely off the subject of the post.)

and yes, 1v1 should be allowed in TDM, would work pretty well and if anyone doubt of it, i say:
- Make the test NGD; Put 1v1 in TDM allowed for haven and RA and let's let the people say, by the experience, if it works or not. So we gonna see who is correct here.


Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


05-21-2016, 04:42 AM
Guys did u notice we can now rent mount for gold ? i didn't see that in change log :huh:

Umm, is there a changelog somewhere to be found at all?
I usually find stuff like it, but now I can't :D.

OT: I'm sure most of ya will hate me for what ima say about TDM, but here it goes.

IMO, the warzone is a big instance already where we can (could) play matches with each other in general, so CoR doesn't need it.
The other thing is that it's still not worked out well how they should be running to not affect wars, always have to wait too much to get into it, not enough players...
The key word is "players".
You would need players to start some fight / hunt in WZ too and that, at least on lower populated servers like Haven, is missing.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against TDM, it could bring more diversity to the game, but as long as there's no solution for the player part and the main part of the game ( to not affect wars), IMO it'd be better if it was turned off completely.

05-21-2016, 06:07 AM
The only "error" here is a such tard player like you Enio come here complain about hunters class. (which is completely off the subject of the post.)

and yes, 1v1 should be allowed in TDM, would work pretty well and if anyone doubt of it, i say:
- Make the test NGD; Put 1v1 in TDM allowed for haven and RA and let's let the people say, by the experience, if it works or not. So we gonna see who is correct here.


Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


No need for direct insults. Especially to players that are older than you ingame and have contributed so much in the community, not only ingame but also behind the scenes.

Enio correctly mentions that hunter class is an exceptional one, and if you actually look at the evolution of the changelog during years, you'll notice that there has been a significant effort to enroll this class in the RvRvR concept of the game. This is what Enio says, when refering to the "error" in design.

I won't comment in detail the rest of your post, but it's flawed for two fundamental reasons:
1. CoR is an RvRvR game and not a PvP one. Everything ingame is meant to work for RvRvR.
2. Your comments about champion armor totally ignore mage class. This game is not just "Barb vs Hunter around a tree".

Best regards,
Dr. LawZ

05-21-2016, 06:10 AM
just 1 last hit for an archer from a range of 50m, and we all loose that hard work we did to kill any1, do something for this kill steal shit

05-21-2016, 07:02 AM
and yes, 1v1 should be allowed in TDM, would work pretty well and if anyone doubt of it, i say:
- Make the test NGD; Put 1v1 in TDM allowed for haven and RA and let's let the people say, by the experience, if it works or not. So we gonna see who is correct here.

Why would 1v1 be put into a game mode called 'Team Death Match'? You must be completely retarded if you think NGD would even bother.

The only problem is that 3v3v3 isn't enough for a fun match, if a team has anything other than conjurer/barb its gonna be a tough match to win

05-21-2016, 07:44 AM
Please add a penalty for staying too long in your own base.

Every player gets a x min timer. Whenever he his in his own base the timer starts running. If he goes out again it stops running. The timer only resets if it ran out for once or if the player was outside the base for more than x mins.

If the timer runs out, your base starts to damage you, just like the enemy base. If you die this way both enemy teams get a point.

KIlling one of the mobs halves the enemy timers instantly and increases the damage they take in the base.

Passive play should not be encouraged!

How long such a timer should be, must be tested, but i think something like 1-2mins should be fine.

Edit: I also think the enemy base should not be able to kill you immediately. It should stop at 1hp for a few seconds (timer so they can't hide in enemy base). This way people can't intentionally do easily a kamikaze run without giving the defender credit.

05-21-2016, 10:55 AM
Pls add a step between spawn and central zone, or add something so ppl don't draw back every other second. Once you leave the spawning area, you should not be able to go back. Please consider this, even if it means that the healing effect has to be removed.
Old TDMs had this kind of steps, you remember? I prefered that spawn protection to the current one.

Elva Hunter
05-21-2016, 01:34 PM
No need for direct insults. Especially to players that are older than you ingame

1- He was the one who started so i am just treating him in same way.

2- play since longer time dont mean knowledge....neither that he can insult me and that i have to stay quiet.

3- i already proved for A + B that players olds....not always are good indeed in pvp or in combat and i guess you know it pretty well.

4- about the 1v1 in TDM, yeah its a suggestion, what the problem in extern my suggestion in a topic related to this subject if this forum is exact for this kind of game discussion?
sorry but i don't see any problem.


Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


05-21-2016, 01:40 PM
Ofc it would work, it would be a cross-realm arena nothing more.
And we all know how well populated the arenas are. Not to forget how well the game is balanced around 1v1 fights.

While we are at it, let's also add 2v2, 5v5, 6v6 ,7v7. Maybe at some point we can have a own queue for every player in the game.
Let's split the population even more.

05-21-2016, 02:49 PM
An invisible wall/barrier at spawn which enemies can't penetrate will solve the issues I think.

1) No suicide runs to not give a kill.
2) No necro penalty.
3) No spawn camps.

Together with removing HP regeneration this should work. It should be a two-way wall though, so defenders(rangers) don't run back and be able to hit the attackers once they're in their safe zone.

05-21-2016, 04:37 PM
Conjurer sanctuary and archer low profile should not work in TDM along with WM powers.

05-21-2016, 04:50 PM
Conjurer sanctuary and archer low profile should not work in TDM along with WM powers.

uhu, but irritation and mind squasher (why does this spell still exist???????) should?

05-21-2016, 05:12 PM
Cross server TDM would solve the issue low population servers suffer of right now. Endless waiting for a match. :(

Allow low populated servers to join RA TDM as well. Tho Adrián said it's not possible for some reason.....

05-21-2016, 06:33 PM
NGD said u can forget about TDM cross servers, there is no hope for haven, even nemon was better.

Merge Haven with valhalla or RA.

05-21-2016, 09:30 PM
This battlezone is not for warlock...
As we have discussed many times before, lock is the less bad only in war support.
In battlezone, the team with the greatest number of lock, it is the weakest team.
That is not fun for lock...
Teammate when see they have one lock in their team ... you see their sad face ....

Elva Hunter
05-22-2016, 01:34 AM
This battlezone is not for warlock...
As we have discussed many times before, lock is the less bad only in war support.
In battlezone, the team with the greatest number of lock, it is the weakest team.
That is not fun for lock...
Teammate when see they have one lock in their team ... you see their sad face ....

You are right...."the team with the greatest number of locks is the weakest"

That's true....When those warlocks does not know how to play ;)
So they come here to forum...Complain and Cry.


Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


05-22-2016, 06:01 AM
You are right...."the team with three support conju is the weakest"

Fixed it for you.
Yes, it is also happening :facepalm3:

05-22-2016, 09:08 AM
You are right...."the team with the greatest number of locks is the weakest"

That's true....When those warlocks does not know how to play ;)
So they come here to forum...Complain and Cry.


Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


hahah funny …

You should try to play as warlock and make a team of warlock, send us your winning screen at battlezone.
After this we could start to talk

Here a quick and not complete example of team up:

- 1 hunt, 1 barb, [ lock, barb, knight,conj]
A hunter with Stalker Surroundings (http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Stalker_Surroundings) camo the team and ambush one of other opponents
- 2 marksmans, 1 barb
marks can push back lock, conj to isolate one opponent, the barb finish it
- 2 barb, 1 conj
classic rush, heal, retreat
- 2 barb, 1 lock
flanck opponent, sultar them, conf other lock and come back quick

I repeat is not complete, the key is team works

05-22-2016, 09:41 AM
I have to agree lock is indeed a sad class in TDM. It also depends on the team composition of opponents. But playing as a barb, locks are primary meat for points, because basically once your team has more than one barb or archer barb combo, you zoom in on that one lonely lock(s), they are standing kills. All other classes can get away or sustain a bit of damage except lock. Once he's knocked, it's pretty much a guaranteed kill. What's he gonna do, mind push his way out..? Yeah good luck with that.

It's hard to define a baseline for TDM though with varying classes. Because TDM's class composition in itself is very bad, how else would you end up with three conjurers in a team. I ended up with two locks on my team once, and I knew the result before it began, especially when other teams are barbs, knights, conjurers. All the best locks in the game in RvR, will suffer in TDM due to it being heavily reliant on the individuals forming the team in the 3v3v3 format. If it becomes more than 3 then things could look better I suppose.

I just hope they do apply class restrictions per slot per instance or something like that.

05-22-2016, 10:07 PM
Conjurer sanctuary and archer low profile should not work in TDM along with WM powers.

MasturTroll about Sanctuary and low profile. :tsk_tsk:

Elva Hunter
05-23-2016, 01:08 AM
hahah funny …

You should try to play as warlock and make a team of warlock, send us your winning screen at battlezone.
After this we could start to talk

Here a quick and not complete example of team up:

- 1 hunt, 1 barb, [ lock, barb, knight,conj]
A hunter with Stalker Surroundings (http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Stalker_Surroundings) camo the team and ambush one of other opponents

This is the reason i said and i came here to repeat....in a polite way of course, that you.... ***** ;)

Because TDM is a game of last blow....Not a game of guerrilla as we can do in war zone or in fort. right above, you exposed what is your conception of "war" and it maybe could work if we were speaking about a battle in open camp, with morepossibilities of map and place, but the map of TDM which we have actually is almost a square, closed and dry.

