View Full Version : Playing and abilities: Marksman
03-15-2008, 08:32 PM
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Hi there,
I wanna use this thread to talk about marksmen. This should be a discussion thread about setups and tactics. That means we can discuss advantages and disadvantages about different setups and different skills. Also about tactics, that means in which situation is which spell good or bad, or which spell combinations are good and which not.
It is important to share our knowledge and to teach new players. This will improve our gameplay a lot, at least I hope so, because you will have better skilled allies fighting next to you as well as more challenging enemies.
To make a start here I post my setup:
Short bow: 19
Dual shot 5 | Grounding arrow 1 | Lightness 5 | Meditation 1 | Tear apart 5 | Duelist 1 | Repetition shot 1
Long Bow: 11
Parabolic shot 1 | Omnipresent 1
Evasion: 19
Dodge 1 | Mobility 5 | Evasive tactics 1 | Cat reflexes 1 | Acrobatic 5 | Low profile 1 | Spell elude 5 | Wits 2 | Escapist 1 | Son of the Wind 1
Arrow Mastery: 19
Recharged Arrows 1 | Winter Stroke 3 | Serpent Bite 5 | Ethereal arrow 5 | Lightning arrow 5
Aiming Mastery: 11
Death sentence 3 | Foresight 3
Tricks: 6
Ambush 2 | Sudden Strike 1 | Stunning fist 2
Short bow 19:
Dual shoot 5
I prefer to use short bow since a few days. I am more effective with it. Dual shoot is better mana/damage ratio than shieldpiercing and the short bow tree as this is better.
Lightness (dex passive) 5
Very important to me because it increases damage and spell focus, also evasion.
Tear Apart 5
Awesome spell, breaks energy barrier, kills archer which use sotw/low profile too late, hunters who are going to camo with low hp and everybody who is going to escape with low hp. Also a good spell at the beginning of a fight.
It's damage is not increased when you use sudden strike before. Death sentence does not increase the damage very much ( I think 8 dmg per tick when DS and tear apart on lvl 5)
I also use mediation on lvl 1 to buff myself. The +10 conc make a real difference. I notice less missed attacks
Grounding arrow is quite good too, it makes 100% weapon damage and decreases target's DEX. I only cast it on archers because with this I can decrease archer's evasion, spell focus and damage
Repetition Shoot on lvl 1 is used by me only when inside a fort. Either when there is big trouble in the fort and everybody runs around and tries to find a target or just before the enemy breaks the fort door
Well, another good thing in short bow tree is the hit chance passive, +10% in lvl 1. It is better than the hit chance passive in aiming mastery
Long Bow 11
no spells higher than 1, I only have it on lvl 11 because of the conc passive. lvl 3 would be enough to have parabolic shoot but I prefer to have the conc passive
Well, parabolic shoot is a very good spell. I use it to take out someone in fort wars who feels safe near the front lines or someone who wants to escape with low hp. Also when I chase somebody I use mobility, parabolic shoot and winter stroke. It doesn't works always so good for me because I am a bit clumsy in bow switching
Just a note one bows: I have different bows, my main bow is short bow range 25 fast, I also have a range 30 slow and medium long bow, a range 25 slow long bow (I use it when I am without mana to do massive dmg just by normal shots). Then I have a range 20 medium short bow for the same situation.
Evasion 19
Mobility 5
I need the speed for my playing style. It helped me escaping very often and also to chase someone to freeze him, so that the rest of the group can reach the target too
Acrobatic 5
Spell Elude 5
I cannot live without these two spells, they are my life policy
wits 2 (INT passive)
more mana, more spell resistance, faster mana regeneration
I also use dodge when I am chased and I suppose to be ivied/freezed in a moment or when a warrior chases you
Evasive tactics is good too when in close combat or you are chased, reduces the dmg you take a lot.
Low Profile and son of the wind are my life policys too, I cast them when almost dead. sotw also when I notice that a lot of persons are targeting me, when I have DS on me and a lot of other situation, for example to get the attention of the enemies, then cast sotw and my mates can kill them while they are concetrated on me
Then there is escapist...awesome when beeing chased by warrior, I use in in combo with doge then. Too bad a warrior can still balestra you because the range of escapist is too low. You also can use it in close combat to run around ver fast, This makes it hard for warriors to hit you and you can avoid getting hit by pets. But mostly I forget to cast it :/
Arrow Mastery 19
Winter Stroke 3
Good to stop an escaping enemy, to stop warriors who are running towards an ally mage, to stop warriors that run to you. I keep distance to warriors in 1v1 with it, I use it in aliteration with mobility and stunning fist and ambush then
Serpent bite 5
just awesome, most dmg on mages, I use use it in similar situations like tear arpart. Can be used with long bow also and has no casting time and range 0...makes it better to cast on escaping enemies with low hp
Ethereal Arrow 5
just awesome again, very good mana/dmg ratio, ignores all defences, I pass energy barrier, steel skin and Ao1 with it. Together with dual shoot my main attack spell
Lightning Arrow 5
awesome again :). quite much dmg (average 600 to 700, sometimes up to 900) and a very good slow down effect. I cast it in bigger groups (at least 2 enemies and it is worth the mana). I use it mostly in fort wars directly after a terror...often the whole situation changes a lot after a successful terror and lightning arrow. Other good situation is after breaking a fort door...I stand in the door and cast it on an enemy inside the fort. Or, when defending a fort you can cast it a few seconds before the door breaks on the enemies outside from the wall...they will have a hard time to charge in the fort then. When combined with rep. shoots or other areas after the door is broken very effective.
Then there is recharged arrows. I always have it on lvl 1 active, except when I am realy low in mana and need to save some mana for a certain spell and want to shoot too. Then I turn it off
Other spell in this discipline I use sometimes is ignus snorch and needle detect invisible hunters.
Aiming Mastery11
You could also lvl aiming mastery to lvl 13 to have Stategic Position but for this I have to sacrifice the conc passive in long bows. I consider to change this but I am not realy sure about it because I have acrobatic lvl 5 which protects quite well. You could just have strategic position on lvl 1 and and arcobatic only on lvl 1. But my experince told me that acrobatic on lvl 5 brings more protection than strategic position on lvl 1.
Death sentence 3
A good spell for a fast kill. Very effecient when together with many ranged allies. I was used to use DS and then arcana strike, but I don't use arcana strike anymore because it costs too much mana. In general I tried to optimize my setup to have a good dmg/mana ratio and to have a few support spells as well.
Foresight (range passive) 3
I need this additional range because I use a range 25 fast short bow. So the range advantage is noticeable. Also good because short bow spells tear apart and dual shoot are range 0
Tricks 6
Ambush 2
Ambush is a basic of my setup. I use it as often as possible when in 1v1, when in a group where we are outnumbered. There are very much situations to use it. When I sneak to someone from behind I cast sudden strike and then ambush first. I wonder why most hunters just ambush. They use sudden strike not that often I noticed.
Stunning Fist 2
Stunning fist is great to pre-cast when a warrior runs towards you or when you are in close combat you can run into mages and archers with pre-casting it. The damage is nice on lvl 2 and the cannot attack effect brings you much time.
Also I use sudden strike quite often. Works best on warriors and mages. I combine sudden strike and serpent bite, with this the damage tick and the initial damage increase very much. I can remember I just casted this combo on AWD yesterday and the initial damage was over 400 and 78 dmg per tick. It is better than death sentence + serpent bite.
Well, that is my setup, I tried to explain a bit why and when i use the skills. Feel free to make suggestions and to criticize or just post your setup.
I hope we can start a serious discussion here from which we all can take advantages. Also I hope I teached some newby marks some new things.
03-15-2008, 08:47 PM
wow. almost the exact setup i have. i bumped up evasion active a little bit. +hit skills are useless imho. dex passive returns tail off at higher levels. recommend no higher than 3. +int passive is a freebie and has great return. don't take it higher.
03-15-2008, 08:53 PM
I can remember I just casted this combo on AWD yesterday and the initial damage was over 400 and 78 dmg per tick. It is better than death sentence + serpent bite.
was this yesterday with your conjurer friend :p?
but yes, that hurt a lot :D
nice start to post this, I'm almost inclined(sp?) to post a warlock setup :D
03-15-2008, 08:57 PM
I use both DS and Sudden Strike. When it's a 1on1, i try to get both on my target. When it's a larger group, I use DS+Serpent on a mage/archer and I use SS+Serpent on warriors, usually knights. SS is like a second DS, only it also increases melee attack damage too.
03-15-2008, 09:03 PM
Long time i dont play a marksman actively but i still play it sometimes.
Thats what i used:
Short bows lvl 15
Long bows lvl 10
Tricks lvl 5
Evasion lvl 17
Arrow mastery lvl 19
Aiming mastery lvl 19
Lets criticize something yours instead of mine :P.
Short bows:
LVl 19? i just have it for the passives, the common trees are good but i think better spent the point in the marksman masteries. With 3 points in the dex passive and short bows lvl 15 i am happy.
Long bows:
Parabolic shot and maneuver. The passives are not really worth of his points for me. If i lvl up long bows its because the maneuver, i can perfectly survive without long bows skill and parabolic its mostly used for one or two long range shots so in lvl 1 its more than enougth. Even with that spending some points in it its a good idea imo.
Because i want 2 at 19 and need some another at 15 this is the sacrifice, dont helps as much as it at 19 but i still have acrobatic and spell elude at 4, movility at 3 and scapist. I hate sow.
Arrow masteries.
If you saw this tree at beta was just a joke, now few skills are not good.
Freeze at 3 is perfect, the only range 30+ dizz need to be at lvl 4 to kill mages before they can cast a single spell.
To damage i love recharged arrows, if you have to test where is the soft zone of the army nothing better than some buffed normal attacks, the normal attack + skill thing of the archers its even better with recharged arrows.
Now comes the hard thing, there is only one skill who has to be in lvl 5 yes or yes. Ethereal arrow. After that is matter of choices, i prefer ignus scorch to fort doors and because of his low cooldown and good damage and range. Lighning arrows its very good at 5 but it its good too at lvl 1, so i keep it at one for the -% movement.
And finally a hard choose, snake bite or arcane arrow? I like more snake bite cuz its mana cost. Anyway arcane arrow its really good.
Aiming mastery:
Death sentence, range passive and strategic position at lvl 5. And lets the party start.
Stunning fist its at lvl 5, next really useful thing its at 13, so lvl 5.
03-15-2008, 09:48 PM
hmm, I never thought about maneuver that much.
Together with recharged arrows lvl 5 and a slow range 25 bow...well, huge dmg I think
Don't you use a bow damage spell blood? Just DS, snake bite, ethereal and normal hits to do damage?
And yes, the dizzy spell burst of wind...I picked it up a few times, and drowned it everytime after a few days. It is too expensive for the effect, at least when you use medium or slow bow I think. Also you cannot cast it under sotw because of the little damage it does. For my setup it fits not realy tough I use a fast bow. When you can ambush someone it is better than dizzy...
Only good is the 30+ range, yeah, but mostly the mage runs in range before and casts meteor :/
I had aiming mastery on lvl 19 too one time. But just because of DS and range is not worth the points for me. DS on lvl 3 is +30% ranged damage, on 5 +50%.
I was used to use DS on 5 and lethal strike on 5...makes you a real sniper with huge damage. But I am afraid other ppl will call me ranged barb when I use it ;)
03-16-2008, 12:09 AM
I'm level 34 with my marksman, so I wouldn't know as much as you guys, but I still think it's worth to share.
The most important discipline for me is Arrow Mastery. At my level I use:
Recharged arrows (4): Obvious. The damage bonus is delicious.
Serpent's Bite (4): Great skill. I use it anytime I can; it delivers most of my damage. I just hope its cooldown was shorter.
Ethereal Arrow (4): It eats quite a bit of mana, but it's worth it. Great solid damage; I use it against anyone.
Winter Stroke (4): My best one. It's turned out to be undeniably useful in small hunts; especially if your opponent is running away.
As for tactics, I tend to use Ambush on my opponents. If it's successful, I go near him while attacking with normal shots. When I see it appropriate, I freeze him with Winter Stroke. I then go behind him. I use stunning fist once the freezing time is over. While he's unable to attack, I use Serpent's Bite and I let his HP be eaten away. All this while giving normal attacks. To avoid being hit constantly, I move a lot; in particular to the back of my opponent.
That's all for now. Great topic idea.
03-16-2008, 04:50 AM
CumeriTarenes, I just want to commend you for taking the initiative on creating a post that facilitates discussion on class skill builds.
And it seems you have already fostered good debate on what is the better skill set up and why one may think it so.
I believe that by you taking this initiative, CumeriTarenes, you will prove that this is what true discussion should be about; for discussions like these can only help people to understand the choices that are available to them, the different ways that a person can play and the reasons why they are playing a marks in such a way (why they see an advantage of their build setup over another). In essence not divide, but help the community grow.
Now if we could get every one who feels that they have something to share about not only the marks class, but the rest of the classes (AwD you expressed that you were thinking about starting one on warlocks, so what is stopping you?), we may see a shift in not only how people come to view each class, but also in the way they play the game.
Again, good job CumeriTarenes! And may your logic help you to keep the discussion lively and fruitful.
03-16-2008, 06:52 AM
IMO, strategic position reduces dmg more than acrobat. I use both (for now, am thinking of dropping acrobat), but if I had to choose one, definitely strategic position.
lvl 5 acrobat - resist 30% dmg
lvl 4 strategic position - +70% armor (equivalent to lvl 60ish armor, if it existed)
That coupled with an evasive tactics right at beginning of battle? I sometimes run into a skirmish with 1k+ armor, DAMN (when I remember to cast evasive tactics, that is). X)
03-16-2008, 08:21 AM
Winter Stroke (4): My best one. It's turned out to be undeniably useful in small hunts; especially if your opponent is running away.
But you have to use it wise. Often targets dizzied, or slowed being freezed and previous spell have shorter duration because target become unkillable. I hate wne someone freez confused ppl. But yes this spell is great for stoping target or for geting time to move back.
03-16-2008, 12:52 PM
IMO, strategic position reduces dmg more than acrobat. I use both (for now, am thinking of dropping acrobat), but if I had to choose one, definitely strategic position.
lvl 5 acrobat - resist 30% dmg
lvl 4 strategic position - +70% armor (equivalent to lvl 60ish armor, if it existed)
That coupled with an evasive tactics right at beginning of battle? I sometimes run into a skirmish with 1k+ armor, DAMN (when I remember to cast evasive tactics, that is). X)
I'm thinking on using Strategic Position as well. It lasts longer, but the mana cost is higher if I'm not mistaken. And it increases protecion, which means it resists both physical and magic damage. I believe Acrobat only lowers physical damage.
I'm not a big fan of evasion. The only skills I would use are the intelligence passive and the speed bonus one. I don't like using Low Profile or Son of the wind.
03-16-2008, 12:57 PM
acrobatics is also elemental damage
03-16-2008, 01:36 PM
I don't like using Low Profile or Son of the wind.
You will :] You can do a lot of dmg and stay with full hp when you use sotw in offensive way.
03-16-2008, 02:33 PM
Don't you use a bow damage spell blood? Just DS, snake bite, ethereal and normal hits to do damage?
The only bow spell damage i used a lot was dual shoot lvl 1. An extra damage bow shot for low mana cost. I always liked to change to shortbows in the middle of the figths. Lethal attack is good but the long cooldown and the low chance make it a bad skill vs other of arrow mastery.
I use a fast bow. When you can ambush someone it is better than dizzy...
I dont like fast bows because you lose shoots if you are always in movement while fighting, you need to be quiet always too use a fast bow well and what i like from archers are the low cast spells and the capacity of figthing moving and keeping your range. I am a big fan of escapist too. I like winter stroke for the little damage it does, no DI for them xD.
Only good is the 30+ range, yeah, but mostly the mage runs in range before and casts meteor :/
That never can happen, passive lvl 5 and parabolic lvl 1 and you have the 70% of the figth won vs a mage if you dizz him.
I had aiming mastery on lvl 19 too one time. But just because of DS and range is not worth the points for me. DS on lvl 3 is +30% ranged damage, on 5 +50%.
I was used to use DS on 5 and lethal strike on 5...makes you a real sniper with huge damage. But I am afraid other ppl will call me ranged barb when I use it ;)
I always liked to kill a mage fast and then help the warrior lines with a shortbow and ignus scorch, after a killed the mage i was always in the middle of them so better have a good protection with strategic position and start using escapist to retreat or to pursue (escapist working in corpses....) Thats why i use death sentence lvl 5, it help everyone and the one u sentences will be death soon, a lot of times you can use it only to help an ally and you switch to another knowing he will be dead even if you dont hit him.
03-16-2008, 03:12 PM
acrobatics is also elemental damage
My bad.
I also use long bows instead of short bows. Being a marksman, I can use my range and the damage bonuses to the fullest this way.
03-16-2008, 10:34 PM
about acrobatic and strategic position...well:
strategic position is allready realy good at lvl 1 because it has 120 sec duration and 120 sec cooldown. To be able to be buffed all the time you have to put acrobatic on lvl 5 and for this you have to max evasion.
I made some tests with ancient sabertooth on test server:
dmg unbuffed: 120
acrobatic (5): 80
strategic position (5): 65
strategic position (1): 85
strategic position (5) and acrobatic (5): 45
strategic position (1) and acrobatic (5): 60
The mana cost of both spells (acrobatic 110 on lvl 5 and strategic position 200 on lvl 5) are not realy important. Most of the time you will go with full mana and full prebuffed in a battle.
