View Full Version : Message to the Community

12-20-2018, 05:47 PM
Hello everyone,

I want to say something to all of you, so I can explain why during these last days there was not a lot of information about all that is promised for these dates.

More than a week ago, I had a surgery for something that was not supposed to be complicated but needed to be done with general anaesthesia. The procedure went well but it left me with a few complications and pain, which started to give in just recently. This, that was not planned at all, made me push behind schedule a lot of my tasks and thus, the ones of many others that depend on me.

Despite the pain, I am retaking all that I have to do with all the effort I can provide to get everything done. Meanwhile, the rest of the team continued to work in everything they could.

The previous plan was:

- Launch the Vigilance Towers for Christmas.
- Activate again the same Christmas Event as last year, which was widely liked and accepted but with new rewards, to be able to fully focus in the Towers.
- Open the poll for Haven's transfers and after some days, depending on the result, allow those transfers.

The plan is this one now:

- We will activate the Christmas event the 23rd, with new costumes, other new items and also some surprises during the event.
- Before the end of the year, we will open Amun with the Vigilance Towers to be tested and polished so for the first days of next year they can be live.
- After Christmas (I suppose just a few days after) we will enable the poll in Haven because the system is almost finished. The transfer would be enabled, depending on the result of the poll, after some days of polling. Also, the protocol on how it will be done will be provided.

I must say that I am truly sorry for this situation and I hope you can understand what happened. I didn't count on that procedure to complicate so much, although it was necessary to avoid something worse.

Please, I beg you for a bit more of that endless patience you have and it will be duly rewarded.

Thank you!

12-20-2018, 07:11 PM
Hello everyone,

The plan is this one now:

- We will activate the Christmas event the 23rd, with new costumes, other new items and also some surprises during the event.
- Before the end of the year, we will open Amun with the Vigilance Towers to be tested and polished so for the first days of next year they can be live.
- After Christmas (I suppose just a few days after) we will enable the poll in Haven because the system is almost finished. The transfer would be enabled, depending on the result of the poll, after some days of polling. Also, the protocol on how it will be done will be provided.

Thank you!

Sorry about the surgery complications. I too had the same problems so I know how it feels.

Back to the game topic.. Im glad Towers are still going to Amun before being shot to the live servers. Since we have no idea what they will do. Before NGD was always ready to throw it on the live servers.

Also when you say some days for polling, I hope this isn't 2-3 weeks to a month. Honestly should be a week long polling. Majority of the community is going to allow the transfers but its still good to hear everyones vote. Also is there gonna be Xim bonus for Xmas Event?

Usually you guys have thrown in balanced/updated spells in each recent update, can we expect the same thing when event arrives or when Towers come?

12-20-2018, 07:49 PM
Get well soon

12-20-2018, 08:01 PM
No need at all to be sorry Adrian. Your health should go above all.
All the best to you, make sure you take good care of yourself.

12-20-2018, 08:34 PM
Usually you guys have thrown in balanced/updated spells in each recent update, can we expect the same thing when event arrives or when Towers come?

We will try to introduce some few balance changes & bug fixes on each update. For Xmas probably not, but i hope we can do it again with towers

12-20-2018, 10:44 PM
Wish it could be otherwise. Get Well Soon & Best Wishes for the Fullest Recovery, Adrian. Season's Greetings to all at NGD! It will take what time & effort that it takes, & the rest will keep for now I'd think; no rush, take your time, so as to get it entirely right:warning:

12-21-2018, 06:29 AM
Hope u get well soon. Personal health should always be before everything else.

Don't think waiting a few more weeks or whatever it takes would be a problem, because due to the rumored transfers between servers more players have been active on Haven again. Active enough at least

Before any of this happens would really love to know the possible solution for following questions:

– Is the actual goal of the Poll to figure out whether we want to really transfer somewhere or not OR is the goal to understand which one of us need to be transferred and who wants to stay?

– Will players from Ra be offered a chance to transfer to Haven too? Have heard that some would actually want that despite the state of the server.

– What happens to the server and players who decide to stay and is that even considered an option? What if server becomes completely abandoned with only 5 players on it, what happens to it then?

– Do the players that already have characters on the other server but in different realm would have to delete them or not?

