View Full Version : Rings and amulets
10-11-2007, 09:18 PM
This is my first guide, its a guide on the various rings and amulets in realms, and helpful information about them.
Correct me please if im wrong. Thanks to Angelwinged Devil, Bully, Brad, Dky Sven, taker, aric_sc, M4ri0, Necrovarus, Galynn, Tiamat, Night Twix, Valorius, sathilda, and Firstly for information! You may post information in this thread, but I prefer a PM....
- Last Update June 27th, 2008 -
| KEY: (B) Boss drop [Q] Quest
| [X] Item is currently broken/not working properly
************************************************** *****************************
[Q] God's Amulet(LVL 19): Gives +70 Health to base health supply
(B) Jidenah Eyes(LVL 28): Gives +3 Intelligence - boss drop from fighting Jidenah in Volcano Zone
[Q] Divine Rage Amulet(LVL 7): 2-5 Fire Damage
[Q] Amulet of Emanation(LVL 27): +100 mana to base supply
(B) Yelamids Ring(LVL 10): Gives +2 Dexterity - boss drop from fighting Yelamid in Mount Oasis
[Q] Swift Step Ring(LVL 17): Gives +2 Dexterity - obtained from Rucira in Altaruk
[Q] Arcane Rage Ring(LVL 16): 2-4 Fire, Ice, and Electric Damage - obtained from Ingwe in Altaruk
(B)[X] Krontaron Ring(LVL 50): +5% Peircing Damage - boss drop from fighting Krontaron in Cactus Coast
[Q] Lefan's Ring(LVL 1): Gives +1 Armour points - Obtained from Lefan in Essadi
[Q] Darlud's Blessed Ring(LVL 3): Gives +2 Armour points - Obatined from Darlud in Nassrah Tej
[Q] Ring of the Twins(LVL27): Spell Focus +4
[Q] Ring of Telekinesis(LVL 22): Increased Evade chance - obtained from Kornin at Medenet
[Q] Ring of Lightning(LVL 40): 9-11 Lighting Damage Bonus and +5% Attack Speed
[Q] Ring of the Blacksmith(LVL 24): 9-15 Fire Damage Bonus - obtained during the runestone sidequests
[Q] Januarmar's Ring(LVL 17): Gives +3 Strength - obtained from Januamar
************************************************** *****************************
(B) Soras Amulet(LVL 9): +11 Lightning resistance - Boss drop from the Aquantis boss Soras
[Q] Medal of Courage(LVL 33): Gives +150 Health, +7% Armour, +7% Blunt Resistance - Obtained in Missing Husband quest from Dardanus Shadowhawk
[Q] Golden Broach(LVL ?): Gives +7 Damage Bonus
[Q] Amulet of Constitution(LVL 22): Gives +3 Constitution
[Q] Royal Amulet(LVL 23): +100 Health and +45 Mana to Base Supply - obtained from Amanyar in Doshim
[Q] Amulet of Hardness(LVL 15 Mage): Gives +25 mana to base supply - from Larissa in Fasgael
[Q] Strength Amulet(LVL 3): Gives +1 Strength - from Osselle in Korsum
(B)[X] Stone Token(LVL 0): Gives +10% Blunt Damage - boss drop from the golem boss Avalon
[Q] Ring of the Spider(LVL ?): Increased hit chance
[Q] Elite Mage Ring(LVL 25): Gives +3 Intelligence - obtained from Kreus in Doshim
[Q] Ring of Concentration(LVL 22): +3 Concentration - obtained from Exuif in Doshim
[Q] Ring of Mana(LVL 21): +45 mana to base supply - from Findecano in Doshim
[Q] Green Beetle Ring(LVL 3): Gives +1 Dexterity
[Q] Syrtis Ancient Ring(LVL 16): +25 mana to base supply
[Q] Ring of Strength(LVL 3): Gives +1 Strength - from Ollaun in Ilreah Village
[Q] Ring of Health(LVL 17): Gives +80 Health to base supply
[Q] Deadly Sight Ring(LVL 20): Slashing Damage Bonus 15-25 - quest reward from Poicelle
************************************************** ***************************
[Q] Master Warrior Amulet(LVL 31): Gives +4 strength - recieved after completing a quest from Knarl in Hopstad
[Q] Amulet of Emanation(LVL 27): +100 mana to base supply
[Q] Hypnotizing Amulet(LVL 23): +5 Evade chance and +12 hit chance - obtained during runestone side quests
[Q] Amulet of Might(LVL 15): Damage bonus +8
[Q] Master Mage Amulet(LVL 31): +4 Intelligence - recieved after completing a quest from Knarl in Hopstad
[Q] Avenger Amulet(LVL 16): 6-10 Fire Damage
[Q] Royal Amulet(LVL 23): +45 mana and +100 health to base supply
[Q] Fire Amulet(LVL 0): Nothing
[Q] Mad Jarmina's Amulet(LVL 19): +30 mana to base supply
[Q] Amulet of Constitution(LVL 22):+3 Constitution
[Q] Archer Master Amulet(LVL 31): +4 Dexterity - recieved after completing a quest from Knarl in Hopstad
[Q] Lucky Amulet(LVL 2): Nothing
[Q] Elite Warrior Ring(LVL 25): Gives +3 attribute bonus in strength
[Q] Ring of the Blacksmith(LVL 24): 9-15 Fire Damage Bonus - obtained during the runestone sidequests
[Q] Ring of the Twins(LVL27): Spell Focus +4
[Q] Fire Ring(LVL 0): 3 Fire damage
[Q] Oddi's Carved Ring(LVL 17): Concentration +2
[Q] Carved Ring of Iron(LVL 11): Constitution +1
[Q] Ring of the Licant(LVL 18): Gives +3 Resistance to Blunt, Piercing, and Slashing damage
[Q] Elite Mage Ring(LVL 25): Intelligence +3
[Q] Ring of Concentration(LVL 22): Concentration +3
[Q] Ring of Health(LVL 17): +80 Health to base
10-12-2007, 10:16 AM
Amulet of constitution, +3 constitution
Royal Amulet, 100+hp 45+mana
Unknown name ring, +3 intelligence
Ring of concentration, +3 concentration
Ring of mana, 45+ mana (if I remember correctly)
This is what I can remember for now sorry :/
10-12-2007, 12:52 PM
theres also the ring from intiation island (new quest)
it's like green ring or beetle ring +1 dex
edit: its called green beetle ring - +1 dex
10-12-2007, 01:59 PM
Where and how do you get these? I'm assuming it's through quests.
10-12-2007, 03:44 PM
The green ring is lvl 3 requirement.
10-12-2007, 05:56 PM
Thanks, id like to complete this guide
10-13-2007, 04:44 PM
Syrtis ancient ring, +25 mana, lvl requirement 16
10-13-2007, 08:49 PM
I would like to get some alsuis stuff here :p
10-15-2007, 06:12 PM
Yo alsuis, id like to get some info here :devil: sorry for dfouble post, I just need attention :P
10-15-2007, 06:19 PM
Base supply?
10-15-2007, 06:38 PM
i can see names and bonuses if test server is working but in test im only 32 and 28 lvls
10-15-2007, 08:00 PM
Base supply?
The base supply is your mana and health values without bonuses and such.
And mario anything helps,
10-15-2007, 10:01 PM
sorry for w8ing
this is what i have for now il check later on my other char
fire ring - dmg 3 (fire)
oddi's carved ring - concentration +2 lvl 17
carved ring of iron (common) - constituision +1 lvl 11
ring of the licant - lvl 18
elite mage ring - inteligence +3 mage lvl 25
ring of concentration - concentration +3 lvl 22
amulet of might - damage +8 lvl 15
master mage amulet - inteligence +4 mage lvl 31
avenger amulet - damage 6-10 (fire) lvl 16
fire amulet - lvl 5
royal amulet - mana +45 health + 100 lvl 23
10-15-2007, 10:01 PM
THANK YOU! ill put it up as soon as I get back
10-16-2007, 03:27 AM
Syrtis - stone token. +10% blunt damage. don't think it works though.
10-16-2007, 07:33 AM
Syrtis - stone token. +10% blunt damage. don't think it works though.
i'm almost positive that it works...
edit: after a bit of testing, it almost seems like the stone token provides an amazing +10 blunt damage, as oppose to the advertised +10%.....lame, eh?....can anyone confirm this?
10-16-2007, 07:41 AM
Backe!!!! :D
10-16-2007, 05:24 PM
they can have +6 concentration and +8dmg???
oh man!
10-16-2007, 06:10 PM
I am goign to have to update this after I come back form my move, which will be maybe a week's time, I have to set up my computer and get a new internet connection once I move. Thank you everyone for your continued information.
Im suprised by how some of you guys have so many items Oo, then again here in Ignis we have a ton of bosses.
10-17-2007, 05:03 AM
Is it just me, or did casters get hosed on jewelry in Ignis
10-17-2007, 12:47 PM
Yesterday, i`m alone killed KRONTARON, but never received a ring, only lot. :ohill:
10-18-2007, 12:11 AM
me and stn killed kron the other day and got the ring, he didn't chase me forever like he usually does yay!
10-18-2007, 02:56 AM
Added Alsuis Amulet and Ring information, and added quest/boss status.
PS. Is the stone token an amulet or ring?
Added Alsuis Amulet and Ring information, and added quest/boss status.
PS. Is the stone token an amulet or ring?
Amulet. :)
10-18-2007, 03:08 AM
Thank you, I also added color coding, guide coming along nice now :biggrin: Now all I need is to find out what items are boos drops, and possibly where to find some of these items.
Niclam if you read this, my guide looks good enough with decent information to be added to the list of user created guides,
The Stone Token is a drop from the boss golem Avalon. :)
10-18-2007, 04:19 AM
Looking at all these rings is interesting, I never knew you guys in Syrtis and Alsuis had so many . Im sure there is more too, I know that I have the Ignis section completed, except for the location of a few.
10-18-2007, 07:58 AM
swift step ring sucks, it's redundant, can we trade if for the "Ring of Concentration(LVL 22): Concentration +3" from Alius? Why do I need a Lv17 +2 dex ring when I can kill yelamid a few times at Lv10 and get 2 Lv10 +2 dex rings? Yelamid is a dead easy boss to kill and the rings are more useful for someone going to start an archer cause they can kill the boss with their high lv char and trade the rings to their new char and use them right away when they get to where they can be a hunter or marks.
10-21-2007, 11:33 AM
rings :
ring of healt - health +80 lvl 17
mad jarmina's amulet - mana +30 lvl 19
amulet of constituition - constituition +3 lvl 22
archer master amulet - dexterity +4 lvl 31
thats all i have for now. :metal:
10-22-2007, 01:04 PM
actually its the green beetle ring not the green ring just abit of help :P
uh lets see
ring of mana is lvl 21
amulet of constitution is lvl 22
i dont think the stone token has a specific lvl but i could be wrong
10-22-2007, 01:21 PM
Whinge whinge whinge.
The realms are different. Get over it.
10-22-2007, 03:12 PM
Thanks again guys for helping me make this pimpin guide ;)
10-23-2007, 08:03 AM
stone token can be equipped for any lvl
10-28-2007, 06:10 PM
Is it possible to trade rings/amulets (or anything else) across realms?
10-28-2007, 07:05 PM
Sadly no, but you could do it like this lol ->
Bring one of your bosses into the WArzone and when someone frmo the other ream kills it they actually could get the boss drop, I know some people that have
10-28-2007, 09:50 PM
small correction:
krontarons ring is lvl50 and its +5% piercing dmg
10-29-2007, 06:44 AM
seriously seems like kind of a waste getting to lvl 50 to equip it and only get +5% pierching dmg
10-30-2007, 09:09 AM
Ignis stuff looks like crap in comparison to the other. I wonder if there are other items or I'm very sad of this unbalancing.
10-30-2007, 10:52 AM
Ignis stuff looks like crap in comparison to the other. I wonder if there are other items or I'm very sad of this unbalancing.
no, there are not :(
i thought the items might even out the starting attributes, but i never compared them with other realms.
On the other hand i wont be surprised if ignis gets disadvantaged once again
10-30-2007, 11:47 AM
It's like I said feanor, why the hell do we need 2 rings that do the exact same thing? Yelamid's rings is by far more valable then the swiftstep because you can get it for Lv10, not Lv17, but both suck since the +2 dex equates to nothing more then 1 more point added to evasion, fine for a warrior or a conju in a fort fight, but for a ranged char wouldn't you rather have something that inceases something else? Personally I'd love more concentration to boost hit chance or more mp.
The arcane rage rings comes too late to be really useful, they'd be awesome if you got those at Lv7 with the divine rage pendant, combined it's 14-29 more damage to your weapon if it does infact stack like that.
Like others have stated tho, would it kill ngd to make exclsive textures to the boss stuff? my Graj staff looks the same as 10 other staves going down to like Lv9 staves. That and I see it as only useful for conju, warlocks almost exclusively use fast staves, I use the Graj staff in the hopes that the +5% fire resist works as advetised so that it takes at least a little of the bite out of the warlock's fireball spell.
10-30-2007, 11:57 AM
I know for sure that is everything from Ignis :( :rale:
I already suggested boss items look unique, gohos paul looks like leather paul, tankabon mace looks like lvl 5 mace,
10-30-2007, 12:01 PM
/knight whine on
Why do we have 5%pierce bonus for kron and treehumpers have 10%blunt?no fair:(
/knight whine off
10-30-2007, 12:02 PM
Kron ring is 50 too might I add, stone token a lvl 1 guy can equip ;)
Man so many of the Syrtis and Alsuis rings and ammies are practically the same, thats what I can a waste, in Ignis we are more organized. Just looking at the ignis list I can actually read it, the others..
10-30-2007, 12:14 PM
ngd should make this a sticky
10-30-2007, 12:46 PM
ngd should make this a sticky
Nah there would be too many of the stickies then, there's one sticky pointing to this one
10-30-2007, 02:04 PM
ngd should make this a sticky
No because this is a user created guide, and it SHOULD be found in the sticky user created guides section, but for some reason niclam hasn't put it there yet!!
10-30-2007, 08:25 PM
its in the list. even under "advanced"
10-30-2007, 08:41 PM
yes I PMed him a while ago ^^ he added it
11-21-2007, 12:38 PM
[Q] Ring of the Licant(LVL 18): Nothing
This one gives you +2 on your armor points.
11-21-2007, 12:40 PM
All armour?
11-26-2007, 03:22 PM
Under 'attributes', it's called 'Armor Points'. The number increases by 2 when you wear the ring. That's all it does.
11-26-2007, 11:08 PM
i've got a 'deadly sight ring', it gives no bonus, it says it does some damage, but how? i'll post the stats next time i log in to check them out, don't remember them now...
EDIT: here are the stats:
12-26-2007, 06:43 AM
Deadly sight ring: 15-25 slash dmg added to base attack.