When you have the choice to use either acrobatic on lvl 5 or strategic position on lvl 1 use strategic position.
The test shows also that putting points in strategic position is not realy worth it, on lvl 1 it is realy good, all other points won't have that much impact.
But I think everybody can draw his/her own conclusions from this results. I will change my setup now to get strategic position. For this I will drop long bow levels and I will also drop acrobatic. I'll use the points for burst of wind I think.
To the matter which bow to choose. It depends very much on the playing style, I used long bows up to lvl 50 too, there was a time I used mainy slow 30 bows, then mainy medium 30 bows. There is no best choice, same as for setup. Bow choice also depends on situation. In big wars range is important, when you are ambushed speed is important. Also slow bows are not that mana expensive, you will notice that you will need much more mana with a short bow than with a slow bow. But when you hunt often speed is important, having 400 mana left is not important when you are dead.
I also made tests about dual shoot. It made about 315 dmg on lvl 4 and about 445 damage on lvl 5. That and blood's words convinced me to change short bow tree to lvl 15. It is not realy worth to have it on lvl 19. The same is about long bow tree, marksmen don't need the area spells in bow disciplines and dual shoot/shield piercing and tear apart/break apart are realy effecient on lvl 4 too in my opinion.
Edit 2: My new setup. I have to test it, if it works well. I also have ignus snorch now, I realy think it is a good spell (no need to target someone, very low mana, short cool down, good damage). Markman have so many good spells...realy hard to make decissions sometimes
Short bow: 15
Dual shot 4 | Grounding arrow 1 | Lightness 4 | Meditation 1 | Tear apart 4 | Duelist 1 | Repetition shot 1
Long Bow: 11
Parabolic shot 1 | Omnipresent 1
Evasion: 19
Dodge 1 | Mobility 5 | Evasive tactics 1 | Cat reflexes 1 | Acrobatic 1 | Low profile 1 | Spell elude 5 | Wits 1 | Escapist 1 | Son of the Wind 1
Arrow Mastery: 19
Recharged Arrows 1 | Winter Stroke 3 | Burst of Wind 4 | Ignus Scnorch 5 | Serpent Bite 5 | Ethereal arrow 5 | Lightning arrow 5
Aiming Mastery: 15
Death sentence 4 | Foresight 4 | Strategic Position 1
Tricks: 10
Ambush 2 | Sudden Strike 1 | Stunning fist 1
03-16-2008, 11:28 PM
Also consider the damage of the monster. In PvP it will be much higher than that, I believe, which ultimately requires some testing in the Arena. I like Strategic Position more for the long duration since low levels, though.
What about Spell Elude? Is it worth putting points into? The few times I've used it it rarely helped me. I'll put a question mark on that for now.
I prefer 30 m slow long bows. They're aesthetically pleasing, and they pack quite a punch. They fully takes advantage of range bonuses and damage bonuses such as Recharged Arrows.
I'm still very inexperienced. I just reached level 35 today, so please continue giving feedback.
03-16-2008, 11:33 PM
for pvp, spell elude and acrobatics at 5 are musts.
also, i've found shortbows to be much much more accurate than are long bows.
03-16-2008, 11:40 PM
Also consider the damage of the monster. In PvP it will be much higher than that, I believe, which ultimately requires some testing in the Arena. I like Strategic Position more for the long duration since low levels, though.
What about Spell Elude? Is it worth putting points into? The few times I've used it it rarely helped me. I'll put a question mark on that for now.
I prefer 30 m slow long bows. They're aesthetically pleasing, and they pack quite a punch. They fully takes advantage of range bonuses and damage bonuses such as Recharged Arrows.
I'm still very inexperienced. I just reached level 35 today, so please continue giving feedback.
The damage doesn't matter I think The mob was same lvl than me. The ratio between buffed and unbuffed will be the same, doesn't matter if you get hit for 1000 or for 100 dmg.
Spell elude is realy worth the points. It gives you the chance to resist 30% of all spells from your enemies. You already have a charakter resist layer, as well as a charakter evade layer. This layer was not passed when you evaded/resisted an attack unbuffed. When you cast spell elude you will create a second resist layer. That means the spell has to pass the spell elude resist layer and then the charakter resist layer. Only if it passes both you get hit. The same way works dodge, but it is for evading and not resisting.
But I have to admit that I sometimes realy ask myself why I put points in spells elude. There are fights I ressit almost nothing at all. But on the other side there are fights which I only survived because I resisted a lot. It is realy randomly. You have to rely on your luck when using it.
for pvp, spell elude and acrobatics at 5 are musts.
also, i've found shortbows to be much much more accurate than are long bows.
I just pointed out that strategic position on lvl 1 works almost as good as acrobatic on lvl 5. Best is when you have both tough.
And yes, short bows are more accurate because of the short bow tree. It has a dex passive and a very good lvl 1 hit chance passive. Both passives make your attacks missing less. Casting mediation even improves this effect
03-17-2008, 12:05 AM
I see. Would any of you recommend putting points into Shield Pierce or Break Apart? I'm not sure if Serpent's Bite is better than Break/Tear Apart, so I was wondering about that.
03-17-2008, 12:07 AM
Between Strategic and Acrobatic, you must remember that strategic relies on your armour proteccion. So, it doesnt matter if it gives 40% 70% or a w/e value more armour, if you have a very bad against slashing, axes will pretty much beat the crap out of you, this doesnt happen with acrobatic.
The test with Strategic is incomplete because of this, you should also check what type of dmg the mob was doing, and how much proteccion you have against it.
03-17-2008, 02:24 AM
Between Strategic and Acrobatic, you must remember that strategic relies on your armour proteccion. So, it doesnt matter if it gives 40% 70% or a w/e value more armour, if you have a very bad against slashing, axes will pretty much beat the crap out of you, this doesnt happen with acrobatic.
The test with Strategic is incomplete because of this, you should also check what type of dmg the mob was doing, and how much proteccion you have against it.
hmm, but it doesn't matter. With acrobatic I resist 30% of the damage. I think it works like this:
basic dmg against your armor (in this case 120 dmg) and then it reduces the damage in 30%, that means 80 dmg.
So let's say my armor was normal against this kind of damage. When it would be very bad the basic damage would be 150 dmg maybe. Acrobatic would then reduce the damage in 30%, so I get hit for about 100 dmg.
That means acrobatic is influenced by armor as well as strategic position.
to Hylius: When you use long bow lvl shield piercing as high as possible (lvl 15 bow tree for marksman quite good, more is not needed because they have other dmg and area spells). Shield piercing is one of the basic attack spells, low cooldown and mana cost for good dmg
And serpent bite vs tear/break apart: choose serpent bite. A former very famous marksman told me once, when I were in my early marksman days that a marksman without serpent bite is no marksman. It realy makes very good dmg for only a very few mana. Combine it with sudden strike and/or death sentence and it will have a realy huge impact. Only bad about it is the long cooldown.
03-17-2008, 02:41 AM
Understood. Thanks Cumeri.
I love the Arrow Mastery tree, and Serpent's Bite is one of my favorites. I was just wondering since a lot of people say that Tear/Break Apart are great. I also haven't put points into death sentence. I've just started going to war a few days ago, so I'll have to reconsider. But won't it be wasted? If my opponent comes near me or runs away, then that's mana lost. Any input?
03-17-2008, 02:56 AM
death sentence is not wasted. Only class that comes near you are warriors. All other will stay in range, only some clever people try to be as near as possible to you when you casted it on them. Even if you cast it and someone comes near you, your comrades ranged attacks will also get a damage bonus
03-17-2008, 03:07 AM
Yes, DS only works over 4m. If it's cast on you, run in and give them a stunning fist. :)
And Cumeri is right, teammates (other archers and mages) will get the dmg bonus if they are over 4m away. Hmm, maybe dmg bonus is applied to beast attack for barbs? Someone testtest!!
03-17-2008, 03:38 AM
Understood. Thanks Cumeri.
I love the Arrow Mastery tree, and Serpent's Bite is one of my favorites. I was just wondering since a lot of people say that Tear/Break Apart are great.
If you're a hunter, break/tear apart are great...cause they're all you got.
03-17-2008, 04:35 AM
If you're a hunter, break/tear apart are great...cause they're all you got.
Yes, marksmen don't rely on the bow trees as much as hunters. Hunter have a pet and only one more damage spell in hunters only disziplines.
never the less, tear apart is a great spell even for marksman. Personally I don't like break apart very much, it does not do that much damage and the casting time is too long
03-17-2008, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the info everyone. One other question, though. What happens if more than one person cast death sentence on the same target? Will the one with better effect replace the other one, or will they just add up?
03-17-2008, 11:01 AM
Thanks for the info everyone. One other question, though. What happens if more than one person cast death sentence on the same target? Will the one with better effect replace the other one, or will they just add up?
only the last one casted is effective
03-17-2008, 07:54 PM
That's not really helpful. If that's the case, then NGD should implement a system where the one with a stronger effect is the one that prevails.
03-18-2008, 01:15 AM
That's not really helpful. If that's the case, then NGD should implement a system where the one with a stronger effect is the one that prevails.
it's the same with every spell/buff...
03-18-2008, 03:48 PM
Lets see,
Short bow: 15
Dual shot 1 | Grounding arrow 1 | Lightness 4| Tear apart 4 |
Long Bow: 13
Parabolic shot 1 | Omnipresent 2
Evasion: 19
Dodge 1 | Mobility 5 | Evasive tactics 1 | Cat reflexes 1 | Acrobatic 5 | Low profile 1 | Spell elude 5 | Wits 1 | Escapist 1 | Son of the Wind 1
Arrow Mastery: 19
Recharged Arrows 5 | Winter Stroke 3 | Burs of wind 3 | Serpent Bite 5 | Ignus 5 | Ethereal arrow 5 | Lightning arrow 1
Aiming Mastery: 15
Death sentence 4 | Foresight 4
Tricks: 6
Ambush 1 | Sudden Strike 1 | Stunning fist 1
Short bow 15:
Dual shoot 1
As a second fast damage.
Lightness (dex passive) 4
Been using it at 1, switched to 4 (97 dex) and im loving it.
Tear Apart 4
Awesome spell, breaks energy barrier, kills archer which use sotw/low profile too late, hunters who are going to camo with low hp and everybody who is going to escape with low hp. Also a good spell at the beginning of a fight.
It's damage is not increased when you use sudden strike before. Death sentence does not increase the damage very much (disagree on DS. With it at lvl 4 is up to 70 dmg per tick, uber nice)
Grounding arrow is quite good too, it makes 100% weapon damage and decreases target's DEX. I rarely remmeber to use this, need more spaces on the quick acces. Use it from the book but its not the same
Well, another good thing in short bow tree is the hit chance passive, +10% in lvl 1. It is better than the hit chance passive in aiming mastery
Long Bow 13
Parabolic shoot
Nothing more to add to this one.
Omnipresent 2
Had a spare point, 87 Conc :razz:
Evasion 19
Mobility 5
I need the speed for my playing style. It helped me escaping very often and also to chase someone to freeze him, so that the rest of the group can reach the target too
Acrobatic 5
Spell Elude 5
I cannot live without these two spells, they are my life policy
I also use dodge when I am chased and I suppose to be ivied/freezed in a moment or when a warrior chases you
Evasive tactics is good too when in close combat or you are chased, reduces the dmg you take a lot.
Low Profile and son of the wind are my life policys too, I cast them when almost dead. sotw also when I notice that a lot of persons are targeting me, when I have DS on me and a lot of other situation, for example to get the attention of the enemies, then cast sotw and my mates can kill them while they are concetrated on me
Then there is escapist...awesome when beeing chased by warrior, I use in in combo with doge then. Too bad a warrior can still balestra you because the range of escapist is too low. You also can use it in close combat to run around ver fast, This makes it hard for warriors to hit you and you can avoid getting hit by pets. But mostly I forget to cast it :/
Cumeri had it right with all that ^
Arrow Mastery 19
Recharged Arrows 5
500 crits without ds?, only with recharged baby.
Winter Stroke 3
Been using at 5 since long before my grad. But now i come to realise that it lasted longer than needed in some situations, im trying it at 3 atm
Burs of wind 3
Well, the only enemy you can kill under 11 seconds are mages, actually only warlocks. So substracted the 2 points to leave at 3. Gonna need to rethink my way of playing, but now is less expensive.
Serpent bite 5
just awesome, most dmg on mages, I use use it in similar situations like tear arpart. Can be used with long bow also and has no casting time and range 0...makes it better to cast on escaping enemies with low hp
Ignus 5
You've got to love this one. Fast cooldown, low mana on fort wars, awesome for leveling. Damn, one of my favourite spells.
Ethereal Arrow 5
Just awesome again, very good mana/dmg ratio, ignores all defences, I pass energy barrier, steel skin and Ao1 with it.
Lightning Arrow 1
I've stopped being an area marksman when all those knight areas started to pop up. It pisses me off to invest 4 points in something that its gonna be blocked by 75% of the enemies. Use it on 1 for the 25% speed.
About arcane strike, used to have it at 5 for some time, combined with lvl 5 ds was a sure 1k hit. But times have changed, and it was quite a lot of mana. No doubt its a good spell, even without ds.
Aiming Mastery15
Death sentence 4
Foresight (range passive) 4
Same as above
I also use Strategic on lvl 1, 120/120 and 40% protection is not something to ignore.
Tricks 6
Ambush 1
Stunning Fist 1
I use a slow dragon wings range 30 (the lvl 50 you can get at the woodworker) and a 25 fast short one. The last one for fast combos, specially against mages.
03-18-2008, 05:05 PM
i am the only one that use son of the wind in 5??? why? if its a good spell, when the battle is come to the end you only cast Sotw and kill you opponent with normal damage and still you can use DS, ambush and others no-damage skill, 20 segs in what the opponent cannot doing nothing to you its very good, is a good skill to run and when you are under a barbarian or a hunter with mobility you can reach to them and freeze them, the cost in mana? well 450 maybe be a lot but for example with a mage i enter him with sotw and he cannot act for 20 segs upon my and with a fast short bow, recharged bolts, the buff in damage you can drop away her life down.
sorry for my bad english i am not good to write jejeje =P
My first post in english forum!!!, the spanish is a mess only Complaints and unservible post and threads, keep in good post...
03-18-2008, 06:22 PM
yeah Dee-luxX, the setup you posted rocks. I have the same in all discipline trees, only a very few spells which I put other points into
so I droped tear apart for INT passive now. serpent bite is enough for me, I found out I don't need tear apart so often. But yes, you are right with DS and tear apart, I were mistaken in this point. Then it was sudden strike which has almost no effect on tear apart
And yes, you are right with marks areas and blocked/evaded/resisted, but there are often situations when no knights are around, like when we are doing our daily afternoon trip to menirah, hehe...or when on hunt
But after all I can say that this setup fits me very well. I tried several different setups since my graduation and this is definetly the one I like most. quoted almost my whole text, but nice to see that you agree with what I said
To sotw:
yes, you can use sotw as you described davidsierra, but I use it more as an escape spell or as a spell to lure other people towards my allies. And for this I like sotw on lvl 1 because of the low mana cost and sometimes when I use sotw I even hope that it ends fast because I want to cast some damage spells but cannot, so it is good that it is not too long
Also I think it is a bit lame tactics and godmod to cast a 20 sec sotw, then DS and just normal shots with recharged arrow on a mage. I wanna feel the meteor when fighting a mage...hehe
03-18-2008, 07:18 PM
Sow is a great spell but due to the lack of points I rather not use it. I did tried once a pretty deadly sow-shortbow setup but couldnīt get used to it. Itīs just not my thing. I also found evasive tactics + strategic position to be an outrageously effective though counterable combo.
On areas, if you really hate when they get evaded, ignus provides a nice scorching non-ranged alternative that misses very little. Actually, the more I use it, the more I like it :D
03-18-2008, 07:31 PM
yeah Dee-luxX, the setup you posted rocks. I have the same in all discipline trees, only a very few spells which I put other points into
so I droped tear apart for INT passive now. serpent bite is enough for me, I found out I don't need tear apart so often. But yes, you are right with DS and tear apart, I were mistaken in this point. Then it was sudden strike which has almost no effect on tear apart
And yes, you are right with marks areas and blocked/evaded/resisted, but there are often situations when no knights are around, like when we are doing our daily afternoon trip to menirah, hehe...or when on hunt
But after all I can say that this setup fits me very well. I tried several different setups since my graduation and this is definetly the one I like most. quoted almost my whole text, but nice to see that you agree with what I said
I use Lighting arrow, a lot actually. It just pisses me off to see it blocked so i dont asign any points to it. Makes me feel a little better. Still i hate when i get hit by 700 with it, so from time to time i really miss it.
On areas, if you really hate when they get evaded, ignus provides a nice scorching non-ranged alternative that misses very little. Actually, the more I use it, the more I like it :D
Thats what i love about ignus. But i try not to sell it a lot cause i dont want other marks to find it out :superpusso:
03-18-2008, 07:39 PM
On areas, if you really hate when they get evaded, ignus provides a nice scorching non-ranged alternative that misses very little. Actually, the more I use it, the more I like it :D
that's why I don't use comes from ignis :razz:
No, actually I had it for a while too, but I forgot to cast it very often and I cannot realy estimate the range of it, so I droped it
But the mana/dmg ratio is very good and cooldown is a joke
I realy wonder why there is no hunter playing and abilities thread yet...maybe hunters just look to us marks and steal our tips from the bows, tricks and evasion tree, hehe...or they already know how to play their class and don't have the need to share knowledge in public...
04-09-2008, 12:40 PM
Short bow: 7
Long Bow: 3
Evasion: 19
Acrobatic 5 | Spell elude 5 | Wits 4
Arrow Mastery: 19
Recharged Arrows 5 | Winter Stroke 3 | Serpent Bite 5 | Ignus Scorch 5 | Ethereal arrow 5 | Arcana Strike 5 | Lightning arrow 5
Aiming Mastery: 15
Death sentence 4 | Foresight 4
Tricks: 17
Ambush 2 | Distracting Shot 2
This is my setup atm. I realy like it because it gives me good eavsion and fast and much damage dealing abilities. Also the 2 area spells are very good in bigger fights.
For hunts a high lvl in tricks is very good, confuse and distracting shoot are great. Ecpecially when you are in 1 vs 2 situation distr. shoot is quite good.
I droped bow disciplines at all to be able to use all my spells with all kind of bows. That way I can switch bows all the time depending on the situation. I use a fast 25 short bow, a medium 30 long bow and a slow 25 long bow.
Only bow spell dicsiplines I use are parabolic shoot and sometimes dual shoot on lvl 1...piggy backed nice extra damage. For this blood was very right at the beginning...don't waste your points in bow disciplines, spend them in marks mastery disciplines.
I hope this can give other marks maybe some new ideas about which setups are available.
I think if you're using shortbow, Meditation is too good not to max, along with the dex passive.
04-10-2008, 02:06 AM
confuse is just too good to pass up. burst of wind doesn't do it for me.
06-06-2008, 12:15 PM
anyone made some experiences with sticky touch?
I tested it on mobs and it seems it works not properly. It should decrease attack speed for 30% on lvl 5, but it does not do from what I have seen.
anyone made some experiences with sticky touch?
I tested it on mobs and it seems it works not properly. It should decrease attack speed for 30% on lvl 5, but it does not do from what I have seen.
It seems to work for me on mobs (at least the mob attack slower, for example the ancient hyenas attacked every 7-8 sec not in every 5 sec), but the casting time too long for me, and cannot do damage. :(
what type of armor do you use with marks. I am level 42, but I wont change my dualist armory (level 38), because that very good against pierce, and all of the archer's main damage is pierce (bow damage, dex bonus, serpent bite, ensnaring. lethal, and the dual shot also except the 150 slashing bonus). I made some test but it seems every very good armor point protect twice as many damage then a normal, so the 150~ very good prot equal than a 300 prot point normal.
I didnt see any highter level marks armor with good or very good defence against pierce.
I am really envy for the hunter's beast master armory. :)
Do somebody know how the protection really work?
It seems every category has 50% difference, and the protection lower the taken damage with a fix amount. I made some experiment with marks winter stroke and lock lighting (this spells have fix nonvariable damage), but I couldn't collect enough data to make a good formula, and maybe it depends on the level.
05-24-2009, 10:12 AM
Reguarding high level armour, Marksmen really got fucked.
Not only is Master Marksmen armour bad to pierce but fire too... It really sucks that it's some of the best looking armour in game as wel, in my opinion.
My setups I've used:
Pre-1.0.6 my most favourite was 19 evasion, 19 Aim, 19 Arrow, 11 long, 11 short, 6 tricks.
I put my points where you would expect:
5 acro, 4/5 mobility, 1/2 escapist (I really recommend at least lvl 2 on this spell, it allows you to prebuff it) and 5/3/1 wits.
5 DS, 5 strat pos, 5 lethal, 1/5 hawks gaze (if you can afford the points, this spell is fantastic, your DPS goes through the roof.)
5 recharged, 4/5 winter stroke, 5 serpent, 5 arcana strike, 5 ethereal arrow.
3 parabolic <-- Awesome.
3 dex passive.
You'll see that I've put lvl 3/4/5 etc. etc. as I swapped points round, like taking a point out of the dex passive, escapist etc. etc. to add hawks gaze. Obviously as well I used lots of level 1 spells: Evasive tactics, sotw, maneuver, lightning arrow etc. But I hoped that was obvious. ^^
I loved this setup as it allowed me really good damage and have good (Read: IMBA) defense.
I've tried several other setups like have 15 aim / 15 tricks, but it wasn't for me. Confuse is nice, but I would never remember to use retaliation.. And I missed lethal too much.. I love that spell. ^^
However after 1.0.6. as Arcana and Ethereal were nerfed, Marks too a hit on their DPS, meaning that I'll be using more normal hits, so I changed my set up to:
17 evasion, 19 aim, 19 arrow, 15 long, 7 short, 9 tricks.
Then I just added lvl 4 parabolic and the damage passive. I kept my setup more or less the same, reguarding Aim and Arrow mastery, but I dropped lvl 5 hawks gaze ( :( ) but it's worth it I think, I have noticed an increase in my normals.
11-14-2009, 08:09 AM
Hm I don't use short bows :S I still believe they are female weapons :P
11-14-2009, 08:13 AM
Female weapons are something else^^
Earlier I was wearing 90% of the time shortbows, but things have changed. Maximum range (plus range items) is what is amusing me now ^^
11-14-2009, 10:57 AM
Earlier I was wearing 90% of the time shortbows, but things have changed. Maximum range (plus range items) is what is amusing me now ^^
Yay thats what I love too at marksman. You stand on a fort and shoot enemies like a sniper :D
11-16-2009, 10:21 AM
IMO thats the most boring thing you can do with marksman. Honestly anyone who has any other class would do better if he played it nowadays.
It's a shame that the game dynamics completly vanished from this class, I was playing marksman over 2 years and I think that marksmen have never been so SCREWED like they are now !!!
Well done !
p.s. if you dont believe that archer class got too hard nerf just watch the game, its like 90% warriors and mage game.
Once again, Well done !
11-16-2009, 10:33 AM
p.s. if you dont believe that archer class got too hard nerf just watch the game, its like 90% warriors and mage game.
Once again, Well done !
So true, hard to see anyone playing a high level marksman in the WZ from Ignis these days.
I enjoy playing marksman now more than any other class. And I played all 6 classes (high lvl). There were some dramatical changes, but marksman still gives me good results in war to stick with it.
11-16-2009, 03:34 PM
p.s. if you dont believe that archer class got too hard nerf just watch the game, its like 90% warriors and mage game.
Once again, Well done !
I still see quite a big amount of archers in-game and the damage they - especially marksmen - do to my knight isn't really something to laugh about.
11-16-2009, 04:55 PM
I still see quite a big amount of archers in-game and the damage they - especially marksmen - do to my knight isn't really something to laugh about.
I assume you talk about hits on your knight?
On my barb, when Im buffed, caution 4 frenzy 5 (yes I know frenzy isnt a luxuary knights share, though they realy should) Most marks will hit in the low 100's and hunters often less than 100. So with the 3.9k hp I have a marks is looking at 39 shots (tops) and a hunter at nearly 80. So I tend not to fret about a lone hunter shooting me in war, his pet, if alive, cant get close enough to deal any real damage since it dies so fast.
Also I cant speak for Ra but on Horus Id hazzard a guess that overall the chain of class from most popular to least is now Mages - Warriors - Archers. Often when we track a large group they have mainly mages and warriors with often less than 5 archers.
11-17-2009, 05:36 PM
Too bad they nerfed archer class so much. And that s just because everyone was complaining about hunters and their camo, sotw and bla bla bla. Go play a hunter. You can't kill more than 5 mobs in a round now, lvling is a pain.
11-17-2009, 11:27 PM
Too bad they nerfed archer class so much. And that s just because everyone was complaining about hunters and their camo, sotw and bla bla bla. Go play a hunter. You can't kill more than 5 mobs in a round now, lvling is a pain.
Really, resting every 5 mobs? Welcome to my life leveling a barbarian.
11-17-2009, 11:42 PM
Really, resting every 5 mobs? Welcome to my life leveling a barbarian.
The difference is you need less time to kill these 5 mobs.
11-18-2009, 12:30 AM
Too bad they nerfed archer class so much. And that s just because everyone was complaining about hunters and their camo, sotw and bla bla bla. Go play a hunter. You can't kill more than 5 mobs in a round now, lvling is a pain.
Oooooh, how sad.:p
Try to lvl knight. BTW i don't have to rest while lvling my hunter.
11-18-2009, 02:06 AM
Oooooh, how sad.:p
Try to lvl knight. BTW i don't have to rest while lvling my hunter.
actually I use to think a knight was the hardest but now Im starting to think a hunter is.
I can kill around 20mobs maybe more at lvl 30 on my knight without resting (caution lvl 3, troll skin lvl 3, and piercing maxed to 15) but on my hunter I might be able to kill 10mobs before resting at lvl 27.
But Ive heard at higher lvls you dont have to rest at all with a hunter so it could and proly is because of my lvls.
11-18-2009, 08:19 AM
actually I use to think a knight was the hardest but now Im starting to think a hunter is.
I can kill around 20mobs maybe more at lvl 30 on my knight without resting (caution lvl 3, troll skin lvl 3, and piercing maxed to 15) but on my hunter I might be able to kill 10mobs before resting at lvl 27.
But Ive heard at higher lvls you dont have to rest at all with a hunter so it could and proly is because of my lvls.
You need to have very good items so you don't need to rest. And even like that you will have to rest from time to time. Normal shots+pet is not enought for a hunter so he needs to use some skills to. Even at marksman now you can't level non-stop anymore they nerfed too much the "run back wile shooting" tactic. And as it was said above archers are really poor nowadays. I was fighting yesterday with a normal knight of my level. I took down 30% of his hp before he killed me. And believe me I have good items and build. :sleep_1::sleep_1:
11-18-2009, 08:40 AM
Hunters can still lvl without resting if they have a decent, hard hitting pet. I just takes longer because you have to run a bit, instead of kiting. And yes, that's incredibly boring :(.
Levelling a marksman though, idk how that would work (solo). If you team up with 1 or 2 other ranged ppl it should be doable I think.
(As for levelling a warrior, it al depends on what mobs you grind on. Things like lions and sabertooths are awesome because of the low damage they do, especially with caution.)
11-18-2009, 09:20 AM
actually I use to think a knight was the hardest but now Im starting to think a hunter is.
Hunter isn't hard. Hunter is plainly booooring to me. Shoot, strafe. shoot, strafe, shoot.......
I can kill around 20mobs maybe more at lvl 30 on my knight without resting (caution lvl 3, troll skin lvl 3, and piercing maxed to 15) but on my hunter I might be able to kill 10mobs before resting at lvl 27.
Problem with knight is that you depend on armor(you have to pick right mobs for your armor), on early lvl 30-tish and late 20-tish you have chainmail and plate armors, that are good. Lvl up to 35, to heavy gladiator and sundang armors zone(both suck), and you will see what pain grinding knight really is.Being hunter in Ignis you can kill everything (except some igneos, ignean madness is no good for archers).
But Ive heard at higher lvls you dont have to rest at all with a hunter so it could and proly is because of my lvls.
My hunter is not so high lvl (34 on Horus, 36 on Ra), I used kiting method, now i use strafing, and it works on all lvls(i grind marks similarly). I simply can't grind with pet without resting. Maybe i do something wrong.
11-18-2009, 12:10 PM
It's just that I was always with opinion that if you play a class like it is supposed to be played (using it's unique skills), you can be good in playing it. I was using a slow long bow and high aiming and arrow mastery, some damage from long bows tree and also evasion (Wits and stuff), but now I can't simply beat a warrior without tricks unless I'm lucky (tricks 17 atm, distracting shot is very useful). I can't even shoot them with a slow bow if they are close to me. And I see many marksmen using "hunter" tools. Maybe if marksmen got camo, they could be some kind of new class (assassin as suggested somewhere before). Current marksmen simply need something better than tricks to stick with, imo.
I find playing marksman a looooot more boring than before.
11-18-2009, 02:26 PM
I find playing marksman a looooot more boring than before.
Well before it was way too easy, now it's way too boring. I can say the same for hunters. All the changes made this year reduced a lot the gameplay for many classes. It's just sad. Now lots of marks are wandering the WZ with tricks 17, and high level winter stroke...
11-18-2009, 05:58 PM
/me Curses Enio for the 100 level 5 winter strokes I got off him last week ŽŽ
Not to mention the ammounts of ambush, stun fist, caltrops... I see of archers recently.
11-23-2009, 06:11 AM
Just go with a party hunting, stay behind and fight from distance. Noone gonna touch you and you will earn lots of rps :P
Just go with a party hunting, stay behind and fight from distance. Noone gonna touch you and you will earn lots of rps :P
Ummm a few points:
It's all about having fun and the current dynamics doesn't give that.
It doesn't matter if you live or die, win or lose as long as you have fun. Do you think standing on a fort wall sniping each other until a terror comes down is fun?
RPs is useless and anyone who starts playing just for RPs usually ends up playing in an ineffective manner for himself and the team.
11-23-2009, 09:14 AM
I'm not playing for rp's maybe I didn't formulated right my last post. I don't want to be mad atm but for me standing on the fort wall snipering down the enemy is really fun and I like it :D. I don't like running in a bunch of zerg with a barbarian and 1hit everyone. :)
01-21-2010, 09:32 PM
Why much marksmans do not using arcana strike ? :thumb_up:
I think is good skill.
Low cooldown high dmg
01-22-2010, 12:14 AM
You forgot "high mana cost." Spam it and you'll run out of mana way too fast, and you can't always assume that someone will be there to feed you mana while fighting.
01-22-2010, 02:33 PM
Why much marksmans do not using arcana strike ? :thumb_up:
I think is good skill.
Low cooldown high dmg
It was used to have even shorter cooldown than now. With old DS you were able to do about 1k dmg with arcane strike...and there was old mana communion almost anywhere which fed you with mana...and DS and arcana strike had no cooldown.
After huge decrease of powers most marksmen changed setup to very defensive, high tricks and high base damage setup. Since there are a lot of +damage items and casting time for arcana strike you often do better to do 2 basic hits than 1 arcana strike. You save mana and spell points. And there is no powerful DS anymore to decrease arcana strike dmg very much.
Anyway, I see arcana strike used very often. But less than before nerf update, yes.
07-11-2010, 07:59 AM
My Lvl 44 setup: Link (
Speed 3 just because i didnt know where to put the points.
07-12-2010, 07:29 PM
I just think they should make the normal hits higher of a marksman that would be more fair and that was where they original were for... Nerfing the marksmans was a big mistake they weren't that overpowered at Hunters now. I'm Hunter but I'm rather be a good Hunter that can win in battles but also is able to lose against (for example) a marksman than be a Hunter that wins easily from a Marksman...
07-12-2010, 08:01 PM
make recharged passive and you are done.
07-12-2010, 08:28 PM
make recharged passive and you are done.
I dont think simply making recharged passive will solve. rechaged is really consuming lot of mana but do dmg is not the solution for everything.
I still think non-damaging spells from marks need a boost. Seeking strike needs less mana cost, BoW needs less mana cost and cooldown, Winter could get less dmg (maybe none) and higher efect time and other spells like finger crush, cyclops curse needs a boost. Lethal strike could have more chance of dmg and longer CD. And DS could be 0 range as most of marks spells.
With all this and 50% reduction to recharged could well fit marks game play.
07-13-2010, 01:39 AM
Winter could get less dmg (maybe none) and higher efect time
God no, Ignis marks already spam it at lvl 5 as is ^^ Can't blame them though, its one of the only spells that wasn't nerfed completely to hell -.-
07-13-2010, 06:23 AM
God no, Ignis marks already spam it at lvl 5 as is ^^ Can't blame them though, its one of the only spells that wasn't nerfed completely to hell -.-
actually it was (
althought they did increase the range up to 30 its still not as good as it was at 0. i think the duration is fine, i find winterstroke to be more of a liablity to be honest. people are too trigger happy with it (myself included sometimes) which is why i use it on lvl2 or 3.
BoW definately needs a shorter cooldown or at least a decent damage to put it on par with the warlocks meteor which you are 100% guaranteed to get hit by when coming across one.
i think recharged should be mana free and the values of parabolics and foresight should be switched. finger crush is a good spell but only when used in conjuction with other hit-chance malus's so maybe increasing the value or make it a hit-chance and spell focus debuff.
skills like lethal strike, dual shot etc... should include the damage increase from recharged arrows which is why making recharged a passive would be an improvement even if the mana constrainst remain.
anyway, im guessing all the balance changes are nearing completion if not done already so i guess we just gona have to wait and see
07-13-2010, 08:18 AM
God no, Ignis marks already spam it at lvl 5 as is ^^ Can't blame them though, its one of the only spells that wasn't nerfed completely to hell -.-
They were supposed to spam it.
How can you imagine a ranged class that cannot maintain range?
Thing is archers has basicaly 3 spells to do that, ambush, dist. shot and winter.
From the 3 winter is the most viable for marks, as it has short CD and not very mana costly.
But i can say this is an conclusion i am making with this game, you never have a perfect setup, your better setup will change as your enemies change theyers, and diversity of setups is the better way of being helpfull in wz.
07-13-2010, 10:19 AM
They were supposed to spam it.
How can you imagine a ranged class that cannot maintain range?
Thing is archers has basicaly 3 spells to do that, ambush, dist. shot and winter.
From the 3 winter is the most viable for marks, as it has short CD and not very mana costly.
spamming winter stroke just pisses everyone else off. i try not to use it unless i really have to
07-13-2010, 10:42 AM
They were supposed to spam it.
How can you imagine a ranged class that cannot maintain range?
Thing is archers has basicaly 3 spells to do that, ambush, dist. shot and winter.
From the 3 winter is the most viable for marks, as it has short CD and not very mana costly.
Thanks for considering how random freezing affects your allies. You truly are a team player.
07-13-2010, 11:11 AM
Thanks for considering how random freezing affects your allies. You truly are a team player.
Winter Stroke should only really be used on 2 occasions when fighting with a group.
1. When a barb(or any class) is attacking one of your conju's(or any class,just used barb and conju because i thought it was the best example).Then WS is needed to give the conju time to get away.
2. When a realm enemy is trying to get away.Since WS is r30 and ambush is r25, is should be used to allow you and/or your group to get closer to the runner.
Imo this is a great spell.
07-13-2010, 12:06 PM
Tricks: 17
Ambush 2 | Distracting Shot 2
O_o tenchars
2. When a realm enemy is trying to get away.Since WS is r30 and ambush is r25, is should be used to allow you and/or your group to get closer to the runner.
all arrow mastery spells are range 0. it isnt important. whats more important is it true that hunters gonna be nerfed? cuz they really deserve it since they are useless at fort fights, so now can be useless at anywhere. soooo glad hunters gonna be nerfed and not mages, when the best PvP class is conju.
cross my heart.
07-14-2010, 06:51 AM
all arrow mastery spells are range 0. it isnt important. whats more important is it true that hunters gonna be nerfed? cuz they really deserve it since they are useless at fort fights, so now can be useless at anywhere. soooo glad hunters gonna be nerfed and not mages, when the best PvP class is conju.
cross my heart.
Winter Stroke is in the arrow mastery tree and it has a 30 meter range. if you dont believe me, go make a marksman and find out
Nobody said hunters are getting nerfed and they're far from useless in fort wars. anyway dont bring this stuff up in "Playing and Abilities of a Marksman" thread please. we see it everywhere else on this forum
02-14-2011, 10:11 PM
My current setup. ( baFf)
The setups im gonna use with lvl 50: 1
( baFf) and 2 ( baza).
02-15-2011, 10:48 AM
Winter Stroke [...] 30 meter range
its 35 now^^
Just made two setups for fun right now... I thought of one setup for both, hunting and fort. One for bosses later on.
Lvl 50 Marks setup: hunting (high tricks)
( eaza) Lvl 50 Marks setup: fort (more areas)
( eaza)
Lvl 39 Marks setup: grinding (autohits + tricks) ( baaa)
02-15-2011, 10:50 AM
My current setup. ( baFf)
The setups im gonna use with lvl 50: 1
( baFf) and 2 ( baza).
i can warmly advise ethereal, it's the perfect kill spell for runners who think there safe and spell elude don't do that much, did you mix up with acrobatics?
02-15-2011, 12:24 PM
My base built ( eaza) from which i deviate a little by tossing points around.
The more speedy funny closer range builds are kinda dead since balance update, and pure snipe maxdmg builds lack the fun aspect, so the one i linked is for me, with all its control an tanking, still the most fun build i can currently come up with.
But well, marks isnt fun anymore when compared to the fun it offered some updates ago.
02-15-2011, 05:57 PM
i can warmly advise ethereal, it's the perfect kill spell for runners who think there safe
Atm i have no points for etheral, ill try it when i have more points but i generally dislike dmgspells because of their huge cds, they dont increase dps that much, i also didnt use serpent bite for a long while because of that.
and spell elude don't do that much, did you mix up with acrobatics?
Yes of course lol. Ill change it.
02-17-2011, 11:37 AM
Atm i have no points for etheral, ill try it when i have more points but i generally dislike dmgspells because of their huge cds, they dont increase dps that much, i also didnt use serpent bite for a long while because of that.
i use ethereal as a finish off spell to snipe down weakened running enemies, yes it has a rather long cd, but faced with knights it's THE best spell in a marks arsenal.
imho the advantages are bigger then the disadvantages.
my setup eaza
02-17-2011, 01:35 PM
i use ethereal as a finish off spell to snipe down weakened running enemies, yes it has a rather long cd, but faced with knights it's THE best spell in a marks arsenal.
imho the advantages are bigger then the disadvantages.
my setup eaza
-600hp once arent that much if you have to take down 4-5k hp of a knight. Sudden Strike (which you dont seem to use) helps a lot more imo.
02-17-2011, 05:16 PM
-600hp once arent that much if you have to take down 4-5k hp of a knight. Sudden Strike (which you dont seem to use) helps a lot more imo.
In a battle, a marks has always a better thing to do than to cast sudden strike on a knight and try to take him 4-5 k. In the reality, marks should just ignore knights, or at least cast them some ccs (freeze, distract...) if they seem dangerous. The only moment where it's worth to spend some arrows is at the end of the battle, on the few remaining knights, but always after they have been MSed bye barbs.
02-17-2011, 05:45 PM
In a battle, a marks has always a better thing to do than to cast sudden strike on a knight and try to take him 4-5 k. In the reality, marks should just ignore knights, or at least cast them some ccs (freeze, distract...) if they seem dangerous. The only moment where it's worth to spend some arrows is at the end of the battle, on the few remaining knights, but always after they have been MSed bye barbs.
Exactly my thoughts, but I'd also throw in Escapist (5), SotW (5) and Mobility (5) to that!
Remember: always run when you see stronger people!
02-17-2011, 06:29 PM
-600hp once arent that much if you have to take down 4-5k hp of a knight. Sudden Strike (which you dont seem to use) helps a lot more imo.
i don't find SS usefull, especially in rvr, when it's just a waist of time and mana casting it.
02-17-2011, 07:08 PM
i don't find SS usefull, especially in rvr, when it's just a waist of time and mana casting it.
Casted on an archer or warrior with high armor it can make killing faster than a single etheral arrow (depends on the classes of your allies who attack the same target of course). I dont play my marks in big war that often but in small open field battles or 1v1.
02-17-2011, 07:10 PM
Casted on an archer or warrior with high armor it can make killing faster than a single etheral arrow (depends on the classes of your allies who attack the same target of course). I dont play my marks in big war that often but in small open field battles or 1v1.
yes in small battles and pvp it can be handy but i try to keep an all-in-one setup so i don't have to run back and forth to the trainer all day and SS does not fit in it mainly cause i use my marks to war.
02-18-2011, 09:03 AM
Exactly my thoughts, but I'd also throw in Escapist (5), SotW (5) and Mobility (5) to that!
Remember: always run when you see stronger people!
:lighten: you forgot low profile(5).
02-18-2011, 09:05 AM
:lighten: you forgot low profile(5).
oO crazy ppl :p
02-25-2011, 10:01 AM
Casted on an archer or warrior with high armor it can make killing faster than a single etheral arrow (depends on the classes of your allies who attack the same target of course). I dont play my marks in big war that often but in small open field battles or 1v1.
Most players pay attention to their hp bar, but not all players seem to notice that they have suddenly lost 31 const. Or -51 for 15s, with break apart piggy-backed on it. That's a lot of hp and cc resistance just gone.
02-25-2011, 10:06 AM
Most players pay attention to their hp bar, but not all players seem to notice that they have suddenly lost 31 const. Or -51 for 15s, with break apart piggy-backed on it. That's a lot of hp and cc resistance just gone.
i think you are mixing up seeking strike and sudden strike.
seeking strike: -consti
sudden strike: -50% armor
i don't use seeking strike because it's a pvp/ small battle spell and not so very handy in war because of the mana cost, range and cd.
i try to make an all-in-one kind and it doesnt fit in there.
02-25-2011, 10:26 AM
i think you are mixing up seeking strike and sudden strike.
Oh LOL I didn't pay attention to the discussion did I? ;)
Seeking Strike to me is (as most skills) not "pvp" but primarily something to assist allied warriors with, when they clash with enemy warriors in the middle of the combat field. It's also useful for taking on enemies on a fort wall, and against GC's etc. Mana cost isn't that much of a show stopper nowadays. I have it at 5 and use it a lot.
Regarding sudden strike -- good for grinding (sudden+serpent+ws = fire and forget) and when defending a fort (again to assist allies with). The range cap on it makes it kinda CQC-ish. It's worth 1p, but not more.
02-26-2011, 11:42 AM
I really only use sudden strike to help out warriors with buffed enemies, but i would like to comment on the use of seeking strike follwed by break apart.
Its a great combo for knights, especially with seeking strike when i used LBs i had seeking and BA at 5. which amounts to a stupid amount of const dmg.
Luckily I am pretty sure i have never had this happen to me. No one ever uses seeking. Or rarely at the least.
03-05-2011, 07:46 AM
Luckily I am pretty sure i have never had this happen to me. No one ever uses seeking. Or rarely at the least.