– Should clan chest be cleaned empty ahead of it?

– Is the account bounding items truly necessary? If so then
Which items MIGHT be bound then – as far I we left on this discussion it was perhaps only magnanite weapons and boss jewelery or would it be some additional items too? And what might be a fair possible ximerin price of reversing it afterwards then?

12-21-2018, 09:30 AM
Wish you good recovery.

12-21-2018, 12:16 PM
Great news. :)

We will try to introduce some few balance changes & bug fixes on each update. For Xmas probably not, but i hope we can do it again with towers

I hope so, love these changes. :beerchug:

12-21-2018, 01:31 PM
– Is the actual goal of the Poll to figure out whether we want to really transfer somewhere or not OR is the goal to understand which one of us need to be transferred and who wants to stay?

– Will players from Ra be offered a chance to transfer to Haven too? Have heard that some would actually want that despite the state of the server.

– What happens to the server and players who decide to stay and is that even considered an option? What if server becomes completely abandoned with only 5 players on it, what happens to it then?

– Do the players that already have characters on the other server but in different realm would have to delete them or not?

– Should clan chest be cleaned empty ahead of it?

– Is the account bounding items truly necessary? If so then
Which items MIGHT be bound then – as far I we left on this discussion it was perhaps only magnanite weapons and boss jewelery or would it be some additional items too? And what might be a fair possible ximerin price of reversing it afterwards then?

Most of these questions have been answered already. Or will be. Notice he stated protocol of how the Transfers would go after the poll. Haven is active because Ra players are trying to milk the server before it dies. And it’s only active for bosses/drop gems.

No, Ra players will not be transferred to Haven. Please stop with this rumor. As Adrian said that would never happen. Haven I assume is only gonna have two options. Ra or Valhalla Transfers. I don’t think anyone will be allowed to stay. It Would be dumb to stay anyway knowing it would be bad situation if allowed.

He did say only things in character account or characters inventory will be going. Can’t remember if clan chest was asked about. I assume it will be fine since I recall clans will be Transferd too?? This also would be answered via protocol most likely.

Adrian also stated that they would not allow Multi realming with Transfers unless they came up with a soulution. Which will probably be mentioned in the protocol. Anyway doubt they answer these questions because they already have a plan to do so when poll actually comes.

12-21-2018, 05:03 PM
Not so sure about any of that.

Transfer could not be a one time thing in any way because many players might/would/will try to log on later on the server and only then find out about all of this, which means that the server would have to stay open even after the transfers, which then most likely means that a choice of staying there might/should be an option too. At least for a definite period of time.

12-21-2018, 06:28 PM
Not so sure about any of that.

Transfer could not be a one time thing in any way because many players might/would/will try to log on later on the server and only then find out about all of this, which means that the server would have to stay open even after the transfers, which then most likely means that a choice of staying there might/should be an option too. At least for a definite period of time.

They’ll most likely have Haven open and a notice saying about the transfers. But the server won’t stay forever. Nemon is the perfect example because many players lost their accout after the deadline of the server. Valhalla would most likely be the place where NGD would ship the players who didn’t choose Ra.

12-21-2018, 09:01 PM
Sorry to hear about your situation Adrian, I wish you good health for the holidays and beyond.

I just have one request about the Christmas event... Please don't make whatever Christmas hat we get from the event quests account or character bound. :wish:

12-21-2018, 10:05 PM
we love you adrian

12-21-2018, 10:16 PM

Technically, I never saw Adrian post that Ra-to-Haven or Ra-to-Valhalla transfers would never happen (tho quite likely, without some plenty MAJOR rewards/incentives, no RA-ster would ever move anyhoo'). If you did see such, then post that link here, Perry. Tho I did see that Valhalla-to-anywhere is a no-go, not-gonna'-hap'n, regardless of poll results....those Niflheim-&-Muspell 'Vikings' will remain trapped in their 'afterlife realm' for now....

...Please don't make whatever Christmas hat we get from the event quests account or character bound. :wish:

Sorry, but unless I'm mistaken, it's been NGD policy since 2014 to character-or-account-bind EVERYthing that gets offered for sale or as an event reward. Alas...