(Valorius wears two)
archer master amulet - dexterity +4 lvl 31
Is that a syrtis amulet?
Deadly sight ring: 15-25 slash dmg added to base attack.
(Valorius wears two)
Is that a syrtis amulet?
I don't think so, unless I or the town crier missed a non-runestone quest and that's not likely.
And a slash damage ring adds to your damage in the same way that the magnifications do except the damage it adds ranges from 15-25.
And for Edge:
[Q] Lucky Amulet(Lvl 2) Nothing.
12-26-2007, 11:01 AM
I have the archer master amulet. It's from a quest in Hopstad. Knarl Something. A guard at the gate. I brought some stones to Gokstad to repair the docks.
12-26-2007, 01:59 PM
slash damage ring
None of them in alsius afaik. Realm specific item?
12-26-2007, 03:03 PM
From Ignis
[Q] Amulet of Emanation
lvl 27
+100 mana
[Q] Ring of the twins
lvl 27
Weapon damage 100%
(chance 4%)
12-26-2007, 05:32 PM
Thanks for more information, I will post it up at a later date, because at the moment I don't have even the slightest time.
None of them in alsius afaik. Realm specific item?
Yes, the ring of Deadly Sight is a realm specific item from Syrtis, quest reward from Poicelle and requires lvl 21, all classes.
12-28-2007, 10:53 AM
I already posted it elsewhere, but for completeness I'll repeat it:
Some Ignis Quest Items:
Ring of Telekinesis, +4% attack range
Ring of the Twins, "100% wpn dmg" with a probability of 4% (I hope it means "+100%")
Ring of Lightning, 9-11 lightning dmg and +5% attack speed, lvl40
And concerning the Krontarons-ring-vs-syrtis-amulet thing: Get two of his rings, you have the same +10%. Obviously a +10% ring would be a little unfair.
12-28-2007, 02:26 PM
I already posted it elsewhere, but for completeness I'll repeat it:
Some Ignis Quest Items:
Ring of Telekinesis, +4% attack range
Ring of the Twins, "100% wpn dmg" with a probability of 4% (I hope it means "+100%")
Ring of Lightning, 9-11 lightning dmg and +5% attack speed, lvl40
And concerning the Krontarons-ring-vs-syrtis-amulet thing: Get two of his rings, you have the same +10%. Obviously a +10% ring would be a little unfair.
yeah in theory krons rings would be nice - if only they would work...
12-28-2007, 02:52 PM
-Added various rings and amulets
-Fixed spelling errors
Also, in regards to new rings and amulets obtained as drops from Monsters, tell me what kind of monster you were fighting, and the stats of the object as always. We are all not sure Monster Drops are for certain realms only, for now I will add a seperate category for them until more information is recived.
By the way I would like to thank people that continue to give me countless information, Necrovarus is #1 :D This guide is the 2nd biggest ( by views ) one in Begginer Forums to my knowledge, that means alot to me.
12-28-2007, 03:54 PM
There's also Soras Amulet in Syrtis, got it yesterday. No bonus whatsoever, just loot from boss named Soras.
12-28-2007, 06:29 PM
There's also Soras Amulet in Syrtis, got it yesterday. No bonus whatsoever, just loot from boss named Soras.
it is +2-3 to armor points :]
12-28-2007, 06:51 PM
[Q] God's Amulet(LVL 19): Gives +70 Health to base health supply
(B) Jidenah Eyes(LVL 28): Gives +3 Intelligence - boss drop from fighting Jidenah in Volcano Zone
[Q] Divine Rage Amulet(LVL 7): 2-5 Fire Damage
[Q] Amulet of Emanation(LVL 27): +100 mana to base supply
(B) Yelamids Ring(LVL 10): Gives +2 Dexterity - boss drop from fighting Yelamid in Mount Oasis
[Q] Swift Step Ring(LVL 17): Gives +2 Dexterity - obtained from Rucira in Altaruk
[Q] Arcane Rage Ring(LVL 16): 4-7 Fire, Ice, and Electric Damage - obtained from Ingwe in Altaruk
(B) Krontaron Ring(LVL 50): +5% Peircing Damage - boss drop from fighting Krontaron in Cactus Coast
[Q] Lefan's Ring(LVL 1): (This ring does do something) put it on and press C and look thats different - Obtained from Lefan in Essadi
[Q] Darlud's Blessed Ring(LVL 3): +2 armor defence - Obatined from Darlud in Nassrah Tej
[Q] Ring of the Twins(LVL27): Weapon Damage 100% Chance 4%
[Q] Ring of Telekinesis(LVL ?): +4 attack range
[Q] Ring of Lightning(LVL 40): 9-11 Lighting Damage Bonus and +5% Attack Speed
[Q] Ring of the Blacksmith(LVL 24): 9-15 Fire Damage Bonus - obtained during the runestone sidequests
12-28-2007, 07:30 PM
it is +2-3 to armor points :]
Huh, it doesnt say so in the description pop-up. Good to know.
12-29-2007, 02:55 PM
[Q] Ring of the Twins(LVL27): Weapon Damage 100% Chance 4%
[Q] Ring of Telekinesis(LVL ?): +4 attack range
[Q] Ring of Lightning(LVL 40): 9-11 Lighting Damage Bonus and +5% Attack Speed
where do u get these?Oo
12-29-2007, 05:59 PM
You get them by doing the Runestone quests.
12-29-2007, 06:19 PM
You get them by doing the Runestone quests.
the thing is that i did them and got no rings
12-29-2007, 06:23 PM
the thing is that i did them and got no rings
they were added recently
if you did the quests already - bad luck for you
12-30-2007, 03:25 AM
[Q] Ring of Telekinesis(LVL ?): +4 attack range
[Q] Ring of Lightning(LVL 40): 9-11 Lighting Damage Bonus and +5% Attack Speed
omfg. i hope we have these in syrtis.
12-30-2007, 07:37 AM
The ring of telekinesis is lvl 22, but the quest is aviable at lvl 21. You get it from a guard in medenet (next time I log in I´ll check the name of the guard and edit this post) Thanks a lot to Saurom Lamderth (like the group, I think) for the info.
12-30-2007, 08:15 AM
From Ignis
[Q] Amulet of Emanation
lvl 27
+100 mana
[Q] Ring of the twins
lvl 27
Weapon damage 100%
(chance 4%)
The amulet of emanation is bugged. It is supposed to give +100 mana to your mana pool. But what it really does (at least for me) is every time you equip it, it restores 100 mana instead of adding 100 mana to your mana pool. It would be nice if this was fixed :tsk_tsk:
The amulet of emanation is bugged. It is supposed to give +100 mana to your mana pool. But what it really does (at least for me) is every time you equip it, it restores 100 mana instead of adding 100 mana to your mana pool. It would be nice if this was fixed :tsk_tsk:
It does? Well, it is even nicer now, isn't it? :D
12-30-2007, 04:19 PM
Its only good when u have time to equip it multiple times
01-02-2008, 08:10 PM
ring of the spider (or something, not sure)
3% chance of 700% damage
not sure if it works, but its from agnus or something. the guy by the big falls on initiation island.
01-02-2008, 11:44 PM
ring of the spider (or something, not sure)
3% chance of 700% damage
not sure if it works, but its from agnus or something. the guy by the big falls on initiation island.
Yeh u can get this one on lvl 6 :)
But i never made that super hit.... :(
01-02-2008, 11:51 PM
ring of the spider (or something, not sure)
3% chance of 700% damage
not sure if it works, but its from agnus or something. the guy by the big falls on initiation island.
