View Full Version : Starters Guide

11-01-2006, 11:42 AM
Written by Lawie
Revised By Truifel
Used information from the Spanish Forums. A specific thanks to Taleneo.

Summary :

Chapter 1: Positioning By Coordinates
Chapter 2: Command’s of The Chat Window
Chapter 3: some other useful commands
Chapter 4: Raising Your Ability levels
Chapter 5: Discipline levels (from Tyr)

Chapter 1: Positioning by coordinates

The world of Regnum Online is a big place, especially if it’s your first time in the game. To learn to position yourself by coordinates, will be very useful. Not only for yourself, but also if you are going to play with friends. So you can contact your friends and tell them exactly where you are. To check where your position is, you can Press Alt + i .

Explanation :
At the upper right corner , a small box will appear with some useful information. Your fps (frame per second), your internet download/upload and most important, your Pos (Position). In the part of the pos, you can find 3 numbers, separated by a comma. The first number is the x-axis , the second number is the height and the third number is the Y-axis. Like some other games that uses this kind of technique : you just need the x- and y-axis. For example [ 508.02, 127.15, 5699.46 ]. At the moment I am at the position of [ 508 5699 ]. This way, you can easily send it to your friends ingame.

UPDATE : you don't have to do alt+i all the time, you can also place ure mousepointer over the compass , to check your x- and y-axis

Chapter 2: Commands of the Chat window

The chat window has a few commands that can be entered during gameplay. Or you fight in groups or you train solo and still chat with (specific) friends in the game.

Private chat : to start chatting with someone specific, you can use the private chat. The following command : /chat Name_of_person will allow you to chat with that specific person in private. It’s capital sensitive, so watch what you are typing ! Also the user you want to speak to (if its your friend), he/she needs to be in the same Kingdom as the one you belong to.

In order to close the private chat window, the command /leave will do the trick.

Parties : In order to make a party you can use the command : /party Name_of_person (person you want to join your party) Note :This can also be achieved by using your ingame Party icon. (click on the person who you want to invite and click on the button ‘invite’) You can invite up to 8 players in a party/group.

To see how many people are online, you can enter the /users command .

To reassign points to disciplines and powers, use the command : /reset_powers. Also don’t forget, you need to be at your corresponding trainer to reassign your points. (mage, warrior, ranger)

Chapter 3: some other useful commands

Useful Keyboard controls :

B = displays Power book window
C = displays character window
E = toggle walk/run
H = displays Help : how to play tips (though, i think it's still not translated into english)
I = displays inventory
L = removes/enables the event-window
N = displays action window
O = shows options
P = displays community window (party/clan)
Q = toggle Auto walk on/off
T = display chat window on/off
U = displays quest window

Chapter 4: Raising Your Ability levels

The best thing you should do first, is to improve your abilities and combat level with npc’s (non player characters) that are walking around the world of Regnum. (e.g. Kill young wolves, kill monsters that are normal, easy or below )

The next step is to go to your trainer that corresponds with your speciality (mage, warrior, ranger) Talk with your trainer and click on “Training” . You will see a window popping up : "Disciplines and Powers" . Below there is a division called “Disciplines” . Each discipline has different abilities that you can use when you get stronger. In each discipline you have, you will notice that there are boxes, Those are your “powers” . The stronger you get, the more powers you can have, that you can use while fighting. To increase the level of a discipline, you will have to select the discipline and click on assign. (the points that are needed are displayed behind the name of the discipline) Make sure you have sufficient Points to increase the selected discipline. (In order to get more points, you will need to get higher combat levels.)

The level of a power can also be increased. This will make the Power more stronger. Depending on the selected power, the damage can be increased or the duration of effects could be increased. To increase your power: Click on the desired power to increase the power’s level NOTE: Do NOT click on the (+), click on the icon-power. If by accident clicked on the (+), remember that you can reset your powers (/reset_powers)

It’s always a good idea to ask the more experienced players for advice. Ingame or on the forums.

Chapter 5: Discipline levels

Discipline levels work like this:

(Your Current Level + 1) / 2 = Max Discipline Level

Level...|...Max Discipline
The Power/Spell Level works like this:

Discipline Levels 1-10 = Power Level 2
Discipline Levels 11-14 = Power Level 3
Discipline Levels 15-18 = Power Level 4
Discipline Level 19 = Power Level 5

11-01-2006, 07:45 PM
If there are any mistakes in my post, feel free to feedback me, since im still a beginner in this game. so if there are any errors, please let me know !

11-02-2006, 12:46 PM
i've managed to figure out most of these things now anway but I'm sure this will be great for new players. Thanks for taking the time to post Lawie :) :thumb:

11-03-2006, 02:30 PM
Good job, would have helped to have something like that in the beginning. Thanks for taking the time!

11-03-2006, 04:21 PM
Good job, would have helped to have something like that in the beginning. Thanks for taking the time!

hehe i know, thats why i created this thread :) ...im sure there are newcomers that were as lost as i was and others prolly were :)

11-05-2006, 05:41 PM
wouldnt it be nice if this were to be a sticky :p im sure all english newcomers shud read this first :p

i'll add some more info when i have the time :p

11-05-2006, 09:35 PM
There you go.