You surely must be a RvR player and i do not even have to know your warlock name to know this. but the point my friend....is that RvR strategy does not work in TDM as it is at this currently.

Because what you will do to ambush your enemy, even if be very well executed, will not make sure the final result will be in favor of your team.

I am very dominant in my class, everyone know it, and when i begin in TDM usually i put off combat at least 2 of the enemy group, and let the 3º under a CC or rushing like a dumb to his death, and even so, not always i am the one who get the kill, and even worst,... not always my own team get the kill.
Sometimes a mofo do a normal hit after I and my team take down the entire hp from the enemy, and puf! his team got the kill.

So, thats the reason i tell you, warlocks, conjurers, archers, barbs, anything....no matter in TDM to count if you can get kills or not, neither which strategy you will use. Using stalker in TDM is a single shot gun which have a very small chance of work, for many reasons 1- not many players know how to use stalker properly. 2- you need a team very well mainstreamed to use it, and finally but not less important, the 3º reason....-you and your team probably will feel what hunters feel when hit a foe from camo.. which is...."be totaly vulnerable, and defense less". This reason by it self already open a window for your "strategy/pro gank" become an epic fall, plus, you will be risking give 3-4 kills easy for the 3º team which engage in the combat.

So....Forget what you learned in the old RO guides of RvR. In TDM does not work. For TDM the key is "be fast" "play smart" and "have luck". nothing else.

you cry about warlocks have no chance in TDM, but this is a mistake...warlocks have plenty of powers to completely domain the TDM, and without expose him self to all the risks of a close battle.

By the way, i do play in warlock, and i am kinda good on it too, i just dont own all those 100000000000000000000000%%%% cs that everyone have, and play in warlock is too boring, easy to kill most of the things, you feel immortal and i dont like this. a challenge sometimes is good ^^

And to finish...TDM unfortunatelly....does not say that anyone is a "champion". Sometimes i wonder if the armors and the tittles given in the game are just due "find a nice name" or if the wish of the DEVs is really find between their community, the top, the select group, of really good players, proved through merit and challenges, to become a champion.

Until the TDM test our abilities more than our last blow....the champions will lack of "essence."

Kind Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


Elva Hunter
05-23-2016, 01:17 AM
Conjurer sanctuary and archer low profile should not work in TDM along with WM powers.

Let's disable "spring" "berserker" and "spiritual blow" there too then. ;)

Also don't forget to disable "sultar's terror" "master of doom" "frozen storn" and "picky ivy". ;)



Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


05-28-2016, 05:05 AM
Kill Stealing is a big pain in the ass in TDM. It sucks to do all the effort and for someone else to take it all in the end with one hit, especially archers.

To prevent it, use the same RP contribution formula you use in the warzone and remove individual scores. Whenever a kill is made, you can just show Syrtis scores, Alsius scores etc.

05-28-2016, 05:29 AM
Insane crashes and unbelievable class imbalance between teams ruins the fun of this new battlezone feature. Side with a conju and barb vs side with a lock and hunter with no conju. I mean come on. Ficking retarded game design to have only a 3 man team of random class instead of having 6 player of each class on each side.... Majority of us are not enjoying this battlezone due to crash and class imbalance.

05-28-2016, 05:36 AM
I have to agree lock is indeed a sad class in TDM. It also depends on the team composition of opponents. But playing as a barb, locks are primary meat for points, because basically once your team has more than one barb or archer barb combo, you zoom in on that one lonely lock(s), they are standing kills. All other classes can get away or sustain a bit of damage except lock. Once he's knocked, it's pretty much a guaranteed kill. What's he gonna do, mind push his way out..? Yeah good luck with that.

It's hard to define a baseline for TDM though with varying classes. Because TDM's class composition in itself is very bad, how else would you end up with three conjurers in a team. I ended up with two locks on my team once, and I knew the result before it began, especially when other teams are barbs, knights, conjurers. All the best locks in the game in RvR, will suffer in TDM due to it being heavily reliant on the individuals forming the team in the 3v3v3 format. If it becomes more than 3 then things could look better I suppose.

I just hope they do apply class restrictions per slot per instance or something like that.

