View Full Version : Needed Spanish Translations
08-19-2007, 12:57 PM
Greetings, Hola !
Anyone up for a challenge? I'm not sure if this has been done, if so just
point it out to me, please !
Those of us who speak English, with little or no Spanish, but want to put
out an effort to converse with Spanish speaking players, need some kind
person to put together (or just start) a list of important Spanish phrases and
words, that English players should know by heart, (or on a handy list till
known well). It would be good to know directional phrases, combat, some
small talk, and anything a knowelgable Spanish/English speaker thinks would
be good to know. Post as it's own Thread in Beginners Sections so it can be
found easily, and add to it as things that come to mind, or as people request.
Also if anyone knows a good Spanish/English reference, more computer
chat oriented not formal Spanish, please point that out.
Some of us really do want to put out the effort to learn enough to be
friendly and help out ! Let's bring the Spanish and English Regnum populations
together and have more fun in the game ! :)
08-19-2007, 01:34 PM
is this something like you are talking about: Babel (
If it is, you can use it as a base -or maybe helping to improve it-; there were no new phrases in something like a month or so (or more?); it is just a start, but it didn't get much attention (at least not many sugestions for new words/phrases).
I'm personally interested in this matter so I'll keep an eye on this thread good luck.
08-19-2007, 02:18 PM
It's a start, I've seen key phrases on an English Clan site, forget which
one, will have to search for it, had stuff like what the Spanish speakers
use to indicate players from another realm, tomatoes etc. this type of slang
needs to be incorporated for it to be more useful, but yes it's what I had
in mind ! Let's add to it or incorporate it in something more comprehensive
that might exist.
Also would help to understand what all the, jajaja, lalala, etc is all about !
that sort of thing.
08-19-2007, 04:01 PM
Cool, point me to the site when you find it and I'll talk with them to incorporate the info.
About the jajaj, and lalala; I guess we can work it out.
The jajaj is phonetically the same as for hahaha (laughs) I would need the german and portuguese versions, as for the lalala; is more dificult for me to describe, it would be nice if someone could explain it. As for the time being, I could say it is something like the
"When everything Ill ever do, Ill do for you
And I go: la la la la la"
From Roxette's The look (here ( around 0:55)
Hope this help
08-19-2007, 05:34 PM
There are two English websites that have started compiling SPA/ENG
1. RegnumHQ - A general all Regnum English Website. They even have a link
to a translator included. Thanks to Drummer. Nice going ! Here's the link
2. The Clan Inqusition website. Credit to Anpu. Here's a link
This looks promising, for those who want to interact with our Spanish speaking friends !
08-20-2007, 12:03 AM
"When everything Ill ever do, Ill do for you
And I go: la la la la la"
From Roxette's The look (here ( around 0:55)
Hope this help
Your explanation describes very well the meaning and is based in experience.
I think that "la la la la" its used like a bla,bla,bla but with a piece of happiness in the feeling. Something similar to heidi in the mountains.
08-20-2007, 10:21 AM
is this something like you are talking about: Babel (
If it is, you can use it as a base -or maybe helping to improve it-; there were no new phrases in something like a month or so (or more?); it is just a start, but it didn't get much attention (at least not many sugestions for new words/phrases).
I'm personally interested in this matter so I'll keep an eye on this thread good luck.
The word atrás would be interesting in the Babel List too:
atras back zurück
08-20-2007, 11:14 AM
there's always vamos en samal which means let's go to samal, then there's rejunte, regroup. hacer is let's take ;). Vamos a hacer en samal
de nada= you're welcome
08-20-2007, 12:22 PM
Celtus, well... it's not so easy. Spa language its really difficult and there's a lot of modisms. Non translator will be able to translate cuz modisms, Orthographic mistakes and lot more. You have 1 example right there, (cuz!) which translator will be able to translate that!?
Just be patient, with time u'll learn some basic things, u only need a friend who teach you, somebody with only a few knowledge of both languages.
