View Full Version : What is going on in the forums?
03-21-2008, 09:59 AM
Hi there,
the forums are moderated in a strange way the last days.
1) people like Smecheru-Gherla are banned but they didn't post something bad or spammed all the the day
2) people like Hell_bound are not banned but he insults people with very bad language in several posts, he spammed General discussion with lyrics etc
3) When you post a bug there is no response
4) if you answer to a post of the balance team you get no response, even if they invited you to discuss about it
5) threads that make NGD looking bad in public are deleted
together with lag, bugs and crashes this makes people to leave.
btw, I won't wonder when I am banned for just do it NGD and you proved yourself
03-21-2008, 10:35 AM
Hell Bound needs to be banned.
His abuse is way over the line.
I really would like to see some action from NGD on this.
I have reported his abusive posts - i hope many others have.
03-21-2008, 10:41 AM
So sad, but yes he is abusing. I hate to agree like that with ennemies ^_^
PS: Wudy, I'm sorry I killed your pet yesterday when you were dead, I shouldn't have.
03-21-2008, 01:23 PM
Hell Bound needs to be banned.
His abuse is way over the line.
I really would like to see some action from NGD on this.
I have reported his abusive posts - i hope many others have.
I agree 100% teapot, theres a thin line between friendly banter and downright rudeness and arrogance. This Hell Bound does not appear to know the difference.
I have also reported his abusive posts but whether there are any repercussions to his posts, remains to be seen.
03-21-2008, 02:17 PM
Hi there,
the forums are moderated in a strange way the last days.
1) people like Smecheru-Gherla are banned but they didn't post something bad or spammed all the the day
2) people like Hell_bound are not banned but he insults people with very bad language in several posts, he spammed General discussion with lyrics etc
3) When you post a bug there is no response
4) if you answer to a post of the balance team you get no response, even if they invited you to discuss about it
5) threads that make NGD looking bad in public are deleted
together with lag, bugs and crashes this makes people to leave.
btw, I won't wonder when I am banned for just do it NGD and you proved yourself
I agree with you 100%.
1)Smecheru-Gherla was banned and without any special resson.
2)Hell_bound is the worse person I've ever seen and he isn't banned (and he is already spaming at lots of days)
3) When you post a bug there is no response , well, I've seen lots of people reporting bugs, but yet, I haven't seen anyone of NGD talking about them.
4) if you answer to a post of the balance team you get no response, even if they invited you to discuss about it, true true.
5) threads that make NGD looking bad in public are deleted. That's one of the hugest trues I've ever seen.
Well, for me, the balance team just thinks they are superiors and so, they can't answer to import questions.
03-21-2008, 02:31 PM
Unfertunely :/
03-21-2008, 03:01 PM
didn't hell bound improve?
03-21-2008, 03:11 PM
Hi everyone,
If you want to report a bad post, use the bad post report option next to the username of the user, That will help NGD with moderating the forums.
The Balance team does care about the community as I mentioned in another thread.
Well, for me, the balance team just thinks they are superiors and so, they can't answer to import questions.
Superiors? how?
We dont think we are superior nor above you guys because we are basically volunteers helping NGD Studios with whats they think is necesary.
Most of the Balance team is not english speaking, so thats the thing that separates most of them from the english forum.
I am very busy this passed few months so my time to respond or get on the forum is limited because I have priority in real life, but I can assure you that things disussed in the forums are spoken in the internal balance forum.
03-21-2008, 03:13 PM
ungh ok, I just saw his last posts, I take it back, I'm not here for one day and there's chaos :/
03-21-2008, 03:36 PM
Well, for me, the balance team just thinks they are superiors and so, they can't answer to import questions.Superiors? how?
We dont think we are superior nor above you guys because we are basically volunteers helping NGD Studios with whats they think is necesary.
I say that because I've only seen Balance team and NGD answering the most most most talked questions, like the hunters' threads.
And I've got a question (Which I truly hope that will be answered)
Will Hell_bounds be banned for his abusing and spaming threads?
03-21-2008, 03:41 PM
I say that because I've only seen Balance team and NGD answering the most most most talked questions, like the hunters' threads.
And I've got a question (Which I truly hope that will be answered)
Will Hell_bounds be banned for his abusing and spaming threads?
I dont know about that.
03-21-2008, 03:49 PM
the forums are moderated in a strange way the last days.
1) people like Smecheru-Gherla are banned but they didn't post something bad or spammed all the the day
2) people like Hell_bound are not banned but he insults people with very bad language in several posts, he spammed General discussion with lyrics etc
3) When you post a bug there is no response
4) if you answer to a post of the balance team you get no response, even if they invited you to discuss about it
5) threads that make NGD looking bad in public are deleted
together with lag, bugs and crashes this makes people to leave.