I feel the frustration playing lock in tdm. 1 distract shot or knock ur dead. No get away spell at all... No fun for lock with or without conju. Side with barb and conju always prevail. Conju heal appear to be too much for a 3 man team to offset. Plus they call all run back to base quickly. This design is just fucking wrong. Class composition of 3 create huge imbalance. I would say the last battlezone have less problems and are more fun than this.

05-28-2016, 08:09 AM
How about fixing this climbable hill which negates your entire "mound at base" concept.


05-28-2016, 08:17 AM
How about fixing this climbable hill which negates your entire "mound at base" concept.


Off-topic: My rank seems so OP <3

On-topic: Yes, that hill is half climbable. Needs a fix.

Dr. LawZ

05-28-2016, 09:37 AM
I feel the frustration playing lock in tdm. 1 distract shot or knock ur dead. No get away spell at all... No fun for lock with or without conju.

Learn to play lock, Hepha! Elva knows better.

you cry about warlocks have no chance in TDM, but this is a mistake...warlocks have plenty of powers to completely domain the TDM, and without expose him self to all the risks of a close battle.

(sarcasm, ofc)

05-28-2016, 11:27 AM
Lock is a war support class in RvR . This class is not good at battlezone.
Moreover spell was never really updated to match with the new and old level cap 60.
In fact other class like to know that lock are useless. They do not want that this weak class become normal.

They will cry «OP» at each modification.

NGD will not fix this class because the game is designed for RvR. Lot of warrior some archer few mage.

Elva is not a mage and do not know the problem. I wait his winning screen with a mage team.

Lastly, I play since 2007 and to my experience do not expect a change from ngd . The game is at it is it....
That is crap but that will not change

05-28-2016, 11:55 AM
i also got bored of warlock, what a weak class, people who say on forums "warlocks are fine" are usually the ones who dont want warlocks to be improved so they can destroy them at warzone, it must be so fun to dismount and kill a warlock, it must be so fun to kill a warlock under kick lvl 4, or to render a warlock useless from range 50, most of those people see the youtube videos made by some warlocks, who get double or triple kills against mostly noob archers in RA, and they think to themselves warlocks are op, i dont know a single warlock who played warlock as a main class, reached lvl 60 wm and said warlocks are op

after the champion legs came up, i dropped slow and mindpush because its a waste of points,

go see haven ranking tell me if an active warlock comes on the top 5 of anything except realm task,

Ra is a different story because areas give nice rewards therefore u can easily place in top 5

sadly you see many warlock players crying about their class ( me included ) but you dont see any hunter or marks or barb, maybe knight crying about his class

Elva Hunter
05-28-2016, 02:05 PM

I never saw zepha, or Gestern complain about warlocks and i can bet that if they do there will be so much more factual basis for their complaint.
(and i tell you that the experience which i have of their gameplay is not of just watching videos in youtube) ;)

Warlock is the only class which does not depend on gear to make damage. A warlock lvl 40 can do the same damage of a lock lvl 60. Just this already make of warlocks the most balanced class in a fight "class vs class" of the game.

The array of options in the hands of a warlock is so much larger than the options in the hands of a hunter or even a barbarian.
and I don't have to say here the many ways (because indeed are many) that a warlock have to domain and overcome any class.

Specially the SM tree that as it is at present, generates a complete disbalance in the game.

All those (3 or 4 players) who are complaining here in the forum, surely does not know not even 30% of the real capacity of a warlock, are noob players, are included in the called group of "turtles", RvR dependent, who does not know how to kill not even a single foe if don't be with help of others or using some cheat/bug.

To finish, i agree with you guys, in one point....many class in the game need a fix or a improvement in some aspect. Okay, it's normal and really good for the game in general, BUT, using forum to spam complains asking for more and more power for a class which clearly do not need of more offensive or defensive power, is a mistake, a sad mistake, because in the end, everyone will end up or playing on warlock, or quiting the game because of the abuse of powers and skills given to a single class.

Barbarians and knights are a clear example of it, how often, tell me, how often you guys who are here complaining did not said "leave the knight, is a waste of time trying to kill it" when the mofo knight used deflect barrier, def support, def instance and started to easily take the hits of your entire party without any problem.
If no one here never said something like this, i give you all my mags in syrtis!

And if a player (if even 1 single player) give up on trying to kill other class because everyone know that it's defense is absurdly high, this already show by it self, that this class need a fix.