Well seeking strike was indeed useless before, due to the high mana cost. One would have to be some primadonna with 2-3 personal mana feeders to use stuff like that. Now that we don't suffer from chronical mana deficiency anymore, it's worth experimenting with the 'odd' skills.
03-05-2011, 01:34 PM
I do like seeking strike, but it's casting time keeps me from using it, especially in combination with break apart; deadly but also deadly slow combo.
03-12-2011, 11:57 AM
I dont think it's that good, it's my first marks. Any feedback? Tips? caza
03-12-2011, 01:17 PM
I dont think it's that good, it's my first marks. Any feedback? Tips? caza
my opinion:
Sotw to 3 (junk)
loose escapist, junk
skill lb higher and put more points in para
i always put 1 or 2 points in lp, can save your ass (even block incoming spells or normals)
skill retal to 3 and later to 4 or 5
skill fore higher
and on later lvls i can advise arcana 2 cause of it's low cd and good dmg (especially vs conjs with steel skin muhahahahaha)
i don't use the sb tree only for lightness (but only after the update i have enough points).
just my point of view.
03-13-2011, 12:31 AM
and on later lvls i can advise arcana 2 cause of it's low cd and good dmg (especially vs conjs with steel skin muhahahahaha)
Arcana strike 2? Even on conjus with steel skin 5 this wont deal more dmg than an autohit. If you want to use arcana strike on that lvl it has to be at least on 4 imo.
I dont think it's that good, it's my first marks. Any feedback? Tips? ( caza)
Foresight is enough on 1 imo if you dont want to have max range, in that case id skill it on 4 and put some more points into parabolic shot. Everything else looks ok, though i wouldnt put that many points into sotw, imo its enough on lvl 1-3. Dirty fighting on 1 is too short for me but if you can get along with the short duration its fine of course.
03-13-2011, 02:50 PM
Yeah perhaps, dropped sotw and got dirty fighting to a higher level left escapist I dont think I will use it that much... baza
03-19-2011, 05:48 PM
Arcana strike 2? Even on conjus with steel skin 5 this wont deal more dmg than an autohit. If you want to use arcana strike on that lvl it has to be at least on 4 imo.
no not arcana on 2 but the "2" was: too.
so arcana on 5 :p
Yeah perhaps, dropped sotw and got dirty fighting to a higher level left escapist I dont think I will use it that much...
well dirty has a limited usage cause of it's -50% range debuff but if you use it allong with para you lower the -range and get extra dmg.
This worked better before the balance update, i used para and dirty on a same lvl cause the durations are the same (i think i had em both on 4 or 5) and skilled maneuver to 5.
I can remember me charging with the barbs unleashing 700 normals on mages, that where the days.
08-29-2011, 12:58 PM eaza
New setup, any tips? I play with a medium 30 sb and medium lb 35
08-29-2011, 01:42 PM eaza
New setup, any tips? I play with a medium 30 sb and medium lb 35
Looks nice, I would have put Dist Shot on 3 and use 1 point into Escapist. I'm not a fan of confuse It's wasting of points because marks have many CC's. Maybe some points into Reta? It's just what I'd do ^^
08-29-2011, 01:42 PM eaza
New setup, any tips? I play with a medium 30 sb and medium lb 35
After getting 60 and WM, forget about Lightning Arrow. :)
08-29-2011, 01:44 PM
After getting 60 and WM, forget about Lightning Arrow. :)
Lv1 can be useful, imo
08-29-2011, 01:46 PM
Looks nice, I would have put Dist Shot on 3 and use 1 point into Escapist. I'm not a fan of confuse It's wasting of points because marks have many CC's. Maybe some points into Reta? It's just what I'd do ^^
Was thinking of losing Distr for 1 lvl lower too, but not escapist I hate escapist. Prolly in retaliation yes but I'll keep confuse. Lvl 2 is perfect for facing multiple enemies confuse a hunter and youll be sure wont ambush you to break your cc chain.
After getting 60 and WM, forget about Lightning Arrow.
Why is that?
08-29-2011, 01:53 PM
Was thinking of losing Distr for 1 lvl lower too, but not escapist I hate escapist. Prolly in retaliation yes but I'll keep confuse. Lvl 2 is perfect for facing multiple enemies confuse a hunter and youll be sure wont ambush you to break your cc chain.
Hmm Escapist doesn't work well, but I only use it at against barbs, a normal hit can make the difference. And about Confuse, I think lv 1 is enough.
08-29-2011, 02:00 PM
Hmm Escapist doesn't work well, but I only use it at against barbs, a normal hit can make the difference. And about Confuse, I think lv 1 is enough.
the duration on 1 is too low imo, 2 is perfect hehe.
the duration on 1 is too low imo, 2 is perfect hehe.
Lolz confuse on 1 is more than enough...
08-29-2011, 02:02 PM
Escapist while in Sotw and dodge works wonders. It's like 600 mana though.
08-29-2011, 02:15 PM
Lolz confuse on 1 is more than enough...
Lol dude, that's my opionion? Notice the 'IMO'...
08-29-2011, 02:17 PM
Escapist while in Sotw and dodge works wonders. It's like 600 mana though.
Hahaha nice, but indeed the mana is way too much. I already have mana problems..
Sigh... just when typing that I returned to ro and then this happend.. love people who use confuse 5 and then resist BoW :D
08-29-2011, 02:30 PM
love people who use confuse 5 and then resist BoW :D
Hm.. But log says that you used BoW and then he used Confuse.
08-29-2011, 02:36 PM
Hm.. But log says that you used BoW and then he used Confuse.
People who Resist Bow and then cast Conf 5 thats what I meant lol
11-20-2011, 10:28 AM
my marks setup on 50: baza
Lightness 3 allows me have 101 Dex on 50
retail+strategic position=0 damage on next impact(bug but who cares)
11-20-2011, 10:51 AM
my marks setup on 50: baza
Lightness 3 allows me have 101 Dex on 50
retail+strategic position=0 damage on next impact(bug but who cares)
Not a bad setup, however id consider to use 2 PP from lightness (2 PP for 4 Dex = 6dmg) to get Lightning arrow to lvl2 and Parabolic Shot lvl2. baza
11-20-2011, 10:54 AM
Not a bad setup, however id consider to use 2 PP from lightness (2 PP for 4 Dex = 6dmg) to get Lightning arrow to lvl2 and Parabolic Shot lvl2. baza
thanks for tip will try it out when will be on my marks again.
retail+strategic position=0 damage on next impact(bug but who cares)
What do you mean ?
11-20-2011, 02:10 PM
What do you mean ?
0 damag on next impact. Problem with calculation. in result in log i have no damage on next impact and negative damage from DoTs.
P. S. Can be added to bug list
11-21-2011, 07:41 AM
0 damag on next impact. Problem with calculation. in result in log i have no damage on next impact and negative damage from DoTs.
P. S. Can be added to bug list
just wondering... does the negative damage dot actually heal you? my guess is yes. the negative damage is one of the most serious bugs in the game IMO, although the impact is not that bad.
just wondering... does the negative damage dot actually heal you? my guess is yes. the negative damage is one of the most serious bugs in the game IMO, although the impact is not that bad.
I'm 99% certain it doesn't. Negative damage has existed as a bug before (relating to mana pylon) and it didn't heal back then, so I doubt it'd heal now.
11-21-2011, 08:50 AM
it may be hard to see though, as the negative damage is usually in the single digits.
just wondering... does the negative damage dot actually heal you? my guess is yes. the negative damage is one of the most serious bugs in the game IMO, although the impact is not that bad.
No. It is a display artifact, calculation is somehow correct, but it should be capped to 0.
03-02-2012, 12:28 PM
Dee-luxX, I used trainer to ascertain you were at level 54 when you wrote your post|2-11-0-1-0-0-0-2-0-0-0-0|3-6-1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|4-19-1-5-1-1-5-5-1-1-1-1|7-19-5-3-3-5-5-5-0-0-0-1|8-15-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0|27-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|
Since 'Death Sentence' is part of the Scouting spell book for Hunter only - can't figure out how this can be the correct name...
I would be interested in what you would drop for a level 51 marks and get clarification on the 4 points in Aiming Mastery you used - Dead Eye perhaps?
03-02-2012, 12:38 PM
Dee-luxX, I used trainer to ascertain you were at level 54 when you wrote your post|2-11-0-1-0-0-0-2-0-0-0-0|3-6-1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|4-19-1-5-1-1-5-5-1-1-1-1|7-19-5-3-3-5-5-5-0-0-0-1|8-15-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0|27-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|
Since 'Death Sentence' is part of the Scouting spell book for Hunter only - can't figure out how this can be the correct name...
I would be interested in what you would drop for a level 51 marks and get clarification on the 4 points in Aiming Mastery you used - Dead Eye perhaps?
Ehm, the setup u used as example is INCREDIBLY out of date. Jus sayin.
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