View Full Version : New marksman vid

06-28-2017, 03:00 PM
Check it (https://youtu.be/UY3AAzPQGPY)

First proper marks vid since I've been back. Enjoy.

06-28-2017, 06:16 PM
Good work bro

06-29-2017, 02:37 PM
cant believe you posted that fight at syrtis markets.2 on 1 for 90% of the fight.rapi wasnt even fighting back just messing around laughing.

06-29-2017, 09:41 PM
cant believe you posted that fight at syrtis markets.2 on 1 for 90% of the fight.rapi wasnt even fighting back just messing around laughing.

you're completely right tania, please give my apologies to Rapi for 2 v 1ing him and putting it in a video.


06-30-2017, 02:21 PM
rapi wasnt even fighting back just messing around laughing.

This is something you need to discuss with your realm mate, his "messing around laughing". The fight was 2vs2.

07-01-2017, 12:12 PM
This is something you need to discuss with your realm mate, his "messing around laughing". The fight was 2vs2.

no it wasnt they started to gank him at cs whiles hes afk,my point was i dont think it was worthy of putting in a video thats all.not that he fight back or didnt fight back.

07-01-2017, 12:16 PM
no it wasnt they started to gank him at cs whiles hes afk,my point was i dont think it was worthy of putting in a video thats all.not that he fight back or didnt fight back.

Again. You should discuss it with your realm mate, why he was "messing around laughing" instead of fighting with you. And, in the end, why did you left CS at all?

Fight was fair, 2vs2, Matrim almost died with 34 HP. All other questions and comments should be addressed to your realm mate.

07-01-2017, 12:16 PM
you're completely right tania, please give my apologies to Rapi for 2 v 1ing him and putting it in a video.


no apologies need to be made to anyone.not like any of us care,especially rapi.hes our afk king always chillin at CS or chatting.i only made the comment cuz im sick to death of people wasting my time.nearly every video is the same BS with hardly anything new in them,i thought yours might be different.

07-01-2017, 02:47 PM
no apologies need to be made to anyone.not like any of us care,especially rapi.hes our afk king always chillin at CS or chatting.i only made the comment cuz im sick to death of people wasting my time.nearly every video is the same BS with hardly anything new in them,i thought yours might be different.

Well it's Haven. Feels

07-02-2017, 01:33 AM
no apologies need to be made to anyone.not like any of us care,especially rapi.hes our afk king always chillin at CS or chatting..

if you don't care why comment?

i only made the comment cuz im sick to death of people wasting my time.nearly every video is the same BS with hardly anything new in them,i thought yours might be different

I have made the following videos with Regnum; RvR, PvP, Support conju, Boss kills, Graduations, even a video of getting zerged by syrtis.
Please tell me how in this pretty one dimensional pvp game i should have made anything "different" i'll just make a grinding video next to cover all bases shall I.

If i really need to divulge the reason why i put this in because of the team work it requires to take down a knight (providing defensive buffs) and a warju with SM that hits fast and hard. You did nearly kill me with the gank on rapi in the space of will domain and a knock down from a knight. The only reason i survive that encounter is because me and monday keep you out of the fight and remove rapi's buffs by killing him it's the team work is the reason i kept it in, us chaining CC's me getting away and survivng by using escapist at the exact right moment, then us waiting for your karma shield comes off to burn you down. It's not personal to you it could be Erika and i'd still post it. Warju SM is OP as fuck and you were taken down by team work you're just mad you got into a vid.