View Full Version : Did I lost my old accounts?

01-31-2020, 11:31 AM
Hello all,

I was playing on Heaven and the previous server (forgot name now) and I have characters on that. I paid more then 3000 USD in game and I can't use them.
I can login, that's not problem, but I can see Ra and an other server. I tried to login into those server with my most expensive user. At Ra server there was an old knight lvl 0 character - I remember that: once I tried Ra. On the other server there are no any characters of mine.
What happened my brutal expensive characters? Lost?????

02-01-2020, 09:59 AM
Judging by https://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=111903, I would assume that you unfortunately no longer have the option of transferring your old character from Haven.

For an official answer though, you should file a ticket through the support.

02-08-2020, 09:19 PM
Hello all,

I was playing on Heaven and the previous server (forgot name now) and I have characters on that. I paid more then 3000 USD in game and I can't use them.
I can login, that's not problem, but I can see Ra and an other server. I tried to login into those server with my most expensive user. At Ra server there was an old knight lvl 0 character - I remember that: once I tried Ra. On the other server there are no any characters of mine.
What happened my brutal expensive characters? Lost?????

What did they write you? :rolleyes2:

03-23-2020, 09:07 PM
Same problem for me. I did log on Ra server and found out that only my level 13 knight from RA was remaining.
Not really a big deal as it wasn't planning to play a lot.
I don't remember receiving an email to warn me about this and 2019 was a busy year for me, I had no time to play this game (any game in general).
Maybe i'll log on from time to time to say hello, but I don't think I'll have the will to spend time on grinding again :)
Goodbye all, wish you the best.