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View Full Version : Hurt Locker 2

01-23-2017, 08:38 AM

Made a video of my low level lock struggles. Your suggestions, feedback is much appreciated because I am an inexperienced warlock :D. Above all enjoy the video rather than viewing it with hatred :p



01-23-2017, 06:29 PM
You would include the ONE fight you had with Kipiara where she didn't get to fight back effectively... I heard she fought you multiple times, indeed felt you were singling her out, and that she even managed to beat you once or twice.

You do realize that she's running an extremely unconventional setup, don't you? xD

I mean no hate... I just think a couple of the clips you included kind of speak more of an ego level than a skill level :razz:

01-23-2017, 07:20 PM
I have to agree with Takeyo. Every single fight was against players who were either ambushed, in the wrong setups or just played poorly.

A video where you win out of skill, rather than due to the lack of skill of your opponents, would be more impressive.

01-23-2017, 07:51 PM
Hard to make decent videos on Haven. You either kill players who aren't very good or waste your time looking for a good fight which wont happen

01-23-2017, 08:04 PM
Made a video of my low level lock struggles. Your suggestions, feedback is much appreciated because I am an inexperienced warlock . Above all enjoy the video rather than viewing it with hatred

Still he is only 53 while rest with WM and end-game gears. Hard to find players on Haven who want to 1v1 so you have to ambush them or catch in other way lol Most players that are count as "pro" ones are too afraid to face you in duel. :)

btw good video :)

01-23-2017, 08:40 PM
I have to agree with Takeyo. Every single fight was against players who were either ambushed, in the wrong setups or just played poorly.

A video where you win out of skill, rather than due to the lack of skill of your opponents, would be more impressive.

What ambush you speak off? I just ambushed x2 players at pb and 1 level 60 marks. The other clips were fair where the opponents had an equal chance of killing me but they failed can't you see the skill in them lol?

Also keep in mind that I am lvl 50-53 in video with average gear, don't even have much cast speed to compete with high end warlocks.

Hard to make decent videos on Haven. You either kill players who aren't very good or waste your time looking for a good fight which wont happen
+1 to this, I try to fight some high level players they either end up running or kill me with back up.

01-23-2017, 08:57 PM
can't you see the skill in them lol?
No, and that was my point. Making a video of killing bad players (or barbs in open field) isn't entertaining or impressive.

Also keep in mind that I am lvl 50-53 in video with average gear, don't even have much cast speed to compete with high end warlocks.
I'm aware of your level, and if you were a L50 archer/warrior it would be impressive. But L50 warlocks don't lack damage, they lack defense - and that isn't much of an issue in 1v1 if you know how to CC chain.

I'm sorry if I offended you or something. I think you're a good player, but none of this was gameplay worth sharing.

01-23-2017, 09:14 PM
Big things you're saying, that's something new!
I mean, for the last *centuries* people have made videos just to show their victories cutting out their fails. Yeah images forum does indeed work as ego-masseur and place to exchange compliments with players from same realm and I pretty much thought everyone knows about it. Well now you do too.

Just let it be. Let goats give some kudos to deepak for his awesome skills ingame and with moviemaker and move on.

01-23-2017, 09:50 PM
Big things you're saying, that's something new!
I mean, for the last *centuries* people have made videos just to show their victories cutting out their fails. Yeah images forum does indeed work as ego-masseur and place to exchange compliments with players from same realm and I pretty much thought everyone knows about it. Well now you do too.

Just let it be. Let goats give some kudos to deepak for his awesome skills ingame and with moviemaker and move on.

Hahahahahaha! xD

No, you're right, but he asked for my honest feedback minus hate, so that's what I gave :naughty:

01-23-2017, 10:03 PM
Big things you're saying, that's something new!
I mean, for the last *centuries* people have made videos just to show their victories cutting out their fails. Yeah images forum does indeed work as ego-masseur and place to exchange compliments with players from same realm and I pretty much thought everyone knows about it. Well now you do too.

Just let it be. Let goats give some kudos to deepak for his awesome skills ingame and with moviemaker and move on.



01-24-2017, 11:45 AM
cute video, although if i ever made lock video it will be full of purple, if u know what i mean

01-25-2017, 07:59 AM
Thanks plox Fire, log your hunter we shall do cute lamai hunting :D