View Full Version : First warlock video

10-24-2018, 11:27 PM
Hope you enjoy


edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyrDYW3OxGc&feature=youtu.be
Old clip from haven


10-25-2018, 06:33 AM
Hope you enjoy...

I did, thank you. Well-played. I have only one substantive criticism of your warlock playstyle as presented: you seem averse to making as full a use of vamp & soulk as you could. If you aren't at full hp's, don't intend to cast a cc, or mana drain/burn, & your life drains aren't in cd, your 1st instinct prolly should be to cast one or both & top off, not an elemental dot or other damage spell. It might make just enough difference to turn the tide or to survive a closer than expected encounter one day....
