View Full Version : just another newbie askin for advise ^_^

11-03-2007, 01:34 AM
so yea im jsut another newb asking for advise ^^ nyway ive decided to join the ignis realm and become a warlock and my race a dark elf i was jsut wondering if i may be able to get some advice on like stat builds or skill builds for said warlock from a exprenced player mabye:sifflote:

thnx in advance

11-03-2007, 01:56 AM
welcome to the game, you made a good choice choosing the realm (any realm is good) so don't worry about it...

i never used a warlock so i can't help you but you'll get the help you need soon :P

11-03-2007, 02:20 AM
Since the game has unfinished skills there's a command called /reset_powers that you can use to reset your skillpoints and re-assign them at the Trainer. I strongly recommend you not to get used to it, but now you can try with any skill you want.

11-03-2007, 02:22 AM
Haven´t made a warlock yet but I can tell you a thing or two about getting the most out of a mage´s skills and maybe another thing or two on the warlock:

Energy barrier: quite nice in low levels. Rises a barrier with health of it´s own, absorbing damage and leaving your life intact... until it´s down.

Arcane missile: mage´s main dmg dealing skill

At lvl 8 pick either of these and raise it to lvl 2

Curse: worthless (does anyone use it, really?)

Fire magnification: can work well in combination with a lvl 2 barrier

lvl 10: enjoy your very first warlock spells =) they rock
lvl 17: max out mana control, get energy borrow (also vampirism, both lvl 2) leave as it is until lvl 21*
lvl 21: max it out again, get ambitious sacrifice. You will never have to sit again. Become a mana junkie :biggrin:
lvl 25: (optional) max out necromancy, get soulkeeper, annihilate everything.

*You get the most of your mastery points by raising the mastery to the lvl where you get a particular skill you need. Example: mana control lvl 1: barrier, lvl 2, nothing, waste of points, lvl 3 mana burn yay :clapclap:

All this while you try out all your super duper warlock skills. Remember you can always use the command /reset_powers to reinvest your points so you are not stuck with a bad choice you may have made in the past.

Oh and another thing, if you come across a fast staff, stick to it.

hmm that was longer that i thought.

EDIT: I strongly recommend you not to get used to it... scary O.o
I knew NGD is planning to remove the command but this makes me feel we are getting closer to that day :O

11-03-2007, 02:27 AM
By the way, get a conjurer to support you. Mana is your weakness: once you run out of it you have to run like hell, so a support conjurer could provide you tons of it!

11-03-2007, 02:46 AM
the 5 starting stats? int and concentration for mages, if you want some dex look me up in game and I'll show you where yelamid is, his Lv10 rings give +2 dex each that adds to yor evasion chance.

at Lv10 when you become a warlock I recomend putting ice blast and lightning on Lv2, and using the tap ctrl trick mid cast to leave attack mode and start regenerating mp faster, after casting either spell move away from the mob and prepare to repeat the process wit the other spell, the combo of these 2 damage over time spells will let you kill any mob you'll be fighting in one hit of each spell.

the reason for this is that lightning hits for 5 secconds, so whatever the damage it hits for it'll hit that 5x in a row from just one cast, ice blast hits for less but it hits for 10 seconds so it's the same as hitting the mob 10 times.

This to me is the most basic of warlock lving tactics, being more efficient then the normal tactic of casting barrier, then fireball or arcane missle and vamprisim and so on and so forth. While yo may kill slightly faster that way you damage your gear much faster doing it and you also waste much more mp.

Lastly don't bother buying anything for your char or repairing anything, magescan subsist just fine outside of the warzone on what they can find and recive from quests.

11-05-2007, 05:22 AM
wtf really their getting rid of reset_powers thats gonna suck balls. lol lvlled conjus will have mummies at lvl 2 have a lvl 4 stone golem etc it'd be stupid

11-05-2007, 05:25 AM
wtf really their getting rid of reset_powers thats gonna suck balls. lol lvlled conjus will have mummies at lvl 2 have a lvl 4 stone golem etc it'd be stupid

That's one of the reasons why they didn't get rid of it yet... this game's skill system is based on top of that command, so I think there will be some kind of replacement. I hope you could reset your powers by doing a quest or something.