My eng really suck but I try to learn every single day.
You have already done the first step: "the wish of to learn"
Good luck!
08-20-2007, 12:24 PM
Thanks to those who have replied. Angelwinged Devil, the mago reference
brings up to thought of what the other player types are called in Spanish
or the slang Spanish that would be encountered in the Chat Windows.
Please fill me in, you know, mage, or warlock, conjourer, warrior, knight, barbarian, archer, marksman, hunter. Also any military terms, like ambush
surround, left/right flank, charge, retreat(only to regroup of course) and
any other useful info such as the "regnum slang" for prominent landmarks
or placenames in the confilct zone and elsewhere.
Thanks again, for help with this :)
08-20-2007, 12:39 PM
Thanks to those who have replied. Angelwinged Devil, the mago reference
brings up to thought of what the other player types are called in Spanish
or the slang Spanish that would be encountered in the Chat Windows.
Please fill me in, you know, mage, or warlock, conjourer, warrior, knight, barbarian, archer, marksman, hunter. Also any military terms, like ambush
surround, left/right flank, charge, retreat(only to regroup of course) and
any other useful info such as the "regnum slang" for prominent landmarks
or placenames in the confilct zone and elsewhere.
Thanks again, for help with this :)
ENG=SPA (abbreviation)
Conjurer=Conjurador (conju)
Knight=Caballero (caba)
Barbarian=Bárbaro (barba)
Hunter=Cazador (caza)
08-20-2007, 02:02 PM
I quote myself, in other thread I added some phrases used during war:
You forgot the most important phrases during war:
No te mandes! / Don't go further!
Vuelvan!!! / Come back!!!
Todos Juntos! / Everybody Together!
Rangos a la Tarima! / Range players to the platform!
Corran! - Rajemos! / Run! - Run like hell!
And the highly insultive ones can't be said here!
EDIT: If you want personal transaltion, just post what you want translated here, and we'll do what we can!
08-20-2007, 04:39 PM
Hola = Hi/hello
Como estas / How are you
Bien / Good
y tu = and you
Estoy aca = i am here
en = in
mal = bad
cura = heal
pt = noob
no veo nada = i dont see nothing
Need more ask me, i know both spanish and english
08-20-2007, 06:31 PM
If you need any help on translating just ask here or pm me. :)
08-21-2007, 12:52 AM
there's always vamos en samal which means let's go to samal, then there's rejunte, regroup. hacer is let's take ;). Vamos a hacer en samal
Actually, let's go to samal= vamos a samal
let's take samal=vamos a tomar samal/tomemos samal ;)
08-23-2007, 04:36 PM
yeah I learned that >_>
08-24-2007, 04:54 AM
Hola !
Thanks for the input, I've been so busy leveling, haven't spent any time
yet consolidating what is here, and asking for translations of what I've been
seeing in the Syrtis Chat window, the place name slang is still needed for
the WZ, like what does "stone" refer to? I've seen PP = Puente Pines, what
does PB = ?, any others? I'll post a list of other questions, I'm trying to finish
the Runestone Quests, doing the Water Alter now ! After will expore the WZ
and want to be prepared to help, and be helped !
08-24-2007, 05:46 AM
Stone refers to the Stonhenge alike place, and also it refers to Herbred fort sometimes
PP: Puente Pinos (The one from Herbred to Pinos)
PB: Puente Blanco (The one from Herbred to Samal)
PN: Puente Negro (The one from Pinos to Menirah)
PA: Puente Algaros (The one from Trelleborg to Algaros)
Fuerte Muralla: Trelleborg Fort (Wall Fort, Alsius)
Playa: Alsius Beach in ZG (Southwest Beach)
Puente Madera: Wooden Bridge behind Samal
There are lots of slang used for different places and I can't remember now all, but someone sure is going to continue this, or even myself when I remember!
