View Full Version : Hurt Locker

08-09-2016, 01:35 PM
Hi everyone,

Played warlock for the first time and got some clips so made a video. Really not a great warlock but your feedback and tips will improve my game.



08-09-2016, 10:38 PM
nice captain, i see dispel lvl 4 failing twice in a row rip

08-10-2016, 07:11 AM
nice captain, i see dispel lvl 4 failing twice in a row rip

Ya been many fails lately :p, also getting aggro from a random high level mob is also bs, imagine me fighting a high lvl player and on top of that mob attacking me :/

08-10-2016, 04:43 PM
You play quite good and perform nice for this character level. The only thing that little annoys me is most of the video is treehugging. I know lock is quite fragile and using obstacles helps alot but hugging a tree on a video looks erm...

P.S. I hug trees when i run on enemies too on my conju. :drunk:

08-11-2016, 01:27 AM
You play quite good and perform nice for this character level. The only thing that little annoys me is most of the video is treehugging. I know lock is quite fragile and using obstacles helps alot but hugging a tree on a video looks erm...

P.S. I hug trees when i run on enemies too on my conju. :drunk:

Hi lamai uga, I tree hug based on opponent setup xD