View Full Version : The reason why people leave...

03-14-2008, 07:43 PM
...is cause there are PTs like this!

http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/5383/immaginefb6.th.jpg (http://img259.imageshack.us/my.php?image=immaginefb6.jpg)


And there are so many in syrtis... Fluffy is the only nice one too bad he's a guy :F

03-14-2008, 07:44 PM
lol!i say....lets nerf all hunters hunters cept fluffy!xD

03-14-2008, 07:57 PM
And there are so many in syrtis... Fluffy is the only nice one too bad he's a guy :F

I just want to remind that before camuflage wasn't canceled at all :]
It was less... hmmm painful? ;] But yes it is pissing me off when i see this and i know a lot of ignitian hunters doing it. One of them died yesterday on ruins praire. Personaly i hate sotw.

BTW. I can hug you Feanor. My wife have nothing against it ;p

03-14-2008, 08:10 PM
what a friking noob invisible at full life he could had at least tryed a litle :mad: friking discrase to your realm this is why i hate syrtis...along with the other realms but syrtis more :fury: !!!!! look at my sig :mad:

03-14-2008, 08:11 PM
I had my camo canceled today, quite the scary moment. You igneans might remember it, It was when I came zooming through your formation from behind at PB.

03-14-2008, 08:19 PM
That's a pretty common thing now :/

For me it's much harder to understand those who leave fort fights at full HP when the door breaks. Leaving pieces of their army to die just to save a few RP or their own asses. Imo it's always better to go down with a south cross ;)

Many of those who run can't even get away (seen knights,marks and mages trying) so instead of fighting untill the end they die running.

03-14-2008, 08:24 PM
BTW. I can hug you Feanor. My wife have nothing against it ;p

Mmmm no thanks I prefer not xD

Btw GIGO don't be so hard, I wasn't alone and him too (he, tharus and huntress or something like that) so it's almost a tactic... But there's no way to challenge this and it's going to make the game boring.

The soul of the game should be the challenge.

I had my camo canceled today, quite the scary moment. You igneans might remember it, It was when I came zooming through your formation from behind at PB.

It should not be a "rare" event... Today drv hitted one while casting and camo got casted still... And for me simply too much time to reach the hunter so no way to avoid it.

03-14-2008, 08:25 PM
The only time I run is if I'm solo and I have a good chance to get away. That or everyone else is dead. I don't leave realmates behind. And I don't understand those that drown themselves, The person that attacks still gets RP, and you get necro...I had one do that to me today, casted sotw and drowned himself. What a nub.

03-14-2008, 08:32 PM
Lol, the other day, while hunting a bit with my friend taker, an hunter drowned himself while in camo... Too bad I didn't take a screenshot xD

03-14-2008, 09:16 PM
Lol, the other day, while hunting a bit with my friend taker, an hunter drowned himself while in camo... Too bad I didn't take a screenshot xD
What? LOL i am one those stupid hunters and i prefere to fight with Zenit and his damned Zarkit (oh how i hate those red bastards) than run away. Yeap i am stupid ;p

03-14-2008, 09:31 PM
That's a pretty common thing now :/

For me it's much harder to understand those who leave fort fights at full HP when the door breaks. Leaving pieces of their army to die just to save a few RP or their own asses. Imo it's always better to go down with a south cross ;)

Many of those who run can't even get away (seen knights,marks and mages trying) so instead of fighting untill the end they die running.

i call that (most of the time) a patetic death you run to die alone a lonly slow painful death with no honor since you are there alone so they can teabag you unlike a fort war where you die hand in hand with your realm brothers and sisters.

but running is usefull some times i distract alot of ppl running around in circles giving others a real chance to escape and kill some of the others guys and if they dont go for me i might as well as run AND some times i have a chance at running and drown my self giving no rp and a reason to kill mobs, if i know im dunmed then i gues i might as well as not damage my armor and at least pateticly hurt someone

03-14-2008, 10:27 PM
I run from fort wars too. When I am on low mana I just run when the door is broken and it seems that we will die in a few moments.

Why do I run? Not only my little dwarf is a coward, because when I am in low mana I am dead meat anyway and I cannot do realy much damage or support my mates in any way except taking hits. But running, well...when I run at least a hand full of people will try to catch me. So I attract a lot of peole and my mates in the fort have a few enemies less...that way they are more likely to kill a few of them than when I would have stayed in the fort.

And sometimes I even manage to escape from the fort... and as further I am away from fort as more health and hp I have and less enemies behind me because many stop chasing me when too far from fort, depends on the class. When there are only one or 2 left behind me I turn around and kill at least one of them.
It is all about tactics when you run ;)