This sounds like it's becoming exactly like Planeshift. They regularly deleted complaint posts, even from the "Complaints" forum. If anything was said negative about the game, it was deleted. I was even threatened with banishment from the forums for the same sort of posts I post here: suggestions and pointing out major flaws the needed to be fixed.
I left Planeshift because they did not fix glaring problems that existed for years, and because of their heavy-handed, self-promoting forum moderation. Hopefully Regnum will not go down this path or I will leave.
03-21-2008, 04:07 PM
I left Planeshift because they did not fix glaring problems that existed for years, and because of their heavy-handed, self-promoting forum moderation. Hopefully Regnum will not go down this path or I will leave.
it'll leave regnum with a nooby player base yes :/, keep the threads which critisize ngd, hope you see this... because when something is critisized you will only look bad if it isn't fixed. don't be afraid to look bad by letting topics exist, fix the problems instead and the positive feedback will come by itself.
Lovele just reminded me of something, my own quote.
light can be found even in the darkest places on the world. you just need to look hard enought. by Angelwinged Devil.
03-21-2008, 04:23 PM
This sounds like it's becoming exactly like Planeshift. They regularly deleted complaint posts, even from the "Complaints" forum. If anything was said negative about the game, it was deleted. I was even threatened with banishment from the forums for the same sort of posts I post here: suggestions and pointing out major flaws the needed to be fixed.
I left Planeshift because they did not fix glaring problems that existed for years, and because of their heavy-handed, self-promoting forum moderation. Hopefully Regnum will not go down this path or I will leave.
Now I'm starting to play planeshift, I read some critics as it about this game, but I don't see there the problems that you describe.
About regnum, in the spanish forum anything is deleted. There are thousand of duplicated threads :-S And threads critics of NGD, I've written some.
03-21-2008, 04:24 PM
So sad, but yes he is abusing. I hate to agree like that with ennemies ^_^
PS: Wudy, I'm sorry I killed your pet yesterday when you were dead, I shouldn't have.
That's ok - have me a 1v1 fight next time you see me and we'll call it quits...:superpusso:
03-21-2008, 04:25 PM
Ok, please, ban Hell_bounds, he is starting to give me bad karma. (sorry Jpicon for saying that was you)
03-21-2008, 04:38 PM
Ok, please, ban Hell_bounds, he is starting to give me bad karma. (sorry Jpicon for saying that was you)
Lol, its okay, just remember next time I only give good karma xD
03-21-2008, 04:41 PM
omfg, Hell_bound already gave me 4 bad karmas :( but 3 of them is GOOD karma (the coulour is grey) XDDDD
"buhahhaha dont I not get tired!!! BY THE ONE AND ONLY HELL_BOUNDS!" 1 grey point
the fourth 1 i don't think that is he because it is portuguese (I hope Hell_bound is portuguese...)
the first 2 grey points where in "ninguem fala neste forum? xD" (portuguese) and the last was in this thread.
03-21-2008, 05:42 PM
That's ok - have me a 1v1 fight next time you see me and we'll call it quits...:superpusso:
Could be fun to see how many of your HP I can smoke before dying :)
03-21-2008, 06:21 PM
omfg, Hell_bound already gave me 4 bad karmas :( but 3 of them is GOOD karma (the coulour is grey) XDDDD
"buhahhaha dont I not get tired!!! BY THE ONE AND ONLY HELL_BOUNDS!" 1 grey point
the fourth 1 i don't think that is he because it is portuguese (I hope Hell_bound is portuguese...)
the first 2 grey points where in "ninguem fala neste forum? xD" (portuguese) and the last was in this thread.
Umm? I don't give nor take karma, unlike you guys...
And the system is anonymous so if people use my name - how do you know it's me? Sounds like some people who want to make people mad at me.
Which is good really, because if I'm hated then it just proves that this community is so poisoned it's not funny. Like I said a long time ago, the truth hurts.
03-21-2008, 06:23 PM
Hi there,
the forums are moderated in a strange way the last days.
1) people like Smecheru-Gherla are banned but they didn't post something bad or spammed all the the day
2) people like Hell_bound are not banned but he insults people with very bad language in several posts, he spammed General discussion with lyrics etc
3) When you post a bug there is no response
4) if you answer to a post of the balance team you get no response, even if they invited you to discuss about it
5) threads that make NGD looking bad in public are deleted
together with lag, bugs and crashes this makes people to leave.
btw, I won't wonder when I am banned for just do it NGD and you proved yourself
1) A ban can come in response to a non-public issue, like bad language in a PM (by report from the recipient), bad language or disrespect in karma comments (by report from the recipient, as well). So, there might be a reason for a ban, even if its not a public reason.
2) As Joel previously informed, every user is encouraged to use the "Report post" function.