WHAT???are u serius???wtf this isnt fair...hope it doesent work:P
01-03-2008, 12:25 AM
WHAT???are u serius???wtf this isnt fair...hope it doesent work:P
with 3% chance? are you kidding? 1,5h of grinding and nothing :D so i use other rings.
01-03-2008, 12:36 AM
Yea but imagine...a barb in war hits u 700% its sick.most of ppl would die instantly
01-03-2008, 07:41 AM
I really have to say some of these recent items change the gameplay too much in my opinion.. Things that should not be touched of Items are to me eg the Speed, Evasion %, Range. i dont understand at all why this got into the game..
01-03-2008, 09:41 AM
These speed boosting items are -way- unbalancing. They need to go, now.
01-03-2008, 04:27 PM
hmmmm the things aint that overpowerd cuz u loose ALOT of armour....the evasion is nothing i doesent help me at all, only the speed is god when u need to run somewhere
01-03-2008, 04:37 PM
These speed boosting items are -way- unbalancing. They need to go, now.
Do I smell Jealousy :superpusso: ??
Thanks guys, I only update when I get at least 5 new things though. I am thinking about translating the guide into Spanish or maybe even German now, if someone would like to help me with that PM always ready.
01-03-2008, 08:59 PM
Armor doesn't matter if you can't be caught. *cough*Demon Mongers Child*cough*
I was wondering what was up with the low level armor yesterday.
well...atleast for me as a knight 6% bonus speed isnt that much.i still get cought
01-03-2008, 09:16 PM
Yes but Hunter has to put 4 points into their passive (the 6th skill in Scouting) to have the same speed as you.
This is because Mobility is 5% lower than Spring, and passive only gives 3% per level as well.
It could be argued that they could just go and get the items too... but they don't seem to exist in Syrtis.
ok but...find me a knight that has spring maxed yea there is no1 so there u go i have with spring and that armor have 1% bigger speed then an archer with mobility
01-04-2008, 03:45 AM
Yes but Hunter has to put 4 points into their passive (the 6th skill in Scouting) to have the same speed as you.
This is because Mobility is 5% lower than Spring, and passive only gives 3% per level as well.
It could be argued that they could just go and get the items too... but they don't seem to exist in Syrtis.
Mobility lasts 5 seconds more than Spring.
ok but...find me a knight that has spring maxed yea there is no1 so there u go i have with spring and that armor have 1% bigger speed then an archer with mobility
This is true, almost every Knight I know have it at level 3 and some others at level 4. And remember... Hunters have range.
01-04-2008, 08:27 AM
Mobility lasts 5 seconds more than Spring.
But spring also has a 50 second cooldown, 10 seconds less than mobility. So in actuality, in 1 minute an archer may only have 20 seconds worth of boosted speed while a warrior can have up to 25 seconds of boosted speed per minute.
I've nothing against how the spells are set up but I too don't like it if people can use items that increase range and movement/attack speed.
01-04-2008, 10:46 AM
But spring also has a 50 second cooldown, 10 seconds less than mobility. So in actuality, in 1 minute an archer may only have 20 seconds worth of boosted speed while a warrior can have up to 25 seconds of boosted speed per minute.
I've nothing against how the spells are set up but I too don't like it if people can use items that increase range and movement/attack speed.
I know that of Mobility, but in a Knight is the only speed skill available ;)
An about items... I totally agree!
01-05-2008, 06:37 AM
Whats about this Ignis ring of Wind i read? +5% speed means +10% for 2 of them?? i dont get it.. are these bound to a class or can evrybody have them? that makes me really mad..
01-06-2008, 07:08 PM
Whats about this Ignis ring of Wind i read? +5% speed means +10% for 2 of them?? i dont get it.. are these bound to a class or can evrybody have them? that makes me really mad..
there is no such ring in ignis, no idea why its in the list
01-07-2008, 06:30 PM
there is no such ring in ignis, no idea why its in the list
Demon Monger claims he has one, maybe I should ask him for a pic...
Apparently its a monster drop. So random?
01-07-2008, 09:34 PM
Demon Monger claims he has one, maybe I should ask him for a pic...
Apparently its a monster drop. So random?
maybe DM claims a lot on a long day
01-07-2008, 09:37 PM
maybe DM claims a lot on a long day
yep i do claim alot..... I CREATE MY OWN ITEMS!
01-09-2008, 08:06 PM
I already posted it elsewhere, but for completeness I'll repeat it:
Some Ignis Quest Items:
Ring of Telekinesis, +4% attack range
Ring of the Twins, "100% wpn dmg" with a probability of 4% (I hope it means "+100%")
Ring of Lightning, 9-11 lightning dmg and +5% attack speed, lvl40
And concerning the Krontarons-ring-vs-syrtis-amulet thing: Get two of his rings, you have the same +10%. Obviously a +10% ring would be a little unfair.
The ring of telekenisis sounds very powerful, but the ring of lightning sounds really sweet too. I hope NGD gives all realms equivelant item types. Some of these items(beyond the ones listed here) are, imo, quite a bit unbalancing.
01-12-2008, 08:28 PM
Ive removed the Monster Drops section.
01-14-2008, 11:53 PM
The ring of telekenisis sounds very powerful, but the ring of lightning sounds really sweet too. I hope NGD gives all realms equivelant item types. Some of these items(beyond the ones listed here) are, imo, quite a bit unbalancing.
ring of telekenisis is not powerful at all....
range 25 + 4% = range 26
range 30 + 4% = range 31.2
its like 1 step - 1.1 steps difference... (that step must be made walking not running)
Darluds Ring gives +2 to armor points, Lefans Ring gives +1 to armor points.
Its close to nothing but not nothing ;)
01-15-2008, 02:25 AM
ring of telekenisis is not powerful at all....
range 25 + 4% = range 26
range 30 + 4% = range 31.2
its like 1 step - 1.1 steps difference... (that step must be made walking not running)
given 2 of those rings and the marksman's passive, you can get a total of 36.9 meters range, that's 23% boost. If you're not a marksman you can still get 32.4 meters range.
And it matters a damn lot when you target enemies that *think* they are just out of your range.
01-15-2008, 02:37 PM
ring of telekenisis is not powerful at all....
range 25 + 4% = range 26
range 30 + 4% = range 31.2
its like 1 step - 1.1 steps difference... (that step must be made walking not running)
8% more range is a huge deal. It means with a 30 range bow you can shoot at a warlock on a wall and he cant shoot back, and you dont need to use parabolic shot. You can shoot at enemy hunters on a wall and they'd need parabolic shot to even return fire at all.
An 8% difference is a HUGE advantadge in some scenarios.
01-15-2008, 07:39 PM
Val in all respect, mostly any of the items on that list gives advantages that can be huge in certain situations. If you want to complain about items start your own thread for once,
You click Development category
You click start a new thread
You write a title, and what you will be complaining about. Then you click spellcheck and finished.
Congratulations. I feel your joy... ;)
01-15-2008, 07:41 PM
Guys, no need to argue about the extra range ring anymore:
- Fixed: Ring of the Spider now grants Hit chance.
- Fixed: Ring of the Twins now grants Spell focus.
- Fixed: Ring of Telekinesis now grants increased evasion rate.
It didn't say the range was taken off, but that's what I assume until someone confirms it. Of course, if you want to argue whether or not the change is justified you may do so in another thread as Edge suggested ;)
(Gosh, I'd love to get a pair of Ring of Twins).
