View Full Version : Alsius/Ra .::| Dwarves of Erebor |::.

Galdo Dragonblood
04-22-2019, 04:58 PM
Dear CoR community,

maybe you already have someone out .::[Dwarves of Erebor]::. I would like to introduce my clan here.

Clan history:

A lone peak northeast of Rhovanion, the Lonely Mountain, was once home to a wealthy dwarven kingdom until it came to the siege of Smaug the Terrible, a rapacious, snarling dragon who exiled the dwarfs and claimed their vast possessions. So the dwarves had to leave their home the Erebor and leave their riches behind. The dwarves came from the north and sought no conflict, but nature itself. A hard ground to dig and a haven to trade is all they want. They crossed the high seas and soon found themselves on icy and cold land, that was Alsius, there you wanted to settle down, but there was a war between the resident Nordo people. The two races fought a short war, but soon realized that they were pursuing similar goals and formed a strong alliance. On their journey further south, they met the Utghaers, who joined the Alliance and brought with them their natural affinity to magic. The three races formed the Alsace Empire and built the imperial city as their capital, Montsognir City as their southern base and several other settlements in the surrounding regions. From then on, the Dwarven people supported the Alsian people in blacksmithing, which is in their blood. The trade and smelting industries flourished and the Alsian people prospered.

Founding date: 14.07.2015

Schwarzer Tee

What do we offer you?
- TS3 Clanchannel and own Discord server
- Clan support
- own clan whatsapp group
- a filled clan chest

What do we want from you?
- TS3 or discord usage
- Activity (RL goes ahead)

You are interested to be an DoE'ler? Then visit us ingame, at Discord https://discord.gg/dwarvesoferebor or in TS ts3.river-styx.de in the channel "Dwarves of Erebor".
We look forward to you!

Best Regards
Your DoE'ler

Galdo Dragonblood
08-01-2019, 03:06 PM
14.07.2015 - 14.07.2019 = 4 Jahre D.o.E <3

Galdo Dragonblood
01-17-2021, 02:03 PM
Push! :bear:

Galdo Dragonblood
10-23-2021, 08:05 PM
Push :horsey: