View Full Version : Basic questions

11-26-2006, 01:09 PM
Greeting NGD, we play some time here, but lots of unanswered questions is demotivating us, and we gradually stop play. It is able to see huge piece of your work, but there are still questions which need to clear up.

1.) when will be a map ? could be seen on the map where are players in a party/a guild?
2.) when will be included function "add friend" suitable for comprendious view of online/offline friends which aren't in a guild
3.) will be compass changed for more practical radar? (even with function of compass)
4.) will be changed requirement to establish a guild? Now 8+1 online players above lvl 15. (ideal: anyone above level 15 with 100k gold could create a guild)
5.) will be created list of skills?
6.) will be created list of quests? will npc which have a quest for a player notice by themself?
7.) will you change selling loot items, that at selling it will be automatically chosen "all" instead "1 piece" ? (loot is only for sell, due missing craft system it is unable to do anything else with it)
8.) will be included any entertaining element into the game, or 0-X (actually 30+lvl) is just bare grinding)
9.) will be in the game faster system of travelling? (mounts)
10.) we (players) share on development of the game and we like to know list of tasks (to-do) and schedules on which team works, even in simple readmap
11.) we would like to know about changes at update
12.) we asked for possibility of localization of registration, client, eventually quests into another languages by ourselves (players)..
13.) when will be wipe and what will be as compensation for current accounts ?
14.) will be worked on intelligence of mobs? current is absolutely unmotivative, silly killing flabby pixels.
15.) will be able to trade among players? (through npc's (player will sell an item to npc for a soever price and npc will offer this item and takes fee from sold item) or afk selling by player character itself
16.) add graphical info about enemy player as icon above his head (logo of realm)
17.) possibility to use respawn altars also as teleports among cities .) locations
18.) healer should gain experience for healing (buffing)
19.) reconsider dodge system of mobs (evade), it is really frustrating, when challenging mob will evade 5 to 7 shots in a row even with skill "hit chance" switched on. OTOH nearly all arrows hit player character at level 50 (max), three players at level 30 send player at level 50 without problem into the tunnel, at which end is the respawn point.

For all (czech and slovak) players thank: Wolfe/Aeval, Johnsi, Elidor, Farlim/Garth, Aliencz, Milla, Donald, Rajbitchka, Waal de Maak, D'halina, Korinor, Artemus, .. and other

11-27-2006, 03:05 AM
I don't think they will answer all your questions because they dont know the answer to all of them, but you can be sure that with every update this game gets better and better

11-27-2006, 04:49 PM
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11-27-2006, 04:50 PM
hi im lvl 10 were do i go to get secondary class or soming

11-27-2006, 07:27 PM
1) map: there will be a map... it will be capable of displaying the location of players but its functionality is not completely defined yet.

2) friend list: yes, soon :)

3) Radar: yes

4) clans: we have no plans to change the requirements

5) skill list: the complete skill tree will be available on the website.

6) quest list: not planned.

7) sell loot: no changes planned in the near future

8) Gameplay variety: we are thinking about lots of features and content to make the game more entertaining during the more "training heavy" levels we believe that the issue will be partially enhanced when we all the content we have planned.

9) faster travel/mounts: in the future: yes

10) roadmap: we are a very small team and we dont want to get the expectations too high and to not deliver. We will be more informative about our development efforts once the game is launched of course.

11) change log: with every big update we do list the new features on the website and the game launcher. The updates we are doing now are not feature centric but related to stability and performance so it would be too techie to describe.

12) localization by players: we are still finishing our localization tools and this is something that we might try.

13) character wipe/compensation: we will have one more character wipe when we launch the commercial features of the game. We have no compensation prize for betatesters in plan yet but we will sure think about something ;)

14) AI: There is a new AI system that is in testing right now, further down the road we will add powers to the mobs so combat will be much more interesting.

15) Player Trade: there is a secure trade option already available., look into your actions list. No global trade a la ebay considered yet.

16) Player realm recognition: we will improve this (not using an icon though)

17) Altars = teleport: no. there are teleports around the map already.

18) healing = XP: this is very too colussion prone. Healers should get XP by healing teammates when fighting a mob. If this is not working please report it as a bug.

19) Evasion rate = this is a simple way of making creatures more difficult and less explotiable now that the final AI and mob powers are not in place... we will go over this again in the future.

A you can see most of the issues you describe are being taken into consideration, we are just a very small team so some things will take longer than others. But trust us when we say that we want to make this game much better than what it currently is.

Its really amazing to us that there is a small czech/slovak comunity playing Regnum, I hope you guys enjoy the game and stick with us until we launch.

kind regards from Buenos Aires to Prague :)


11-27-2006, 08:50 PM
very thanks Chilko.

12-03-2006, 09:34 PM
Hey, something quick to add (I hope.) When selling things to vendors, when dragging something from your inventory over to the vendoes screel, can we make it automatically switch to the sell tab?