08-24-2007, 06:08 AM
I have learned much since starting regnum back in December. You will catch on with time, and I want to learn so much I am starting Spanish class on Monday. I can hardly wait!!! LEIA, I MISS YOU!!!! :ohill: :ohill: :ohill:
08-24-2007, 03:40 PM
Actually Stone is Herbred Fort. The Stonehenge thingy is called Jabe (after Jabeline, the woodworker/craftman thats there).
08-24-2007, 03:54 PM
Actually Stone is Herbred Fort. The Stonehenge thingy is called Jabe (after Jabeline, the woodworker/craftman thats there).
Right! I missed that one, it's easy to see I play in Alsius! :biggrin:
08-25-2007, 09:40 PM
The best is to ask when you do not understand something. In the same moment.
My english is bad but i respond all questions whith pleasure :)
My german is worse but same, i like respond.
PS la la la is a childish female expression. I use frecuently when wear my white pamela hat XD
08-26-2007, 07:00 AM
if you don't know something just ask (in english or whatever) theres always someone to help (at least i try always to answers the questions i see)
I was going to create a new thread for this but I found this one... so I'll just post it here. ;)
I noticed regnumzg has a 'Babel' section but there were still many words/phrases that I've seen a lot and didn't know for sure what they were.
I hope these come in useful to some people.. and please correct me if I've made any mistakes or am missing anything important. (I'll edit this post accordingly)
enemigo en el puente = enemy at the bridge
enemigo en la puerta = enemy at the gate
el enemigo es título del oeste = enemy is heading west
el enemigo es muerto = enemy is dead
norte/este/sur/oeste = north/east/south/west
arquero = archer
guerrero = warrior
mago = mage
cazador = hunter
tirador = marksman
bárbaro = barbarian
caballero = knight
conjurador = conjurer
brujo = warlock
guerra = war
mercado = market
playa = beach
castillo = castle
parada = stop
caza = hunt
para = it stops
08-28-2007, 11:41 AM
Some more translations:
- atras = backward
- alante/adelante = forward
- aca = here (usually enemy spotted convention)
- no se manden = dont go forward (alone)
- rastrea = track
- rejunte/rejunten = do a meeting (every body get closer to reorganizate)
08-28-2007, 03:47 PM
Nordo = Nord? :D
08-29-2007, 09:27 AM
Some more translations:
- rejunte/rejunten = do a meeting (every body get closer to reorganizate)
actually as I wrote in another post rejunte means regroup :p
08-29-2007, 11:05 AM
Yes. My english sucks...
Maybe a good translation coul be
rejunte = rally group
Hello Celtus.
Yes, we posted few useful Spanish words at our clan forum because we had same problem with understanding them especially at combat. At first, when I heard word cabras, i thought they were talking about cabbages, after some time i found out that are some enemies and at last i found out that s a term for Alsius players.
Anyway, we are working on making a list of all frequently used Spanish words in game, including some spells that are very useful (tracking-hunters, heal and mana-conjurers etc). We ll post here link when we finish list (hope it ll be really soon).
08-29-2007, 12:25 PM
well i´m spanish and i know a little english, if someone of you want to ask any question dont understand in spanish ask it to me and if i know how is in englis i will aswer it to you :biggrin: :thumb_up:
PD: i wish the qustion will be easy ;)
Nice to see you here Xurrete. :) Up until now I never realized you could speak english. Now at least I know I can communicate with others through you. ;) See you in-game!
09-04-2007, 10:06 PM
OK, here's a couple I'm wondering about,
1. What's the difference between, hola and holis ?
2. What does "el bosque algin caza" mean ?
Thanks, Celtus
1. i think its same, but i ll check
2. in forest someone hunt
btw, we created first version of lists with words at
(page2-4 are lists)
If u want to help in expanding lists with new words or have any word that dont know what means, or saw translation error in list, pls fell free to leave post at (not needed to register)
09-04-2007, 10:25 PM
OK, here's a couple I'm wondering about,
1. What's the difference between, hola and holis ?
2. What does "el bosque algin caza" mean ?
Thanks, Celtus
"Hola" is the standard, real way of saying "hi". "Holis" is mostly said by women :cuac:
I don't get the phrase... It may be either misspelled or written by a kid on the chat. Maybe it means "There's somebody hunting on the forest" or "Is there any hunter in the forest?"... I can't tell since the quote lacks of any question or exclamation mark.
09-04-2007, 11:33 PM
OK, here's a couple I'm wondering about,
1. What's the difference between, hola and holis ?
2. What does "el bosque algin caza" mean ?
Thanks, Celtus
1.hola=holis=holita...... is the same it means hi
2. it means that there are someone (I supouse enemy) hunting at the forest
09-05-2007, 01:05 AM
Great, Thanks !
This answers my original 2 questions, but makes me think of some others LOL
First a comment, how different Spanish is, than English, a man would say
"hola" and a woman would say the same thing by saying "holis" !
It would help to know which Spanish words in the 2nd question refer to
English words, in the translation.
"el bosque algin caza" does
- bosque = hunter
- caza = forest
- algin = someone ?
I realize that the Spanish cyber chat, is not formal Spanish, and has it's
shortcuts, abbreviations and may not make sense taken out of context,
as does English Cyber Chat :biggrin:
PS - Thank you Anpu, I will check out what you have now !
Thanks, Everyone - Celtus
09-05-2007, 01:22 AM
I learned to say holis from veronik, but then insekto thankfully enlightened me that saying holis was quite gay when it came from a guy. Thank you insek (:
09-05-2007, 02:03 AM
Great, Thanks !
"el bosque algin caza" does
- bosque = hunter
- caza = forest
- algin = someone ?
no no! no! :dumbofme:
hehehehe joking :biggrin: .
09-05-2007, 02:15 AM
The correct way is "Hola", but women usually use "holis" to make it sound sweeter... It's related to the social context.
And let me tell you about the words of the last sentence:
Hunter --> Caza (short way, not the "real" word) / Cazador (cazadora in case of a woman).
Bosque ---> Forest
Alguien ---> somebody.
The correct sentence would be "Hay un cazador en el bosque", meaning "there's a hunter in the forest".
09-05-2007, 08:36 AM
forest ------> bosque
someone, somebody-----> alguien
hunting-------> caza
09-07-2007, 01:38 PM
any more questions???
09-07-2007, 05:04 PM
any more questions???
yes i have one.
What is the exactly meaning of 'dew'.
I mean, where does it come from?
Its used like chau/good luck/bye, but its a strange word for spanish speakers to use cause it contains a 'w'.
Noone was able to explain it to me yet
09-07-2007, 05:15 PM
Dew is not spanish is catalan. Is in reality adeu-->deu-->dew = bye
You know that in spain there are some catalan speakers.
09-07-2007, 05:15 PM
yes i have one.
What is the exactly meaning of 'dew'.
I mean, where does it come from?
Its used like chau/good luck/bye, but its a strange word for spanish speakers to use cause it contains a 'w'.
Noone was able to explain it to me yet
Dew means "rocío" in Spanish, but I think you're talking about the expression Spanish speakers use to refer to god... It's like "Jeez".
09-07-2007, 05:17 PM
Dew means "rocío" in Spanish, but I think you're talking about the expression Spanish speakers use to refer to god... It's like "Jeez".
¿ ?
09-07-2007, 07:53 PM
Dew means "rocío" in Spanish, but I think you're talking about the expression Spanish speakers use to refer to god... It's like "Jeez".
cri-cri cri-cri cri-cri cri-cri
09-07-2007, 08:31 PM
dew= dw it means bye but is not spanish, is catalan
09-07-2007, 11:19 PM
Okok, I made a mistake on this one ¬¬
09-08-2007, 08:40 PM
thanks guys. learned something ;)
09-19-2007, 08:23 PM
no more questions????:confused:
09-20-2007, 04:12 AM
no more questions????:confused:
stop stealing posts xD
09-20-2007, 02:39 PM
no, i dont want stealing post..... but really i like this treahd and i think it´s importantan ando i dont want taht the treahd goes down
09-20-2007, 02:48 PM
Maybe it's time for english translations... I don't know, something like lol,brb,...
09-20-2007, 04:08 PM
Maybe it's time for english translations... I don't know, something like lol,brb,...
lol: laugh out loud - te reis fuerte (en vez de un "jaja" seria un "Juajauaj")
(rotfl, rotflmfao, lmao son todas variantes con otras palabras)
brb: be right back - enseguida vuelvo
afk: away from keyboard - ausente (del teclado)
If there are any other just let me know.
I would like to add some words in dictionary we have, like:
behind (us)
on rock
behind tower
teleport pad
under bridge
uh forgot others, will add later. can any translate into Spanish, not using those net translators pls?
01-27-2008, 03:15 PM
left - izquierda
right - derecha
behind (us) - detrás/atrás (de nosotros)
on rock - en roca... don´t know what you mean with that
behind tower - atrás de la torre
teleport pad - teletransportador... but we say teleport as well
under bridge - debajo/abajo del puente.
Thank you very much for fast response.
01-28-2008, 10:29 AM
Dew is not spanish is catalan. Is in reality adeu-->deu-->dew = bye
You know that in spain there are some catalan speakers.
Ooooh :biggrin: I was wondering about that. Thanks for the info.
Catalans also say euuu or something for the opposite (hello). I've heard it, but I don't know how to write it and I would like to know where that comes from too. Does anybody know? ^^
01-28-2008, 11:53 AM
The catalans say hola to say hello.
But later there are more differences, is a complete different language, although comes from latin, too. And as all romance languages have similarities with the others. From my point of view is similar to french, in sounds, and a lot of words are very similar.
English: That knight killed me with my warlock impressively
Spanish: Aquel caballero me mató con mi brujo, de manera sorprendente/increible.
Catalan(Català): Aquell caballer em va matar amb el meu bruixot, de manera increibile/sorprenent.
01-29-2008, 01:18 PM
The catalans say hola to say hello.
They also say something like "eu" or something, I've heard catalans say it. It's more of an informal way, like saying "Yo" in English I guess. I was just wondering if that also came from a word like dew came from adeu ;)
There are indeed many more differences between Spanish and Catalan, some words make it an entirely different language.
perro - gosso - dog
con - amb - with (used in the example sentence above ^^)
And other words make it seem more like a dialect.
playa - platja - beach
01-29-2008, 02:52 PM
Because spanish(castillian) and catalan share the same root, the latin, then have very similarities, but the portugues, french, spanish, italian, catalan all them have words that sound almost equal to the others.
Absolutely is a different language from spanish or french.
As I wrote on the sentence:
Other example:
Today, We went to hunt to Syrtis, and in moment of crazyness, we decided to go to the save to make them become mad, and be easier to kill.
Hoy, fuimos a cazar a Syrtis, y en un momento de locura decidimos ir a su "save"/lugar de guardado para enloquecerlos y ser más fáciles de matar.
Avui, anàrem a caçar a Syrtis, i en un moment de locura decidirem anar al seu "save"/lloc de guardat per enloquir-los i ser més fàcils de matar.
And I don't translate to french or portugues because I don't know, but you would see that are very similar.
And to greet, maybe we can use Ei, or E, or "eu", but it isn't very usual, and very informal. About the dew, true it comes from the catalan "adeu".
A correction:
English - spanish - catalan
dog - perro - gos/cus
dogs - perros - gossos/cussos
cat - gato - gat/moix
cats - gatos - gats/moixos
01-30-2008, 10:59 AM
Thank you for the clarification and the correction. I learned some new stuff today ^^
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