View Full Version : Maybe you had to be there?

11-17-2007, 06:23 AM
Those who were might find this amusing -


11-17-2007, 06:45 AM
LOL! that was hilarious, nice to see the fighting log too.. :P

11-17-2007, 06:58 AM
weird that guys got a short fuse

11-17-2007, 11:38 AM
lol wow he IS an apprentice...

11-17-2007, 12:56 PM
hey jackasses are cute, he insulted them :(. Nevermind, it's stupid to call people something just becaose one person is

11-17-2007, 01:19 PM
You know what I like Drate most:
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

epic lulz.

11-18-2007, 10:54 AM
so what is this thread about?
From what i read in several posts here, Valourios isnt Mr. Politeness either.

So someone reflected the behaviour and you cant handle it in another way than starting a thread about it?


poor show

11-18-2007, 10:58 AM
so what is this thread about?
From what i read in several posts here, Valourios isnt Mr. Politeness either.

So someone reflected the behaviour and you cant handle it in another way than starting a thread about it?


poor show

Maybe I am still young but I find it funny that he asked for arena and he got spanked :D

11-18-2007, 12:38 PM
Maybe I am still young but I find it funny that he asked for arena and he got spanked :D

From the damage/name of his spells it looks like he's a Conjurer and a Conj will always suck in the arena. It also looks like he wasn't prebuffed with Energy Barrier either and that Kiranii entered the arena under camouflage to ambush him viciously in the back. And finally it looks like he's lower level. So whatever he did, imho there's nothing either funny nor to be proud of. We don't see under in the buffer... but no mage wouldn't buff Energy Barrier at the beginning of a duel, while a Hunter casts his own buffs... and a duel must begin with the two opponents at 35-40m face to face.

11-18-2007, 12:42 PM
Well then forgive me that I am person who likes to be happy everyday... :O maybe we can close this thread and move along, having fun in Regnum and be happy? :D

11-18-2007, 01:35 PM
From the damage/name of his spells it looks like he's a Conjurer and a Conj will always suck in the arena. It also looks like he wasn't prebuffed with Energy Barrier either and that Kiranii entered the arena under camouflage to ambush him viciously in the back. And finally it looks like he's lower level. So whatever he did, imho there's nothing either funny nor to be proud of. We don't see under in the buffer... but no mage wouldn't buff Energy Barrier at the beginning of a duel, while a Hunter casts his own buffs... and a duel must begin with the two opponents at 35-40m face to face.

Hehe, 35-40m face to face? Then I'd lose all the advantages of being a hunter ;)

Yes, the fight was unfair because he was a conj, but he had as much time as me to cast buffs. I buffed and camoflaged after he teleported in. He then had all the time I was moving behind him to buff himself up.

Yes, he's a few levels below me.

What's funny is -
He started talking shit about my clan and its leader purely because I walked past. No other reason.*
He then challenged me to a fight in the arena
I accepted
He got pwnt.

Those who were reading realm chat at the time will understand why he deserved it.. Don't go making me out to be the bad guy because i used a bit of strategy :)

* It's possible this wasn't the reason, but that's how I perceive it.

11-18-2007, 01:37 PM
so what is this thread about?
From what i read in several posts here, Valourios isnt Mr. Politeness either.

So someone reflected the behaviour and you cant handle it in another way than starting a thread about it?


poor show

Lol! No not at all, I made a thread to share a screenshot of somebody shittalking, challenging me and then getting his ass kicked. If he were talking like that about any other clan, there'd be no complaint about that :P

11-18-2007, 01:49 PM
Lol! No not at all, I made a thread to share a screenshot of somebody shittalking, challenging me and then getting his ass kicked. If he were talking like that about any other clan, there'd be no complaint about that :P
maybe cause they haven't got a leader who's hated among more than half of the regnum community? No offence.
But I still stand by my viewpoint that it's stupid to point out a whole clan cause of one person.

11-18-2007, 01:50 PM
Hey I don't like Val, but that appretince guy was hilarious :D

11-18-2007, 02:44 PM
Lol! No not at all, I made a thread to share a screenshot of somebody shittalking, challenging me and then getting his ass kicked. If he were talking like that about any other clan, there'd be no complaint about that :P

Well i would never lump together a group of people by the actions of a few.
But i somehow doubt this would happen to a lot of other clans.
And threads like this dont really add credit to you.

I dont want to defend this guy by any means, but this here is the same level

btw a valid arena fight starts with the opponents standing on each side of the arena and buffing starts after a countdown. At least in ignis

11-18-2007, 03:39 PM
when azakcry talked to me he said val started it... but hey, I wasn't there so I shouldn't judge it.
But I don't think this thread is here to credit or belittle someone, just to show something funny like in my thread with niclam complaining about someone killing him, but maybe azakcry(his name) should have been blurred out so there would be no namecalling.

11-18-2007, 05:18 PM
AwD gets it, I was just trying to share something I think was funny, nothing to do with complaining about players or situations or.. anything. Yes, perhaps it would have been best to blur the name out, although for me and I think a few others that's part of what's so funny XD

I wasn't aware that there were codes of conduct for duels followed in any realm, I'm very much a dirty fighter... If there are then it is my apology for not following them, I wasn't aware. I would have won anyway :p

11-18-2007, 05:41 PM
Well, just try not to catch what Valorius has, it seems to be contagious! It would be a pity that a nice girl like you follows his steps... Fun comes from random situations, not from orders and unchallenging people ;)

11-18-2007, 06:06 PM
Oh my gosh! Look! There's a screenshot of some guy being a jerk then challenging someone stronger than him and losing spectacularly! Look! Comment on whether or not him losing in that situation is funny!

Seriously. Does the community at large have a crush on Valorius or something? Bar being mentioned in the conversation, Val has nothing to do with this, nor are the few mentions why I shared this. Stop talking about him.

11-18-2007, 06:29 PM
Oh my gosh! Look! There's a screenshot of some guy being a jerk then challenging someone stronger than him and losing spectacularly! Look! Comment on whether or not him losing in that situation is funny!

Seriously. Does the community at large have a crush on Valorius or something? Bar being mentioned in the conversation, Val has nothing to do with this, nor are the few mentions why I shared this. Stop talking about him.

No, It's that some days ago I was with my Syrtis Hunter and noticed you nodded everything he said and I translated something for you and when I was done I said, "Ready" and you started to say, "We are not ready, I doubt we can win this way" then I said "I just translated, and said I was done", and no response given.

I know you don't want him to be mentioned here, but realize this: Valorius makes this. You won't get rid of him in anything you do...

The thread is hilarious in some way, yeah! He challenged you and you kicked his ass! Great!

Just wanted to warn you (that thing of contagious) because in my opinion (just mine) being an excellent player and being harsh to others is just not compatible. I repeat, it's my opinion, and once more, you are a pretty and funny girl (according to some things I've seen before :biggrin:) and it would be a pity for it to vanish.

I've seen you in the forum and thought you were a nice person, and when I had that attitude in-game I felt a little bad...

11-18-2007, 06:44 PM
I've seen you in the forum and thought you were a nice person, and when I had that attitude in-game I felt a little bad... Because you get the right to judge someone you have admitted you barely know anything about. Oh, it's just your opinion so it can't be wrong, and not offensive in the slightest? Three letters: KKK.

Considering I'm apparently not allowed to swear, fill in your own: choke on a ________ and _________ing die, you _________-________ ________.

EDIT: Hey, magnet, here's a web page I think you'll enjoy IMMENSELY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisticuffs

11-18-2007, 06:58 PM
I 100% deny having ever met the above poster before.

No, It's that some days ago I was with my Syrtis Hunter and noticed you nodded everything he said and I translated something for you and when I was done I said, "Ready" and you started to say, "We are not ready, I doubt we can win this way" then I said "I just translated, and said I was done", and no response given.

Hmm, I remember saying something along those lines, but I honestly don't remember any of the other mentioned pieces of the conversation, so, it would seem I missed what you said, I wasn't ignoring you :)

Regardless, if I said that, we probably didn't have enough numbers XD I've seen 10 or so syrtians run off to fight 30 or so enemy in a fort before rather than sit down for five minutes to wait for reinforcements :/

So yeah, what was I saying...

I think I'm a nice person, but that will not stop me from being curt as is necessary in an attempt to organise my realm (assuming they don't do it on their own). That's how I like to play the game and... When people actually take the time to listen to Val, or anybody else giving the same commands.. We win.

One might say that it's not about winning?

Not entirely, but, if winning had nothing to do with it, there would be no need for a winner.

I'm sorry if at war I become a person you dislike.

NOW can we stop talking about this? PLEASE? XD

11-18-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm sorry if at war I become a person you dislike.
NOW can we stop talking about this? PLEASE? XD

Ok! We'll stop :biggrin: I don't dislike you!

See you in warzone! ;)

11-18-2007, 07:02 PM
I 100% deny having ever met the above poster before. Who is this "Kiirani" and what is she doing on this forum? :sifflote:

11-18-2007, 07:06 PM
btw a valid arena fight starts with the opponents standing on each side of the arena and buffing starts after a countdown. At least in ignis

Yes that's how most of us do it. Buffing before the fight begins makes the fight null.

11-18-2007, 07:14 PM
Yes that's how most of us do it. Buffing before the fight begins makes the fight null.

I'm confused here, when does the fight "begin"?

I buffed after the opponent had entered the arena and was capable of attacking me.

Do you have to buff after the first attack as been made?

11-18-2007, 07:18 PM
I'm confused here, when does the fight "begin"?

I buffed after the opponent had entered the arena and was capable of attacking me.

Do you have to buff after the first attack as been made?

No, when the countdown reaches 0 ;).

11-18-2007, 07:21 PM
No, when the countdown reaches 0 ;).

The enter arena countdown? Okay, well here's what happened -

I entered first, moved over near the exit guardian.

My opponent took some time because he apparently could not see the enter guardian.

He eventually appeared at the entry point.

Then I cast my buffs, and camoflage to buy some time to position and plan.

Is this within or without your code of conduct?

Also, I view the arena as more of a roman colosseum than a pistols at dawn thing ;) apart from asking everybody else to leave the opponents alone, anything goes.

11-18-2007, 07:37 PM
I meant the cooldown that one of the two players does by himself, once you're each one at one opposite of the arena... Like "at 3", then "3" "2" "1" "ignition?" ;) Sometimes a third party does the countdown (it's better) but not always possible. Then again in Ignis most arena fights are friendly, advantages of a smaller realm I guess ;).

By the way even with the countdown, it's still a bit more tricky than the pistols at noon thing (yes at noon so that the sun isn't advantaging one of the opponents, afaik :p). You can't make your opponent waste his bullet by going out of range ;).

11-18-2007, 07:39 PM
The enter arena countdown? Okay, well here's what happened -

I entered first, moved over near the exit guardian.

My opponent took some time because he apparently could not see the enter guardian.

He eventually appeared at the entry point.

Then I cast my buffs, and camoflage to buy some time to position and plan.

Is this within or without your code of conduct?

Also, I view the arena as more of a roman colosseum than a pistols at dawn thing ;) apart from asking everybody else to leave the opponents alone, anything goes.

nevermind about it :rolleyes2:

11-18-2007, 07:45 PM
Ohhh. Okay, clearly our completely opposite images of what the arena is are causing me to 100% not get it XD

Regardless i didn't go out to be all cheating and unfair.

I still think that countdowns and adequate preparation completely defeats the purpose of being a hunter.

11-18-2007, 07:47 PM
Ohhh. Okay, clearly our completely opposite images of what the arena is is causing me to 100% not get it XD

Regardless i didn't go out to be all cheating and unfair.

I still think that countdowns and adequate preparation completely defeats the purpose of being a hunter.

True, the arena isn't advantageous towards hunters & conjurers, since for starters they can't use pets/summons. But you could have used the exact same strategy with the "rules" no? Wouldn't have changed much, you have time to cross the arena under camou.

11-18-2007, 08:03 PM
Generally when we used to pvp regularly at INQ, we would stand at the opposite arches of the arena and a third person would do the countdown. The fighting parties are only allowed to start buffing once the countdown is complete. Unless otherwise agreed upon, any invisibility or invincibility spells means the person who casts them submits and the fight is over. We only adhere to these rules on formal pvp matches. On times we muck around, anything goes.

11-18-2007, 08:41 PM

Generally when we used to pvp regularly at INQ, we would stand at the opposite arches of the arena and a third person would do the countdown. The fighting parties are only allowed to start buffing once the countdown is complete. Unless otherwise agreed upon, any invisibility or invincibility spells means the person who casts them submits and the fight is over. We only adhere to these rules on formal pvp matches. On times we muck around, anything goes.

i generally agree with this! :thumb_up: however,as you said, low profile, camo, and sanctuary seem completely acceptable to me


i have dealt with azak before, and his warjuror build from the last time i saw him was somewhat lacking, and his mouth was constantly running. but who knows, this was a while ago.

11-18-2007, 08:57 PM
I like potatoes.

11-19-2007, 01:20 AM
Sometimes I like tomatoes too. :P

11-19-2007, 05:50 AM
Are rules supposed to be agreed on before each fight? If opponents don't decide to agree on rules and just go into the fray, does THAT count?

In my opinion it does xD but oh well.

11-19-2007, 06:01 AM
wow this subject went off topic fast *swish* from a pic of something funny happening is now causing regnum players to resist the temptation to punch the monitor
tomatoes give me gas (nah im joking)

11-19-2007, 08:33 PM
Because you get the right to judge someone you have admitted you barely know anything about. Oh, it's just your opinion so it can't be wrong, and not offensive in the slightest? Three letters: KKK.

Considering I'm apparently not allowed to swear, fill in your own: choke on a ________ and _________ing die, you _________-________ ________.

EDIT: Hey, magnet, here's a web page I think you'll enjoy IMMENSELY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisticuffs
What the heck...?

Why do you people take the game so seriously:ohill:?

Back on topic, as I have learned, flaming the LEADER of a clan because one of their members isn't being nice to you isn't ever a good reason to insult them. The OoD is a respectable clan, but you don't need to drag all of them into this; just leave it at a PERSONAL level.

11-26-2007, 07:09 AM
wow i agree with you god of gold

11-26-2007, 08:45 AM
omg,what has this thread turned into?
firstly me and kii we're just having a laugh about something funny that happened on RO at the time, which many people probably wont understand, especially if your not from Syrtis (hence the title Maybe you had to be there)

I think this discussion should end now because I can tell this is going to go on and on.


11-26-2007, 01:27 PM
So someone reflected the behaviour and you cant handle it in another way than starting a thread about it?

We have such great player in syrtis you know. I love him :]

11-26-2007, 01:32 PM
when azakcry talked to me he said val started it...

AFAIR Val ignored him.

11-26-2007, 08:05 PM
Azakcry's Apprentice has engaged in behaviour that was annoying at best. He was booted out the Daggers clan and got a bit uptight, giving ALL Daggers members grief... which as is expected... only perpetuated the way people were with him.

Several of our members have had to /ignore him because he just wouldn't quit trying to antagonize people.

It's funny how it's okay to rip the piss out of "Ridiculous Raceaway" but the minute a daggers member ridicules someone else by simply posting a screeny... there's shit flying about the place like some major crime has been committed.

11-27-2007, 08:39 AM
True, the arena isn't advantageous towards hunters & conjurers, since for starters they can't use pets/summons. But you could have used the exact same strategy with the "rules" no? Wouldn't have changed much, you have time to cross the arena under camou.

Your "rules" are neither universal nor mandatory. Her "rules" are everybit as valid as yours. If azak didnt want to get smoked, he shouldn't have challenged her.

As far as me 'starting the fight', azak is on my ignore list(and i am on his), and has been for weeks. I cant start anything with him, nor can he start with me.

It's funny how it's okay to rip the piss out of "Ridiculous Raceaway" but the minute a daggers member ridicules someone else by simply posting a screeny... there's shit flying about the place like some major crime has been committed.

It's ok drah, i find all the attention to be flattering. :)

11-27-2007, 12:13 PM
It's ok drah, i find all the attention to be flattering. :)

oh, oh! Val I have a question for you. Is that a typo in your name? :sifflote: I was wondering whether it should be valorous... like a valiant soldier...

11-27-2007, 07:04 PM
oh, oh! Val I have a question for you. Is that a typo in your name? :sifflote: I was wondering whether it should be valorous... like a valiant soldier...

you think that would fit? :p

11-28-2007, 04:55 AM
actually val azak wanted me to tell you to unblock him so i said on realm chat"val azak told me to tell you to unblock him" and tehn he got mad

11-28-2007, 08:31 AM
you think that would fit? :p

"I was WONDERING" .... :D

12-05-2007, 06:30 PM
I do find it amusing that many of the people who claim to not like me repeatedly have intermediaries try to get me to remove them from my ignore list.

I picked the name "Valorius Rageway" out of the blue because it sounds cool, and angry. :biggrin:

12-05-2007, 08:30 PM
I do find it amusing that many of the people who claim to not like me repeatedly have intermediaries try to get me to remove them from my ignore list.

I picked the name "Valorius Rageway" out of the blue because it sounds cool, and angry. :biggrin:
It's fitting :biggrin: (And although I hate to admit it, it DOES sound cool...

I picked God of Silver, because on the first MMORPG I played God of Gold was taken...
wow i agree with you god of gold
:fingers:...SHUT UP

12-07-2007, 03:37 PM
one last thing may i explain every bit o misunderstanding here to u all and especially daggers.

12-08-2007, 12:32 PM
one last thing may i explain every bit o misunderstanding here to u all and especially daggers.

not here :D

12-08-2007, 02:23 PM
Haha, this thread is still going? HI MOM.