12-21-2018, 11:30 PM
Get well soon Adrian :beerchug:.

Leily, can you please make sure we have cute reindeer christmas hats for the event?


12-22-2018, 06:37 AM
I only have one question:

-Will there be any way for those players who have/had no information about the transfers (didn't read the forums and didn't paly the game) and were not able to log in during these days and move everything outta of their stashes and banks, to get those items "auto-removed" from there, so when the transfer happens they will have those items in their inventory already?

Also, all the best for you Adrian, get well soon and Merry Xmas to eveyone!

12-23-2018, 07:57 AM
-Will there be any way for those players who have/had no information about the transfers (didn't read the forums and didn't paly the game) and were not able to log in during these days and move everything outta of their stashes and banks, to get those items "auto-removed" from there, so when the transfer happens they will have those items in their inventory already?

What they've done in former server closures (which seems to be *essentially* what this is) is auto-move everybody, and give them some scrolls to correct issues (name change, for example, because you might not want to be Marila (Haven). Or you might. Who knows. This might not happen like that, because, honestly, I know people who have 6 characters on Syrtis Haven and 6 characters on Ignis RA, and that violates the rules. Adrian or Leily (don't remember which) did mention the possibility of moving those characters to a different email address, but no further details have been forthcoming.

I also know some with 6 characters on the same realm in both servers, and that also violates the rules.

Adrian/Leily/NGD seem to be trying to make this as fair as possible to those of us who spent tons of time, energy, and Ximerin in Haven, so let's see what they give us.

12-23-2018, 02:39 PM
Thank you all for your kind words!

I am still not doing so well but I'm glad we could make it to the deadline for the event. After Christmas (in two days) we will continue with the last details for the poll about the transfers and the protocol on how each case will be handled.

I'd like to have everything sorted out before New Year's eve. That would be ideal if I get to feel fine in front of a PC these days :biggrin:

We want to make sure that, as Roseythorns said before, all the time you invested playing is not lost.

Thank you for your patience!

12-23-2018, 06:40 PM
Thanks for uploading the Christmas event.

But, same bugs as last year...



12-23-2018, 11:01 PM
Thanks for uploading the Christmas event.

But, same bugs as last year...



Yep, the same thing here. Also zombie companion has wrong pic in xim shop description - tortugo one. :D

PS, any xmass server booster? :D

12-26-2018, 05:44 PM
Also would love to see some surprises that keep being promised in every event description. :guitar:

12-28-2018, 11:04 PM
Awesome !!!!! Big big big thanks !!! :) Looking forward to whats on the plan ! :)

01-04-2019, 03:31 PM
So, whats the situation?

01-05-2019, 12:35 AM
So, whats the situation?

They said that no later than Monday they'll have something for us, once we test it and depending on the feedback they'll keep developing and improving.

01-05-2019, 12:42 AM
I thank you for saying something very honest. you made the right call in getting some medical treatment asap. despite the complications at least your very much alive and that what matters the most.

get well and I wish you luck from this old Ignis Legend,


01-06-2019, 05:43 PM
Bump, any news ?

01-07-2019, 08:28 AM
They said that no later than Monday they'll have something for us, once we test it and depending on the feedback they'll keep developing and improving.

What Adrian said (in Spanish forums) about Friday/Monday may have been about the Vigilance Towers, not about transfers.

01-07-2019, 03:13 PM
Yo. Announcement or something coming today?? Towers? Poll results? :lightsabre:

01-07-2019, 09:22 PM
Yo. Announcement or something coming today?? Towers? Poll results? :lightsabre:

Working on both things, also on the new-year-issue with clan objectives&tickets


01-07-2019, 10:26 PM
How much more time will we wait for the transfer? this situation is absurd at this moment.:furia::furia::furia:

01-08-2019, 09:34 PM
About towers : Coming soon in Amun (tomorrow if possible)

https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/49245133_10155742409091109_3795001131009048576_o.j pg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=a6326440ec01aac7d419fcc600a90bc7&oe=5CCA9CCD

https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/49864384_10155742409101109_8325676245098430464_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=26e36c86a49c4c52e70a6d59d2b60b01&oe=5C8DB602

Regarding the poll/Haven, we continue programing and working on the regulation to give you all the info :)

01-08-2019, 09:47 PM
Thanks for the Update. :beerchug:

01-08-2019, 10:33 PM
Saw that image of the towers on FB. It actually perked my curiosity enough to take a look at the forum (and the game) for the first time in probably 7 years.

Vaguely remember having discourse about something like it about maybe nine years ago. Better late than never I suppose.
Good luck with it.

Back to the place from whence I came. :thumb_up::thumb_up:

01-08-2019, 10:44 PM
I hope that these guards do something else than just autoattacks. XD

01-08-2019, 11:29 PM
Looks good and thanks for the update.

It actually perked my curiosity enough to take a look at the forum (and the game) for the first time in probably 7 years.

I still have the gear you let me borrow, im guessing you dont want it back :p

01-09-2019, 08:54 AM
so how do these towers work? need a zerg to cross bridges?

01-09-2019, 09:13 PM
(tomorrow if possible)

:( So tomorrow then? Or overmorrow :theking:

01-10-2019, 05:17 PM
so how do these towers work? need a zerg to cross bridges?

Looks like 1 on each side of the bridge, so I'm guessing maybe. But the towers are like small forts? Small number of people? a zerg could overwhelm one, maybe?

01-10-2019, 05:31 PM
:( So tomorrow then? Or overmorrow :theking:It's a special version of tomorrow.

I'm sure it'll be soon that we get to look at those things on Amun.

Looking forward to it, and I wonder how it will change the face of war in the game. We could actually have bridge battles for possession of something?

01-11-2019, 09:04 AM
... I wonder how it will change the face of war in the game. We could actually have bridge battles for possession of something?

This was discussed, ideas submitted, but NGD never said precisely what effects (if any) these new towers will have (or won't). From the pics, it's plain to see that the bridges remain passable, with the forts over to the side, out of traffic. I hope, if nothing else, that the towers count as fortifications, so bridge wars will now be fully rewarded in game. We'll see....

01-11-2019, 07:11 PM
Hello everyone!

We apologize for not being able to open Amun yet. The most important issues related to placing the towers in their final locations are already fixed. Still, there are some smaller problems that we have detected in our last revision and we will also add more towers so everyone can participate in the testing phase.

Tomorrow afternoon we will open Amun, also providing all the necessary info to know how they work.

01-11-2019, 07:15 PM
Hello everyone!

We apologize for not being able to open Amun yet. The most important issues related to placing the towers in their final locations are already fixed. Still, there are some smaller problems that we have detected in our last revision and we will also add more towers so everyone can participate in the testing phase.

Tomorrow afternoon we will open Amun, also providing all the necessary info to know how they work.

Great news. & still working on Transfers? Can you guys atleast confirm the vote results?

01-11-2019, 08:21 PM
Great news. & still working on Transfers? Can you guys atleast confirm the vote results?


Still working on transfers regulation, once Amun is open we wil have more time for it while people test the towers.

I cant give you the poll numbers, but was a yes to the transfers :p

01-12-2019, 02:36 PM
And how long will it take now? I mean it's now 2 weeks ago till the vote started. Do we get a Date when the transfer happen? I mean as far I could read the vote is for transfer. Means what do we have to do now?

01-12-2019, 03:28 PM
And how long will it take now? I mean it's now 2 weeks ago till the vote started. Do we get a Date when the transfer happen? I mean as far I could read the vote is for transfer. Means what do we have to do now?

I think knowing transfers WILL happen is good enough for now. Lets just hope Amun is open today

01-12-2019, 09:39 PM
We just finished a playable version with two sets of towers so everyone can see their realm's tower and use them.

Right now we're creating a brief explanation and quick guide on how to use them. Remember, this will be a beta test and there are many details to polish and mechanics to adjust!

As soon as we finish this step, we will open Amun.

01-14-2019, 02:10 PM
I cant give you the poll numbers, but was a yes to the transfers :p

Knowing that vote was a success is enough. Keep the good work!

We are waiting for more info on this when you are ready to share it. :drinks:

01-15-2019, 02:06 PM
I can imagine that the intricacies of working to release the new update without errors may take time. The update looks good though.