01-15-2008, 07:46 PM
Val in all respect, mostly any of the items on that list gives advantages that can be huge in certain situations. If you want to complain about items start your own thread for once,
You click Development category
You click start a new thread
You write a title, and what you will be complaining about. Then you click spellcheck and finished.
Congratulations. I feel your joy... ;)
How about i post what i want where i want instead?
An 8% increase in range is a significant advantadge, which is probably why NGD removed the range boost from the item in this newest update, eh?
PS: I have started many threads, ye of the senseless flame.
01-15-2008, 07:46 PM
thanks amade, ill update it over the weekend, its such a mess whenever you edit that thing you know
01-15-2008, 10:33 PM
thanks amade, ill update it over the weekend, its such a mess whenever you edit that thing you know
darlud rings and lefans rings give defence bonuses
04-18-2008, 11:13 AM
Is that all for this guide then?
-Lefans and Darluds rings entries
-Added Golden Broach for Syrtis Amulets
Alsius, Syrtis and Ignis:
-Hypnotizing Amulet: Quest reward, +6 evade and +12 hit chance, lvl 23
-Ring of the Twins: Spell Focus +4
-Ring of the Blacksmith is available to all 3 realms.
-Fire Ring and Fire Amulet are both lvl 0
-Alsius also has the Amulet of Emanation
04-18-2008, 11:33 AM
Alsius, Syrtis and Ignis:
-Hypnotizing Amulet: Quest reward, +6 evade and +12 hit chance, lvl 23
-Ring of the Twins: Spell Focus +4
-Ring of the Blacksmith is available to all 3 realms.
-Fire Ring and Fire Amulet are both lvl 0
-Alsius also has the Amulet of Emanation
Done! Got any more?
MMM it would be nice to finish in the entries I already have, like Lvl, effect, quest, where obtained, etc etc.
Not that I can think of. When I get in-game next I will have a look.
04-19-2008, 12:12 AM
Hypnotizing Amulet... Sorry guys, but where can be found this one?
Hypnotizing Amulet... Sorry guys, but where can be found this one?
New reward for lvl 23 runestone quest, but if you did it already, you don't get it. You have to make a new char.
Ahem, does this Hypnotizing Amulet really exist..? Has anyone in Ignis got it yet?
Sorry it is +5 evasion, not +6.
Get to lvl 23 and try the last runestone quest for that lvl, it should be one of the Allamar's Runestone ones. But here in Alsius we have to kill impossibles so I had to wait until lvl 27 to do it.
04-22-2008, 10:49 AM
Sorry it is +5 evasion, not +6.
Get to lvl 23 and try the last runestone quest for that lvl, it should be one of the Allamar's Runestone ones. But here in Alsius we have to kill impossibles so I had to wait until lvl 27 to do it.
Ok changed that
And Yes it does exist, I got it on my conjurer and my marksman
04-25-2008, 09:02 PM
[Q] Ring of the Blacksmith(LVL 24): 9-15 Fire Damage Bonus - obtained during the runestone sidequests
in Syrtis.... which quest? Where? :D
04-26-2008, 01:59 PM
[Q] Ring of the Blacksmith(LVL 24): 9-15 Fire Damage Bonus - obtained during the runestone sidequests
in Syrtis.... which quest? Where? :D
Anyone? Or there is not such ring in Syrtis?
04-26-2008, 02:34 PM
Anyone? Or there is not such ring in Syrtis?
Its during the runestone quests, so they guy with the chest in Fisgael, name begins with an I
But you can't get it if you already did the quests, its a recent item
04-26-2008, 02:42 PM
Its during the runestone quests, so they guy with the chest in Fisgael, name begins with an I
But you can't get it if you already did the quests, its a recent item
I have done all quests 23-25 from irehok, yesterday. That is why i am asking.
04-26-2008, 02:49 PM
I have done all quests 23-25 from irehok, yesterday. That is why i am asking.
The quests go up to lvl 40,
Now its time you move on to Korsum and look for an NPC there, then Raeria etc.
04-26-2008, 02:55 PM
The quests go up to lvl 40,
Now its time you move on to Korsum and look for an NPC there, then Raeria etc.
You are kidding? This ring is 24lvl. Atm i am finishing last chest lock quest quest lvl26 afair. In Rae i have 3 undone quest, but they are old and don't give ring. Korsum is finished. And you said that is is quest from irehok. So we have this ring or not? :D
Any screenshots?
04-26-2008, 02:56 PM
I belive Necrovarus told me it exists in Syrtis.
Check back to every NPC :D
04-26-2008, 03:02 PM
I believe Necrovarus told me it exists in Syrtis.
Check back to every NPC :D
You know that i am going to kill you if i was questing for 2h only to get staffs, because you believe Necro? :D
04-26-2008, 03:49 PM
You know that i am going to kill you if i was questing for 2h only to get staffs, because you believe Necro? :D
Nonsense :sifflote: im sure you made alot of cash for arrows
It should be in Syrtis.
If Hypnotizing Amulet exists in Syrtis than this should.
Try Ekiho's quests...
Gah I'm about to kill Ordamo's Summon and still don't have the Hypnotizing Amulet.
Hypnotizing Amulet is from Allamar's Runestone: The Replica.
Hypnotizing Amulet is from Allamar's Runestone: The Replica.
Weird, I did that yesterday and didn't get it.
No Hypnotizing amulet in sight :(
Could someone in Ignis please meet me ingame and at least show me said amulet, I'm adamant that it does not actually exist (In Ignis).
04-28-2008, 03:40 PM
Necrovarus are you SURE they exist in other realms?
04-28-2008, 03:46 PM
Could someone in Ignis please meet me ingame and at least show me said amulet, I'm adamant that it does not actually exist (In Ignis).
There is no hypnotizing amulet in ignis
04-28-2008, 04:06 PM
There is no hypnotizing amulet in ignis
Yea what else should I get rid of then?
There is no hypnotizing amulet in ignis
Well thanks for someone finally telling me, I've been a fool of this conspiracy for days. It even had me doing quests >_>
04-28-2008, 04:40 PM
I've been a fool of this conspiracy for days. It even had me doing quests >_>
Thats exactly why I want 100% information from now on :(
04-30-2008, 03:49 AM
I have a base evade chance of "70". So the amulet that gives +5 evade, would that take it up to "75", and if so, does that 75 represent 75% chance to evade, or what does that 75 represent? If that is not a % chance, then what number would represest 100% chance to evade?
I have a base evade chance of "70". So the amulet that gives +5 evade, would that take it up to "75", and if so, does that 75 represent 75% chance to evade, or what does that 75 represent? If that is not a % chance, then what number would represest 100% chance to evade?
No where near a direct % chance, with my current equipment I can get up to 85 Evasion. I am certainly not evading 85% of attacks, not even with Dodge activated.
It'll be a female dog to try and work out the relationship between that figure and your chance to evade in a percentage. Especially the correlation against the attackers hit chance/spell focus rating.
04-30-2008, 04:55 AM
No where near a direct % chance, with my current equipment I can get up to 85 Evasion. I am certainly not evading 85% of attacks, not even with Dodge activated.
It'll be a female dog to try and work out the relationship between that figure and your chance to evade in a percentage. Especially the correlation against the attackers hit chance/spell focus rating.
Or NGD could just tell us what +5 evade actually means.
BTW, does equipping yourself up to 85 seem to make any real, definitive difference in your evade %?
Or NGD could just tell us what +5 evade actually means.
BTW, does equipping yourself up to 85 seem to make any real, definitive difference in your evade %?
