View Full Version : Why does everyone hates hunters?

03-01-2008, 09:31 PM
In a lot of discussion about hunter I find people screaming that hunters are overpowered and should be nerved. I'm curious why so many people hate hunters so much? Is it because of what we're meant to do, sneaking from behind(the so called cheap tactics), or our extreme fire power(...)?
Although we certainly can be a strong class, we have to be played right and can be extremely vulnerable. We don't have much evasion more than warlocks and the evasion spells aren't limitless nor extremely great. Even with Acrobatic, Spell Elude and the evasion passive at level 2 I don't evade much more.
A lot of people demand nerves of the hunter, but we've never gotten anything back, except for the great new camouflage. Niclam promised us traps long about a year ago, but we still don't have them. I don't ask for making us overpowered, I just ask for some understanding about how hard it is to play a hunter good and get to know why we're so hated.
So please tell me, why are we overpowered? Why are we strong and can always get away(Who told you we've got infinitive mana?)?

03-01-2008, 09:34 PM
I've never viewed hunters as overpowered.

03-01-2008, 09:38 PM
you aint overpowered...just we all hate that you get away...too many times...

03-01-2008, 09:56 PM
I also hate polls.

03-01-2008, 09:56 PM
I don't hate them at all.. my 10 year old plays one and has a lot of fun. I just hate the ones that pop out of nowhere and kill you while grinding with 10% xp, but that's the class they play. On my barb, it's pretty easy to kill them at my level 1 on 1, even with my skills set for grinding, so it is fair that they get to run away if need be. Props to the ones that stay and fight when they could get away if they needed to.

03-01-2008, 10:11 PM
Yeah i hate them.

Because half of the threads of this forums are about them.

And they even do polls about it.

03-01-2008, 10:14 PM
I hate hunters because they are so fucking hard to kill :fury:
They always get away someway.

03-01-2008, 10:15 PM
Blood has a point. Hunters are hated because of two facts.
1. Even an unranked hunter can escape from a lvl 50 player (please read the following thing carefully: I don't say if this is good of bad)
2. They whine a lot.

03-01-2008, 10:57 PM
I hate hunters cuz they always run when they are almost dead, run faster and when they have their huge camaflage time on, they just do 2 things: Run or if they have shot bows, 1000dmg spell.

03-01-2008, 11:08 PM
This applies to all characters. If you have the choice of either a tactical retreat or dying. It's totally up to you what you decide to do. But I know i'm sure gonna try to make it out of there alive. I'm not talking about bailing on your teamates.

03-02-2008, 12:13 AM
If I had the choice, I would still fight to the death.

I have spells to handle sticky situations, you know ;)

And I've won many battles where I thought I would lose...

03-02-2008, 12:30 AM
In a lot of discussion about hunter I find people screaming that hunters are overpowered and should be nerved. I'm curious why so many people hate hunters so much? Is it because of what we're meant to do, sneaking from behind(the so called cheap tactics), or our extreme fire power(...)?

I dont have a serious reason to hate them. I just hate getting killed, and hunters are very good killers. XD
What can i say, its human nature... :wub2:

03-02-2008, 12:35 AM
I hate hunters cuz they always run when they are almost dead, run faster and when they have their huge camaflage time on, they just do 2 things: Run or if they have shot bows, 1000dmg spell.

LOL use freez and burst of wind. And yesterday i was chasing barb who was killing lvling ppl near save. Gues what? I got him only because he laged.
And 1000dmg spell, hmm you can have it :D bah you can use DS+lightning arrow or DS+arcana.
And how many mana cost ehereal on lvl 5?

03-02-2008, 12:36 AM
I hate hunters because they are so fucking hard to kill :fury:
They always get away someway.
slow + freez?

03-02-2008, 01:06 AM
I hate. That's all. xD

Well no, my problem with hunters is about playing a no range class, without having much speed. So when I reach them, they are usually evading, evading, hiding, resisting, resisting, running, running and making me crazy.


EDIT: I hate also the way ppl say "Hey they kill lvlers, the hit you from the back, but HEY it's the class!"... Imho it's the player that does the style not the class he plays...

03-02-2008, 01:07 AM
I hate them because you can't fight them properly in a 1on1 situation. As soon as they MIGHT get killed, they cast Sotw/Low profile and run away...

Second reason: Some hunters are often quite annoying (on purpose). They follow you when you're hunting or grinding. They just stand in 30-35 range and wait for you. If you attack they run, if you move along they follow you. It's not just that they wanna get reinforcements, sometimes they don't want anything but to annoy you.

03-02-2008, 01:40 AM
Yeah, they stand there, wait for you, attack you, you survive the fight with 80% of their health and they run away with 2% of their health and SotW active...

Always amuses me :D

03-02-2008, 02:01 AM
yes, it's a technique i like to call scratch-n-run. They scratch you then they run.

kinda like the pt's that wanna hit the dragon at lvl13, only hunters run away.

03-02-2008, 02:03 AM
First, I am not a hunter. Second, I don't hate hunters. They make this game fun. It would be boring to me if all of the battles were big fort wars. I love the smaller skirmishes. They serve a vital role in the overall strategy of this game and require you to be ready for war at all times in the (gasp) warzone.

If you really want to love hunters, become the friend of one...go hunting with one (or two :razz:). There is nothing more fun in this game than watching a group of enemies unknowingly run straight through you while you are in stalker surroundings, then moments later run them down and kill them all after your areas have recharged.

Sometimes hunters kill me (the element of surprise), sometimes I kill them (barbarians hit hard :nunchaku:), and sometimes they get away (oh, I guess I should have dizzied him). Sounds balanced to me.

To me, all forms of evil are fair (and encouraged) in the warzone...

03-02-2008, 02:19 AM
I don't hate hunters (most anyway), but I hate the class because I feel they are significantly overpowered compared to all other classes. They have many advantages, but these are not balanced out by many disadvantages.

Speed: Hunters have by far the greatest speed of any class, and can sustain this speed without spells (no casting time, no mana cost). Their pets are also faster than other classes.

Evasion: In my experience, hunters have by FAR the best evasion. ALL of the items my warlocks uses are +Concentration, for the sole purpose of not having spells evaded. Both rings, amulet, hat, etc. are all +Concentration. Even with Metabolic Control (another +10 Conc), I still see 2/3 of my spells being evaded by hunter. I see hunters run into a crowd of 5 or 6 enemies, do some attacking, then run off with over half their HP left, even with all those people hammering on them. They have as good or better defenses than even a knight.

Ranged weapons: They have ranged weapons, an advantage they share with marksmen and mages.

Pets: They have very powerful pets that cost no mana to sustain. A conjurer's summon must be re-cast every 4 minutes, at cost of 550 to 600 mana. A warlock who gets lucky enough to capture a summon won't have it long, since he can't heal it, and loses it on logout. Hunters can revive their pet if it dies, and their pets become invisible now with the improvements in Camo. With their speed higher than most other classes, the hunter only needs to send his pet after the person. I see "very easy" pets doing 250+ damage, and level 50 pets doing around 400.

Strong attacks at no mana cost and no casting time: Hunters tell me they can't hit hard, but I see them hitting for 200 to 250 with standard arrows, plus 350 to 400 for their pet. That's 550 to 650, over and over. No mana cost, no casting time. My warlock's most powerful spell might do 1000 to a hunter if I'm lucky... but in that time, he can attack twice, along with his pet, dealing up to 1200 to 1300 damage. Again, no mana cost, no cool-down.

Escape: When a hunter attacks, he faces very little risk of dying. If he gets very unlucky and doesn't evade everything, no biggie. He can simply run away if he gets hurt too bad. Let his pet keep hammering on the enemy, but who cares? It's easy enough to run off, revive pet, regain mana and HP, and go back again. I often "beat" a hunter until they leave, but I almost never actually kill them. I see this even when I'm in a group attacking lone hunter.

Area attack: Though hunters are considered a "defensive" class, they have a nice area of attack spell. I see this all the time... walk in invisible to center of enemy army, cast their AoE attack, then run off with rarely a scratch.

Mana: I hear hunters say they don't have much mana. But who cares, when their attacks do not depend on it? Most of the damage I see done by hunters is from their normal attacks and pet. Also their spells cost less than the equivalent spell from mages. Example: knockdown spell. Mages have Will Domain, which at level 5 knocks down for 8 seconds, has a 2 second casting time, and costs 300 mana. Hunters have Ambush, which at level also knocks down for 8 seconds, but only takes 1.5 seconds to cast, and only costs 130 mana! That's less than half the mana of Will Domain!

Confuse: This one spell, I believe, is the reason there are so few support conjurers anymore. This one spell is fast to cast, low mana cost, low cool-down, is about the only mental-type spell that is not hindered by Mind Blank, and has a duration of 35 to 40 seconds! Cast this on a conjurer in a small party, and there's not much they can do except shoot their staff for 100 damage, or a level 1 ivy (this is all the offense most support conjurers have).

Son of the Wind: This spell protects like the conjurer's Sanctuary... except the hunter and his pet can continue to attack. Sanctuary, on the other hand, will instantly cancel all buffs, all area spells, and their summon the moment it's cast, leaving the conjurer very vulnerable the moment it wears off. By the time a hunter's SoW wears off, he's out of range of all enemies and quite safe.

Canceling spells by moving through people: Any class can do this "tactic" but I believe it is far more effective for hunters, for two reasons. First, they don't need to cast any spells to do their damage, because they do very good damage with their normal bow shots plus pet. Secondly, with their higher movement speed, they can much more easily do this tactic to the other, slower classes.

So, in every aspect of the game, I see that hunters have advantages. Speed, damage, low mana cost, high attack speed, invisibility, pets, range attacks, incredible evasion, powerful area attack, SoW. Where are their disadvantages to balance these out?

Hunters are perceived as cowards. Enemy hunters run away if they start to lose, leaving their pet to do their dirty work. Also I often see hunters scattering when their fort door is about to break, zipping off unharmed, leaving their remaining teammates in a very weakened state. Of course not all are cowards, but the class itself encourages this behavior.

I hope this explains my point of view. Though I'm sure many will disagree with me, I attempted to quantify my reasons as well as I could.

What attracted me to Regnum was the idea of classes and balance. Every class had strengths and weaknesses. However with each update, I see multiple new benefits added to hunters, and little if any given to other classes. I believe that the unbalance of the hunter class is degrading the game in general. I see more and more hunters, and far less knights and almost no support conjurers in comparison. With other bugs factored in, such as bugged castle guards, I see less fort battles with good teamwork, with a significant increase in the number of level 50 hunters running around as unstoppable killing machines.

03-02-2008, 03:20 AM

A lot of what you said makes sense and has merit, but I present three things that balance the hunter IMO:

Kill the pet first and the hunter is then very vulerable. The pet dies quickly and the primary damage dealer is no longer in the equation.
Onslaught + spring puts my barb in the hunter's lap very quickly. Other classes have range so speed is somewhat less of an issue. I feel sorry for knights.
A hunter's escape at the end of the battle is based somewhat on passive speed, but it is mostly based on being able to cast themselves invisible or invulnerable...if they are left without mana, are not standing, or are dizzy that option goes away.

You make good points and I believe hunters have many strengths, but I believe each of those strengths are balanced (to a degree) with a solution. You may not be able to configure your class the exact way that you want to (meaning a 100% support conju may be very disadvantaged to certain configurations of hunters few-v-1), but each subclass has the skills in their tree necessary to do battle with every other subclass.

03-02-2008, 05:04 AM
I'm getting truly fed up with all the bitching about hunters.

It's not just on here, but in-game too.

More than once i have had players standing near me in-game calling hunters cowards, lame, running all the time and using camping tactics.

Like, er, i am a hunter and i am right beside you while you call me!!

How can saving yourself when you have little health left be cowardice? If you have the ability to save yourself just before you die, you would be a fool not to!

And i assure you , not all hunters camp saves.

When will people get over the fact that hunters can keep themselves alive better than any other class, and just get on with playing their own class?

I will play my hunter less because people keep making their feelings clear.

ATM I even feel like deleting him.

But then my other chars will still have to play with the whingers in my realm and continue to hear their whining. FFS i don't go into the game to listen to that!!!!!

So playing for another realm is also tempting coz then i'd have the satisfaction of killing the whingers - WITH MY NEW HUNTER!!

03-02-2008, 05:36 AM
I don't hate hunters but for a knight they can be really annoying ;) . They're not overpowered, barbs can catch them and mages can drain their mana. A hunter with a dead pet and no mana = A dead hunter.

No point in hating a whole class just because some hunter made you angry. If you must hate someone then hate that hunter who just killed you/got away/whatever

03-02-2008, 06:25 AM
I'm getting truly fed up with all the bitching about hunters.

It's not just on here, but in-game too.
How can saving yourself when you have little health left be cowardice? If you have the ability to save yourself just before you die, you would be a fool not to!
When will people get over the fact that hunters can keep themselves alive better than any other class, and just get on with playing their own class?


I hope that my in-game whining hasn't contributed to your frustration. I have the highest respect for you, and I know you are not a coward. I would like to clarify a couple of things.

When I complain about my perception of hunters being overpowered, I am complaining that NGD designed it that way. If I could evade most spells sent at me and escape from sure death, I would. It is not the fault of players that this is the current situation.

I don't think that players that play hunters are any more cowardly than players from other classes. I'm sure some are cowards, and others are brave, from any class. When I mentioned in my previous post that "hunters are perceived as cowards," that is the design of the class, like you mentioned.

Of course there are some jerks that play hunters, repeatedly killing the same people while leveling and such. But I know that you, Wudy, are not one of those people.

My complaint about hunters is with NGD's overpowering the class (in my opinion), and thereby making the game less interesting for those that did not choose that class. I suspect that this situation has become more apparent with time as more and more hunters get to level 50.

03-02-2008, 06:33 AM
I'm getting truly fed up with all the bitching about hunters.

It's not just on here, but in-game too.

More than once i have had players standing near me in-game calling hunters cowards, lame, running all the time and using camping tactics.

Like, er, i am a hunter and i am right beside you while you call me!!

How can saving yourself when you have little health left be cowardice? If you have the ability to save yourself just before you die, you would be a fool not to!

And i assure you , not all hunters camp saves.

When will people get over the fact that hunters can keep themselves alive better than any other class, and just get on with playing their own class?

I will play my hunter less because people keep making their feelings clear.

ATM I even feel like deleting him.

But then my other chars will still have to play with the whingers in my realm and continue to hear their whining. FFS i don't go into the game to listen to that!!!!!

So playing for another realm is also tempting coz then i'd have the satisfaction of killing the whingers - WITH MY NEW HUNTER!!

I have to honestly say, I always whine about them, but for the fact that I am talking about other realms. I have no actual facts that you were and when I sometimes do you do not. The thing is, its kinda frustrating... yep.

Anyway, I apologize if I had any whine about it....especially within your surroundings.

03-02-2008, 08:12 AM
I also am quite fed up and irritated (same as Wudy). Hearing phrases like "Hunters are all cowards" from my own realm-mates makes me quite sick. I guarantee if you take a look (or begin to look) you'll find that the guy who is usually there to bail you out of a bind is..........guess what.........a hunter.

For those of you in Alsius take a look - and think back of how many times the good hunters of Alsius have been there to bail you out of trouble.....yet they are called cowards by their own real mates.

Now, if you find yourself getting killed by a hunter frequently - ask yourself how you got into that situation in the first place. You either:

1. Think your Mr. T and can be out leveling (or hunting) all by your lonesome in the wz and not be harmed.

2. Were singled out in a group by a hunter and died because your buddies were too busy "chatting about who knows what".

3. Fell for the "ohhh, I'm a scared hunter" routine and you chased after him and left your buddies behind. When I get people to do this (and it happens ALOT) it's an easy kill. Their minds are already set and they truly aren't ready for a fight - just expect and easy kill.

4. You were afk in the WZ (don't get mad - next time log out).

Hunters are hard to kill but they are easily dealt with. Kill the pet - most hunters won't hang around. And for goodness sakes - don't chase alone and don't leave the group chasing. It's a trap....trust me....and one I do very well.

This is the one that kicks me in the nutz every time I hear it. In my opinion, hunters are the champions of tactics - otherwise people wouldn't be bitching about them. They don't have tactics, why....cause they won't stand still for you to hit? 'Cause they don't go charging into enemy lines. Next time you want to see someone who fights well - watch a hunter. Hunters are made for evasion and that is what they do best.

I'm pissed at Alsius for their remarks in some general chats regarding hunters. When the phrase "All hunters are cowards" is coined in open chat....guess what - Alsius has hunters too. I'm not going to stop playing my hunter, and I'm not gonna stop bailing your butts out of hot-water. But when you find yourself staring up at the sky after being walked on by a hunter - try to think about what you did to put yourself into that position.

03-02-2008, 08:41 AM
... In my opinion, hunters are the champions of tactics - otherwise people wouldn't be bitching about them.


I agree with just about everything you said, except that statement. Hunters are no better or worse at tactics than any other class. They are characters controlled by humans, and some humans will learn good tactics, while others will not, regardless of class.

A couple days ago, about 5 of us were chasing a single enemy warlock. He ran through a river... we thought he was going to drown. Two of us followed. We all exited on other side, badly wounded from water. He hid behind a tree, then Terrored the two of us that followed, killing us both, then escaping. Kudos to his tactics. Great tactics from a warlock, just like I see from many others from all the classes.

03-02-2008, 10:12 AM
I hate those hunters who not even say hello but steal your xp.

I'm starting to fight with mob and then suddenly a hunter arrives and starts hitting it with range weapon. That's attract the mob and starting to rush to the feet of the hunter like a good puppy and I have to run too. When I reach the mob I cannot hit it cos the pet of the hunter is in the way. In the end I get very low xp or none. They just appear and they steal every mob and every xp in the territory. They do a lot of damage from range so if you want to party with them and still get some xp, you have to run a lot.

03-02-2008, 10:21 AM
Onslaught + spring puts my barb in the hunter's lap very quickly. Other classes have range so speed is somewhat less of an issue. I feel sorry for knights

woaaaaaa wait a sec, You know how many Onslaught is? It's 400 in lvl 5. Do you know how much mana is Sprint? It's 150 (lvl 5), In the end, It's Half mana out of the Barbarian. Don't say stuff that you aren't sure of it.

Edit: Solarus, I problaby understand a bit of the "hunters are all cowards" people, well, i already don't play regnum at 3 weeks but i remenber, that most of times i gone wit my barb to wars or hunts, when we were in pb and syrtis were coming, they almost always just run. and then, their allies die and the hunters run. but i understand from the part of the hunters, The hunters in wars are nothing.

Edit2: Well, To who say that Onslaught is too good, I think it's worse because:

Good New Stuff :)

+35% Speed!

Not New Stuff :|

400mana cost

Bad New Stuff :(

60 secs countdown(2X than the Duration)
30 secs Duration

For me, Onslaught is Worse now.

03-02-2008, 10:41 AM

I hope that my in-game whining hasn't contributed to your frustration. I have the highest respect for you, and I know you are not a coward.

At one time your whinging was unbearable, but lately you seem to have it under control, out in the open at least.

And it is this kind of moaning that i hate - out loud and within earshot of me (sometimes deliberately i'm sure.)

I think some people get frustrated by enemy hunters and vent that frustration on ally hunters to make themselves feel better.

This kind of moaning should be constrained to private chats with a sympathetic listener.

But i tell you, when i hear it makes me think: "ok, if those are your feelings about my class, i cannot fight alongside you."

And on a personal note: i'm none too keen about the run/hide tactics of hunters.

My preference is for fort wars and always has been.

Because of this, most of my time as a hunter has been with a set up designed for forts. Hell, i've spent months of time as a hunter without even having camoflage. And my only aim at the end of a fort fight was to take some ememies down b4 i died, and never to run or hide.

But lately, circumstances have forced me to adopt a more evasive style. Every time i go near a fort, or even a group of people i freeze with high server pings. So i have to hunt alone or in a small group to stay away from the crowds. So i would be crazy spending so much time alone in enemy territory without evasive skills.

And even if i wanted to keep this style, why should i have to listen to realm mates bitching about it?

If these technical problems go away i will probably pick up rep shot again for forts and go back to my previous style.

Until then, can u all plz quit the damn whinging!!!!!!!!

03-02-2008, 11:12 AM
:] All hunters to inner realm :D we can go for a drop-quest-beer searching in inner realm for 3 days. Let's see how wz will deal with that.

In a matter a fact i have more sympathy for most of my enemies, victims, than for many syrtians. Eh. It is a time to lvl my marks.

03-02-2008, 02:01 PM
Seems like a lot of hunter haters lol ^^

03-02-2008, 02:43 PM
I hate "I hate $class threads". :fingers:
Hunters are hated for the game style they are forced to play... LOL
I did not test the new update yet but from what I tested much earlier before on Amun I would say that, regarding to 1on1 hunts only, Hunters are the most powerful classes now, as there are several skill combos that make you almost invincible... You simply can evade every hard situation with the right skills and a bit luck. But there are simple methods, too to prevent a hunter from this.
Hunters can escape now nearly everytime but they are not dead. But this should give you a satisfaction of having him defeated anyway.
I hate hunters too, but that's why I love this class.

In my opinion Solarus wrote the best post in this whole topic.

03-02-2008, 03:09 PM
This isn't a "I hate $class" topic. ;) I just was curious why so many hate hunters.

03-02-2008, 03:10 PM
Solaris speaks the truth.

03-02-2008, 03:16 PM
Wudy, a class and a player is two different things.
I know I haven't always been to discrete about my feelings about the hunter class in general, like yesterday at save. I am sorry for that.

But, there are differences between one hunter and another.
No human is the same, and thus two players canno't be that either.

When someone blames hunters in general, think of it, does it really apply to you ? I think you and Comp are great players, you play fair and you use tactics and you know that. But not everyone do this.

I can understand hunters running if a group of 3+ people are comming to gank one of them, I would run then too, but, hunters who have to run in a 1on1 fight just because they have 100 hp, can't stand that. Are they so afraid of dying ?

That's what make me so fed up of hunters, that most, and I repeat, most, can't take a fight. They always run in the end.

You are not one of those Wudy.
I've played a lot with you and I've seen you and Comp in action.
You fight til you die, and bring many other enemies with you in the fall.

Also, to share a little memory with you, I once got saved by a hunter when I was escaping from a group of Syrtis. She ran into them, with all her evasion spells, making them attack her instead, and she managed to escape with me.

Also, I've had a lot of fun making up traps with stalkers etc.

03-02-2008, 03:56 PM
pff... there's a lot to be said about this topic. the Hunter IS overpowered, the hunter class... and hunters being masters of tactics... I disagree. Everyone can make an overpowered evasion setup and run away if they are about to die.
the evasion tree is overpowered and their passive speed doesn't make it better.

And don't give me the bullshit about "oh but you hit so hard with the offensive classes" it's a dull argument when the hit/spell is evaded.

I don't hate hunters though, I just don't like the imbalance of the class and some people who play it. I don't like the luck game either when you meet a hunter in a one on one. He comes to attack you. If he's about to die (because I'm lucky) he runs away, if he's the one lucky I'm going to die and can do nothing about it because he can run away

03-02-2008, 04:42 PM
woaaaaaa wait a sec, You know how many Onslaught is? It's 400 in lvl 5. Do you know how much mana is Sprint? It's 150 (lvl 5), In the end, It's Half mana out of the Barbarian. Don't say stuff that you aren't sure of it.

Uhhhh....ok. It costs me half of my mana to catch the hunter. I guess I am a glass is half full type of guy. Yes, occasionally I have caught the hunter and run out of mana before finishing the job, but sometimes it is enough. I have danced on the grave of more than one level 50 hunter from 1v1 battle, so I am sure of it.

Of course, more hunters have killed me than I have killed, but I am not whining...I just suck at this game.

03-02-2008, 04:47 PM
woaaaaaa wait a sec, You know how many Onslaught is? It's 400 in lvl 5. Do you know how much mana is Sprint? It's 150 (lvl 5), In the end, It's Half mana out of the Barbarian. Don't say stuff that you aren't sure of it.

Wait. The mana argument does not count here. The hunter cannot escape a barbarian without using mana. Our mobility is even more expensive. And to escape we also need Camouflage only with the speed that's not possible. The new onslaught kicks ass.
So the mana amount is nearly the same.

03-02-2008, 05:17 PM
and hunters being masters of tactics... I disagree. Everyone can make an overpowered evasion setup and run away if they are about to die.
the evasion tree is overpowered and their passive speed doesn't make it better.

You have no idea how it is to play a hunter. I am pt. But if will not think twice i will die. Ana about evasion . I will post every damn screenshot rom 1on1 with warlock. But i am sure that some warlocks will ignore it and still will say how hard it is to fight wit hunter. You know what? Today some 4x warlock attacked me while i was grinding. I have killed him but the only evaded spell was meteor and it was when i had no buffs.
When i see warlock whining about how hard it is with hunter i want quit this damn game. Learn how to play your damn class.

He comes to attack you. If he's about to die (because I'm lucky) he runs away, if he's the one lucky I'm going to die and can do nothing about it because he can run away
In a matter a fact i can run away from you with my marks, and with my 13lv barb. :D

03-02-2008, 05:49 PM
I have danced on the grave of more than one level 50 hunter from 1v1 battle, so I am sure of it.

Me too.

My marks and barb at around lvl 43/44 have both spanked lvl 50 hunters 1v1.

This is why i don't buy the argument that hunters are overpowered.

As for hunters running away b4 they die - don't get too upset about it: if they run away you have won the battle. You don't need a message in your log for you to know that..

03-02-2008, 05:52 PM
Me too.

My marks and barb at around lvl 43/44 have both spanked lvl 50 hunters 1v1.

This is why i don't buy the argument that hunters are overpowered.

As for hunters running away b4 they die - don't get too upset about it: if they run away you have won the battle. You don't need a message in your log for you to know that..
Yeah. You hit the nail again. There should be something like a satisfaction that you defeated the hunter, I already said that, too. Sadly most people are only satisfied by RP.
And yeah, I lost against many lower leveld chars, too.

03-02-2008, 06:03 PM
I don't think the desire to stay alive is dishonourable. It's a part of the game I enjoy. It gives thrill when being chased trough half Alsius by a level 50 barb(we never attacked each other). What do you want to us to do? Waste the good points of our class to be honourable? Remember this is just a game.

I agree there are a lot of hunter that 'whine'(and sometimes(? :P) I do that too), but the class 'whining' the most are Warlocks about hunters. The most people who say that hunters are overpowered forget that we also need mana. Not all our spells are passives. Mages can drain our mana, and like a lot of archers said before, but no mage wanted to believe, inspite of several screenshots, is that our evasion isn't that great. We need to keep buffs on to keep it at the 'great' level. And even than luck plays an important role.
The poll shows that the majority of the voters hate hunters. And if I read the replies a lot think of that because of the purpose of the class: sneaking from behind and kill or get away when things are turning out back. They think of that as dishonourable. So, giving the server a command to place character 14223 at location x 1344 z 4561, doesn't have any honour, but giving the command to the server to place character 14223 at location x 1244 z 4559 does have honour. That's really bad. It's just a game...

03-02-2008, 06:12 PM
How useful do you think that my knight is without mana?

So, giving the server a command to place character 14223 at location x 1344 z 4561, doesn't have any honour, but giving the command to the server to place character 14223 at location x 1244 z 4559 does have honour. That's really bad. It's just a game...
I agree with this one. Many people hate every class/player that kills him.

03-02-2008, 06:19 PM
Point taken. Now I'll behave myself and only whine once a week.:superpusso:

03-02-2008, 06:29 PM
I know I haven't always been to discrete about my feelings about the hunter class in general, like yesterday at save. I am sorry for that.

Airing your downbeat views about hunters in public while an ally hunter is standing next to you, is not only very bad manners, but it creates bad feeling. This is harmful to your realm. Is this the type of player you want to be?

You also said i use camping tactics, which i would like you to elaborate on, coz anyone who knows me will testify that i never camp anything.

I suggest you put your brain into gear before typing your chat in future.

03-02-2008, 06:40 PM
You have no idea how it is to play a hunter. I am pt. But if will not think twice i will die. Ana about evasion . I will post every damn screenshot rom 1on1 with warlock. But i am sure that some warlocks will ignore it and still will say how hard it is to fight wit hunter. You know what? Today some 4x warlock attacked me while i was grinding. I have killed him but the only evaded spell was meteor and it was when i had no buffs.
When i see warlock whining about how hard it is with hunter i want quit this damn game. Learn how to play your damn class.

that's YOUR experiences... and I know how to play my class, again the arguments are dull because we can't hit with our damn spells. I can easily kill a hunter with my levelling setup because of my 300 damage staff shots. But when I use spells it's the hunters spell elude which determines the outcome of the fight, and if spell elude isn't enough acrobat will take away half the damage from all other spells than vampirism and soulkeeper... you're the one saying you're a pt and saying I don't know how to play my class... think about that sentence please.

As for hunters running away b4 they die - don't get too upset about it: if they run away you have won the battle. You don't need a message in your log for you to know that..

I see it as a stupid disturbance in my levelling which didn't need to be there, not one of us died. It's better to kill him and sending him back to his save than to see him run away imo

before the update where the resist/evade rates had been fiddled with... hunters/marksmen didn't evade and resist that much and hunters couldn't get away all the time... if ngd reversed this update it would be so much better

03-02-2008, 06:43 PM
Acrobatic reduces damage by 30% not half.

03-02-2008, 07:00 PM
Acrobatic reduces damage by 30% not half.
try it for yourself ;) I remember I saw an archer with acrobatics off, then I attacked, he turned it on and suddenly 320 damage went to 156.

03-02-2008, 07:02 PM

sometimes i think you have no idea about the game at all.

Do you have at least one lvl 50 char?

03-02-2008, 07:29 PM
pff this is so subjective

no, I'm working to get my warlock to level 50, playing as a level 40 has given me quite some experience and will ensure i'm not just another level 50 pt

03-02-2008, 07:48 PM
try it for yourself ;) I remember I saw an archer with acrobatics off, then I attacked, he turned it on and suddenly 320 damage went to 156.
Acrobatics does not reduce the damage by 50%.
I would like to say "try it by yourself" but you don't have a hunter, huh?

03-02-2008, 07:51 PM
that's YOUR experiences... and I know how to play my class, again the arguments are dull because we can't hit with our damn spells. I can easily kill a hunter with my levelling setup because of my 300 damage staff shots. But when I use spells it's the hunters spell elude which determines the outcome of the fight, and if spell elude isn't enough

Sure you can hit me. Do you want test it on arena?

03-02-2008, 08:04 PM
hunters shouldn't have so many get out of jail free cards. If they choose to start a fight, they should be forced to stick around to die or finish it. perma sprint, stealth and high evade are b.s. on one toon.

03-02-2008, 08:07 PM
hunters shouldn't have so many get out of jail free cards. If they choose to start a fight, they should be forced to stick around to die or finish it. perma sprint, stealth and high evade are b.s. on one toon.
LOL, that's crap... that would mean you force hunters to die. All other classes have damage spells, we don't. So give us über-damage spells too, or simply let things stay as they are.
The archer class is the only class where the "offensive" and "defensive" thing is really realized...

03-02-2008, 08:18 PM
LOL, that's crap... that would mean you force hunters to die. All other classes have damage spells, we don't. So give us über-damage spells too, or simply let things stay as they are.
The archer class is the only class where the "offensive" and "defensive" thing is really realized...
That is the problem, you have.
Read octopus post, I found it great and it explains things very clear.

03-02-2008, 08:53 PM
Pets: They have very powerful pets that cost no mana to sustain. A conjurer's summon must be re-cast every 4 minutes, at cost of 550 to 600 mana. A warlock who gets lucky enough to capture a summon won't have it long, since he can't heal it, and loses it on logout. Hunters can revive their pet if it dies, and their pets become invisible now with the improvements in Camo. With their speed higher than most other classes, the hunter only needs to send his pet after the person. I see "very easy" pets doing 250+ damage, and level 50 pets doing around 400.

Escape: When a hunter attacks, he faces very little risk of dying. If he gets very unlucky and doesn't evade everything, no biggie. He can simply run away if he gets hurt too bad. Let his pet keep hammering on the enemy, but who cares? It's easy enough to run off, revive pet, regain mana and HP, and go back again. I often "beat" a hunter until they leave, but I almost never actually kill them. I see this even when I'm in a group attacking lone hunter.

Confuse: This one spell, I believe, is the reason there are so few support conjurers anymore. This one spell is fast to cast, low mana cost, low cool-down, is about the only mental-type spell that is not hindered by Mind Blank, and has a duration of 35 to 40 seconds! Cast this on a conjurer in a small party, and there's not much they can do except shoot their staff for 100 damage, or a level 1 ivy (this is all the offense most support conjurers have).

Son of the Wind: This spell protects like the conjurer's Sanctuary... except the hunter and his pet can continue to attack. Sanctuary, on the other hand, will instantly cancel all buffs, all area spells, and their summon the moment it's cast, leaving the conjurer very vulnerable the moment it wears off. By the time a hunter's SoW wears off, he's out of range of all enemies and quite safe.

Hunters are perceived as cowards. Enemy hunters run away if they start to lose, leaving their pet to do their dirty work. Also I often see hunters scattering when their fort door is about to break, zipping off unharmed, leaving their remaining teammates in a very weakened state. Of course not all are cowards, but the class itself encourages this behavior.

Well i wanted to comment some of the stuff you stated here...

1.Pets are not that strong...i see lvl50 pets hitting max 350 damage and that are critics...and if you can stun,knock,freeze the hunter pets are not so hard to deal with...

2.Hunters were designed to get away...yes i hate when they run away with | <---- this much health but what can you do eh?if the pet keeps attacking as a lock you can soulkeep it steal its mana etc...

3.I totaly agree on confuse and i hope they nerf it more then now...

4.Sow...i will state my oppinion about this from a knights point...if he casts it i either try to mind squash or balestra him...if this doesent work i just cast blocks and regen my mana(try to run around a tree too:P)...if he has a pet i attack it forcing him to practically waste the cast...and imho sotw is just like casting protector...all luck...sometimes you block(evade) and sometimes it doesent work and you die...

5.Well that depends on the player...i usualy see them casting stalker and not running away...i only see rp lovers running away...

03-02-2008, 09:09 PM
You also said i use camping tactics, which i would like you to elaborate on, coz anyone who knows me will testify that i never camp anything.

I'd just like to add to this that Znurre has assured me he mis-typed his chat message.

He typed "camp tactics", instead of "camo tactics".

I'll take him at his word for this...

03-02-2008, 09:16 PM
If it's not one thing it's another. Let it go.

03-02-2008, 09:20 PM
If it's not one thing it's another. Let it go.

There is no "another" - and we have let it go - your post was totally unneccessary...

03-02-2008, 09:52 PM
Right...Like I dont see one of these class/spell bitch threads nearly every day. I'm glad you've gotten over it. and your post was unnessesary.

03-02-2008, 10:08 PM
About the lvl 43/44 Barbs, they have access to a weapon lvl 41-42 Very slow axe that is equivalent to a lvl 50 Claymore.

I wish NGD tones it down a bit, its too overpowered along with Southcross.

03-02-2008, 10:16 PM
About the lvl 43/44 Barbs, they have access to a weapon lvl 41-42 Very slow axe that is equivalent to a lvl 50 Claymore.

I wish NGD tones it down a bit, its too overpowered along with Southcross.

You Mean "Two Handed Warlord Axe" or something like? Well, I agree with you but thinking a bit, in the end, It is Very Slow, and problaby do the same dmg as a Hammer, The only thing good in it is South Cross...

03-02-2008, 10:18 PM
LOL, that's crap... that would mean you force hunters to die. All other classes have damage spells, we don't. So give us über-damage spells too, or simply let things stay as they are.
The archer class is the only class where the "offensive" and "defensive" thing is really realized...

Hmm hunters don't have damage spells? That's odd, I get hit by them all the time.

03-02-2008, 10:20 PM
You Mean "Two Handed Warlord Axe" or something like? Well, I agree with you but thinking a bit, in the end, It is Very Slow, and problaby do the same dmg as a Hammer, The only thing good in it is South Cross...

No, an axe has 2 categories, either a slash and piercing or whatever. Having 2 categories makes it an axe, likewise also under the discipline of Slashing.

Then what? Barbs would just go to slashing because it has the same amount of normal damage and better skill? There should be balance in it.

Balance is balance.

03-02-2008, 10:24 PM
Hmm hunters don't have damage spells? That's odd, I get hit by them all the time.

Almost Every hunter has a Short bow, so it means that they have:

Dual Shot :)
Tear Appart or something like it :smile:
Da Ultimate Powerfull Dark Shadow Holy Power Magic: Repetiton Shot:mf_hide:

Don't tell me that Markss have because most of them use Long Bow because a Passive :cuac:

The only problem of hunters it's mana, Because if they had 2000...

03-02-2008, 10:27 PM
Hmm hunters don't have damage spells? That's odd, I get hit by them all the time.

Yes we don't. You have whole bloody arrow maestry + bow spells + other spells like seeking strike + DS
I have Dual shot, tear apart and ensaring arrow and my favorite grounding arrow.
Edit: if you didn't notice 3 from 4 is in bow discipline. I nearly 100% sure that warjuror have more dmg spells then hunter.

03-02-2008, 10:28 PM
Almost Every hunter has a Short bow, so it means that they have:

Dual Shot :)
Tear Appart or something like it :smile:
Da Ultimate Powerfull Dark Shadow Holy Power Magic: Repetiton Shot:mf_hide:

Don't tell me that Markss have because most of them use Long Bow because a Passive :cuac:

The only problem of hunters it's mana, Because if they had 2000...

ummmm...maybe they have both bows?

03-02-2008, 10:39 PM
I noticed in the changelog that Ensaring was changed to include weapon damage. Could someone please elaborate. does that mean it does the 400-500 damage plus 100% weapon damage? or that it's just 100% weapon damage and they removed the static damage?

03-02-2008, 11:03 PM
I noticed in the changelog that Ensaring was changed to include weapon damage. Could someone please elaborate. does that mean it does the 400-500 damage plus 100% weapon damage? or that it's just 100% weapon damage and they removed the static damage?

On lvl 4 it is 210 piercing dmg + 90% weapon dmg

03-02-2008, 11:05 PM
Ouch. thanks for the info.

03-03-2008, 06:04 AM
just got hit by 500 dmg dual shot. heheh poor hunters....

03-03-2008, 06:34 AM
I just got hit by 800 crit with a Cyclops Warrior pet :)

Oh, how enjoyable.

03-03-2008, 07:39 AM
yeah its fked up. let's hope ngd takes care of it.

03-03-2008, 08:54 AM
just got hit by 500 dmg dual shot. heheh poor hunters....
Use damn acrobaric, strategic position, evasive tactic. Your ethereal on lvl 5 is more deadly than Dual.
Yes this huter is poor. He had to made hard decisions to have dual on lvl 5 (imo). My marks have maxed avasion and fire power.

If you do not know how to fight with hunter go and ask someone.

I just got hit by 800 crit with a Cyclops Warrior pet
[quote] Bestial wrath? And it is critical.

03-03-2008, 08:58 AM
i got hit by 1k crit from a marks...tui or someone else....

03-03-2008, 09:02 AM

Marksman is offensive + you were Death Sentenced?

And a hunter has both his pet and his own attacks.

03-03-2008, 09:33 AM
i was trying to move the subject away from hunters...yes they are powerfull but all this bitching how theyr pets attack 100000000000000000000000 damage is just plain stupid...

03-03-2008, 10:13 AM
Whow, I started to thing about a conjurer + hunter party.
A divine for his pet and the hunter would be so powerfull. With Sanctuary and Sotw they will be very strong and effective.
I think the new updates offerds new chances for this combination.

The Hunter is able to attack, run and come back to the Conjurer without any problem.

Mhh... I have to try it a bit today. :horsey:

03-03-2008, 10:41 AM
Whow, I started to thing about a conjurer + hunter party.
A divine for his pet and the hunter would be so powerfull. With Sanctuary and Sotw they will be very strong and effective.
I think the new updates offerds new chances for this combination.

The Hunter is able to attack, run and come back to the Conjurer without any problem.

Mhh... I have to try it a bit today. :horsey:

Evil thoughts.

I thought healers were supposed to be nice people...:superpusso:

03-03-2008, 10:57 AM
Evil thoughts.

I thought healers were supposed to be nice people...:superpusso:

That is why they have evendims fury ;p they are nice when they cast mana comunion but if you piss them off... :D

03-03-2008, 10:59 AM
So much thread about nothing. Personally I love it when I have hunters (from my own realm) around me, and they keep tracking and letting me know if we have incoming that's so awesome, and I always try to give mana to all who need it. Catching someone like Julius or Athenea would be impossible without having a hunter with you.

I like fighting hunters too, they pose a challenge both in terms of game mechanics, and the strategies they employ. It's especially fun to watch the incredible diversity in hunter tactics, it seems everyone has their own little ways.

03-03-2008, 03:54 PM
Acrobatics does not reduce the damage by 50%.
I would like to say "try it by yourself" but you don't have a hunter, huh?
you just quoted the evidence...

Sure you can hit me. Do you want test it on arena?

atm you're level 50 I'm level 46, level has a great impact, but sure let me show you

03-03-2008, 03:56 PM
you just quoted the evidence...

atm you're level 50 I'm level 46, level has a great impact, but sure let me show you

It doesn't. Gally killed me there 4 time. It was easier to fight with 50 lvl barbs than with Gally or Glau.

03-03-2008, 04:26 PM
Evil thoughts.

I thought healers were supposed to be nice people...:superpusso:
I want to tease the others a bit.
Maybe you will get to know my evil thoughts, aww :razz:

03-03-2008, 04:33 PM
Yea luthi has multiple personalities.....good nerd girl and evil emo:P

03-03-2008, 04:35 PM
Yea luthi has multiple personalities.....the awesome, cute conjurer and the beautiful warlock :P
yes, I play defensive and offensive chars :o

I like teasing.

03-03-2008, 04:54 PM
So some people want to take all firepower we have? We can try that. If some level 50 hunter will go to the WZ (at amun) with a level 30 pet and all points in long or short bow flushed down the toilet and all spells in evasion and tricks at level three , you'll see how great it is too fight a hunter after your ideas are applied. When talking about hunters you forget things you certainly don't when you're talking about your own class. Level 5 spells in short or long bow(or scouting) cost a lot of points. The hunter has probably a lower defence so your tons of damage spells will certainly hit hard.
And don't tell me that an offensive class like a marksman(who also has evasion available) is allowed to hit high(1000, 600, 800, 30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30), but defensive classes aren't allowed to hit a bit hard, unless they are willing to sacrifice things the offensive classes do have.

03-03-2008, 05:13 PM
So some people want to take all firepower we have... When talking about hunters you forget things you certainly don't when you're talking about your own class.

You know Yest you just summed up the argument of 99.9% those that whine about imbalance. None look at the correlated connections of game mechanics that this game depends on; they just see it from their own narrow perspective - the focus of me, me, me (wha, wha, wha).

And don't tell me that an offensive class like a marksman is allowed to hit high, but defensive classes aren't allowed to hit a bit hard, unless they are willing to sacrifice things the offensive classes do have.

Yest these people will say anything to justify their own view; whether right, wrong, based on reality or not. Their all twats in my opinion :fingers:.

But in the end what can really be said is that all these twats seems to only look at the issues from a one-on-one fighting perspective and not that of a game based on group dynamics.

03-03-2008, 05:48 PM
Well now amun is on.

Anyone wants to do some test?

I need an archer, a knigth and a conjurer from the same realm and some offensive classes from other realms.

Just say when you can do it.

03-03-2008, 06:12 PM
Well now amun is on.

Anyone wants to do some test?

I need an archer, a knigth and a conjurer from the same realm and some offensive classes from other realms.

Just say when you can do it.

I have time. I will be on Amun for 30 min.

03-03-2008, 06:15 PM
I like hunters !:razz:

Is very easy to kill them , just frozen or what ever so that the hunter cant move or take defensives skills.

Usually afterwards the hunter will die easy, it has not much life .

Im not shame of running, I hate to leave my partners alone, and only do it when they double us on players enemies. Thats the worste part to be a hunter.

And of course level from 40 to 50 can kill hunters , if they stay on range, thats why we run and try to take advantege of our speeds.



03-03-2008, 06:38 PM
why compare marks and hunter?

Anybody tried to setup a hunter with maxed pets, maxed bow and maxed evasion?
It can be as deadly as a marks with maxed bow, maxed arrow mastery and maxed evasion.

To the evasion thing of archers: Archers has the highest evade chance of all classes. That is a fact and is how it is intended to be.
And to the evasion tree, that share hunters and marks: the evasion tree is not the only defense of hunters, they are fast, they can go invisible (even if camu is changed to be a offensive tactic now) and they can track enemies. That is quite a lot more defense than marks have (don't come and tell that marks have stratecic position, I know that)

When you look to other classes you'll see that the subclasses share a lot of defensive spells too. There is energy barrier or caution, just to name some.

In my humble opinion there are no realy overpowered classes. Sure, there are some minor things that need to be work on but you won't change anything by just posting a new thread about someone beeing overwowered every day.
And talking about hunters...well, a good indicator for success are RP, and hunters are not very well rewarded with it...means they don't kill so much than other classes. On the other hand they are not so much killed due to their defence. That is the point that annoys people...not getting RP for hunters, because they run away. Actually there are several ways to prevent a hunter from running. Even if they can escape, be satisfied. Don't leech only for RP.

Also I don't like the term deffensive class. I prefer to call it supportive class.
A hunter supports his realm mates with tracking tasks, stalker, chasing enemies that run away and others. Every "defensive" class is made to support the offensive classes. Of course there are other ways of playing a class, but that is how it is indended to be in my opinion.

You are a realm, not a single person. When you think about that it doesn't matter so much, that one class has maybe a bit more power than another...every realm has that "overpowered" class. When you whine about an other class you show how egositic you are. You show, that you didn't get that regnum is a teamplay in the first line and not a single player game.

I don't hate only hunters...I hate all classes that can kill me...and everyone that just killed me...yeah, I do. But I don't go to forum and whine about it, I try to improve my gameplay and I try to understand how others classes play.

03-03-2008, 07:01 PM
If anyone wants to test things we can do it this nigth.

And please, i dont care about the setup you use, i just want to prove something.

With evasion 19 and acrobatic, elude, evasion passive, dodge and evasive you cant be killed in less than 30 seconds.

You can kill me only with normal attacks in that time.

I dont care how much people you think uses this setup, i dont care if you think its useful or not.

Just want to show this, we tested it and its overpowered.

03-03-2008, 07:06 PM
Cumeri......... Aweome staement dude!:beerchug:

03-03-2008, 07:23 PM
If anyone wants to test things we can do it this nigth.

With evasion 19 and acrobatic, elude, evasion passive, dodge and evasive you cant be killed in less than 30 seconds.

You can kill me only with normal attacks in that time.

did you proofe that to? normal attack to a lvl 50 mage...I do about 230 dmg with medium range 30 bow to them. That means all 3,5 sec 230 dmg, that are 8 shoots in 30 sec, 1840 dmg at all. Minus 1000 to 750 dmg taken fon energy barrier minus average 2 evaded hits and plus average 1 critical hit (320 dmg) = 720 damage (at energy barrier lvl 4)....one soulkeeper and you are full hp again

Mages has no lower defenses than archers. They have the same amount of hp
(maybe 100 or 200hp less, depends on race) and more mana since their base damge is lower. But with energy barrier they have 1k hp more, with soulkeeper they have an option to have 1k hp more, in an 1v1 soulkeeper counts for 2k hp

only class with low defence is barb, but they can reach the enemy quite fast and they deal big damage.

You can't kill any class in less than 30 sec when your enemy has full defense.
ok, a barb can...but in normal fight you just would freeze/knock/stun/dizzy a barb, which is a kind of defense too. Same with running around.

03-03-2008, 07:39 PM
If anyone wants to test things we can do it this nigth.

And please, i dont care about the setup you use, i just want to prove something.

With evasion 19 and acrobatic, elude, evasion passive, dodge and evasive you cant be killed in less than 30 seconds.

You can kill me only with normal attacks in that time.

I dont care how much people you think uses this setup, i dont care if you think its useful or not.

Just want to show this, we tested it and its overpowered.
How to prove that storks are related with childbirth rate? You have to find place with lot of storks and with high childbirt rate. Then you just use Spearman correlation and you have proof!

Your test is not test of hunter evasion. Just like you can't say that kids are stork's gift.

03-03-2008, 07:59 PM
as I said before, taking soulkeeper(or any other spell) into the argument is really dull, soulkeeper is already evaded a lot. A spell that doesn't hit is useless and a waste of mana.

well, a good indicator for success are RP, and hunters are not very well rewarded with it...means they don't kill so much than other classes. On the other hand they are not so much killed due to their defence. That is the point that annoys people...not getting RP for hunters, because they run away. Actually there are several ways to prevent a hunter from running. Even if they can escape, be satisfied. Don't leech only for RP.

I disagree, it's not a good indicator for success...
btw, try to look on the rankings of rp for syrtis and see what class is on the top ;).
the rp rankings shows how much you've been fighting people in the war zone, it doesn't show if you were helpful each time, leeching or actually effective.
With my pvp build I have a lot of control spells at level one I use a lot, even though I don't do most damage I can get 1 or 2 rp, the two others doing all the damage gets 4 times as much or something.

When you whine about an other class you show how egositic you are. You show, that you didn't get that regnum is a teamplay in the first line and not a single player game.

I disagree :). I know regnum is a teamplay game. But there's not much teamplay in a whole army shooting at an archer who can't be taken down. I witnessed this, there were 10 alsius at pp, me and the hunter charged them, I died pretty quickly as they aimed for me (mod animation) first, the hunter afterwards, they got him to half hp but he still got away, he was not even 50.

So please... don't come tell me the archer class is not overpowered with that evasion... before a certain update it didn't make such a big difference, now it makes the whole difference.

03-03-2008, 08:08 PM
AWD, what about get your char to 50 and come back to forum to talk about balance.

There is no balance when a lvl 40 fights against a lvl 50. It is the level difference that causes most evades/resists...just try to hit a lvl 50 mob and a mob of your lvl and you'll know

To the RP...this is not a discussion about RP...and no need to talk about syrtis #1 hunter since everybody knows that that hunter played 24/7 to get the RP

So please... don't come tell me the archer class is not overpowered with that evasion... before a certain update it didn't make such a big difference, now it makes the whole difference.

maybe it is not the archers evasion....it is more a matter of other classes hit chance. You cannot tune down everything all the time...why not ask for a better hit chance/spell focus for other classes?

03-03-2008, 08:13 PM
AWD, what about get your char to 50 and come back to forum to talk about balance.

There is no balance when a lvl 40 fights against a lvl 50. It is the level difference that causes most evades/resists...just try to hit a lvl 50 mob and a mob of your lvl and you'll know

Ungh... please do not use the level 50 argument... I'm level 46 and working to get 50 btw, but please, don't use it. And I'm not talking about my fight with Valorius if that's what you think.
Look at something else I posted, me and a hunter going for 10 alsius, he could get away even though the whole army was hammering at him. And this guy was not level 50

To the RP...this is not a discussion about RP...and no need to talk about syrtis #1 hunter since everybody knows that that hunter played 24/7 to get the RP

great ;), then you shouldn't have included them in the first place though imo.

maybe it is not the archers evasion....it is more a matter of other classes hit chance. You cannot tune down everything all the time...why not ask for a better hit chance/spell focus for other classes?
actually everything got a better resistance/evasion, even mobs. It just gave the archers the push with their evasion tree.

03-03-2008, 08:26 PM
Look at something else I posted, me and a hunter going for 10 alsius, he could get away even though the whole army was hammering at him. And this guy was not level 50

SotW? Speed? dodge? Hunters are made to escape...

actually everything got a better resistance/evasion, even mobs. It just gave the archers the push with their evasion tree.

So the difference in evade chance between all classes is still the same.
Why start whining now? It was like that for ever.

But...actually I cannot believe, that archers evasion is so high. I don't see, that I evade much more hits/spells than other people I hit. And I spend a lot of points in evasion and I use some items that help to evade.

and again...I evade 1 or 2 more spells in a battle than a mage, yes....but I also spend 1 or 2 spells to break energy barrier of mages

And a lot of warlok/barb spells deal more damage than an archer spell...so it would be justified that archers evade more

03-03-2008, 08:36 PM
When I hear people like AWD whine about such high evade rates I wonder who they're hitting, since when I'm hit I don't evade that much. I know I'm a level 37 hunter, but even with acrobatic and spell elude on it doesn't make that much difference.
And why, AWD, are warlock allowed to use the 'spell can be evaded, so it doesn't count' argument, but do all our spells count, even if no archer can have them all at the same time, let alone at level 5. But I tried to say something like that in my previous post. AWD, if I as allowed to use your logic on the hunters, like you do on warlocks, hunters would be the most weakest class in Regnum and needed more power fast in order to restore balance...
Being mad at hunters who escape, even when they're low level, is like being mad at a low-level conjurer who heals and revives. It is our function! We are made to do so. You are mad when your spells can't hit a level 50 hunter, but hunters of your level shouldn't be able to evade or escape, because they're too low? That doesn't make any sense.
EDIT: I just saw that the majority of the voters(23 of 56) hate hunters. I think NGD needs to explain the role of the hunter better, because now people are angry at us, because they say we use cheap tactics. Well, that's our purpose.)

03-03-2008, 08:37 PM
It's not the high evasion, the camo or the speed. It's the combination of all three + decent damage that bothers me. People are angry when a hunter can waltz in, kill another player in the midst of several enemies then escape.

03-03-2008, 09:08 PM
Yeah, but I'm also angry when a conjurer heals a target just before it dies, or a barbarian kills someone in three hits. It's what we're supposed to do. I agree camouflage and confuse are a bit too strong, but if they're tuned down a bit everything will work a lot better out. Taking hunters down requires teamplay. Play in a team and we're dead. I only escape when they're not cooperating.

03-03-2008, 09:14 PM
Why does everyone hate hunters?

It is a psychical issue. Everyone was killed several times during the leveling process by a hunter. The hunter comes when you are with low hp, low mana, from behind, prebuffed, with you in target and mentaly prepared for the fight.

The hunter kills you very fast without a chance to win against him because of the advantages stated above. That makes everyone mad about hunters...everyone fears hunters. It is the trembling uncertainty that everyone feels who levels allone far away from others...Also you feel outnumbered, the hunter comes with his pet and you can't decide who to kill first

Sometimes the hunter plays bad or has bad luck and doesn't manage to kill you...but, unfortunalety you cannot manage to kill the hunter either. You are frustrated, that he can kill you and you can't kill the hunter. You have the feeling that the hunter owns you...that he is allmighty and unkillable.

Then you decide to change your setup to have a better chance against hunters....you walk to the gate. Suddenly a hunter appears and kills you on you way to the gate. You are at save and you want to use the possiblitiy to sell your loot at central market...you have the merchant window open and the inventory window when feel an arrow in your behind...a hunter got you again

Back at save you call the people there to catch the hunter with you....you run to the playce where you were killed but the hunter is gone.

Is it that that annoys you? I guess so...but:
your mates from your realm do the same with your enemies...your hunter mates track enemies for you and warn you not to go somewhere...he leads your way trough enemie land...the same allmighty class fights for you and your realm next to you, with the same methods than the hunter you hate.

03-03-2008, 09:15 PM
Yes I agree with some comments here, hunters are all camping lamers like Polux camping our gate.

03-03-2008, 09:17 PM
hunters are all camping lamers

Don't you think that that's a little generalizing?

03-03-2008, 09:18 PM
Yes I agree with some comments here, hunters are all camping lamers like Polux camping our gate.

at all: let it uncommented, please...it will end in a flame war...

No need to destroy the discussion with such statements

03-03-2008, 10:10 PM
But there's not much teamplay in a whole army shooting at an archer who can't be taken down. I witnessed this...

So please... don't come tell me the archer class is not overpowered...

This is the most stupidest statement I have ever seen in my life - a "whore army shooting at an archer" yet not able to take him down? One archer, a whole army?

Perhaps since you don't value group dynamics and extending that to the others that were with you, could this be the sources of the problem and not the perceived overpowered-ness of the archer/hunter?

Angelwing you are now officially a wanker in my book and also a twat :fingers:.

The only person here that shows any true objectiveness in the thread is CumeriTarenes.

Gratz CumeriTarenes on you lovely post and rebuttals :horsey:.

03-03-2008, 10:24 PM
Yeah, but I'm also angry when a conjurer heals a target just before it dies, or a barbarian kills someone in three hits. It's what we're supposed to do. I agree camouflage and confuse are a bit too strong, but if they're tuned down a bit everything will work a lot better out. Taking hunters down requires teamplay. Play in a team and we're dead. I only escape when they're not cooperating.

4 of us last night vs. two hunters. I must give them credit. They let their pets loose on the weakend mage, we didn't see them un camoed until 10+s after the pets attacked. (I didn't realize you could do this btw). Then they took a few hits, evade a confuse/ambush or two then popped SOTW. Mage goes down to concentrated fire, they sprint off and perma evade. We could not come close to catching them. I don't mind that the mage was cannon fodder with 4 of us there. I do mind that they had such high escapability tools that we couldn't catch them even after they ganked someone in our midst. It's a bit imbalanced. I don't think massive nerfing is necessary, but I am concerned with the combination of tools available

I like quite a few hunters. They put up a great fight and are respectable enemies. Legolas, DMC, and a few others come immediately to mind. Then you have a few save/gate campers who run from any decent challenge. Fortunately they are few.

03-03-2008, 10:34 PM
SotW? Speed? dodge? Hunters are made to escape...

they are now, but I think the intention is to make them stalkers, not escapers .

So the difference in evade chance between all classes is still the same.
Why start whining now? It was like that for ever.

dude, I've been "complaining" about it for a long time now

But...actually I cannot believe, that archers evasion is so high. I don't see, that I evade much more hits/spells than other people I hit. And I spend a lot of points in evasion and I use some items that help to evade.

and again...I evade 1 or 2 more spells in a battle than a mage, yes....but I also spend 1 or 2 spells to break energy barrier of mages

And a lot of warlok/barb spells deal more damage than an archer spell...so it would be justified that archers evade more
I don't think so...

There was a time when warlocks were the masters of the war zone, it was better because: they were still killable, even with a lot of offence they had a weak defence which could easily be slapped, and it helped that soulkeeper/vampirism didn't require the warlock to have lost hp to use it, then he would use soulkeeper to damage instead of stealing hp and suddenly he had a countdown on 1 minute which he could have used to steal hp instead.

When I hear people like AWD whine about such high evade rates I wonder who they're hitting, since when I'm hit I don't evade that much. I know I'm a level 37 hunter, but even with acrobatic and spell elude on it doesn't make that much difference.

And why, AWD, are warlock allowed to use the 'spell can be evaded, so it doesn't count' argument

my point is that some people complain(mostly archers) "oh you have such high damage spell/attack it hits for 1000 damage o nooooo" kinda thing is dull when it does not hit. Do you understand me?

but do all our spells count, even if no archer can have them all at the same time, let alone at level 5. But I tried to say something like that in my previous post. AWD, if I as allowed to use your logic on the hunters, like you do on warlocks, hunters would be the most weakest class in Regnum and needed more power fast in order to restore balance...

I think you're misunderstanding me, I just don't like the current hunter class how it's being meddled with

Being mad at hunters who escape, even when they're low level, is like being mad at a low-level conjurer who heals and revives. It is our function!

again it's not intended to be an escaping everything you can class but a "hunter" hunters go out, find their prey stalks it and brings it down when its most vulnerable, it's much more fun to get in a fight like that than a lot of noobs coming to shoot a few arrows then run off again like chickens with feathers on fire :p

You are mad when your spells can't hit a level 50 hunter, but hunters of your level shouldn't be able to evade or escape, because they're too low? That doesn't make any sense.

I think you misunderstand me and so does a lot of other people who underestimate me because I'm not level 50.
I'm not mad because I can't hit with my spells. Please read another post of mine about the challenge.

EDIT: I just saw that the majority of the voters(23 of 56) hate hunters. I think NGD needs to explain the role of the hunter better, because now people are angry at us, because they say we use cheap tactics. Well, that's our purpose.)

I didn't vote, because none of them applies to me, I don't hate the hunter, I just dislike how it's being balanced.

This is the most stupidest statement I have ever seen in my life - a "whore army shooting at an archer" yet not able to take him down? One archer, a whole army?

a whore army :p?
Anyway, I've witnessed it from both sides, last time I was lying dead and see my archer realm mates being able to escape without any trouble

oh, and I'm not whining >_<
and second, please don't assume I want a hunter weak and debate from my viewpoints instead of assuming things about me.

03-03-2008, 10:46 PM
There was a time when warlocks were the masters of the war zone, it was better because: they were still killable, even with a lot of offence they had a weak defence which could easily be slapped, and it helped that soulkeeper/vampirism didn't require the warlock to have lost hp to use it, then he would use soulkeeper to damage instead of stealing hp and suddenly he had a countdown on 1 minute which he could have used to steal hp instead.

no thats crap...you would die before reaching them...and you still had vamipirism...and no class should be the "master of the war zone"...and imho hunters are not overpowered...you just need to adjust your fighting techinques to kill them...

03-03-2008, 10:50 PM
I agree with you misacc 100%.
Hunter's aint that hard to kill if you know what you are doing, ofcourse it depends on the hunter.

Problem here is that hunters can cast SoW + Camo and you have 10% chance, if not less, to stop it.
In my opinion, escaping is not tactics, and I want that to change.

03-03-2008, 10:51 PM
no thats crap...you would die before reaching them...and you still had vamipirism...and no class should be the "master of the war zone"...and imho hunters are not overpowered...you just need to adjust your fighting techinques to kill them...
staff mastery sucks to fight with :), the warlock class shouldn't change just because they can't hit hunters with their spells, teamwork anyone?

But no, no class should be the master of the war zone, I never stated that, I just stated that it was better.

03-03-2008, 10:54 PM
AWD, do I missunderstand you when I say you think hunters are the masters of the warzone at the moment?

03-03-2008, 10:57 PM
Yet again I am compelled to step in and demystify the rantings of individuals of this forum.

... hunters... We could not come close to catching them. I don't mind that the mage was cannon fodder with 4 of us there. I do mind that they had such high escapability tools that we couldn't catch them even after they ganked someone in our midst. It's a bit imbalanced.

First, have you ever tried running after a barb?

Second, that which you claim to mind is that hunters have a high escape rate, which occurred after your mage got whacked.

Now although some might feel sympathetic to your statements here; the truth is you were not expecting hunters to come up and roll over your asses.

Since this is the case the error is with you and your party, not in the abilities of the hunter class.

Calling something imbalanced because you were not mindful of the risks involved is rather twat-ish, no?

But let it be known that your whining hasn't fallen on deaf ears at NGD, for soon (one day) NGD will put in place the un-camo area spell.

Then wankers like yourself (or is it pt's?) wont have anything to whine about when it comes to the hunter class (well, at least one can hope).

03-03-2008, 10:59 PM
AWD, do I missunderstand you when I say you think hunters are the masters of the warzone at the moment?
master=overpowered, yes... but that's all a matter of opinion

03-03-2008, 11:14 PM
In my opinion, escaping is not tactics, and I want that to change.
Oh yes it is. And is damn good one.
Proof? I runed on barb marks and warlock. Warlock was to slow he didn't use slow or ivy. Marks was 50 but he forgot abut ambush and winter strike. They chased me from Samal. I had 1/2 health. They did not killed my pet. When we reached camp orc only barb was on my neck. And i had full hp and mana. Buffs, ambush, tear apart, stuning fist and he was half dead. Some duals and dodge&pray. Escaping is damn good tactic. I love when barbs are chasing me. They often do not think about own buffs, only sprint or onslought.

And i am sure that barb with 200hp will run like hell if there will be chance to stay alive (not from battle ofc).

03-03-2008, 11:17 PM
And i am sure that barb with 200hp will run like hell if there will be chance to stay alive (not from battle ofc).

I would not do that, if I was not facing more than 3 enemies.
But there are hunters who run from me, 1vs1, when they have low hp.

03-03-2008, 11:29 PM
I would not do that, if I was not facing more than 3 enemies.
But there are hunters who run from me, 1vs1, when they have low hp.

If i run away from barb i do that only to get distance and mana i do not have 300kg hammer and ambush is 1,5 sec to cast. So i need space :]
But you probably think about ESCAPING ;]
Last time when i escaped from 1on1... it was a warjuror :D who ignored my waving and killed my pet. I do not like when someone do that so i was back soon :]

Time to sleep a bit.

03-03-2008, 11:32 PM
If i run away from barb i do that only to get distance and mana i do not have 300kg hammer and ambush is 1,5 sec to cast. So i need space :]
But you probably think about ESCAPING ;]
Last time when i escaped from 1on1... it was a warjuror :D who ignored my waving and killed my pet. I do not like when someone do that so i was back soon :]

Time to sleep a bit.
extend your horizont :)

and sleep well

03-04-2008, 05:43 AM
nice try on the personal attacks but when all but one of my shots are evaded, i call bullshit. That excludes SOTW on them. We were indeed ready for them and couldn't prevent them from killing and escaping. Perhaps because ignis hunters have two dex rings and can get high evades, there is an issue there vs. hunters in general. It's ok, defend it if it makes you feel superior.

03-04-2008, 06:06 AM
There are lots of imbalances right now...

Hunters can press one button and they can escape(camouflage)...
Marksmen can press one button and they are immune to damage, almost(SotW)...
Barbs can press one button and they have defeated their opponent(South Cross)...
Warlocks can press one button and nobody can cast a single spell on them(MoD)...

Hunters are simply overpowered because they have a *bit* of all 4, they can escape, deal as much damage as alsirian guards and even gate guards at times and they can stop others from escaping not only through their speed, but with Confuse.

+SotW does not prevent their pet from attacking for 700 crits nor does it prevent them from casting Bestial Wrath or Dirty Fighting for 400 critical shots.

03-04-2008, 07:45 AM
or dual shot, i believe.

03-04-2008, 08:48 AM
+SotW does not prevent their pet from attacking for 700 crits nor does it prevent them from casting Bestial Wrath or Dirty Fighting for 400 critical shots.
Kill pet first? (if it doesn't have skin of the beast) With bestial pet doesn't have evasion so soulkeeper or vampirism should work.
Burn his mana before he will cast Sotw?

03-04-2008, 09:10 AM
LOL yea *if* he doens't have skin of the beast...

No point in burning mana either, it just gets evaded...it changed from most rarely resisted to most commonly resisted now...

03-04-2008, 09:19 AM
LOL yea *if* he doens't have skin of the beast...

Yes if. Check first what is this spell. 30sec duaration so it has to be used in fight or just on begining. And it eat mana. If worlock will kill my pet before he will be low at healt i am dead probably. And do not forget abut energy barier. You can cast it again. Can you?

You can find way to kill hunter. Not every hunter but you can do it. Well there are hunters who kill me 1on1 every time we fight and i am not pissed on whole class because of that. I am learning from them i hope ;]

03-04-2008, 09:41 AM
Yes, the recasting ability of EB works pretty well in fort fights, but we can't cast it under confuse.

03-04-2008, 09:47 AM
Yes, the recasting ability of EB works pretty well in fort fights, but we can't cast it under confuse.

No you can't that is why i was so amused when some warlock said that he don't care about confuse. But honestly how many times you get confused?

03-04-2008, 09:54 AM
I got confused 3 times on 1 fight with Hulus and I still killed him xD

03-04-2008, 09:55 AM
I got confused 3 times on 1 fight with Hulus and I still killed him xD

LOL poor Hulus.

03-04-2008, 01:30 PM
No you can't that is why i was so amused when some warlock said that he don't care about confuse. But honestly how many times you get confused?
two common spells hurt when confuse is cast on a warlock, Arcane devotion and energy barrier. devotion is mostly up and energy barrier(if level 5) is almost sk with the exception of damage to the opponent

03-04-2008, 03:06 PM
did you proofe that to? normal attack to a lvl 50 mage...I do about 230 dmg with medium range 30 bow to them. That means all 3,5 sec 230 dmg, that are 8 shoots in 30 sec, 1840 dmg at all. Minus 1000 to 750 dmg taken fon energy barrier minus average 2 evaded hits and plus average 1 critical hit (320 dmg) = 720 damage (at energy barrier lvl 4)....one soulkeeper and you are full hp again

I wasnt here yesterday but now we can try it.

Wanna go to the exp server?

03-04-2008, 03:15 PM
Necro can you please get a screenie of that pet hiting 700dmg?...i really wanna see it...

03-04-2008, 03:23 PM
Necro can you please get a screenie of that pet hiting 700dmg?...i really wanna see it...

I got this one:

See the attached.

03-04-2008, 04:39 PM
I got this one:

See the attached.
That's what I wanted to see.

The damage behaviour with mobs/pets and summons is very very strange since a few updates.
But Zarkits are even worse than pets.
Sometimes I can make my Daggerfang hit for 500+, too (critical + bestial wrath on 5).

03-04-2008, 04:55 PM
Thanks blood.damn thats alot....i actualy never got hit more then 350-400dmg by pets....zarkits are diferent tho....they hit alot more....

03-05-2008, 08:24 PM
If anyone wants to test things we can do it this nigth.

Look at attachments. It was test of concentration and htc passive but look at it anyway.
I hope that Skit will not be mad on me ;]

06-23-2009, 07:08 PM
if you think all hunters are cowards try making a hunter...

06-23-2009, 07:11 PM
if you think all hunters are cowards try making a hunter...

:P Maybe you shouldn't revive a topic which was last replied to more than a year a go. The general opinion isn't that much against hunters anymore as it was back in those days.

06-23-2009, 09:18 PM
yeah hunters are basically retarded marks without the dmg or the defense.

they are fun yet though :)

and im just being silly as usual...so let this thread die again :)

06-23-2009, 09:34 PM
Old topic is old.

06-24-2009, 12:04 AM
:p maybe you shouldn't revive a topic which was last replied to more than a year a go. The general opinion isn't that much against hunters anymore as it was back in those days.

im already pissed off today n u take the fuking mik by posting this!

Its not my fuking fault im not as precise as you and its not my fuking fault that it showed up on the forums at the top. So leave me the fuk alone...

06-24-2009, 02:29 AM
I don't think ive ever been able to face a hunter square on, because they always attack me when im resting from grinding, and am down pretty low on hps. The few times i have survived hunter attacks, they run like wusses and turn invisible, or run into water, afraid I might actually get RP's for killin em.

Then they come back and do it again. I dont know how they do it, if its a power or what, but somehow they always manage to stay behind me, where i cant ever see em to even try to get a lock on their position. they either need to stick to hunting mobs, or lose the camo and try to fight like a man.

06-25-2009, 12:41 PM
Because they are annoying since they can kill you with ease when you grind (when playing hunter I find this a rahter hollow victory...) and can get away from nearly anyone :p

This topic predates 1.0 though dosnt it?

06-25-2009, 02:14 PM
Because they are annoying since they can kill you with ease when you grind (when playing hunter I find this a rahter hollow victory...) and can get away from nearly anyone :p

This topic predates 1.0 though dosnt it?

Well, the game had already left beta but iirc it wasn't 1.0 yet.
However, the last post was posted before some very large balance changes, so most comments made in this thread don't apply to the current situation.

06-25-2009, 03:31 PM
I think nowadays, if hunters want to be overpowered, they can be.. But generally they're alot better than they were a year ago; that's for sure.

06-25-2009, 07:11 PM
hunters are not over powered.. and yes much of what is said here in this thread is not valid... we have had many updates since this thread opened...

Anyone that attacks you by surprise has a good chance of winning..

Barbs can do it... and rape you 2 seconds....
warlocks can do it...
marks can do it..
knights can do it..
CONJI can do it..
Hunter does it well....

06-26-2009, 03:30 PM
Barbs cant camo when they have 0.1 HP left, heal and then fight you back.

Hunters, sad but true, are overpowered.


06-26-2009, 03:44 PM
Hunters, sad but true, are overpowered.


You are... i am tired with such posts so:

06-26-2009, 06:24 PM
Aaaand the hunter haters are back at 37%. After this topic was brought back from the deep caverns it had already sunken too the percentage of hunter haters experienced a small dip, but it's back again now.

So there actually still is quite some resentment against hunters. Why? What makes you hate us?

06-26-2009, 06:34 PM
So there actually still is quite some resentment against hunters. Why? What makes you hate us?
Hunters are predators. They remove all those who are weak or make too much mistakes. Would you like hyena eating your liver? :D

06-26-2009, 09:07 PM
What's wrong with hunters? I'll tell you what's wrong.

You pop up out of nowhere just as onslaught has worn off, or when I'm already fighting three other people, and cast ambush on me. You resist spells like nobodie's business (and so does your pet). You're practically impossible to hide from or surprise. Your pet does more damage than I do. To top it off should I manage to get you down to less than half health, you pull off some BS like low profile and run to a safe distance at which you can camo with impugnity as soon as its effect ends. Then you sit down somewhere, heal, and follow me again when I'm trying to put as much distance between us as possible (which incidentally means that I haven't healed and am out of mana).

06-26-2009, 09:29 PM
What's wrong with hunters? I'll tell you what's wrong.
So far we know what is wrong with You. So what is wrong about hunters?

06-27-2009, 03:39 AM
What's wrong with hunters? Hunters can camo. That's it, it's the only thing people can't stand. Yet nobody is complaining that hunters can have huge DPS. Nobody is complaining about the massive area spells... We DO NOT have them.

Please, before you get all whiny try playing a hunter and get several kills in fort wars. Hunters do what they are made for. If it's such a big deal, go ahead play hunter. Try being the hero leading the charging group...

My impression is that you want to have a fair PvP against attacking hunter, which basically means you want the hunter to sacrifice almost one whole skill tree. I'm all for having PvP against let's say a warlock because it's challenging as never before. But all the talk about balance and stuff while excluding some of the key hunter's spells is funny to say the least.

06-27-2009, 04:18 AM
You hate us because we kill you.

06-27-2009, 04:29 AM
I don't hate hunters in general, but I hate the hunters that repeatedly kill the same grinder over and over when they're at 50% health. It's one thing to hunt down a grinder, uncamo, cheap-shot him and then leave. Those hunters don't bother me at all, after all it's what they're supposed to do. I hate the hunter players that will kill the same grinder repeatedly, over and over. I hate the hunter players that camp grinding spots where players 20 levels below them grind, just to be jerks, even though they only get 1 rp per kill. I have no problem with any other ones.

06-27-2009, 06:10 AM
I have to say most people who feel hunters are over powered usually have a bruised ego to hide. Recently I had a barb in realm chat going on and on about hunters being to powerful and crying that pets should be removed. I simply repeated what he said but replaced hunters with barbs and pets with areas. He went insane started railing about how unfair it was about how weak barbs were against hunters. I pointed out that as a hunter I was killed more by barbs than any other class often even lower lvls than myself. I got the poor boy so upset he slipped up and said why he felt that way. Seems he was defeated in the arena by a hunter and couldnt face the fact that either he didnt know how to properly set up his charachter or that he simply wasnt a very good barb. For him it was simply hunters were overpowered because it couldnt have possibly been his fault he lost. I lose quite often as a hunter and I agree about the hunters that run being the most annoying players in the game. No one likes a coward and there are quite a few people who play that way but I think they are a minority among hunters as most hunters I know despise them as much as anyone for that behavior.

06-28-2009, 01:35 PM
What's wrong with hunters? I'll tell you what's wrong.

You pop up out of nowhere just as onslaught has worn off, or when I'm already fighting three other people, and cast ambush on me. You resist spells like nobodie's business (and so does your pet). You're practically impossible to hide from or surprise. Your pet does more damage than I do. To top it off should I manage to get you down to less than half health, you pull off some BS like low profile and run to a safe distance at which you can camo with impugnity as soon as its effect ends. Then you sit down somewhere, heal, and follow me again when I'm trying to put as much distance between us as possible (which incidentally means that I haven't healed and am out of mana).

+1 from me. It is basicaly a god mode, and you fluffy muffin, cut this, you have in your sig that you left the game because one of your spells were removed and your answers to other people posting are disrespectful and basicaly personal trips, it is very low.

Any class has a weak point, that when touched, renders that class basicaly helpless - except hunters (low dmg? rather not that low - I think even if hunter could do 150 dmg max they would be impossible to kill with camo/stalker/so much defense and speed and very strong pet that doesn't vanish until killed).


06-28-2009, 02:22 PM
+1 from me. It is basicaly a god mode, and you fluffy muffin, cut this, you have in your sig that you left the game because one of your spells were removed and your answers to other people posting are disrespectful and basicaly personal trips, it is very low.

Any class has a weak point, that when touched, renders that class basicaly helpless - except hunters (low dmg? rather not that low - I think even if hunter could do 150 dmg max they would be impossible to kill with camo/stalker/so much defense and speed and very strong pet that doesn't vanish until killed).


Actually, since level 45 almost no hunter (Addaloe ^^) managed to kill me in a pvp when I had more than 3500/4520 hp when the fight started. I don't know if the hunters are doing something wrong or that knights are overpowered, but I don't really see them as gods.

An attack with confuse out of camouflage might be quite nasty, but if you prebuff, you'll have good changes to survive. Camouflage is powerful because it allows hunters to attack unprepared people, so the solution is to be always prepared! Especially conjurers can always keep their hp at a nice high level.

06-28-2009, 02:40 PM
+1 from me. It is basicaly a god mode, and you fluffy muffin, cut this, you have in your sig that you left the game because one of your spells were removed and your answers to other people posting are disrespectful and basicaly personal trips, it is very low.

Any class has a weak point, that when touched, renders that class basicaly helpless - except hunters (low dmg? rather not that low - I think even if hunter could do 150 dmg max they would be impossible to kill with camo/stalker/so much defense and speed and very strong pet that doesn't vanish until killed).


:no: leveling alone in the war zone is a bad idea
:crying1: crying at death is for the weak unfit gamer
:gun_bandana: Hunters often hunt deep in the enemy realm and must choose targets that will die fast with little attention / mana cost.
This is war, so if you are in the warzone expect to die. Hunters don't run out of cowardness. We retreat mostly because people bring 5+ more people to kill us while we are in combat. Fight your own battles and cry less.
:lighten: Hunters weak points?
1) kill the pet and they lose 70% power
2) do not level alone - it's a waste of time really because you can make 100k+ xp/hour doing group area leveling
3) hunters have other weak points but that's for you to discover. I am not here to make things easy for people that do not test many options themselves. You don't go from noob to pro overnight.. it takes blood swet and many tears.

For a hunter to use camo/stalker that hunter must put 8 seconds of travel time between him and those following. (mainly because the +20% mobility increase) Most camo/stalker attemps fail because of how much distance you can travel now in less than 5 seconds.

Warlocks / conjurers can rape hunter with ease if they stay on their toes. Barbs and knights can rape hunters if they kill the pet first.

If you die to a hunter one of few things happened
1) you had low life to begin with... and in that case consider that the hunter did you a favor. Now you are revived at save with 100hp and mana!
2) you do not have mobility enchance/decrease skills
3) you have bad skill timing/setup
End of story...............

Now you know and knowing is half the battle! GI-Joe

06-28-2009, 03:45 PM
I don't hate hunters.

06-29-2009, 01:02 AM
I don't hate hunters. I just hate some hunters. It's not so much about their class as about their playing style. Hunters do indeed have the potential to be the most annoying class in the game (and so it should be). But some people just don't know when to stop..

But then again - it's the exact same people that taught me how to fight! Nothing can teach you how to fight better than un-prepared fights where you are low on health and mana from the start. With the "old" SotW I learned how and when to use Darkness efficiently.

06-29-2009, 05:41 AM
+1 from me. It is basicaly a god mode, and you fluffy muffin, cut this, you have in your sig that you left the game because one of your spells were removed and your answers to other people posting are disrespectful and basicaly personal trips, it is very low.

Thank you for your concern about my hunter. And you are worng, not first time not last time. I don't play as much not cause TrE was removed. But to know why... you would have to play hunter. I do for more then 1 year... and i play conj from time to time.

If i was able to survive 5 confuse in row. 5 attacks in row from same lvl 50 hunter, while supporting my friend then i am sure that so good conj as you also can do that. As ppl said before, stay buffed, use mental (even low lvl ivy or beetle).
Don't stay in one place, don't walk alone, don't walk alone, don't walk alone, don't lvl alone and never ever level alone. We say that for more then 2 years but yet i see ppl crossing bridges without buffs, ppl riding horse alone, leveling solo near bridge etc.

If hunter will run away? For me it is not a problem, he will come back and i can change spot or fight with him next time. I didn't died he didn't got rps so who care? I know barbs hunting in pairs did you ever tried to catch them? :D
You whine cause we do our job. And omg conj talking about others being OP.... like wtf just look at your spells. I always feel like god while casting most of them.

And for God's sake i play this game for 2 years and i really know what OP mean. I was one of those who didn't used SotW cause it was OP and i tell you that hunters are not overpowered now and we use camu not cause it is so cool but cause our power is in suprise.
If we would fight like knights we would die just like that.

So once again, stay buffed - if you don't know how i can show you. Don't walk alone - it is stupid. Don't level alone - it is even more stupid.

06-29-2009, 06:23 AM
+1 for an offhand comment? Nice.

I voted for "I hate hunters" (on a ... how old is this poll?) not purely for the reasons I mentioned (By the way, barbarians have sucky areas now but we're still overpowered in some respects, or would be if not for the position lag), but because I have a low-level hunter and it's a pain in the ass to grind. Can't wait to be able to buff my pet.

06-29-2009, 01:33 PM
Hunters are hated because they attack you when you are not prepared, when you feel safe. They are hated because they get away so easily.

With the right gear Hunters are indeed overpowered and i understand ppl who hate hunters as they just can make you feel helpless when they leave you no chance to get away no matter what you do.

Theres no class who can survive 1 on 1 such Hunter when he comes stealthd.

06-29-2009, 01:47 PM
With the right gear Hunters are indeed overpowered and i understand ppl who hate hunters as they just can make you feel helpless when they leave you no chance to get away no matter what you do.

Which class isn't overpowered with the right gear ?

06-29-2009, 02:41 PM
Which class isn't overpowered with the right gear ?

Combined with Tracking, speed and Camo it makes them overpowered in a way that pisses others royally off. Others may be "overpowered" too but you have a chance to spot them, chance to react, chance to hunt em down.

06-29-2009, 02:46 PM
Combined with Tracking, speed and Camo it makes them overpowered in a way that pisses others royally off. Others may be "overpowered" too but you have a chance to spot them, chance to react, chance to hunt em down.

Ahahahah good joke.

06-29-2009, 04:59 PM
Ahahahah good joke.

no joke - pure truth^^

06-29-2009, 05:53 PM
no joke - pure truth^^

Now it's becoming a running gag :beerchug:

06-29-2009, 06:14 PM
i hate them because i cant do anything with them... if they cast that stupid spell called confuse while i'm walking alone in wz i only have to wait to die... because if i try to hit them they start to go away and sometimes spring aren't enough to reach them if i try to run away they always can reach me and kill me ( because i have only randomly block :S ), maybe we should talk about it in balance forum :beerchug: :nunchaku::razz:

06-29-2009, 06:33 PM
i hate them because i cant do anything with them... if they cast that stupid spell called confuse while i'm walking alone in wz i only have to wait to die...
Grrrrrr if you are alone in WZ you should wait for death. OMG you walk alone so you can die from 2 barbs, from 20 ppl going to fort, from hunting group etc.
But meah let's bitch about hunters.
I am off from this topic i am kind tired with ppl that have no clue how hunter class did changed. It is RvR game, you want fair pvp? then play chess.

06-29-2009, 07:14 PM
then play chess.

My queen will kick the shit out of your pawn :)

06-30-2009, 05:48 PM
Because they still suck.

06-30-2009, 05:59 PM
Pfft not all hunters are the same as braveheart and Reaper. John sheppard always stays till he won or till he die's.. :)