View Full Version : Coli Question

02-16-2008, 01:31 PM
Hey i dont know if this would go in the development secction or not... but isnt the coli supposed to kinda be like the wz and thats where you do pvp etc. but if Conjurors dont pvp but support, then maybe a conjuor and a barb get into a party and are allies for the coli fight..against a warlock and a knight or something like that. Bc in the coli support buffs are useless, and in the wz people (like conjuors ) use them a lot Im just wondering if the NGD studios has already considered this or if it was discussed in another forum that i didnt see. Thanks

02-16-2008, 01:35 PM
The current system as it is wouldn't support it, because it would have no way of knowing who were your allies and who you were fighting against.

02-16-2008, 05:08 PM
what about when you are in the coli you can talk to the guard and make teams and the zarkit belongs to the conju but if a warlock steals it it will disapear when he leaves the coli or forgte that im selling zarkits :imstupid: