View Full Version : Something needs to be done about TDM on Haven

12-05-2016, 05:44 PM
For some reason the first match of everyday requires 4 people for each team, and then after it only requires 3. And still, it's hard to even get in a match because no one actually wants to play it.

People either want to save tickets for dragon raids or just simply don't care enough to take part. Which makes it harder for people who do want to get the armor.

The timing switches between 15:00 - 17:00 and 17:00 - 19:00 GMT which is usually during the most active hours of the server. This is fine, but battlezones are also open during early morning GMT times like 04:00 - 06:00 at which point the server is basically empty (ignis and syrtis are anyway).

Here are a few suggestions to maybe make people take part.

Double the rewards from win, loss and draws. Playing 1-2 matches a day for a reward of 2.5k max coins wont really make it easier to get the armor.
Remove the 1 ticket entry fee, and make it free to join for players level 55+.
Make the TDM times from 17:00 - 19:00 GMT everyday.

Thanks for reading

12-05-2016, 07:01 PM
Totaly Agreeing.

12-05-2016, 09:07 PM
Mmmm, I´m not really into TDM, but... if the time in which TDM are active is the same in Haven than Ra, isn´t it possible for players fron Haven to participate in Ra´s TDM? :D I don´t know, it´s just a simple idea xD

12-07-2016, 11:48 PM
^ allow tdm matches between haven and ra servers!

12-08-2016, 03:51 AM
Cross-server TDM battles could potentially be laggier/crashier though, since they potentially run on two different sets of machines. I think cross-server battles are always cool, but I'm just saying that there are a few caveats.

12-08-2016, 04:39 AM
I agree. TDM needs improvement in Haven.

Regarding cross-server TDM:
I'll make it easier for you. Cross server TDM are not possible and not a priority. Please, try to talk about what has been confirmed in the Roadmap, meaning: don't go beating about the bush :biggrin:

12-08-2016, 07:15 AM
Extend it to 4 or 5 hours, i didnt manage to play any tdm for a month !!

12-10-2016, 04:00 AM
2 UI suggestions that I think would help people stay in the queue, which would ultimately lead to more tdm.

1. Make the TDM queue window minimizable so it is less distracting during RvR. I often join the queue, and then go to a fort fight. The queue window takes up critical screen space around the UI and I often leave leave the queue because it's too distracting during a fight. Making it minimizable like the Halloween candy window or like the score window in TDM would make this less of an annoyance.

2. It's not immediate obvious from the UI when TDM is open, it requires clicking on the TDM button. If the TDM button lit up when TDM was active, I think more people would notice and join. similar to how the map button blinks when a map banner is placed, but just leave the button lit during active hours.

+1 to the suggestions in the above posts as well.

12-10-2016, 06:14 AM
I agree. TDM needs improvement in Haven.

Regarding cross-server TDM:

Yes well, obviously that's a bunch of malarkey. If it were TRULY "impossible," then it would also be "impossible" for us to even be playing this game together, not to mention such craziness as joining the test server or having cross-realm co-op boss battles... Take it to mean they don't have the infrastructure set up for it right now and aren't going to bother setting it up for something so small.

I think making the battlegrounds cross-server would really help for the long run, so it would be worth the effort just to make them semipermanently active, but I'm not making the game, and I totally understand the decision to focus resources elsewhere.

12-12-2016, 01:05 AM
I know merge is no possible for now but... ¿would anyone be mad if they shut down Haven and transfer our characters to Ra? And if so, how many of you would be... ¿10... 20? ¿Would it be a significant loss for NGD as company?
I know most players will keep playing, don't lie to yourself saying "I'll quit" xD

PD: Looks like my comment is not related to the main topic, but since population ingame is the real problem, which affects gameplay and TDM, I wanted to point it out :d

12-12-2016, 10:20 AM
I know merge is no possible for now but... ¿would anyone be mad if they shut down Haven and transfer our characters to Ra? And if so, how many of you would be... ¿10... 20? ¿Would it be a significant loss for NGD as company?
I know most players will keep playing, don't lie to yourself saying "I'll quit" xD

PD: Looks like my comment is not related to the main topic, but since population ingame is the real problem, which affects gameplay and TDM, I wanted to point it out :d

I understand that I probably fall in the minority on this, but in all seriousness and quite frankly I would quit if they shut down Haven, and my sister would too since she's really only in it to play with me, good as she may be on her own. I think we're probably not the only ones who would.

*end thread hijack*

02-01-2017, 05:10 AM

Not one match within its time period.
Alsius could play matches with themselves only, greens not joining at all most of the time :gun_bandana:

Elva Hunter
02-04-2017, 04:02 PM
Alsius could play matches with themselves only, greens not joining at all most of the time :gun_bandana:

Personal effort should be more valued. Many important things in the game can only be achieved with the help, and why not talk, dependence, goodwill, of other players. And this is very bad. Because it makes the personal growth of each player depends on other players. So that the game and the possibility of growth is literally more trapped, tied by others.

I have talked about this issue many times in the forum, but I always come back to it, not by my own choice, but because this post reveals, once again, the need to be more flexible, access to all titles and possibilities of the game, not Only for those who play in a group or who have a group to play, or who are included in one. But also for those who prefer to follow their own goals and move forward without having to wait or depend on anyone.

I commented on an earlier occasion, about the wm and champions coins. It is absurd that personal gameplay is restricted to strongholds or group combat. So that currently you only win champions coins if you have a group of 8 more players in total so that you have the chance, after 8-9 minutes of starting, maybe if you are lucky, win some champion coins, and if not You will have to make do with the fact that, after all the waiting time to enter a match, and spend another 8-9 minutes on a map stuck and without many possibilities, get only 300-400 champions coins. This is absurd. No one wants to play a game and spend a lifetime to reap only 1 title. The titles should be naturally obtained, and as far as possible, quickly and not so complicated, in order to leave the player at the next level once and for all.

It would be ideal if battles in the arena, between players of the same realm, and inter-realm, that is, players of a kingdom against a player of another kingdom (and that yes Dr. Adrian, we know that it is possible, since they are players of the same server), Give the champions coins to the winner.

This would make the process much simpler. Who wanted to battle in a group, that went to the tdm. Who wanted individual battles, to go to the arenas.
The amount of champions coins and wmc, obtained in fights of players of the same kingdom should, of course, be inferior to those obtained between fights of players of different kingdoms.

In addition, an "invitation" system could be developed. So that players in one realm would send a challenge request to the online player in the other Realm, and if I accepted that the two would already be teleported to the instance immediately, just as it happens with the tdm. But of course, with the same rules (not being in combat, etc). Soon, this would make the entire process of getting champion coins and wmc much more uncomplicated. Everyone could be happy, and I guarantee that we would never have a forum post again complaining about TDM delay. And I would bet one of my bows as I am correct.
That would be a significant and very positive change to the game, especially now that many changes are being implemented due to the new version.

Best Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis.


02-04-2017, 08:55 PM
Something, yes, but what? I can count the # of matches (old & new) I've done on my hands. Last TDM I tried a month or so ago, we ended up after about 1/2 an hour with a 'team' of 2 support conjs & a lower-lvl hunter versus 60th-lvl vicious-killers-of-same. I suppose we didn't have to try & fight this futile battle. I guess we could have just patiently stayed in the very back of our realm's safe-zone, quietly remain unseen, taken our consolation-prize of 400 cc's & just stfu. Still, have not queued since then as "what's the point?" has darkly clouded the skies of any personal desire to do so....


02-07-2017, 11:58 AM
i rarely join TDM,cuz basically its retarded.you get class mismatches 90% of the time.the save area's are just barb camping grounds cuz you cant cast there but they can kill you with norms.

add on top of that,the players who feed kills to the other team so your team dosnt win.its just a terrible concept made even worse by poor sportsmanship.

what ever happened to capture the flag?

02-07-2017, 12:21 PM
i rarely join TDM,cuz basically its retarded.you get class mismatches 90% of the time.the save area's are just barb camping grounds cuz you cant cast there but they can kill you with norms.

add on top of that,the players who feed kills to the other team so your team dosnt win.its just a terrible concept made even worse by poor sportsmanship.

what ever happened to capture the flag?

The whole point of TDM is to kill steal, and it is usually always possible to win. You'll always get feeders in your team but at least you get 400 coins even if you lose. Could be worse.

02-07-2017, 02:33 PM
The biggest issue (after getting a match at last) is the safe area.

As Tania mentioned it, you can get hit there where you cannot even buff up.
Should be fixed ASAP. Give sanctuary to players in the safe area, disallow even buffing! The movement speed buff can stay after getting killed.

Also, is it possible to make players face towards the battlefield after getting resurrected? It's quite annoying to have yourself facing towards the mountain, unable to get back to the fight... losing 1-2 sec of the speed buff cuz you need to find the right position. Give straight-ahead position towards the middle of the arena after resurrecting!

02-18-2017, 06:26 PM
I was online for the whole time of TDM in last three days and all what I got is 6 matches and about 15 canceled. How im supposted to get champion gear with this? At least raise champion coins reward...

Also TDM queue is bugged all the time.

02-18-2017, 08:07 PM
i agree with sentan, i was online for 2 hours of tdm and not even a single game

i have perfect solution for this, delete syrtis pl0x ty
they are a realm which takes no risks, with 5 knights and 2 barbs standing outside the door with the rest of archers and warlocks ontop of stairs, 0 risk

and when door goes down after 2 hours of fighting, half of them magically disappear, (relog?)

and if we show up at herb, most of the time they give up after 2-3 tries,on the other hand we try very hard to get back our green agg fort

syrtis wm quest is so hard to finish im forced to step so low as to kill poor unchallenging to unranked newbies in order to get a unique kill

and that doesnt even bother me but what bothers me is non of them is interested in tdm and the other 2 realms have to pay for it

02-19-2017, 01:35 AM
i agree with sentan, i was online for 2 hours of tdm and not even a single game

i have perfect solution for this, delete syrtis pl0x ty
they are a realm which takes no risks, with 5 knights and 2 barbs standing outside the door with the rest of archers and warlocks ontop of stairs, 0 risk

and when door goes down after 2 hours of fighting, half of them magically disappear, (relog?)

thats funny.why most syrtis magically disappear after 2 hours is because you alsius gave up and most got bored and logged or went hunting or went to cs.they didnt log out as fort door was gone.

so many times im at aggs and we have 8-10 and alsius have the same numbers,then one of your guys quits after 2 tries then another quits after the next try and before long your out numbered and cant win it back so the rest of you slowly give up.we hang around hoping you try again,but you never do and then slowly our guys leave one by one cuz they are bored abd alsius never even looked to see we had less.

02-19-2017, 06:38 AM
What are you talking about,alsius is the most coward realm in tdm camping save to the last move ,always.

02-19-2017, 07:32 AM
Can y'all stop throwing mud at others please and concentrate on the problem?

Will try to sum up the changes that would be necessary and good to improve TDM on Haven.

-First of all fix the visual bugs connected to it, such as invisible window, "match:label".

I would like to suggest 1 type of class in team for TDM.
Kind of pointless to have 3 knights in team and wait till the game ends, cause no one wants to attack.

Having restriction that there can't join same class again in team could balance it a bit and give some chances to score a point for other teams.

-Raise rewards, add CC boosters.

Too much waiting time on Haven, not many plays it, not even when there's nothing happening.

The suggestion would be :allow receiving WMC and WM quest kill counts too for killing players there (only the kill 10 ones?).

-Make the TDM time from 17:00-19:00 everyday but Sunday. > Monday school, work etc.

-Refresh TDM Calendar, it's three hours for a long time now and not two.

-Solve the cancel issue, I'd be up for removing the "Join" button completely, we join once already by clicking on its icon in the compass at the upper-right, isn't it obvious enough that we would like to play it?

Make the TDM queue window minimizable so it is less distracting during RvR. I often join the queue, and then go to a fort fight. The queue window takes up critical screen space around the UI and I often leave leave the queue because it's too distracting during a fight. Making it minimizable like the Halloween candy window or like the score window in TDM would make this less of an annoyance.

-Being attacked unbuffed in the save area is not funny at all.

Give sanctuary to players in the safe area, disallow even buffing! The movement speed buff can stay after getting killed.

Also, is it possible to make players face towards the battlefield after getting resurrected? It's quite annoying to have yourself facing towards the mountain, unable to get back to the fight... losing 1-2 sec of the speed buff cuz you need to find the right position. Give straight-ahead position towards the middle of the arena after resurrecting!

Wonder what did I miss.

02-19-2017, 07:35 AM
thats funny.why most syrtis magically disappear after 2 hours is because you alsius gave up and most got bored and logged or went hunting or went to cs.they didnt log out as fort door was gone.

so many times im at aggs and we have 8-10 and alsius have the same numbers,then one of your guys quits after 2 tries then another quits after the next try and before long your out numbered and cant win it back so the rest of you slowly give up.we hang around hoping you try again,but you never do and then slowly our guys leave one by one cuz they are bored abd alsius never even looked to see we had less.

lol u always come in agg, specially in morning times with a dragon party with knights conjus and barbs ,

what i mean, is when we fight hard to capture green agg fort, then we successfully capture it and move to herb, we find no resistance

but i dont want to stray from the topic, i just gave extra reasons why syrtis should deleted but the main reason is they dont join tdm

and my dear friend rekkless, we dont want to talk about how syrtis intentionally feeds, i mean 3 knights walking upfront to ignis base, explain to me how donvegas rekt 3 knights from syrtis in the last seconds i can provide pics if you want

and the worst part is i cant even report them, because if i do and they get banned or have their champion armour stripped , no one will play tdm this year

02-19-2017, 10:39 AM
Lol i have footages of 5+ syrtis giving free kills whereas only 1-2 ignis giving them. I can report them anytime after i make a video of it. And please, alsius never camps base like you do, were always all around the map.

02-19-2017, 10:48 AM
lol u always come in agg, specially in morning times with a dragon party with knights conjus and barbs ,

what i mean, is when we fight hard to capture green agg fort, then we successfully capture it and move to herb, we find no resistance

but i dont want to stray from the topic, i just gave extra reasons why syrtis should deleted but the main reason is they dont join tdm

and my dear friend rekkless, we dont want to talk about how syrtis intentionally feeds, i mean 3 knights walking upfront to ignis base, explain to me how donvegas rekt 3 knights from syrtis in the last seconds i can provide pics if you want

and the worst part is i cant even report them, because if i do and they get banned or have their champion armour stripped , no one will play tdm this year
At first I thought you were just trolling but now I see you're dead serious. But that doesn't change the fact that your suggestions are stupid and only push the what could've been a fruitful discussion to the 'closed' exit.

Most players who don't play tdm(that applies also for syrtians) don't play it because it's too class dependent, bugged and after playing few games also rly boring. Where is CtF?
That,indeed,obviously leaves only the dumbasses who have nothing better to do and really-desperate-I-need-champ-armor players to play TDM as it is now.

This is what we(and you) should be discussing and asking for, and not trying to pour out your frustration on other players who're mostly not responsible for it.

The part where you accuse one realm for doing things that other realms do in basically same extent(like fort camping, heh) is not worth of any further comment, it just proves what's the real reason you're writing here.

On topic:
TDM needs to be fixed(no fcking match canceled anymore), class restrictions be set, inability to cast/attack in spawn areas should be least reviewed, inability to join team with less than maximum players should be fixed. Also some system that would automatically report at least most obvious feeders would be very welcome. It's clear that it's not quite possible to fix everything at once, but until they don't start fixing it, most players whose time is more precious than spending it in unfinished crap instance that kills war zone activity won't play it at all.

Lol i have footages of 5+ syrtis giving free kills whereas only 1-2 ignis giving them. I can report them anytime after i make a video of it. And please, alsius never camps base like you do, were always all around the map. This is what is ticket system for, submit a ticket and we're done, no need to act here like a kid "I can tell the teacher that you've toook my peeeeen". If you write here and do nothing, they will know that they can continue feeding without any punishment, even if someone got proof of their misbehavior. You know, there are reasons for some forum rules.
Some time irl won't harm them nor the game, nor our or any realm.

02-19-2017, 11:05 AM
thats funny.why most syrtis magically disappear after 2 hours is because you alsius gave up and most got bored and logged or went hunting or went to cs.they didnt log out as fort door was gone.

so many times im at aggs and we have 8-10 and alsius have the same numbers,then one of your guys quits after 2 tries then another quits after the next try and before long your out numbered and cant win it back so the rest of you slowly give up.we hang around hoping you try again,but you never do and then slowly our guys leave one by one cuz they are bored abd alsius never even looked to see we had less.

Looool funniest thing i read today, ''alsius have the same numbers'' Yep exactly, why not, say every lie you want on forums, we all know the truth :)

Well what hardboy meant to say is that, you always get 10+ greens from somewhere at a fort, at a deadtime no one is online, 2-3 alsius come see you, die 2-3 times then they keep trying, you then invade empty realm do wish 3-4 times a day.
But when there are good numbers on both sides, and we kill you all and take back fort after many times of trying, we rgp pp and go herb, we take herb, like, in the first case ; 2-3 gelfs only come and go away camp pp or cs, but when equal number of you come, you fight us once, and when you get killed you camp cs all the time.
You can ask anyone here, every alsian will say that whenever we get Herb its SYRTIS who never comes to fight, all that zerg you make only make to invade empty realm but never to fight equal numbers when it comes to it.
I always see that typical syrtis group only make numbers to farm over and over again and pussy out when it comes to a fair fight.
Also tania, who said that l4 forts should not be abused and used to Invade? Yes it was you, whereas every single day when i log at a dead hour, i see 2 forts from syrtis, aggs and trelle, i check both, both are lvl 4, and behind that door is one player Hotter Longest. I always see you in that level 4 fort.

Also sorry to be off-topic, but i just had to say this to support hardboy.
TDM needs really, the ''opponent did not join the match'' thing, Its annoying, i even notice some players not joining intentionally, and also the fact that only one TDM can go in at a time, I do see 2 TDM's going at once, but most of the time, the ''join'' button does not come even when it is 3-3-3 and looking for opponents.

Important suggestions for TDM :
1 } Do not ask for the ''join' button, just straight away give a warning that the match will be going, give 30 seconds pause and start the match.

2 } Put idle timer = 2 minutes , and it should only kick the player when the player has not moved at all.

3} Put another ''camp'' timer = 3 minutes, if a player does not leave his own base, even though moving, then he should be kicked (Because someone can just keep a weight on a key to move so as to avoid idle timer)

4} Please consider inter-realm TDM, please consider thinking over it, its always a realm needed for 1 tdm to run, and the waiting time is just too long.
5} Please fix the bug when you cannot normal or cast properly near your base where you dont get healed and others can hit you.

6} I also get sometimes a bug when i cant cast anything, anywhere on the map, i have to Mount and dismount to fix it.

7}Increase lose and win points, yes, please do it, TDM's rarely happen in Haven and it is very slow.

8} Rejoin option ; Suppose a player gets a crash during tdm, he logs back, he tries lines up in tdm queue again, sometimes he does not get the ''join'' option straightly because someone else took his place, so, keep a timer for a player, that if the player crashed, give him 3 minutes of time to log back and join that tdm match again. If the 3 minutes are passed, then anyone of the other players in queue, SHOULD get ''join'' button asap.

9 } Tdm ban, i see many people exit regnum intentionally just to avoid losing (IDK WHY), or some other reason, but doing so puts his allies in deep trouble as they get 100% lose now, now, if the player crashed he can join back. BUT if the player does not rejoin but is online, give him a X minute ban ( or even a day or two). Now, why would a player exit from ro just to leave tdm (?) Because he does not wish to play that match, then, why is he rejoining queue if he does not want to risk playing tdm? He should not be able to, that is why give him a duration ban.

Some people take tdm very seriously, and i can understand as it is competitive matchmaking. Which is also why the abandoning of a match should be very strict.

02-19-2017, 11:12 AM
This is what is ticket system for, submit a ticket and we're done,

And ticket system works. Just record video like I do then sent via ticket and you can be sure that feeders or afkers will be punished. I've reported at least 5 players who feed and I dont see them anymore in TDM or even in game xD

Btw why if someone didnt join TDM and game gets canceled. .. why the hell we are going on the last position of queue?? We are getting punished because someone didnt join on time or was busy with fighting? This needs serious changes.

02-19-2017, 12:06 PM
The part where you accuse one realm for doing things that other realms do in basically same extent(like fort camping, heh) is not worth of any further comment, it just proves what's the real reason you're writing here.

the real reason im writing here is because i dont get to play tdm because syrtis doesnt join, or else i wouldve made seperate thread called delete syrtis

yes it frustrates me and im pouring my frustration of not being able to play tdm over here like everyone else, no matter how many suggestions (if any at all) ngd takes from this thread or any other tdm thread, it will be useless if there are people like you in syrtis who wont join and give themselves excuses so they dont join (class dependent, boring, etc)

lets be honest, the real reason non of us is playing tdm is because of syrtis, it has always been syrtis, even when tdm was first launched previous year, only 3 syrtis decided who would enter the next battlezone

and this bug of "opponent did not join" is very easy to fix, ive seen ngd change battlezone to 2v2v2, and the next day it would be 4v4v4, surely they can fix this bug overnight also

when cancer spreads in a part of the body, they remove that part to save the rest of the body, syrtis is a cancer that needs to be dealt with

and please dont call anyone who wants to play tdm a dumbass, its their choice just like its your choice not to play tdm which affects all of haven

02-19-2017, 12:42 PM
The insane amounts of notifications "on position 1 of N on the queue" I was getting in recent weeks until it got me tired of it, made me kind of believe that you're just bulshitting here, probably because of frustration from the game. That's only thing that's worth commenting out of what you wrote here.

02-19-2017, 12:55 PM
Rejoin option ; Suppose a player gets a crash during tdm, he logs back, he tries lines up in tdm queue again, sometimes he does not get the ''join'' option straightly because someone else took his place, so, keep a timer for a player, that if the player crashed, give him 3 minutes of time to log back and join that tdm match again. If the 3 minutes are passed, then anyone of the other players in queue, SHOULD get ''join'' button asap.

This is wrong and doesn't make sence. If a player crashes ... the player isn't supposed to crash. If there is a crash, report it and developers should fix it. If it is not a game bug, but a driver bug, report it to your driver provider, or whatever. Your solution is just a workaround.

02-19-2017, 03:29 PM
This is wrong and doesn't make sence. If a player crashes ... the player isn't supposed to crash. If there is a crash, report it and developers should fix it. If it is not a game bug, but a driver bug, report it to your driver provider, or whatever. Your solution is just a workaround.

In what context u thought my ''crash''meant, there are problems of the client too, like internet error and such, not the players fault he crashed, but no, my suggestion would be great for this. So tell me, the player is supposed to dial 911 and ask them to fix ur net, no, rather it would be better to give the player a chance to rejoin with what i said. And if the crash was intentional, the next suggestion :)

02-19-2017, 03:33 PM
if there are people like you in syrtis who wont join and give themselves excuses so they dont join (class dependent, boring, etc)

Lol its probably because syrtis already has enough op gear that they dont need champ armoro which is noob for them, unlike us who actually need it.

Look syrtis, if thats your reason for not playing, as said above, its useless.
Alsius and ignis join tdm no matter what and try their best, at least we dont cry in a corner throwing tantrums like ''noo i want a red color pen not blue!!'' like syrtis does, we just play what we get cuz we need the gear.

02-19-2017, 03:49 PM
Lol its probably because syrtis already has enough op gear that they dont need champ armoro which is noob for them, unlike us who actually need it.

...we just play what we get cuz we need the gear.

So you're playing tdm just to get gear, after that you'll stop playing it right? Now those who already have it or don't need it are bad because...they already finished that? How you're different then? You make no sense.

02-19-2017, 04:05 PM
So you're playing tdm just to get gear, after that you'll stop playing it right? Now those who already have it or don't need it are bad because...they already finished that? How you're different then? You make no sense.

I play tdm not only for gear, in fact i dont need gear on what i play, i try to play just for fun not for cc, im sure even syrtis can do that. And the ''we'' meant alsius.
Also you misunderstood what i said, Im not judging who plays for what or anything like that, mentioned before as people did that this is broken that is broken is why you dont play, just wanted to say that its not only syrtis who go through the same problem, but only syrtis who backs out for it, just supporting hardb0y's theory, nothing wrong in that.

02-19-2017, 04:08 PM
Usually I dont mind offtopic shitstorms, but since NGD hasn't really replied on the TDM situation I'd rather this thread doesn't get closed.

If you're having harsh feelings about what happens in TDM sort it out between yourselves. In any case I'm still waiting on NGD to say if they're gonna make some QoL changes and improve it

02-19-2017, 04:40 PM
In what context u thought my ''crash''meant, there are problems of the client too, like internet error and such, not the players fault he crashed, but no, my suggestion would be great for this. So tell me, the player is supposed to dial 911 and ask them to fix ur net, no, rather it would be better to give the player a chance to rejoin with what i said. And if the crash was intentional, the next suggestion :)

Internet connection problem is not a crash. Anyway, if your internet connection is unstable, you should consider playing some time later, when it is stable. I don't think NGD should implement some 5 minutes wait times, just for the sake of someone reconnecting and "crashing" again a next minute, just to have a team without a player for another 5 minutes. It is better for the team that another player with more stable connection joins them. But that is my opinion and you are free to disagree.

02-19-2017, 10:36 PM
...but only syrtis who backs out for it, just supporting hardb0y's theory, nothing wrong in that.
If there is annoying part in any game, or in any activity that focuses on pleasure or fun, it's pretty obvious there is no problem trying to avoid it or skip it, and the excuse "it's boring" is pretty valid, since the objective of said activity is exact opposite of being bored. And in this case of the mmorpg, it's not fault of the player so he shouldn't be punished in any way for trying to skip it if possible.

If you can't understand this, it's end station for me as there isn't any ground level we both can agree on.
Anyway, wasn't too wise for me to enter a discussion starting with abstract "delete syrtis". Whatever, have fun in game anyway.

02-20-2017, 05:16 AM
i gave the problem which is syrtis, and offered a solution which may have been extreme, but feel free to give other solutions for the problem "syrtis"

but you refuse to acknowledge the problem which i stated, and your not on ground level with anyone here who agrees syrtis is ruining tdm for others

i get it that my suggestion was too hard for you to swallow like bbc, but be a grown up and give proper replies, instead of calling anyone who disagrees with you a dumbass

you even said i wrote my opinion because i had frustrations, well played

i wasnt gonna reply after hollow ichigo said what he said, but there you go

02-20-2017, 05:30 AM
Internet connection problem is not a crash. Anyway, if your internet connection is unstable, you should consider playing some time later, when it is stable. I don't think NGD should implement some 5 minutes wait times, just for the sake of someone reconnecting and "crashing" again a next minute, just to have a team without a player for another 5 minutes. It is better for the team that another player with more stable connection joins them. But that is my opinion and you are free to disagree.

Look lol, im talking about only one such kind of a crash, it can be any crash.
Many times person crashing is not playable for him, but im talking only about 1 crash, because, read my other suggestion, crashes will happen, even on the best games of the world, best programs of the world, a kind of crash happens.
And if it does so, you cant blame it on the user and must give him a chance.
And also this suggestion was to contradict my next suggestion which is Tdm BAN.

02-24-2017, 10:41 AM
Last couple of days I've been trying to do one BZ... one xD But they all got canceled. Besides, while I was waiting, clanmates did like two or three BZ.... I was on my conju and they with barbs and knights.... Is it related to subclasses? Or it should be 1 warrior, 1 mage, 1 archer?

02-24-2017, 03:20 PM
You're in a queue, your match gets cancelled > you are the last in the queue again and others enter instead of you. Go figure.
What else to say?

03-06-2017, 12:36 PM
Hello, i know i suggested this before, but still, all those pages of suggestions and no information whether ngd is considering them / working on them/ thinking on them/ ignoring them has been given to us. Im summing it up.

Important suggestions for TDM :
1 } Do not ask for the ''join' button, just straight away give a warning that the match will be going, give 30 seconds pause and start the match.

2 } Put idle timer = 2 minutes , and it should only kick the player when the player has not moved at all.

3} Put another ''camp'' timer = 3 minutes, if a player does not leave his own base, even though moving, then he should be kicked (Because someone can just keep a weight on a key to move so as to avoid idle timer)

4} Please consider inter-realm TDM, please consider thinking over it, its always a realm needed for 1 tdm to run, and the waiting time is just too long.
5} Please fix the bug when you cannot normal or cast properly near your base where you dont get healed and others can hit you.

6} I also get sometimes a bug when i cant cast anything, anywhere on the map, i have to Mount and dismount to fix it.

7}Increase lose and win points, yes, please do it, TDM's rarely happen in Haven and it is very slow.

8} Rejoin option ; Suppose a player gets a crash during tdm, he logs back, he tries lines up in tdm queue again, sometimes he does not get the ''join'' option straightly because someone else took his place, so, keep a timer for a player, that if the player crashed, give him 3 minutes of time to log back and join that tdm match again. If the 3 minutes are passed, then anyone of the other players in queue, SHOULD get ''join'' button asap.

9 } Tdm ban, i see many people exit regnum intentionally just to avoid losing (IDK WHY), or some other reason, but doing so puts his allies in deep trouble as they get 100% lose now, now, if the player crashed he can join back. BUT if the player does not rejoin but is online, give him a X minute ban ( or even a day or two). Now, why would a player exit from ro just to leave tdm (?) Because he does not wish to play that match, then, why is he rejoining queue if he does not want to risk playing tdm? He should not be able to, that is why give him a duration ban.

10} As suggested before, please make it for players 55+

11} Instead of a simple join button, make a new TDM window, showing all queues and the players in it (Except other realm players.). Just for display, and so, when a match is found as queues are filled, make a dialog box (Match Ready). And WITH IT, please make a very good notification type sound, which can be heard even with the game being in background or even if sound/music settings in-game are off.

12} Suggested before, if the queue is 233 or 332 or 322 or like that, or maybe 1 player is needed for match to start, in the TDM window that is to be made, put a small dialog box in the window itself, that when a player is needed, make that dialog box appear in the windows of the realm's player needed. And, it can be seen by players who are not already in a queue, the good way to make someone join queue on his own will is maybe, put a small reward for joining that tdm match, it can be anything small such as, Gold booster 15 minutes, or so. Please consider it, it will make tdm's go in more.

13} Only thing left is the TDM time's, right now, there are timings for basically 2 places ; America's and Europe. Consider third timing for Australian-Asian people. As for right now, the timings of Europe for Australia, is about 12-2 am and 2-4am. As for American timing; No tdm at all happens for that time as it is night time for them. As for Australians it is well within working hours.

This is all i had to say or suggest. It depends completely on NGD if they take this into mind if they are gonna help TDM'S.

03-09-2017, 04:28 PM
THIs tdm system is so dumb ,im in countdown for match it cancles ,going to the back of the line and not joining for whole block while im waiting 3 hrs .All matches canceled while some person played 9 matches,its retarded and really frustrating.

03-09-2017, 06:58 PM
the whole tdm system needs a update its terrible how it is now

03-10-2017, 09:40 AM
On haven TDM is fail, only 1 match in last week, hours wasted on waiting. If only cs TDM afkers moved butts to do some action while waiting for match.

Seriously there is enough time when match starts to get yourself killed and ress at cs or just hide in fort and join it.

03-11-2017, 03:53 AM
Matchmaking is screwed on Ra too, you end up with random 3 mage, 3 archer, 3 warrior compositions. Or random matches like this where each team has 2 knights and no barbarians at all.


You can take part in a lot more matches on Ra, but damn its infuriating sometimes.

03-23-2017, 05:00 PM
To my knowledge there still hasn't been a single TDM for weeks now. Almost as if syrtis players have disappeared from the game.

At this point, it would just be better to take more than 3 players from a single realm and mix the teams up.

03-27-2017, 06:38 PM
Maybe make TDM more like dragon raids. A leader assembles a small team. That team competes against one, or as is now the case, two other teams. All three teams possibly could end up being from the same realm, or not. The advantages of doing it this way are: more TDM's ofc, precise player control of exact class mix within the team, & precise player control of who gets invited to the team in the first place (if they accept invite). The only remaining constant would be that all players within a single team would still be from the same realm. Opinions?


03-30-2017, 01:21 PM
Maybe make TDM more like dragon raids. A leader assembles a small team. That team competes against one, or as is now the case, two other teams. All three teams possibly could end up being from the same realm, or not. The advantages of doing it this way are: more TDM's ofc, precise player control of exact class mix within the team, & precise player control of who gets invited to the team in the first place (if they accept invite). The only remaining constant would be that all players within a single team would still be from the same realm. Opinions?


Yes, you know I was waiting for others to say "Good idea!", or something like that, but it never came.... The best suggestions never, or almost never get any feedback, learnt it. Deal with it.
+1^^, it'd be good only if one realm has players for TDM tho. If other realm(s) have not enough players for making raids, X realm still could have fun among themselves.

Another question is what NGD thinks about it, it's depending on them anyway, their game, we are here only to " waste our time" for suggestions :).

03-31-2017, 10:50 PM
...+1^^, it'd be good only if one realm has players for TDM tho...

Thanks a bushel, Ronso. That said tho, I thought at the time of one (at least) potential downside to my suggestion: on a server as imbalanced in population as Haven currently is, the strongest realm would accrue a lot more champion points & gear than the weaker realm(s). Now, is that enough of a reason to never consider doing it? IDTS, but then again IDK, & it's not my call to make....


07-01-2017, 09:01 PM

TDM still a joke on haven.

07-01-2017, 09:04 PM
No clue why Haven even has a limit. War already dead. Let TDM be all day everyday.

07-02-2017, 10:23 PM
i think most people only do it for the champ armor not for the fun.....cuz it isnt fun at all most of the time.

TDM should be removed,it kills war and bosses need to be looked at as well,takes so long to gather to kill a boss and its not uncommon to be waiting around for an hour or more with no war because people want to do bosses.

soul/hearts are a joke,people in my time zone cannot get them.

lots needs to be fixed and tdm should be first on the list.

07-06-2017, 04:01 PM
i think most people only do it for the champ armor not for the fun.....cuz it isnt fun at all most of the time.

TDM should be removed,it kills war and bosses need to be looked at as well,takes so long to gather to kill a boss and its not uncommon to be waiting around for an hour or more with no war because people want to do bosses.

soul/hearts are a joke,people in my time zone cannot get them.

lots needs to be fixed and tdm should be first on the list.

Why would you play TDM for fun anyway lol. How does it kill war when getting 3 people to do TDM is a struggle everyday. Your logic makes no sense. How can war be dead when theirs literally no war. Ignis had 3 players on yesterday. Only reason people log Haven is to do bosses and Invade realms with 4 people defending. People are not going to war with unfavorable numbers. Ignis some how managed to get more than 8 and Goats gave up having the same number. Each realm only wants to farm realms with low numbers. TDM shouldn't be first to be fixed. Way more important issues at hand. TDM doesn't kill war. The players kill war by not logging on a near dead server. Server is only alive due to old players & bosswhore/WMCwhores.

07-07-2017, 02:52 AM
Why would you play TDM for fun anyway lol. How does it kill war when getting 3 people to do TDM is a struggle everyday. Your logic makes no sense. How can war be dead when theirs literally no war. Ignis had 3 players on yesterday. Only reason people log Haven is to do bosses and Invade realms with 4 people defending. People are not going to war with unfavorable numbers. Ignis some how managed to get more than 8 and Goats gave up having the same number. Each realm only wants to farm realms with low numbers. TDM shouldn't be first to be fixed. Way more important issues at hand. TDM doesn't kill war. The players kill war by not logging on a near dead server. Server is only alive due to old players & bosswhore/WMCwhores.

maybe you need to log more.numbers are up and lots more action, but ofc you wont do that,you will sit in the forums acting like some keyboard warrior...yes were all impressed how you have regnum forums open all day long waiting for the chance to flame threads.

07-07-2017, 11:55 AM
maybe you need to log more.numbers are up and lots more action, but ofc you wont do that,you will sit in the forums acting like some keyboard warrior...yes were all impressed how you have regnum forums open all day long waiting for the chance to flame threads.

Numbers are up? Invading empty realms is fun? War only happens when you have to plan it. That shouldn't happen. I actually log Haven regularly and don't have forums open all day lol. Ironic that I'm the one flaming threads. You've been flaming chat for years. War on Haven happens on a good day for about one hour and thats it. You have to wait to around 1pm-5pm my time. After that its dead like my american mornings. Ignis had another 3 players on last night and about 5 on all day.

07-08-2017, 01:22 PM
maybe you need to log more.numbers are up and lots more action, but ofc you wont do that,you will sit in the forums acting like some keyboard warrior...yes were all impressed how you have regnum forums open all day long waiting for the chance to flame threads.

I logged 4 times yesterday...1 of those times I saw 1 Ignis on. I guess maybe it depends on timezone, but almost every time I log theres no Ignis on.

07-10-2017, 08:41 AM
I logged 4 times yesterday...1 of those times I saw 1 Ignis on. I guess maybe it depends on timezone, but almost every time I log theres no Ignis on.

Ignis currently has very very few players :( Syrtis and Alsius are more or less equal, sometimes we have more than the blues, sometimes they have equal numbers. Syrtis seems to have become the dominant realm again. Ignis is really really bleeding though. I counted maybe 2 players in the EU eve yesterday, warring from the reds :(

07-12-2017, 01:21 PM
Almost two years ago, I felt, & said, that Ignis was strongly emerging, & would most likely be the newest dominant realm on Haven, if the trend-lines continued as was ... then ... 2 months ago ... after almost a year of virtual stasis ... Ignis imploded FFS! ... & I've really no solid ideas as to why ... Anyone?....


07-13-2017, 08:13 AM
Almost two years ago, I felt, & said, that Ignis was strongly emerging, & would most likely be the newest dominant realm on Haven, if the trend-lines continued as was ... then ... 2 months ago ... after almost a year of virtual stasis ... Ignis imploded FFS! ... & I've really no solid ideas as to why ... Anyone?....


maybe because at the same time Syrtis population exploded after months of non-existence?

07-13-2017, 01:39 PM
maybe because at the same time Syrtis population exploded after months of non-existence?

Not meaning to blow my own horn (double toot right there) but the events we did brought life back to Syrtis.

I'm actually considering making an Ignis toon to try help balance things out (not that 1 player is going to balance anything :D). I prefer playing the under pop'd realm anyways, and always leave when Syrtis gets over pop'd.

07-13-2017, 07:34 PM
If you come Evil Ignis Rock have always place for you...tho my clan is mostly empty the name is still cool. :drinks:

08-11-2017, 08:39 PM
^ shameless bump.
...& I had a further idea on how such a system (detailed in posts above) could offset (somewhat) the increased champion coins that stronger realms would by default acquire. Make the weaker realm(s) TDM cc-rewards multiplied by the server-realm xp% bonus (at the least). This would net them more coins, & further, hopefully entice more of them to play tdm's more often (win/win)....


08-13-2017, 10:49 AM
Yesterday TDM hours
Alsius 0/0, Ignis 3/3, Syrtis 3/3.
And Alsius had tons online trying to invde Syrtis or do WZ boss.
Just TDMs don't happen anymore on Heaven because all players that play this, are old players, who have whole gear. There are no NEW players comming, and even if they would, there would be too few of them, so TDM would not start anyway.

08-13-2017, 12:32 PM
Yesterday TDM hours
Alsius 0/0, Ignis 3/3, Syrtis 3/3.
And Alsius had tons online trying to invde Syrtis or do WZ boss.
Just TDMs don't happen anymore on Heaven because all players that play this, are old players, who have whole gear. There are no NEW players comming, and even if they would, there would be too few of them, so TDM would not start anyway.

The main reason why some of us don't join TDM is due to subclass imbalance. Just frustrating to run after x3 archers from same team. So till that is fixed no TDM.

08-13-2017, 01:24 PM
The main reason why some of us don't join TDM is due to subclass imbalance. Just frustrating to run after x3 archers from same team. So till that is fixed no TDM.

That's strange. The only times I've played TDM it was only ever alsius with 3 archer teams....

09-11-2018, 03:09 AM
Bump, guess why?

09-11-2018, 08:27 AM
There is no Syrtis on Haven (4 Fort captures in last 7 days!). I wonder if they have WarConfidence or any boosters... Alsius also dying slowly. Haven never been in so bad state.


09-11-2018, 09:06 PM
There is no Syrtis on Haven (4 Fort captures in last 7 days!). I wonder if they have WarConfidence or any boosters... Alsius also dying slowly. Haven never been in so bad state.

It's off the main subject, but should be said. Look at Slarti's recent stats (week, then month, then up to 90 days); they tell the tale. 2-3 months ago, Syrtis was resurging, but insufficiently so in the minds of the zergsters playing there. So, as the boys-of-summer began going back to school or lost interest, those gelfs remaining decided to make the "Gred Alliance" an official one, & started mostly playing in Ignis. Syrtis activity dropped off to practically nothing. As the new Ignis grew stronger, more & more of those zergster-multies playing in Alsius joined them, making things even worse. This ongoing trend is a server-cancer that seemingly has no cure, won't stay in remission, & just gets worse with each relapse.

Some of those few remaining goats then went Ra, or on to other interests, so that now, Alsius is almost as dead as Syrtis usually is. Anyone who's been carefully watching knows damn well it's been this f-ed up way off & on since the Horus/Raven merger, years & years ago, & only getting worse as time goes on & more players choose to multi-, or to leave server. One 'realm' dominates, & the others are empty, or near-empty. FYI: there is no Alsius, Ignis, or Syrtis; there are very few true Blues, Reds, or Greens. Not anymore. There is only the Gangbanging-4th-Realm-of-Realm-Hoppers; there are mostly only zergster-multies left playing now on Haven. No ifs, ands, or buts!....Clue dafuq in!....End-of-sermon:warning: