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02-25-2008, 09:23 PM
Warlock: is the magical offensive class, but like all the mages, very slow. Some skills: lightning (you can have it in lvl 10), fire ball (also in lvl 3), sultar's terror (lvl 37)

Conjurer: it should be the defensive subclass but you can customize your offensive conjurer too.
Usually, they act as support, giving health, mana, revive allies, etc. They can also summon criatures to fight for them.

Hunter: it's the most hated sublclass in Regnum. If you like tracking enemies, make an ambush, get invisible or you just want to tame a pet, this is the
choice for you.

Marksman: the most balanced class, long range and offensive.

Barbarian: offensive class, they have a powerful melée damage but the worst defense. They use two handed weapons. Some skills: Onslaught, spiritual assault, frenzy ect.

Knight: it's the most defensive class, with a strong armor and a big shield.

02-25-2008, 09:31 PM
no te entiendo q mierda qieres desir???????????

02-26-2008, 12:08 PM
im sorry whats this thread about?
didn't someone already make a newbie guide?

02-26-2008, 12:23 PM
Choose a better title for the thread please :p

02-26-2008, 01:42 PM
Not a very accurate nor in-depth guide to the classes either.

02-26-2008, 01:53 PM
Marksman: the most balanced class, long range and offensive.
I think many players, including me, would disagree with this.

02-26-2008, 02:31 PM
I think the purpose of this thread is to start flamewar, and you just took the bait znurre (: