View Full Version : Who says that grinding drop sucks? :)
10-30-2016, 12:46 PM
Dropped this few minutes ago. Btw, anyone knows what would be the good price for this tunic on Ra/Alsius?
10-30-2016, 04:37 PM
Who says that grinding drop sucks? :)
Dropped this few minutes ago. Btw, anyone knows what would be the good price for this tunic on Ra/Alsius?
I (still) DO! :lol: Grinding (period) sucks! :closed2:
That said tho, I literally never drop-grind, & once upon a time (in goat oc, not that ABC tv show) I dropped a legendary too (right after they were introduced), & it was best item i ever dropped or boxed (except it was a f-ing rapier, doh!). Bet the grinder I buffed to get it would be pissed if they ever knew, but I was passing thru otw to pn on me conj, & just helping out (kudos to me then?).
Hmmm, those resists are pretty bad, so idk, 'Mr. 42'. I wouldn't ever pay more'n 100, top-of-tops, even on a very good day, but that's me. Offer at thrice that price & let them haggle ya' down?
10-30-2016, 05:30 PM
8 years. 5 level 50s (pre wm). 2 level 60s. maybe i have dropped 2? items which i have held onto.
grinding is not rewarding
10-30-2016, 05:33 PM
8 years. 5 level 50s (pre wm). 2 level 60s. maybe i have dropped 2? items which i have held onto.
grinding is not rewarding
That's true. But with scavenger gem combined with 3x loot boster, it's quite different story.
10-30-2016, 07:08 PM
That's true. But with scavenger gem combined with 3x loot boster, it's quite different story.
lol all that just for few drops no thanks
10-30-2016, 07:52 PM
That's true. But with scavenger gem combined with 3x loot boster, it's quite different story.
600% * shit = still shit.
Problem is (mostly) not the amount of drops, the problem lies within
1st the rarity of special, magic and epic items and
2nd the fact that few boni are 10 times more useful than others. Special leggings with 150 mana are super valuable, while epic ones with evade change and fire restance and magical resistance are nothing but trash in endgame
10-30-2016, 08:04 PM
Actually, rough numbers are as follows:
- using scavenger gem
- grinding with two 3x loot boosters (so, two hours)
- grinding with lvl 60 barb
- killing mobs between very easy and normal difficulty
- grinding anywhere between Alsius CS and wall
I dropped:
- 2 great gems
- this legendary tunic
- great epic lvl 60 spear
- cca 20 minor/major gems (good enough for gem fusion)
- cca 30 special (lvl 45-60) and 1 magic item (lvl 60) good enough for AH sale (superior/master/great)
- unknown number of white / defect / worn items sold to merchant for like 8-9m gold in total
I gave you numbers, you conclude. Anyway, I will grind with 3x boosters with next scavenger gem for sure.
10-31-2016, 04:51 AM
Last scavenger gem we had in syrtis haven.i dropped 2 legendary items 1 epic and i didnt use drop boosters just the gem.
admittedly i was grinding for the full 6 hours non stop on my wm warju which kills mobs very fast and i was able to kill a lot of mobs with no resting at all.
the scavenger gem is nice,but the effort required to obtain drops is still a lot.without the scavenger gem ive never dropped anything worth while in 9 years.
so id still say drop rates suck!
11-01-2016, 05:12 PM
Maybe a semi-scavenger gem for WMC?
11-01-2016, 06:23 PM
Maybe a semi-scavenger gem for WMC?
Ow, a dev reply but it still didn't answer the question about drop percent. C'mon and give us the goods!
11-01-2016, 07:30 PM
Maybe a semi-scavenger gem for WMC?
lol why don't you guy just boost the drop rate? I mean really as it is it sucks
11-01-2016, 08:13 PM
since thier inception,i have used aprox 50-60 double loot chance scrolls.mainly for getting loot.
what i have dropped while using those has been 1 legendary item and aprox 4-5 epic items and 2 great gems,which were not for my class and quite useless really.
i conclude that the scavenger gem has a higher drop % than the double loot scrolls,since i have dropped way more legendary items using he scavenger gem than loot scrolls.
if the semi scavenger gem was introduced,it would have to be higher % than the double loot scrolls or it is not worth using.
11-02-2016, 06:44 AM
Maybe a semi-scavenger gem for WMC?
Maybe you could a add a new stat for gloves/gauntlets (epic only) for droprate +1-5 ?
11-02-2016, 08:33 AM
Maybe a semi-scavenger gem for WMC?
Sure that would be nice but couldn't you fix the original scavenger gem first? Thanks.
11-02-2016, 09:07 AM
My experience regarding grinding and drops:
PRE-WM era-> abundant drops, lots of stuff to trade, many items to self-sustain all my characters needs
early-WM-> with new lvl cap and lots of grind I used to drop monthly at least 3-5 epic, 7-12 magic, tons of specials, most of them v good quality, trade flurished
middle WM-> when majority of population reached lvl 60 and lots of boxes were used by them, the drop rate gradually fell down but still it was not so bad
RAVEN merge-> it was great drop rate fall for me, moreover 90% of drops began to be below lvl 50 while all my characters were lvl 55+
diamond box introduction-> it was v funny, v rare specials, no epic drops, no magic drops, over dozen legendary ones in 2 weeks period (shame all of them were below lvl 45 and only 1 lvl 43 sword got usable stats)
Have you made similar observations?
I am now playing ra, got barb lvl 42 and its sad to have rare drops and most of them below lvl... 35. One of the major forces pushing me to grind a lot were drops, I remember dropping badass knight bp lvl 49 and 2-handed sword lvl 51. I got frenzy-grinding on my barb just to see my "baby" in action as soon as possible.
