View Full Version : Need to settle some things, admins please read

11-05-2007, 03:38 AM
Ok, I leave for 3 days, and I come back and see all of this Syrtis drama. Usually I can handle it, but when I come back and see that SuperDave has been banned I was shocked. Ok, I know Dave very well in game, and yes he may get into arguments, but I have never seen him use profanity in a manner that would deserve him of a ban. I personally think this is very low-down of NGD, and to not even give him a definitive reason for his ban is very very unclassy. Don't get me wrong NGD you are a great team of developers who is very personal with the community, but I think you made a mistake this time. There are many people that think Dave is a great person and player, and he has paid more than a little money to help your team out. The least you could do is give the community and especially Dave him self his reason for ban. I know if I were him I would be livid. Also, have you thought that you can not always go by the word of only a few people. You have to look at the bigger picture before assigning a ban. I am really in awe and don't know what to say. I hope this is just a big mis-understanding. In the mean time Dave just hang in there, and just remember that there are many players in game who respect you, and the help you give out others. I know it may be frustrating but just stay in there. Everything will end up working out.

Your friend,

I was just going to add that I know as an NGD team that you don't have the need to tell us about Dave's ban, but I am just curious because if he is doing something the rest of us here want to make sure that we are not doing things that violate the rules. I know things can be said in arguments that may not be right, but I also think that the whole story, or the person's character as whole must be taken in account before a ban. Anyways, good night all and I hope to see some kind of response in the morning. If not please give Dave the reason why because I think as a paying customer he deserves an official response.

11-05-2007, 05:01 AM
well i've only talked to dave once in which he insulted myself and my mother for no reason at all. i did not report him though adn am told he was drunk at the time so i forgive him

11-05-2007, 05:05 AM
well i've only talked to dave once in which he insulted myself and my mother for no reason at all. i did not report him though adn am told he was drunk at the time so i forgive him

I don't know about all of this, but I am sure Dave was just kidding and yes he does get a little riled up when he is drunk. He is mostly just joking around, but it is not my decision on bans. I just think Dave is a great friend, and was just trying to defend him. A thing I tend to do with my friends. :biggrin:

11-05-2007, 06:23 AM
thanks refe :D i appreciate it :D :guitar: see you on sooon :metal:

11-05-2007, 10:28 AM
I'm sorry, I'm so bad with names and numbers.
Who are we talking about here ? who is Dave ? in which realm and who are his characters ?

11-05-2007, 10:32 AM
Dave = superdaveninja :)

11-05-2007, 11:39 AM
I really hope that NGD listened both sides or checked logs before making such decision. Because, if they did only take a look at some screenshot of reporter who might showed on screenie just part that he wanted to show marked with red circle, then NGD really failed in relations with community and players. And this is second day since he is banned, and no one knows if they checked story nor they dropped here a single line. 2 days, 2 topics, a lot of players asking, Dave is still banned, no answer, nothing. Big dissapoint for first time NGD! :thumb_down:

11-05-2007, 11:50 AM
Yup, superdaveninja was generally very friendly towards myself and most of the people I know. I'm surprised by this too. Hope it gets resolved soon.

11-05-2007, 12:26 PM
Dave = superdaveninja :)

Sytris ? what are his characters ?

11-05-2007, 12:41 PM
Superdaveninja lvl 50 Marks
Superhealer[person] lvl 36 Conju

11-05-2007, 04:09 PM
not to be an arsemonger, but maybe you should have just replied to the other thread jim :p.

Although I aggree fully on your post. But to Dave I can only say look at it on the positive side, maybe you can do something else now ;D like get drunk or study. Just don't get abstinences.

11-05-2007, 04:23 PM
not to be an arsemonger, but maybe you should have just replied to the other thread jim :p.

Although I aggree fully on your post. But to Dave I can only say look at it on the positive side, maybe you can do something else now ;D like get drunk or study. Just don't get abstinences.

That makes me jealous a little ;)
This game has stolen my personal life
I might even sue NGD for that ;) - just kidding :D

11-05-2007, 05:47 PM
not to be an arsemonger, but maybe you should have just replied to the other thread jim :p.

Although I aggree fully on your post. But to Dave I can only say look at it on the positive side, maybe you can do something else now ;D like get drunk or study. Just don't get abstinences.

Nah, I felt like a new post was needed, so I made a new post. Didn't want this one to get off topic, but I am sure that will be coming soon. ;)

11-05-2007, 06:20 PM
NGD please let Dave know what he did wrong then if he chooses to share it with us he may. I realize anyone may be banned, but at least some reason should be given to the person being banned. How can he correct his action and prevent them from happening again without knowing what the violation was in the first place.

Just my opinion...

11-05-2007, 09:46 PM
hello all,
thanks refe for your efforts bud, most obliged. i also understand your reasoning for this second post, in that there were two concerns: the ban, and the communication surrounding the ban; both of which, i believe, have been resolved to the greatest extent that they are going to be. so, in light of this, weeee the ban is off and ill see you on soon. thanks again refe and all others all for your support :D.


11-05-2007, 09:49 PM
hello all,
thanks refe for your efforts bud, most obliged. i also understand your reasoning for this second post, in that there were two concerns: the ban, and the communication surrounding the ban; both of which, i believe, have been resolved to the greatest extent that they are going to be. so, in light of this, weeee the ban is off and ill see you on soon. thanks again refe and all others all for your support :D.


No problem, and as I stated in the other post that I am sure there was just some confusion going on between some things. Mistakes happen, It is just all part of life. :angel2:

11-05-2007, 10:01 PM
nice to hear u gonna play...now there r more treehumpers i can kill:P

11-05-2007, 10:15 PM
Glad you're back Dave!

11-05-2007, 10:39 PM
thanks byteme, youre good people :D

11-05-2007, 10:51 PM
halelujah at last! but will say few things on first thread............