Any rough idea on char transfer timescale or is the focus just on the new update atm? A lot of us are eager to move over and be more active again on the busier Ra. :p

01-15-2019, 02:09 PM
I can imagine that the intricacies of working to release the new update without errors may take time. The update looks good though.

Any rough idea on char transfer timescale or is the focus just on the new update atm? A lot of us are eager to move over and be more active again on the busier Ra. :p

I want that no later than this week we have regulations and a fixed date (surely next week) to make transfers available. The trickiest part is making the Clan data persist.

01-15-2019, 02:12 PM
I want that no later than this week we have regulations and a fixed date (surely next week) to make transfers available. The trickiest part is making the Clan data persist.

That's great. :what:

Some clans will be dead in the water sadly due to inactive leaders RIP. There's plenty to choose from in Ra though.

01-15-2019, 02:32 PM
I want that no later than this week we have regulations and a fixed date (surely next week) to make transfers available. The trickiest part is making the Clan data persist.

Keep clans important? Most would say no if it saves time on being transferred. Easiet would: Make it like when clan update first came. Everyone was able to recruit 100 users for a month then regulated back to level one? ..

Back to the point. I’m excited to be able to play with my old friends from Horus again. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Another week won’t hurt. Also excited for Towers to be on Live. It’s been a long time since I’ve been excited for new content.

01-15-2019, 03:22 PM
I want that no later than this week we have regulations and a fixed date (surely next week) to make transfers available. The trickiest part is making the Clan data persist.

Thats good news =)

My only concern is that we wont have a proper anoucement about how will things happen.

For instance, I would like to know the details about the transfer (which items will be account bound, how many character free slots are going to be necessary, whether we will need to delete Ra chars if they belong to different realm from haven,...) at least 2-3 days before the transfer takes place.
For instance, specifically about the free slots part, I am waiting for proper anouncements in order to buy ximerin.

Adrian, do you have any estimation about how many days BEFORE the transfers we will have all information? How much time will we have to make arrengements until the transfer takes place?

01-15-2019, 05:05 PM
I cant give you the poll numbers, but was a yes to the transfers :p

This is good news, I've been thinking about coming back :metal:

01-15-2019, 05:18 PM
I want that no later than this week we have regulations and a fixed date (surely next week) to make transfers available. The trickiest part is making the Clan data persist.
Hope it sticks this time.

What about account stash slots? If I have already bought a 50 slot stash on Haven which will be rendered moot after transfer, will I be give these 50 slots back over there at Ra since I already paid for them here? Or have to buy a new one again.

01-15-2019, 05:51 PM
Great news @Adrian!

This is good news, I've been thinking about coming back :metal:

*uga slaps Tsuku around a bit with a large trout

Great to see you njubara :wub2:

01-15-2019, 06:19 PM
I think if this actually goes thru, a bunch of us will :beerchug:

01-15-2019, 07:28 PM
Looks like I cannot put all items in either character or account stash... I guess I need to give up on some? Also items from events and premium items like extended backpacking (max stash capacity) will carry over?


01-15-2019, 09:26 PM
I would want to know why is everyone talking about transferring each character one by one??

Wouldn't it make more sense to allow to transfer all of the characters in the single account at once and also without the necessity for us to spend xim to buy the premium extra characters thing?

Guess quite many questions still waiting answers.

01-16-2019, 01:36 PM
Is the reset of RPs possible during transfer? Obviously I'm just speaking for my toons not others. Or it can be done(?) only through special consideration like a ticket or something.

Edit: And also the hundreds of names in the friendlist.

01-16-2019, 06:45 PM
And also the hundreds of names in the friendlist.

You can do that by yourself. It won't take you that much time.

01-17-2019, 08:03 AM
You can do that by yourself. It won't take you that much time.
No. Cheers.

01-22-2019, 01:56 PM
I want that no later than this week we have regulations and a fixed date (surely next week) to make transfers available. The trickiest part is making the Clan data persist.

Still planned for this week? Almost close to a month since Poll

01-22-2019, 03:18 PM
Still planned for this week? Almost close to a month since Poll

Today I performed the first transfer test in which I transferred a Clan founder and it worked fine. Also when moving another Clan member of that Clan too. It's taking a lot of polishing and giving proper feedback in the website interface, but we're getting there.