Regarding scavenger gem-> used it once on Haven during exp+loot boost and buyed 2x triple loot boosters. I dropped 1 sellable lvl 56 spear, 1 badass special tunic for conju i gave to my clan friend and rest was just the sea of the common/special junk that ended up at vendor. At least i got 4,7kk gold for that and 37 magna for spear.
For me buying loot boosters is useful only to speed up loot farming for loot tasks.
11-02-2016, 03:24 PM
Grinding drops suck, no matter what you drop Slarti.
The whole system sucks, they want you to go to WZ after LV30 and grind via war, ok.... If so, then provide us the gear for it. If we grind via war how the hell will we get the gear?!
We get items at LV30, I wouldn't call it decent, but definitely better than the store-bought one. Grind by war, ok, but give us the gear every 5 (max 10) level!! At LV 45 and 55 for sure! Complete a quest to get it! In other games ( I will not mention now) you get superior equipment by doing quests, try to give more NGD to get more....
Item mall sucks too, I could bet that the most sold items are boxes, that's why you don't wanna change drop rate, mounts and boosters. Done. If you would finally revamp the whole item mall and would add new items, maybe you could raise the drop rate, give better gear by quests etc....
New type of premium items are needed, more than you could imagine. And please, forget mounts, unless they have different speed and or casting time.
Let go of these and create NEW stuff, new stuff we all would buy, you will have your income too, guarantee!! :thumb:
11-03-2016, 10:13 AM
Drop rate sucks in this game. Pretty hard to collect any gear till end game, no quests after 40... mini scavenger gem for wmc would be nice but global drop rate should be increased as well.
In GW2 ( players are rewarded for capturing fortifications.... chest spawns with random piece of eq and random rarity. COR is RvR game and we get nothing except WMC for wars.
11-04-2016, 03:18 PM
Drop rate sucks in this game. Pretty hard to collect any gear till end game, no quests after 40... mini scavenger gem for wmc would be nice but global drop rate should be increased as well.
In GW2 ( players are rewarded for capturing fortifications.... chest spawns with random piece of eq and random rarity. COR is RvR game and we get nothing except WMC for wars.
Loot rate is not bad. What I can agree on is about the quality of what you get and that would require some serious revamp.
"Mini-scavenger gem" idea is because in order to get something, you should first "pay" with war activity.
Giving anything useful for capturing forts is dangerous and problematic. We already have these things happening in the past. Anything you reward in forts becomes can be farmed. It changes the user attitude towards war and we don't want to touch that anymore. Asking for WMC is the right thing to do.
So, I agree that in the future we will have to revamp the loot system and the reward calculations too.
11-04-2016, 04:17 PM
Loot rate is not bad. What I can agree on is about the quality of what you get and that would require some serious revamp.
"Mini-scavenger gem" idea is because in order to get something, you should first "pay" with war activity.
Giving anything useful for capturing forts is dangerous and problematic. We already have these things happening in the past. Anything you reward in forts becomes can be farmed. It changes the user attitude towards war and we don't want to touch that anymore. Asking for WMC is the right thing to do.
So, I agree that in the future we will have to revamp the loot system and the reward calculations too.
I can agree on this Adrian. And yes indeed its not so much the drop rate but that when you do get something its almost always bad. :tsk_tsk:
11-04-2016, 04:23 PM
Loot rate is not bad. What I can agree on is about the quality of what you get and that would require some serious revamp.
"Mini-scavenger gem" idea is because in order to get something, you should first "pay" with war activity.
Giving anything useful for capturing forts is dangerous and problematic. We already have these things happening in the past. Anything you reward in forts becomes can be farmed. It changes the user attitude towards war and we don't want to touch that anymore. Asking for WMC is the right thing to do.
So, I agree that in the future we will have to revamp the loot system and the reward calculations too.
Isn't it better to just concentrate on improving and extending the crafting system. I suppose once the high lvl crafting is unlocked nobody will be interested in dropping gear anyway.
Also we have Warmaster armor, Dragon armor, Champion armor. Possibly craftable armor? I don't know what you have planned.
Those things are healthier for the game than encouraging grinding mobs for lvl 60s in my opinion.
11-04-2016, 05:05 PM
Isn't it better to just concentrate on improving and extending the crafting system. I suppose once the high lvl crafting is unlocked nobody will be interested in dropping gear anyway.
Also we have Warmaster armor, Dragon armor, Champion armor. Possibly craftable armor? I don't know what you have planned.
Those things are healthier for the game than encouraging grinding mobs for lvl 60s in my opinion.
It's what we're doing now. ;) That revamp I'm talking about would be when the core gameplay is complete.
11-04-2016, 07:58 PM
Giving anything useful for capturing forts is dangerous and problematic. We already have these things happening in the past. Anything you reward in forts becomes can be farmed. It changes the user attitude towards war and we don't want to touch that anymore. Asking for WMC is the right thing to do.
what about dropping from enemy players at fortifications... doubled drop chance at castles :D
11-04-2016, 08:27 PM
what about dropping from enemy players at fortifications... doubled drop chance at castles :D
I like it. :naughty:
11-05-2016, 02:48 AM
what about dropping from enemy players at fortifications... doubled drop chance at castles :D
getting drops from emenys would be amazing I have always thought it was a good idea that and more gold
11-05-2016, 02:46 PM
what about dropping from enemy players at fortifications... doubled drop chance at castles :D
as long as this couldn't be exploited, that'd be awesome! maybe items from the inventory of longtime-inactive and banned characters could be given out as rewards? :D
there is so much that could be done. guess I'll better make my own game
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