The same goes for barbarians, and warlocks. Look that i am not asking for nerf in warlocks. I am asking just for you all be fair, fair with your selves and recognize simple things, as for example: that SM tree should not stay as it is, due the reasons that I know that everyone here know too!. That MOD working throught son of the wind, is an error. and that locks as it is at this moment, in terms of offensive powers, crowd control powers and defense, are indeed really fine; in TDM, RvR, or PvP, no matter, they can do really great.

Kind Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


05-28-2016, 02:38 PM
First of all, all those warlock against odds videos are only highlights of them vs bunch of random noobs In combat. They do show to some extent their player skills but No single warlock can win in a 1vs 2 situation against players of equal skill and combat experience. If such thing exist today, warlock need a nerf.

Gestern no longer plays the game and he never posts this thoughts in English forum. All his videos were from ages ago before warlock got nerfed. Now is a different game.
Zeph doesn't play haven no more. Not commenting about warlock on forum doesn't mean warlock is op. They are completely two different thing.

I'd like to see them post a video on tdm fighting vs barbs + conjus + marks. Class composition imbalance is undeniable in battlezone. Warlock does have advantage in certain situations but warlock in battlezone is no fun at all no matter how u look at it.

05-28-2016, 05:58 PM
Gestern no longer plays the game and he never posts this thoughts in English forum. All his videos were from ages ago before warlock got nerfed. Now is a different game.
Zeph doesn't play haven no more. Not commenting about warlock on forum doesn't mean warlock is op. They are completely two different thing.

Gestern still plays in RA. Just posted a video of himself like last week. Zeph also plays in RA. Both are annoying to fight still. Same as Mag Mage/other Hardstyle locks.

But getting back on Topic. Warlock can only benefit from having a barb on the team. 90% of the time you need a barb to win. However if you're playing VS horrible players there is a good chance you could win in RA. I don't play Haven TDM. But I did play 1 match and the highest score was 5 kills. Is that fun? :lol:

06-02-2016, 08:41 PM
Any idea when the next update about TDM will be ? Between dead WZ (even on Ra at times), realms that prefer to do TDM and lose gems rather than come fight at forts, recurring crashes, and champion gear balancing issues, I'm not quite sure battlezones have any positive impact on the game in their current state, nor that they provide a pleasant gameplay experience. I'd say we need a fix desperatly...

06-03-2016, 03:37 PM
On the contrary, TDM is the only thing that is making people log into Haven. As ironic as it is, try logging in on non-TDM days, it's a graveyard shift. Syrtis will be offline of course, and whatever Ignis/Alsius you'll see are strays with either side having one or more players than the other and thus resulting in active player imbalance for which the lesser numbered realm at that point will just log off, which further buries Haven even more. So technically, there is only one realm online at any given moment. So much for RvR that all take pride in claiming about this game.

I will do an inverted suggestion of enabling TDM everyday except Sunday and putting a timeout or cooldown for each player who has participated. Don't have to be a lengthy one, just some mins. But this effect is already in place on Haven, due to it being so less populated and you have to wait a good amount of time to even get one match. To put it bluntly, due to the population mismatch, every Syrtis can get a match faster than every Alsius or Ignis. And more often than not, it's the same few Syrtis who get in repeatedly.

If TDM is what people enjoy the most, then whatever things you do to restrict people from playing it will eventually backfire. More players could leave the game along with those who returned specifically for TDM. You should try to find the revenue in this game mode, it's pretty obvious it is popular than your generic base game. I can suggest some ideas, but I think you already know them.

So fix it, enhance it and let it loose to rake in the moolah so you go laughing to the bank and people get to play whatever they want.

06-04-2016, 01:06 PM
After a bit of time in TDM on Haven, here what i think about it:
- no war at all when TDM is enabled (but almost none anyway the other days)
- bug causing disconnection near Alsius hill has to be fixed NOW
- battles are quite boring, especially because winning realm tends to play the watch (3vs3)
- map isn't bad, but i would add a central small hill or a small lake, terrain is too flat
- afkers kill the game (wtf, if you don't want to play, just don't log in)
- safe zone should be more visible (add bushes where it starts e.g.)

Imho, a timer should prevent people to stay in the safe zone too long:
- only a small place in the safe zone should heal wo0unded characters, up to 100% health (as it does now, but only around spawn point)
- character staying in safe zone more than 20 seconds with full health, will start to loose max health points for the rest of the match (cannot be healed)
- if max health attains 50% of normal max health, character is excluded from the match, giving 1 point to each of the other realms.

06-04-2016, 03:56 PM
The team that doesn't get any kill during TDM shouldn't be rewarded at all.

06-04-2016, 05:30 PM
The team that doesn't get any kill during TDM shouldn't be rewarded at all.

First fix the three support conju issue, then fine :p