Well the viable build I go for leaves me with 83 evasion, 85 is my potential but takes too much away from elsewhere. And yes, you do notice evades quite often. Someone just watching me loot pointed out how often I evade mob hits. At the moment I'm testing a different build and I have 71 evade, the difference between the two is very noticeable.
I'll start taking screenshots of my logs with this build so you can see how much I evade, and how much I evade instead resisting due to Elude.
04-30-2008, 07:10 AM
As with other modifiers, it's probably broken and actually DECREASES the chance to evade....
As with other modifiers, it's probably broken and actually DECREASES the chance to evade....
Certainly not. I notice quite an increase with the Hypnotizing Amulet.
04-30-2008, 09:59 AM
I think DMC told me once that each 5 points of constitution = +1% knockdown resist. If that it's also the same for evade, (but based on Dex instead of const.) then a 70 evade rating would be 14%, and an 85 would be 17%.
I think DMC told me once that each 5 points of constitution = +1% knockdown resist. If that it's also the same for evade, (but based on Dex instead of const.) then a 70 evade rating would be 14%, and an 85 would be 17%.
But how would that by affected by the attackers hit chance?
Also, I'll reskill for 85 evasion and show you a log of my evades with and withotu dodge. You'll see more than 17% of hits/spells evaded I think.
04-30-2008, 12:33 PM
I think DMC told me once that each 5 points of constitution = +1% knockdown resist. If that it's also the same for evade, (but based on Dex instead of const.) then a 70 evade rating would be 14%, and an 85 would be 17%.
Knockdown resist used to be 1% for 2 constitution points.
Then it was devided in half, so i asume its now 1% for 4 constitution points.
I dont think its likely that evasion is calculated in the same way as the added layers of knockdown and stun resist.
Anyway i think we can expect changes to happen with evasion system
maybe it will be more clear how it actually works. :thumb:
04-30-2008, 12:51 PM
It breaks down very difficultly. It CAN be calculated, but it will take alot of work.
It will also be based on moves from the opponent that increase hitchance and decrease evade chance :/
04-30-2008, 12:52 PM
Your evasion is weighted against your opponent's hit chance for regular attacks and spell focus for skills. This is not an absolute chance.
(Dodge or SotW are absolute).
04-30-2008, 05:32 PM
So can someone approximate the difference in evade % between a 70 and an 85?
04-30-2008, 07:10 PM
So can someone approximate the difference in evade % between a 70 and an 85?
You can ask Xeph, he is usually good at something like that, he has the software to calculate percents and such.
04-30-2008, 09:07 PM
Do u need to do any other quest in order to get the lvl 50 ignis ring
04-30-2008, 09:12 PM
Do u need to do any other quest in order to get the lvl 50 ignis ring
nope you need to kill krontaron...his usualy somewhere at the end of mele beach
04-30-2008, 09:14 PM
nope you need to kill krontaron...his usualy somewhere at the end of mele beach
how often does he come around, i have a 47 hunter right now and spend all of time as of now at melekti? beach.
04-30-2008, 09:21 PM
how often does he come around, i have a 47 hunter right now and spend all of time as of now at melekti? beach.
not sure...i think the respawn rate is every 12h or a day
04-30-2008, 09:29 PM
not sure...i think the respawn rate is every 12h or a day
ok thanks ill get to keep a look out for him
05-26-2008, 10:14 AM
Id like to keep this guide on the lookout now, since they added some new quests there will probably be new items. So thanks to those who will contribute the data.
Also please help polish anything you find wrong, inncorrect, missing. Thanks,
05-26-2008, 06:06 PM
Medal of Courage
Health +150
Blunt resistant +7
Armor points +7%
Level requirement: lvl33
Quest reward: Melver, Lost Husband II., lvl32
05-26-2008, 06:16 PM
Medal of Courage
Health +150
Blunt resistant +7
Armor points +7%
Level requirement: lvl33
Quest reward: Melver, Lost Husband II., lvl32
Got that one before you :p
05-26-2008, 06:23 PM
Got that one before you :p
Then why dont you post the details? :tonguey:
05-26-2008, 06:33 PM
Quest reward: Melver, Lost Husband II., lvl32
It is old quest? With new reward? I don't see this quest!
05-26-2008, 06:35 PM
It is old quest? With new reward? I don't see this quest!
They dont posted it in the english one :S
05-26-2008, 06:44 PM
Its bloody new, you can start it by speaking with Dardanus Shadowhawk betwen pb and pb2.
yes missing husband 1 and 2. after completing part 2, you will receive medal from troll gorbulas. part one has standard reward. and for completing this set of quests, you ll have mixed walking and killing mobs as well interaction with objects.
05-27-2008, 08:09 AM
Are there such things also for ignis? Or I must expect syrtis will be still advantaged every other realm (items, merchants, number of players...) ?
I can't believe this game has such umbalancing...
05-27-2008, 11:10 AM
Yeah that sucks!
Syrtis and Alsius may have more of nothing but Ingis have the most unbalanced item of all, ring of lightning.
Be nice if this is evened out in every sense. This is a very touchy subject for some players, ring abusers. :wink:
No offence i would use two of these godly rings too, but i cant. :/
05-27-2008, 11:25 AM
yes missing husband 1 and 2. after completing part 2, you will receive medal from troll gorbulas. part one has standard reward. and for completing this set of quests, you ll have mixed walking and killing mobs as well interaction with objects.
Wasn't that your quest Anpu? I'll have to try it on my Syrtis char, they added the quest I created aswell, but im not lvl 49 so I can't even see my masterpiece :ohill:
Syrtis and Alsius may have more of nothing but Ingis have the most unbalanced item of all, ring of lightning.
Be nice if this is evened out in every sense. This is a very touchy subject for some players, ring abusers. :wink:
No offence i would use two of these godly rings too, but i cant. :/
Sorry but very few people actually have 1 Ring of Lightning. And I would say it is pretty balanced with the Deadly Sight Ring from Syrtis
05-27-2008, 11:58 AM
Sorry but very few people actually have 1 Ring of Lightning. And I would say it is pretty balanced with the Deadly Sight Ring from Syrtis
Why is that?
According to your guide its from a lvl 40 or so quest.
Yes its probably not that big difference between RoL and DSR for mages and archers.
Warriors with RoL clearly have a great advantage and DSR exist only in Syrtis right?
Well im sure NGD will look in to this eventually.
When adding new quests would be good time to even it out.
05-27-2008, 12:13 PM
Warriors with RoL clearly have a great advantage and DSR exist only in Syrtis right?
Imo yes. But we don't have blacksmith ring. I would exchange DSR or one BR :P
05-27-2008, 12:17 PM
Imo yes. But we don't have blacksmith ring. I would exchange DSR or one BR :P
Ah right, I have to delete that one from Syrtis
05-27-2008, 12:52 PM
Ok then... Let's talk about amulets.
I think no one can say anything about ignis amulets.
05-27-2008, 01:14 PM
Yes our amulets suck :p
+3 intel for me... +3 evade would be better :p
05-27-2008, 01:32 PM
4 amulets only, ill have to add some amulets as quest rewards in the next quest contest
05-27-2008, 01:36 PM
Yes i agree DF :/
I think most players agree there is no fairness here.
[Q] Medal of Courage(LVL 33): Gives +150 Health, +7% Armour, +7% Blunt Resistance - Obtained in Missing Husband quest from Dardanus Shadowhawk
Is it 7% blunt or or +7 blunt resist?
Also it would be nice if you could put up [defective] on stuff that we think dont work properly.
Maybe these two that people said dont work in the past
(B) Krontaron Ring(LVL 50): +5% Peircing Damage - boss drop from fighting Krontaron in Cactus Coast
(B) Stone Token(LVL 0): Gives +10% Blunt Damage - boss drop from the golem boss Avalon
05-27-2008, 04:51 PM
Is it 7% blunt or or +7 blunt resist?
Read it, it says +7 Blunt resistance, this is a nice one for archers.
Also it would be nice if you could put up [defective] on stuff that we think dont work properly.
Maybe these two that people said dont work in the past
(B) Krontaron Ring(LVL 50): +5% Peircing Damage - boss drop from fighting Krontaron in Cactus Coast
(B) Stone Token(LVL 0): Gives +10% Blunt Damage - boss drop from the golem boss Avalon
Actually thats a good idea aswell, I'll add it up right now, tell me of more items that aren't working
EDIT: There how is that?
05-27-2008, 05:58 PM
krontaron's ring still doesn't work. The other I don't know.
Btw, had anyone do the "killing tenax" quest? And if so, had he got something or just gold/xp?
Wasn't that your quest Anpu?
Yes, it is.
Grats for your quest, and only one thing left then for you as solution: level :)
06-04-2008, 11:16 AM
and only one thing left then for you as solution: level :)
No, the solution is from now on to make quests that are my level :biggrin:
06-04-2008, 11:18 AM
Please edge, add an amulet as reward to next quest you do :D
06-04-2008, 06:45 PM
Please edge, add an amulet as reward to next quest you do :D
I'll add 10 :D
06-21-2008, 05:31 PM
Medal of Courage(LVL 33): Gives +150 Health, +7% Armour, +7% Blunt Resistance - Obtained in Missing Husband quest from Dardanus Shadowhawk
This amulet is bugged. The armor bonus does not work, and i suspect, neither does the blunt resistance.
The HP bonus does work however, so it's only partially bugged.
06-21-2008, 05:46 PM
I heard several people say this, none ever said how and why they come to this conclusion.
06-21-2008, 06:33 PM
it's not +7% blunt resistance, it's +7 blunt resistance, whatever that means.
The hp bonus is the only thing I ever used it for anyway.
Lots of things are +X [resistence type] without the % after it, maybe it's just a display error.
06-23-2008, 01:11 AM
I heard several people say this, none ever said how and why they come to this conclusion.
Your armor rating doesn't change. And the damage you take doesn't seem to change at all either, blunt or otherwise.
Adding lvls of evasive tactics give +10% armor, and it makes a very noticeable difference between lvls in dmg you take, so +7% should definitely make a perceptible difference as well. Also, when you cast evasive tactics, your armor rating changes in the display. When you equip the amulet, it doesn't.
The amulet is definitely bugged. Hopefully we won't have to wait a year for it to be fixed.
06-23-2008, 08:39 AM
Yes good point val,
it could be tested with evasive or caution
see difference from lvl 1 evasive/caution + item
and compare to lvl 2 evasive/caution without item.
Why its not displayed can be because its added on resistance level
while protection effect is added on top of everything.
Meaning armour values look like this
very good is +37%
good is +22%
normal is +7%
bad is -8%
ver bad is -23%
Would be good if someone can provide NGD with some test result
to get the item fixed. :D
It could also be something like this...
+30% improved with 7% = +32.1%
+15% improved with 7% = +16.05%
0 improved with 7% = 0
-15% improved with 7% = -13.95%
-30% improved with 7% = -27.9%
Which of course could make the effect a lot less than actual protection.
06-25-2008, 07:34 PM
Me and fluffy tested it.
it semi works still feanor. we tested blunt, but even gamemod said armor part doesnt work. so amulet doesnt properly work yet :)
06-26-2008, 01:36 PM
I just saw that the elite warrior ring misses from the list. It gives +3 strength and is level 25(?). There's also a master warrior amulet +4 strength level 31.(same quest as master mage/archer amulet)
06-26-2008, 06:41 PM
it semi works still feanor. we tested blunt, but even gamemod said armor part doesnt work. so amulet doesnt properly work yet :)
I'm not sure of this too, me and fluffy tested it with and without armor. The dmg reduction difference was higher with armor, but it's really hard to be sure of it cause damage changes through time a lot
06-26-2008, 10:33 PM
it semi works still feanor. we tested blunt, but even gamemod said armor part doesnt work. so amulet doesnt properly work yet :)
Correct. I tested it as well on some slashing mobs. Equipping then de-equipping it does not change the amount of dmg you take. (i tested it on fast/slashing cats with a very narrow 15pt dmg window between 65-80.)
The blunt part was tested and works, the armor part of it however, does not work.
07-22-2008, 02:18 AM
Soras Amulet
Level 9
Lightning Protection +11
Dropped by Soras, Aquantis boss.
07-23-2008, 08:30 AM
Soras Amulet
Level 9
Lightning Protection +11
Dropped by Soras, Aquantis boss.
Is it +11%?
07-23-2008, 01:21 PM
Nope, not according to the description anyway. It's a plain +11.
07-24-2008, 02:04 AM
The name is Soras, not Sora. It's Soras' amulet, my mistake for ommiting the ' above :p
08-02-2008, 02:20 PM
The name is Soras, not Sora. It's Soras' amulet, my mistake for ommiting the ' above :p
ok.... thanks
Stats of "the ring of the lycant" has changed since a while.
It give +3 resistance to crush, slash and blunt damage type.
09-04-2008, 11:26 AM
What happened to Jidenah's eyes?
Players on different servers have been trying to get them from Jidenah like I have been trying to get them too but it seems, that they got removed from the game.
I have been searching these forums about this but could not find anything related to their disappearance.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
kind regards
09-04-2008, 02:51 PM
What happened to Jidenah's eyes?
Players on different servers have been trying to get them from Jidenah like I have been trying to get them too but it seems, that they got removed from the game.
I have been searching these forums about this but could not find anything related to their disappearance.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
kind regards
Its possible something happened to them, it would be nice if you told me more on this subject, ill try to look into it myself. I still have some Jidenah Eyes.
Stats of "the ring of the lycant" has changed since a while.
It give +3 resistance to crush, slash and blunt damage type.
Crushing? Might you mean piercing? And is it 3 percent?
P.S. to anyone else reading this thread from Alsuis or Syrtis
Im looking into the case that the Amulet of Emanation, Ring of the Blacksmith, Ring of the Twins, etc the Ignis rewards dont exist in the other realms, would be nice if someone could confirm this, or if they are really there.
Crushing? Might you mean piercing? And is it 3 percent?
P.S. to anyone else reading this thread from Alsuis or Syrtis
Im looking into the case that the Amulet of Emanation, Ring of the Blacksmith, Ring of the Twins, etc the Ignis rewards dont exist in the other realms, would be nice if someone could confirm this, or if they are really there.
Ring of the Lycan: Not sure if it works as 3%, but the item description just says +3.
Ring of the Blacksmith is in Alsius, I can confirm that one.
09-04-2008, 11:08 PM
P.S. to anyone else reading this thread from Alsuis or Syrtis
Im looking into the case that the Amulet of Emanation, Ring of the Blacksmith, Ring of the Twins, etc the Ignis rewards dont exist in the other realms, would be nice if someone could confirm this, or if they are really there.
Not in Syrtis Edge
09-05-2008, 12:56 PM
Its possible something happened to them, it would be nice if you told me more on this subject, ill try to look into it myself. I still have some Jidenah Eyes.
Crushing? Might you mean piercing? And is it 3 percent?
P.S. to anyone else reading this thread from Alsuis or Syrtis
Im looking into the case that the Amulet of Emanation, Ring of the Blacksmith, Ring of the Twins, etc the Ignis rewards dont exist in the other realms, would be nice if someone could confirm this, or if they are really there.Ring of the Blacksmith, Amulet of Emanation and Ring of the Twins exists in Alsius.
09-05-2008, 01:45 PM
Ring of the Blacksmith, Amulet of Emanation and Ring of the Twins exists in Alsius.
Ok but not in Syrtis, I thoght that was the case, in that case good.
I changed the Ring of the Licant
and removed the ring of the twins from Syrtis.
09-06-2008, 02:43 PM
Its possible something happened to them, it would be nice if you told me more on this subject, ill try to look into it myself. I still have some Jidenah Eyes.
I killed Jidenah multiple times and did not get his eyes yet. Because of that I asked some players, who are playing on other servers, if they know, if the eyes got removed from the game. They have not been able to get them too and they believe that the eyes got removed from the game.
If you already own this amulet, you will probably keep it but getting a new one for a new character won't be possible anymore I guess.
kind regards
09-06-2008, 02:51 PM
I killed Jidenah multiple times and did not get his eyes yet. Because of that I asked some players, who are playing on other servers, if they know, if the eyes got removed from the game. They have not been able to get them too and they believe that the eyes got removed from the game.
If you already own this amulet, you will probably keep it but getting a new one for a new character won't be possible anymore I guess.
kind regards
I think something happened to them, I looked at the ones I had on my mage and there is no longer a picutre for them, its just a black box.
09-06-2008, 02:58 PM
I wonder why you cannot find something about removal of amulets and rings in the changelogs. Same goes for Yelamid's Ring by the way. It's also gone.
09-06-2008, 03:01 PM
Amulet of Aysor(lvl 50) : +25% resistance cold.
09-06-2008, 05:22 PM
I wonder why you cannot find something about removal of amulets and rings in the changelogs. Same goes for Yelamid's Ring by the way. It's also gone.
Maybe they are just very rare now... You do know that the chance of getting a drop is very small if the boss is killed by a BIG group?
I got Jide's eyes after about the 6th time I killed her..
09-06-2008, 05:31 PM
Sadly no, but you could do it like this lol ->
Bring one of your bosses into the WArzone and when someone frmo the other ream kills it they actually could get the boss drop, I know some people that have
how do get a boss into warzone? I mean just in theory...
09-06-2008, 06:37 PM
Maybe they are just very rare now... You do know that the chance of getting a drop is very small if the boss is killed by a BIG group?
I got Jide's eyes after about the 6th time I killed her..
I see, thank you. I killed Jidenah about 8 times alone and did not get the eyes yet. So I started wondering and asking other people about it.
09-07-2008, 02:29 PM
These are the rings/ammys i can remember from syrtis some are proberly available in other realms, some effects im not sure on, its a rubbish list but its eary so Im not turned on yet
assorted initiation rings/ammys depending on class +1 dex/str/int
ring of HP, +80 HP
Anciant syrtis ring, +25 mana
Ring of mana, +50 mana
Elite mage ring, +3int
Deadly sight ring, +12(?)-25(?) slashing damage
Medal of (?) + 8 damage
Stone token +5(?)% Blunt dmg
Hypno ammy +12 hit +5 evade(?)
Royal ammy +100 HP + 50 mana
Medal of courage +150 HP +3%(?) armour +3%(?) blunt resist
09-07-2008, 02:37 PM
how do get a boss into warzone? I mean just in theory...
There used to be a time when mosters would follow you always, you could even get them over the wall, I actually remeber how some Syrtis players had Ignis boss drops.
09-08-2008, 10:23 AM
There used to be a time when mosters would follow you always, you could even get them over the wall, I actually remeber how some Syrtis players had Ignis boss drops.
I think this was sorted by making the items unusable for other realms.
But they still have their trophies. :harhar: for cheaters!
09-08-2008, 05:42 PM
I think this was sorted by making the items unusable for other realms.
But they still have their trophies. :harhar: for cheaters!
In beta it was usual to bring the dragon to samal just too see some people more there.
I have jidenah eyes, when they made them unequipable for other realms they added the +4 int amulet to alsius, so it was not big deal.
But yea, with a pj into the other realms, specially a conjurer, you can bring the bosses to the warzone.
10-10-2008, 05:45 AM
I got a ring that you should add to the list for Ignis.
Is a ring given by a quest by Rahman called Januamar's ring
Januarmar's ring
+3 Strenght
Requires lvl 17
Ignis Realm
I will leave you a attachment screenshot.
10-19-2008, 07:46 PM
Is there any up-to-date complete list of bosses, rings, amuletes and where to find them?
Would be very nice if it was possible to compile a complete list like that with rings/amuletes that contained: cordinates, where to find, what is does etc.
Also a complete list of bosses that contained cordinates, where to find, level, damage, hp, drops etc...
I dont have killed that many bosses in the game, but I am thinking of gathering some troup to walk around the game and kill the bosses.
10-19-2008, 07:58 PM
Is there any up-to-date complete list of bosses, rings, amuletes and where to find them?
Would be very nice if it was possible to compile a complete list like that with rings/amuletes that contained: cordinates, where to find, what is does etc.
Also a complete list of bosses that contained cordinates, where to find, level, damage, hp, drops etc...
I dont have killed that many bosses in the game, but I am thinking of gathering some troup to walk around the game and kill the bosses.
This one has been last modified on 16th Oct, so I think its pretty up to date
10-20-2008, 01:43 AM
Is there any up-to-date complete list of bosses, rings, amuletes and where to find them?
Would be very nice if it was possible to compile a complete list like that with rings/amuletes that contained: cordinates, where to find, what is does etc.
Also a complete list of bosses that contained cordinates, where to find, level, damage, hp, drops etc...
I dont have killed that many bosses in the game, but I am thinking of gathering some troup to walk around the game and kill the bosses.
For the different bosses, you can check the map that we created:
It doesn't include the 3 new super bosses, I should probably do that sometime too :p
10-29-2008, 06:32 PM
Map is good, but for update you must put 2 boss marks at Ignis ( Vulcanic zone and Ignean ruins, i cant remember there names) and Thorburn at Alsius is no more.
11-04-2008, 08:55 AM
amulet on emanations no longer given by quest...
11-04-2008, 09:26 AM
Here smruv
11-04-2008, 11:45 AM
Here smruv
sadly found out right after i did the quest for the damn amulet...
damn me for not trolling the forum more diligently
03-08-2010, 05:30 PM
I found nice overview about boss drops on german site:
03-08-2010, 10:31 PM
Taking from other sources, including help from Lexen and Herumor, I had a list-thread going here ( (in addition to another by Edge I iirc).
For what it's worth.
03-21-2010, 12:19 AM
I see, thank you. I killed Jidenah about 8 times alone and did not get the eyes yet. So I started wondering and asking other people about it.
I got Jidenah's ruby eyes (amulet) several days ago. It still exists. And some people think yelamid's ring won't be dropped. I got Yelamid's ring too. You need to hunt them more time.
Good luck
03-21-2010, 02:27 AM
I too got Jid's ruby eyes last week some time. I got excited that I finally got a drop from one of them, but then I realized it wasn't very good. Oh well. At least I got to feel special for a couple minutes :clapclap:
03-21-2010, 12:55 PM
Jid's ruby eyes are plenty good for mages.
Funny, I dropped them about the third time I killed jidenah. Only time a boss has dropped anything other than loot or generic armour on me (and I mean generic, like level 45 normal armour)
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