View Full Version : Hunter and deathmatches

04-18-2017, 04:48 PM
Hey guys! Long time...

Is pet useful on arena in deathmatch mode? Please share your experience.
I would be also thankful if you post here links to your 'hunter with pet' setup.

04-18-2017, 04:53 PM
Pet is useless in all aspects of the game except 1v1.

Only thing you need to do in TDM is confuse an enemy conjurer and try to steal kills.

Elva Hunter
04-18-2017, 05:19 PM
Depends on how you use and control your pet.

But TDM in my oppinion seems like a mine "league of legends" in which you have to steal kills and then run, so maybe for hunter class, which lack of damage and range, pet less can be usefull for this situation, cause you can try range better and ks the kills.

In other hand, if you want try getting single kills and make traps to help your team (barbarians specially) to kill, maybe a decent pet build can be very usefull. but it will demand more time of rest (cooldowns etc) from one attack to other.

In short, on TDM, pet-less gameplay is faster and more focused in stole kills.

Pet gameplay is focused in select a single target and kill it, and also doing strategic attacks to allow your team to kill.

Atm im using a pet less set up for fun in warzone, and even managed to kill some main petless hunters with bossjewelry, some even had to resort to bugs and cheating on rocks to manage kill me after struggle alot, so, if i were going to TDM, in the actual haven situation, probably i would go on pet less set up.

Im not leaving a set up for pet less for you here cause everyone use pet less, so will be easy to you find one.

Best Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis


04-21-2017, 10:24 AM
Pets are useless in TDM... besides... there are no TDM in Haven :d