View Full Version : AFK'rs Part Deux

03-20-2008, 04:23 AM
Okay, so first pic is of a man we all know and love. Let me tell you the "story line"..

Wudy and I are out hunting together (odd I know) and we run across this morsel of a mage....just sitting there. Wudy says to me...

Wudy: "Comp, your not going to kill him are you..."
Comp: "I don't know - how much money you got to make me stop..."
Wudy: "Maybe he'll give us an AWESOME drop next mob we kill..."
Comp: "Ewww...could be.....OH CRAP better stop he's almost dead..."

So that's the first one... :D

The second one is of a lil knight having a quiet picnic. Syrtis is such a lovely place for picnics....

Short of the long....Wudy and Comp are super nice guys - who don't kill afk'rs - unless the Jeckyl in me takes over (that's what Wudy calls it). Lil secret though - it's his dang orc....he makes me do evil things....

03-20-2008, 06:38 AM
Haha, well... I hope I never run into the jeckyl in you...or Wudy's orc (Dang, that is one evil little orc...).

03-20-2008, 06:44 AM
/me starts frothing at the mouth
you attacked surak :nunchaku:

03-20-2008, 12:24 PM
:D awesome. /me likes to afk too

03-20-2008, 12:27 PM
I like to pretend im AFK, but im really there watching people wave thier hands in front of my face and cast knockdown spells on me

03-20-2008, 12:30 PM
Just don't go afk when Red is around >.<

03-20-2008, 12:30 PM
I constantly have to keep in check Compoundious's evil side (his mr Hyde).

03-20-2008, 12:35 PM
I just have to freeze and look afk when I see you two and I might be ok =O

03-20-2008, 12:50 PM
It's true - won't kill ya but we may draw a moustache or take "odd" pics of you :D

03-20-2008, 12:52 PM
Haha >.< No teabagging!

Better than 10 mins run back to wherever I encountered you I guess?

03-20-2008, 01:00 PM
And for those who don't know what teabagging is (I only learned of it recently myself), here it is explained:

Part 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbaMuS4-lf0
Part 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGNatvuvZBw

03-20-2008, 01:03 PM
And for those who don't know what teabagging is (I only learned of it recently myself), here it is explained:

Part 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbaMuS4-lf0
Part 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGNatvuvZBw

ROFL Froste XD

03-20-2008, 01:06 PM
I just have to freeze and look afk when I see you two and I might be ok =O
yes, probably they have a movement based vision ^^

03-20-2008, 01:10 PM
but they find afkers =o

03-20-2008, 01:24 PM
OMG....I wish'd I would have taken a pic near Syrtis central save. We were fighting there last night (prolly just down from the coupula). Lots of greens, less of us. Inkster died and in the middle of the fight I ran over and did the virtual...


I was laughing for 10 minutes about that one.....mostly cause I did it during the fight :D

03-20-2008, 02:00 PM
OMG....I wish'd I would have taken a pic near Syrtis central save. We were fighting there last night (prolly just down from the coupula). Lots of greens, less of us. Inkster died and in the middle of the fight I ran over and did the virtual...


I was laughing for 10 minutes about that one.....mostly cause I did it during the fight :D

For Sale! 1 turd, all enquiries to the goat in Alsius :wiggle14:

03-20-2008, 02:15 PM
OMG....I wish'd I would have taken a pic near Syrtis central save. We were fighting there last night (prolly just down from the coupula). Lots of greens, less of us. Inkster died and in the middle of the fight I ran over and did the virtual...


I was laughing for 10 minutes about that one.....mostly cause I did it during the fight :D


Only teabagged Gigo for a short second when the fort door got broken into =o

03-20-2008, 02:20 PM
I like to pretend im AFK, but im really there watching people wave thier hands in front of my face and cast knockdown spells on me

best excuse ever ;)

03-20-2008, 02:21 PM
I like to pretend im AFK, but im really there watching people wave thier hands in front of my face and cast knockdown spells on me

:) nice i do the same as you but i use a few more spells than knockdown :bananajoy:

03-20-2008, 03:39 PM
Someone posted a statement in another thread about 2 afk killers killing surakas....just want to make sure EVERYONE knows we didn't kill him........cause that would have been POOR FORM

03-20-2008, 03:43 PM
Someone posted a statement in another thread about 2 afk killers killing surakas....just want to make sure EVERYONE knows we didn't kill him........cause that would have been POOR FORM

Haha, why does it matter anyway ;)

Good laugh :P