11-19-2006, 04:18 PM
hi, i am soon going to play im going to be a archer and i am not sure witch guild to go with i like the blue one can u tell me which 1s good

01-26-2007, 03:26 PM
Discipline levels work like this:

(Your Current Level + 1) / 2 = Max Discipline Level

Level...|...Max Discipline

The Power/Spell Level works like this:

Discipline Levels 1-10 = Power Level 2
Discipline Levels 11-14 = Power Level 3
Discipline Levels 15-18 = Power Level 4
Discipline Level 19 = Power Level 5

Hope that helps.

Maybe interresting to add.

01-27-2007, 12:04 AM
Really nice guide, congratulations:)

03-10-2007, 05:12 AM
I get nothing anywhere for help. In the beginer circle I get "err_(no_help) something,.......)

Not that I am complainging, because I am not. But I have a hard time guessing where to go. Anybody playing online now, help out :) If not, no hit on this game, just trying to figure it out.

The original

03-10-2007, 05:15 AM
Oh yeah, When I click on one of the NPC's at the intro I get:


And that is all I get.... anywhere. Including spells and attacks....

03-10-2007, 05:18 AM
Am I going on here? When I hit ESC, all "how to play" screens are blank....

03-10-2007, 03:01 PM
Hi everyone,

Currently our two main languages are Spanish and English. This means that anything we put into the game, gets completed in these two first.

Previous versions had a "[Text not found]" legend when the text was missing, but it wasn't too helpful for you or us, so we changed that to reflect exactly which text and ID is missing.
Please, when reporting missing texts, include the entire legend. In the case of the "[err][npc_instance_display_name][ID]" you missed the ID.

And about the help, that's intentionally blank right now. We are completing the in-game help window when there are less changes to the basic game.


04-10-2007, 09:37 AM

Am I going on here? When I hit ESC, all "how to play" screens are blank....

I have the same problem and I'm not sure if it's because of the fact that I'm using English version or because I'm using linux client.

Also I have a lot of errors with quest items names like '[err][...(something)...][ID]' (don't remember right now)

04-28-2007, 11:37 PM
you say that you should not click the +-icon next to the powers.
but what will happen if i click this icon instead of clicking on the powericon?

05-03-2007, 03:19 PM
This is a good guide, though i have yet to try it out.:rolleyes2:

05-03-2007, 03:25 PM
hmm seems like a need a certain amout of posts beforei can update my profile.

05-30-2007, 02:53 AM
This is a bit stupid, but, how do you open the map? I can't find it.

05-30-2007, 04:07 AM
This is a bit stupid, but, how do you open the map? I can't find it.
Look in your inventory and "use" it.

Personally I haven't found it particularly useful. What we really need is a dynamic minimap, where you can find your party members and stuff.

05-30-2007, 04:09 AM
you say that you should not click the +-icon next to the powers.
but what will happen if i click this icon instead of clicking on the powericon?
Yeah I'd like to know that too. And also, why does it only show what the next level is when you hover over the +, when you click the skill icon to level it up? If I hadn't happened to read this guide, that'd be the first thing I'd try to click.

06-06-2007, 05:49 PM
UPDATE : you don't have to do alt+i all the time, you can also place ure mousepointer over the compass , to check your x- and y-axisJust for the record: If I am not mistaken, the compass incorrectly denotes the Y value as Z. The Z-axis is also shown after pressing ALT+i and represents the height. Please correct me if I am wrong.

07-12-2007, 06:59 PM
I'm gettin' tha same problem as well for the tips it comes blank but for quests it works :razz:

07-25-2007, 11:39 AM
Thaankies :-)
really nice guide, especially 5th chapter

09-12-2007, 12:21 PM
Maybe add a little guide to statistics?

- Strength is how hard warriors hit, and is their prime requisite.
- Dexterity determines dodge chance from physical attacks, and is also the stat archer damage is based on.
- Constitution is how many HP you have, and how fast your HP regenerates.
- Intelligence is how likely you are to dodge magic attacks and is the stat mage staff damage is based on. It also determines your base mana, and how fast your mana regenerates. Prime requisite for Magii.
- Concentration is hit chance for all classes, with spells and regular attacks.

09-13-2007, 05:46 PM
Great - it was very helpful :)

01-18-2008, 10:12 AM
Yeah I'd like to know that too. And also, why does it only show what the next level is when you hover over the +, when you click the skill icon to level it up? If I hadn't happened to read this guide, that'd be the first thing I'd try to click.

I would like to know this too ;)

Someone MUST have done it, otherwise it wouldn't be mentioned with emphasis...

01-18-2008, 10:26 AM
I would like to know this too ;)

Someone MUST have done it, otherwise it wouldn't be mentioned with emphasis...
Did you notice that was posted 7 months ago...?

Besides, nothing happens, clicking the spell or the + works.

09-27-2009, 05:49 PM
Useful Keyboard controls :

B = displays Power book window
C = displays character window
E = toggle walk/run
H = displays Help : how to play tips (though, i think it's still not translated into english)
I = displays inventory
L = removes/enables the event-window
N = displays action window
O = shows options
P = displays community window (party/clan)
Q = toggle Auto walk on/off
T = display chat window on/off
U = displays quest window
__________________________________________________ ________

is there an in-game option to re config these? i would like to switch a few up

thanks for the guide, realy helps!

09-27-2009, 07:41 PM
On the esc menu there should be a option to fully rebind all these keys, its on Amun, not sure about the main servers though.