View Full Version : Getting Started

11-19-2006, 05:00 AM
alright, im just getting started on Regnum Online, was wondering what is the best class i could become...and wat is the best server...that has alot of english speakers!!! dont really like seeing spanish talk and not understanding wtf their saying lol

11-19-2006, 06:25 AM
Seeing that there is but one server right now you don't have much of a choice.

11-19-2006, 11:24 AM
The best class would either be a conjour Isyrtis,or a necromancer conjourer,Be Isyrits please :)

11-19-2006, 07:42 PM
There are 3 classes and 2 subclasses to each class, yet none are truly better than another. Conjuerer is what I've played the most and they are extremely easy to play once you get the pet. Hunters are probably about the same since they get their pet too.

I've heard all the other classes have quite a bit of downtime, but do MUCH better when grouped.

However, you should play what you would enjoy most. I am a person who solo's A LOT and so for me conjurer was best since I can kill things even 10 levels higher than me.

Mage --> Conjurer - Pets and heals
Mage --> Warlock - Damage spells
Archer --> Hunter - An archer with a pet
Archer --> Marksman - An archer with higher damage and no pet
Warrior --> Knight - A warrior with higher defense and hit points
Warrior --> Barbarian - A warrior with higher damage