View Full Version : Data for level 60 Drop Rate%

11-02-2016, 04:19 PM
Data for level 60 creatures and level 60 character. The drop rate percentage for killing 2558 creatures is pretty solidly 2%. I didn't kill any other type of creatures just these. And didn't kill anything in-between quests just what it says 2558. Enjoy the information. :)

The truth is though is that the drops are very bad. And just one magical item that is level 51 from a creature that is level 60 :o.... And... for conjur? And with bad stats? :q...

The Photos: http://imgur.com/a/kKJnh

Drop Rate from Each-other: 43,85,45,112,4,66,(202).24,14,104,29,31,11,39,5,6, 1,26,1,85,1,6,34,49,(162).179,42,45,157,4,33,12,45 ,29,(47).44,71,26,9,72,3,82,51,4,56,108,11,59,17,1 1

The numbers on Yellow are used to show the numbers that i used to find out how the last drop from a quest was separated from the first drop of the quest that came next.

The rest of the colors show from which quest the numbers come from.

From the end of task three to the beginning of task four: Drops from Each-other: 594+26=620. 26+21=(47)

From the end of task two to the beginning of task three: Drops from Each-other: 531+114=645. 114+48=(162)

From the end of task one to the beginning of task two: Drops from Each-other: 498+137=635. 137+65=(202)

GGK.4, Drops from Each-other: 1)21+(44)=65. 2)65+(71)=136. 3)136+(26)=162. 4)162+(9)=171. 5)171+(72)=243. 6)243+(3)=246. 7)246+(82). 8)328+(51)=379. 9)379+(4)=383. 10)384+(56)=439. 11)439+(108)=547. 12)547+(11)=558. 13)558+(59)=617. 14)617+(17)=634. 15)634+(11)=645.

Fourth Quest) GGK.4: 1)21/658. 2)65/658. 3)136/658. 4)162/658. 5)171/658. 6)243/658. 7)246/658. 8)328/658. 9)379/658. 10)383/658. 11)439/658. 12)547/658. 13)558/658. 14)617/658. 15)634/658. 16)645/658.

GGK.3, Drops from Each-other: 1)48+(179)=227. 2)227+(42)=269. 3)269+(45)=314. 4)314+(157)=471. 5)471+(4)=475. 6)475+(33)=508. 7)508+(12)=520. 8)520+(45)=565. 9)565+(29).

Third Quest) GGK.3: 1)48/620. 2)227/620. 3)269/620. 4)314/620. 5)471/620. 6)475/620. 7)508/620. 8)520/620. 9)565/620. 10)594/620.

GGK.2, Drops from Each-other: 1)65+(24)=89. 2)89+(14)=103. 3)103+(104)=207. 4)207+(29)=236. 5)236+(31)=267. 6)267+(11)=278. 7)278+(39)=317. 8)317+(5)=322. 9)322+(6)=328. 10)328+(1)=329. 11)329+(26)=355. 12)355+(1)=356. 13)356+(85)=441. 14)441+(1)=442. 15)442+(6)=448. 16)448+(34)=482. 17)482+(49)=531.

Second Quest) GGK.2: 1)65/645. 2)89/645. 3)103/645. 4)207/645. 5)236/645. 6)267/645. 7)278/645. 8)317/645. 9)322/645. 10)328/645. 11)329/645. 12)355/645. 13)356/645. 14)441/645. 15)442/645. 16)448/645. 17)482/645. 18)531/645.

GGK.1, Drops from Each-other: 1)43+(143)=186. 2)186+(85)+271. 3)271+(45)=316. 4)316+(112)=428. 5)428+(4)=432. 6)432+(66)=498.

First Quest) GGK.1: 1)43/636. 2)186/635. 3)271/635. 4)316/635. 5)428/635. 6)432/635. 7)498/635.

11-04-2016, 03:09 PM
I dont understand this, can you make a TL,DR?

11-04-2016, 03:49 PM
I dont understand this, can you make a TL,DR?

I updated it. Hopefully you can understand it better now. :)

Also fixed an error on the number (70) from the Drops from Each-other part.

11-04-2016, 04:43 PM
Good work Ludwig.

If I am not mistaken, Bulgaro had made a similar investigation back to 2007-08 era. He resulted in a 1.5~2% drop rate for normal items. Of course back then, there weren't any other categories. So, in my opinion, it would be more interesting to check the drop rate per item category, i.e. per normal, special, etc. Of course that would magnify the needed work, but it is essential.

Dr. LawZ

11-05-2016, 12:19 AM
Good work Ludwig.

If I am not mistaken, Bulgaro had made a similar investigation back to 2007-08 era. He resulted in a 1.5~2% drop rate for normal items. Of course back then, there weren't any other categories. So, in my opinion, it would be more interesting to check the drop rate per item category, i.e. per normal, special, etc. Of course that would magnify the needed work, but it is essential.

Dr. LawZ

Thanks Dr. Lawz. :)

What i will be doing in the future is continue with my Gaint Green Kelonte Quest until 5 thousand plus kills and maybe even further until i get my next magical drop. And also to see the algorithms of drops per quest because as you saw at first quest i got 7 drops, second quest 18 drops, third quest 10 drops, and fourth quest 16 drops. I'm thinking that it may turn out that on one quest of 600 i get one drop then on the next quest it may make up for it by getting like 20+ drops etc.

11-05-2016, 05:55 AM
Possible-point-to-ponder: I was told many years ago by more than one RO-expert that exact drop-rate-%'s variated in both type, & amount, depending on the exact mob-type being grinded. /me shrugs, shuffles off...

11-08-2016, 02:12 PM
Also worth noting,during my time in alsius i was told by somebody close to Game Samba that ximerian purchases also effected the drop rate.

dont know how accurate that is,this person did say that game samba discovered this and it caused quite a bit of tension between them and ngd.

what ever the case,thought id add this just incase it was correct,which i doubt myself.