View Full Version : Hi, i have a problem

12-07-2006, 03:32 PM
Hello every1! :) I just started the game, and i going to ask:How can i change the langoage (if i can?)? Because i can't speak the...Err, what language it is..?Well, so, when i clickin on the Icon of the game, a window appear, to enter my username etc.But i can't really udnestand where should i put my pass, and username etc, because i can't speak that lagnuage.Can i change it to English?If yes, how?

PS: Im sorry, im not perfect in Elnglish either :P

12-07-2006, 03:41 PM
Ah, got it.

12-07-2006, 08:25 PM
If your in syrtis and need more help, contact me. :) :tonguey:

12-08-2006, 12:56 PM
Just 4 those who need this word, or for futere references. When the initial screen appears in the instalation, change the " Spanish" or " Espaņol", for the "english" or "Ingles".


ADDED: can make this change from the options button in the game launcher.