This has to go smoothly and because of that we will even open transfers from Haven to Amun as a test before even applying it to the official servers.

01-22-2019, 03:22 PM
This has to go smoothly and because of that we will even open transfers from Haven to Amun as a test before even applying it to the official servers.

I volunteer to try this

01-22-2019, 03:49 PM
Today I performed the first transfer test in which I transferred a Clan founder and it worked fine. Also when moving another Clan member of that Clan too. It's taking a lot of polishing and giving proper feedback in the website interface, but we're getting there.

This has to go smoothly and because of that we will even open transfers from Haven to Amun as a test before even applying it to the official servers.
Wasn't this system already in place when Nemon was brought to Haven? As I heard from those players, you select some option in your profile on the site and the transfer takes place immediately and you can log on to the new server.

Amun testing sounds plausible.

01-22-2019, 04:11 PM
Today I performed the first transfer test in which I transferred a Clan founder and it worked fine. Also when moving another Clan member of that Clan too. It's taking a lot of polishing and giving proper feedback in the website interface, but we're getting there.

This has to go smoothly and because of that we will even open transfers from Haven to Amun as a test before even applying it to the official servers.

I volunteer as tribute. Anyway that’s good news. All we wanted is to be kept informed.

01-22-2019, 04:30 PM
Today I performed the first transfer test in which I transferred a Clan founder and it worked fine. Also when moving another Clan member of that Clan too. It's taking a lot of polishing and giving proper feedback in the website interface, but we're getting there.

This has to go smoothly and because of that we will even open transfers from Haven to Amun as a test before even applying it to the official servers.

I am a clan founder , and i dont mind moving my char 1 week before the rest to RA as a test :superpusso:

01-22-2019, 05:18 PM
Wasn't this system already in place when Nemon was brought to Haven? As I heard from those players, you select some option in your profile on the site and the transfer takes place immediately and you can log on to the new server.

Yes, but it needed a lot of changes due to new features (Crafting and such, which added more structures to be copied) and the possibility to keep Clan structures and progress as well. Also the binding of items to protect the economy of Ra. Among other things that needed to be fixed and polishing.


Side note about some deleted posts:

Please, refrain from saying things like "oh, they will delay it again". We're working as fast as we can and we want it to work flawlessly. If we had rushed it and with a lot of errors, the same people would be commenting "oh, you've done it again, as always". Before saying things like these that don't add anything to the discussion or even change anything more than our mood for the worse... just keep it to yourselves. To say it in the most civil way possible.


Back to topic:

We will surely take some volunteers that are Clan founders and some of their members too. Hopefully we can open this for testing today and if not, tomorrow early.

Thank you for your patience!

01-22-2019, 05:44 PM
I can help, im clan founder. Let me know if you need my help

01-22-2019, 10:26 PM
This has to go smoothly and because of that we will even open transfers from Haven to Amun as a test before even applying it to the official servers.

I'll volunteer to test this. I'm not a clan founder, but to test the transfer to Amun, I volunteer do that with at least one toon.

Oh. And thanks for testing it first. I know the transfer from Raven to Haven had some rough spots.

01-22-2019, 11:59 PM
Tomorrow we will do this. It is late and we still have to finish something regarding the bound items and how they will unbind in the future automatically.

01-23-2019, 04:34 AM
Tomorrow we will do this. It is late and we still have to finish something regarding the bound items and how they will unbind in the future automatically.

I know you know what you are doing, but... just make sure when unbinding happen, only those items that were bound during transfer get unbound; not those that are supposed to be bound forever (souls, hearts, etc...)


01-23-2019, 08:25 AM
Tomorrow we will do this. It is late and we still have to finish something regarding the bound items and how they will unbind in the future automatically.

if you need test subject, feel free to try with mine different acc, i have no items to bind :superpusso: and wanna get out of haven asap :horsey:

01-23-2019, 06:44 PM
Still on it, guys. We also had to add some functions for the clans to be added in realtime inside the process server when they are moved. (Also will help to solve Clan issues in the future).

We'll keep you posted.

01-24-2019, 02:32 PM
I will close this thread as its initial topic is not the current.

Haven transfers topic can continue here: https://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=110896