View Full Version : Killing Tenax in 02'43,16''
12-07-2018, 12:48 PM
Killing Tenax in 02'43,16''. It is not our best time, but we did not do it badly.
Guide explaining how to kill him:
I've died to Alasthor in less than 15 seconds :U
In Alsius, Haven, we tend to sed first a knight so it pulls aggro for a few seconds; s/he will tak till the first stomp, then we all rush at it. It is not very fast, but it has worked 99% of the times.
12-07-2018, 05:10 PM
I think it is not necessary, but obviously there are many ways to kill it. I have killed him myself with many variants.
12-07-2018, 06:07 PM
What seemingly works best overall is 8 barbs/3 conjs/2 knights/1 hunter/1 lock. Some suggest a slightly different class mixture. Either way, skillsets matter. One of the barbs should have Owth5. Both knights will skill Hero pres5 & Shie wall5. The timing of Shie wall5 casts is critical, & your knights will either 'shine' in relative obscurity (or glaringly run the ruined raid into the ditch quick-like). All warriors should skill Onsl5, with some skilling the mandatory debuffs Disa5 & Fata stri5. The conjus must all skill Mana pylo5, Mana comm5, & Syne bond, along with heals ofc. Some should also skill Bles5 & Bles weap5. It helps if one conj skills Mate wall5, Magi wall5, & Frie shie5, & if the non-aggro knight skills Ethe mant5 (for use on whoever ends up with aggro). The hunter skills debuffs with Sudd stri5, Deat sent5, & Lotp mandatory, while the lock does similarly, skilling the full array of debuffs, & also, Syne bond (as keeping all your warriors in high-cotton-mana is a major key to success)....
The raid begins by partying up. 2 conjs take a 5 or 6 barb party. The remaining conj & the lock get the other 2 or 3 barbs, the 2 knights, & the hunter. Which mix depends on which particular conjs are where. Ya' clear a path thru the cave's mobs, while a precise order for the knights' Hero pres5 & Shie wall5, & the conjs' Mana pylo5 & Mana comm5 are established, so each knows when to take his/her turn. All get Bles5 & Bles weap5 buffs, then the aggro-tank-knight approaches the dragon while the 1st conj casts their auras. When it flies up, the other 14 all charge in under a single Onsl5, & a Hotw (to get in quickly). Whoever has aggro should remain in front of the dragon, while all the others cluster underneath/slightly behind (to avoid it's breath attack). Ongoing, if the knights & conjs do their jobs well, it simply remains for the hunter/lock to keep their debuffs on the dragon, & the barbs to pound it into patty-sized drake-burgers. If all is done as outlined above, & ya' have heavy-hitters, it's over in less than 2 minutes from the time the very 1st blow lands, & the grilling can now begin. Mmmm, Mmmm....
12-07-2018, 09:07 PM
^ This
Yummy dragon meat!
12-08-2018, 03:35 PM
What seemingly works best overall is 8 barbs/3 conjs/2 knights/1 hunter/1 lock. Some suggest a slightly different class mixture. Either way, skillsets matter. One of the barbs should have Owth5. Both knights will skill Hero pres5 & Shie wall5. The timing of Shie wall5 casts is critical, & your knights will either 'shine' in relative obscurity (or glaringly run the ruined raid into the ditch quick-like). All warriors should skill Onsl5, with some skilling the mandatory debuffs Disa5 & Fata stri5. The conjus must all skill Mana pylo5, Mana comm5, & Syne bond, along with heals ofc. Some should also skill Bles5 & Bles weap5. It's not a bad idea for one conj to skill Mate wall5 & Frie shie5 for use on whoever ends up with aggro. The hunter skills debuffs with Sudd stri5, Deat sent5, & Lotp mandatory, while the lock does similarly, skilling the full array of debuffs, & also, Syne bond (as keeping all your warriors in high-cotton-mana is a major key to success)....
The raid begins by partying up. 2 conjs take a 5 or 6 barb party. The remaining conj & the lock get the other 2 or 3 barbs, the 2 knights, & the hunter. Which mix depends on which particular conjs are where. A precise order for the knights' Hero pres5 & Shie wall5, & the conjs' Mana pylo5 & Mana comm5 are established, so each knows when to take his/her turn. All get Bles5 & Bles weap5 buffs, then the aggro-tank-knight approaches the dragon while the 1st conj casts their auras. When it flies up, the other 14 all charge in under a single Onsl5, & a Hotw (to get in quickly). Whoever has aggro should remain in front of the dragon, while all the others cluster underneath/slightly behind (to avoid it's breath attack). Ongoing, if the knights & conjs do their jobs well, it simply remains for the hunter/lock to keep their debuffs on the dragon, & the barbs to pound it into patty-sized drake-burgers. If all is done as outlined above, & ya' have heavy-hitters, it's over in less than 2 minutes, & the grilling can now begin. Mmmm, Mmmm....
I do not completely understand everything 100% because the translation into English of powers I do not know, but hey, I answer the same.
Your idea of subclass configuration is quite common, but there is something that you do not consider and that is a key factor in our partys. We guarantee the success of our partis as a quality requirement and we do not have the luxury of losing one. What happens if a knight crashes? The party is hinde. Sometimes it is better to secure the shot;)
Regarding the fact of evading the breath by putting his tail is also quite common, sometimes it is not done out of laziness. The issue is that this does not mean dps, it simply relieves cj, therefore it is not a factor to kill it faster.
We were not going to make time, see that I am myself level 59, I was just recording, it came out good weather and I published it. Now, until I see the video of how you kill it in less than 2 minutes I will not believe it, it's very easy to talk;)
12-08-2018, 08:26 PM
Crashing entering raid is a separate issue. Some claim that to best avoid it, all dragon peeps should be in inner realm, should be unmounted, & should be in non-combat stance. Idk if it makes a diff or not, but it can't hurt....
You need Hater Slayer & other big-hit swingers in your raid .... then, if all else is done as stated above, it really is over in slightly less than 2 minutes from the time the very 1st blow lands ... does anyone still have a vid-copy of one of our Haven smash-&-grab speed-loot raids to show how all this gets done up right & proper?....
12-08-2018, 09:28 PM
eye, many things I do not discuss, they are correct, but they are also things to consider. And keep in mind crashes is done because it happens relatively often, you always have to foresee everything.
As I said, we were not going to make time and it can be done in much less time, but less than 2 minutes seems to me very little. I want that video :)
12-08-2018, 10:13 PM
I want that video :)
"I want that video" he said,
but will get a wall of text instead.
12-08-2018, 10:17 PM
Aye, to play it safe(r), a group would consist of 6 barbs, 4 conjs, 3 knights, 1 hunter & 1 lock. Only if 2 or more of the same class crashed out would the raid be untenable. It would take longer to do, but it could still be done. For as you say, you have to foresee that which can be foreseen, take & make the necessary precautionary measures. I'll ask around in-game, to see if anyone video-captured, & still has, one of our few everything-came-together-well 2 min- raids (most ofc took longer). If anyone who participated wants to vouchsafe my claims, please do so. Can I get a witness?....
12-08-2018, 10:37 PM
Can I get a witness?....
No! only one video constitutes a reliable test. Not that I doubt your word (not that I know you), but usually people do not take a time to kill the dragon, so maybe it gave them the "feeling" of killing him in less than 2 minutes, but I doubt that have that certainty.
It is not that you have to prove anything. But it would be good to make a "competition" to have someone kill him before.
Long ago I suggested that there should be a wall with the best 5 times to kill the dragon, kind of a ranking, it would give a touch more of healthy competition, but meanwhile we can put that competitiveness the players :)
12-09-2018, 09:38 PM
I hear ya', & approve of your position. We did kill it it in 2 minutes or less but only a few times. I clearly remember the first time: 1 minute, 57 seconds, but I do not video-capture on this 12-year-old PC. Maybe another did & will post the link(s). As per the spirit of your request tho, Sir-Tanreb, I post for your pleasure A video (but not THE video): "Show Don't Tell". Enjoy:warning:
12-09-2018, 10:32 PM
If you start the 2 minute countdown from after the dragon has been debuffed then yes. But if you include time it takes to debuff then no.
12-10-2018, 10:09 AM
Here from the spanish thread :biggrin:
Saludo de Valhalla :beerchug:
12-10-2018, 01:14 PM
I hear ya', & approve of your position. We did kill it it in 2 minutes or less but only a few times. I clearly remember the first time: 1 minute, 57 seconds, but I do not video-capture on this 12-year-old PC. Maybe another did & will post the link(s). As per the spirit of your request tho, Sir-Tanreb, I post for your pleasure A video (but not THE video): "Show Don't Tell". Enjoy:warning:
hahaha nice music
Here from the spanish thread :biggrin:
Well, it's already proven. Although that acceleration of the video I do not like, but good, we will give him faith.
12-23-2018, 08:01 AM
So, obviously, dragons need to be tougher.
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