3) Many bugs reported in the forums are already known by the developers or the balance team. Probably the devs are working on them. It's just thay perhaps they dont have the time to focus that much in the forum, and if they did, they would focus less in game development. What u prefer?
4) As a member of the balance team i invite you to use the PM system (at least with me) if you want to draw my attention to a particular subject. We (the members) answer every time we have the chance to, but some threads may go unnotice by whatever reason (incredible amount of spam probably the main one, making it impossible to focus on subject).
5) I see constantly a lot of threads that would make NGD look bad and they r not deleted. Like "I'm gone until crashes are fixed" and so.
03-21-2008, 06:26 PM
Umm? I don't give nor take karma, unlike you guys...
And the system is anonymous so if people use my name - how do you know it's me? Sounds like some people who want to make people mad at me.
Which is good really, because if I'm hated then it just proves that this community is so poisoned it's not funny. Like I said a long time ago, the truth hurts.
WEll if isn't you, than it is serius because 1 thing is give karma without tell the name. That's one thing. Othre thing is give karma and give a name that isn't yours.
03-21-2008, 06:29 PM
WEll if isn't you, than it is serius because 1 thing is give karma without tell the name. That's one thing. Othre thing is give karma and give a name that isn't yours.
The project is called disinformation and is used to rally people against another, which only proves how silly and inane this community is. And add to that a bunch of hypocrites!
Also all NGD has to do is look at the ip numbers to ban them. LOL fools!
03-21-2008, 06:30 PM
Which is good really, because if I'm hated then it just proves that this community is so poisoned it's not funny. Like I said a long time ago, the truth hurts.
why is it the truth? explain your thoughts.
very glad to hear from you :)
03-21-2008, 06:33 PM
Seriusly i think hellbound is the most reported guy in the english forum...i reported *multiple* bad posts and im sure many other people did why isnt he banned?is he under protection because he defends NGD in his posts?
03-21-2008, 06:43 PM
Seriusly i think hellbound is the most reported guy in the english forum...i reported *multiple* bad posts and im sure many other people did why isnt he banned?is he under protection because he defends NGD in his posts?
I agree, I reported every post with bad language from him, no recation from NGD.
to insekto: Yes, I knew all what you said, but I started this thread to draw your attention to some serious issues. And as you see, the community agrees with me and my post had some impacts alreday.
to valterbla: You can only give karma once in 24h, and not twice in a row to the same person as far as I know.
03-21-2008, 06:44 PM
Seriusly i think hellbound is the most reported guy in the english forum...i reported *multiple* bad posts and im sure many other people did why isnt he banned?is he under protection because he defends NGD in his posts?
The truth is that I really don't defend NGD that much. I'm only stating the reality of what you guys speak about. You guys perceive, what you perceive, to be the reality of things absolute.
Well I'm telling you, as I have from the beginning that you guys have no clue how you are perceived from others. Yes, I am the other for look how you have worked against me so. True some of that was warranted because i used the word Tw*t, but I recanted on that.
The thing about me talking to Solarus was a comment he left, which I was joking about, but a lot took it out of context from his statement and thus choose to take karma from me.
I just wish you guys really understood that a lot of things you call offensive are not and that what you perceive as absolute is not as well.
why is it the truth? explain your thoughts.
Is the above enough for you?
I agree, I reported every post with bad language from him, no recation from NGD.
You know you have used bad language as well, so your such a damn hypocrite!
03-21-2008, 07:30 PM
You know you have used bad language as well, so your such a damn hypocrite!
Show me where, please?
03-21-2008, 07:38 PM
to valterbla: You can only give karma once in 24h, and not twice in a row to the same person as far as I know.
ok, thanks for the information.
Hell_bound: If I could, I could teach you what is bad linguage, you big m****f****
But i am not rude, so I say "sorry".
03-21-2008, 07:40 PM
Show me where, please?
So you telling me you never used bad language in real life, not ever once? Not even inside your head, where no one knew that you said it? Blah - your such a faker man, please go back to your cave.
03-21-2008, 07:43 PM
Yes, I also have reported several of Hell_bounds posts which he used profanity, It seems that profanity isn't a bannable offence.
03-21-2008, 07:45 PM
Yes, I also have reported several of Hell_bounds posts which he used profanity, It seems that profanity isn't a bannable offence.
If it was 90% of the people posting here (remember when Solarus would go around telling people to use better words) would be banned. Not only that but inside the game, even among the Spanish speakers there is a lot of swearing.
03-21-2008, 07:51 PM
If it was 90% of the people posting here (remember when Solarus would go around telling people to use better words) would be banned. Not only that but inside the game, even among the Spanish speakers there is a lot of swearing.
Hell_bound who are you anyways? Do you even play Regnum? If you do, Who are your chars? Which Realm you belong to? (problaby you don't even play regnum, you just made an acount to have fun insulting people here in this Forum.)
03-21-2008, 07:54 PM
Hell_bound who are you anyways? Do you even play Regnum? If you do, Who are your chars? Which Realm you belong to? (problaby you don't even play regnum, you just made an acount to have fun insulting people here in this Forum.)
Like I said in my recanted post about using NightTwix as a symbol, it matters not who I am anymore.
03-21-2008, 08:02 PM
So you telling me you never used bad language in real life, not ever once? Not even inside your head, where no one knew that you said it? Blah - your such a faker man, please go back to your cave.
lol, is that lame....I said I reported bad language posts of you, you said I would have used bad language as well, then I ask where I did and you are telling me in real life or my head
1) You cannot know if I did in real life
2) what is going on in my head is called freedom of thoughts, you can't be blamed for thinking. At least I think before I post, other than you old wise man!
If it was 90% of the people posting here (remember when Solarus would go around telling people to use better words) would be banned. Not only that but inside the game, even among the Spanish speakers there is a lot of swearing.
So when other people are doing bad the old wise man has the right to do the same? Anyways, Solarus never insulted you, nobody ever insulted you that hard like you insult other people. Seems like you lost control about your emotions! Don't be that impulsive and reactionary, that is what you told us in one of your first posts here in forum.
There is a line between touching somebody gently with some bad words to draw somebody attention to a certain issue and your usage of it. You made posts full of insults, with not a single argument. Solarus pointed out that he has a little son (who looks cute btw :) ) and you said he was breeding bla bla bla...I cannot express it from my mind now, and I don't like to.
You went over the line Hell_bound! You lost a fight in forums again. And when you don't change your way to communicate with others you will fail to convince others of your opinion in future too. You should recognise you are beaten, you are beaten by your own words.
For me that it the end of this little amusement today! Happy Easter! :smile:
03-21-2008, 08:12 PM
And yet, You have made it ! This is another thread that was started in 1 point and now is only about you, Help_bound.
Like I said, you can't even answer something. you are sush as *prepare to bad liguage :mf_hide:* baby !
First, you only talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, and then when comes the moment of truth, all you can say is "Like I said in my recanted post about using NightTwix as a symbol, it matters not who I am anymore." (btw what thread is that?) which means, You don't even play Regnum, only randow friends of yours that play Regnum and it must said you something that made you create an acount, and then, play Regnum, but as you memorized your friends' talk, then you came to here, to forum, to start spaming and abusing. Really, I would put you in my Ignore List, but yet, you are funny without nothing to say ^_^.
I agree with you, Cumeri +1
03-21-2008, 08:25 PM
... 1) You cannot know if I did in real life
2) what is going on in my head is called freedom of thoughts, you can't be blamed for thinking. At least I think before I post, other than you old wise man!
You know Christ once said that sin starts in the heart, think about it. Now if you say you are guiltless for swearing (I never defined on here, in real life or in your head when I asked you did I) then you truly are a poisoned one, not only here but in real life.
...Solarus never insulted you...
I cannot speak for Solarus, but I read his preceding posts as knowing that I was joking around and even seemed to play with the idea. So in that respect, I wasn't insulting him. Again your perception is not absolute, for if he was took it as an insult he would have stated like you do right after I say anything you think is an insult.
Don't be that impulsive and reactionary, that is what you told us in one of your first posts here in forum.
It wasn't reactionary, but a bit of role playing, for if you remember in that thread, or I believe it was that one, someone stated I had played to much DnD. And after that I claimed the demon had been slayed or something to that effect.
There is a line between touching somebody gently with some bad words to draw somebody attention to a certain issue and your usage of it.
I'm not into this touchy feely bs that you are into. I like reality and speak, though at times in role playing (which is a lot better then what I really want to say at times), what is on my mind.
... You made posts full of insults, with not a single argument.
At times the argument is there, but you are blinded by hate. While at other times, yes there is none but to have fun.
... You went over the line Hell_bound! You lost a fight in forums again.
You know it's said how you try to push yourself as this almighty master of argument. Think what you will, but those who have eyes know what the truth is.
... And when you don't change your way to communicate with others ou will fail to convince others of your opinion in future too.
You mean I don't communicate the way you would like me to? Hmmm, but you know I don't like the way you communicate, for you are deceitful. for example, in the hunter thread you talk about how hunters are the only balanced in game, but then you ask for them to be nerfed? Whatever!
... You should recognise you are beaten, you are beaten by your own words.
Blah, here we go again - the master of argument - if only I had the energy today, but my hell hounds wanted to go out and play. And man was it a fun time, blood and dead bodies every where...
03-21-2008, 08:28 PM
... and then when comes the moment of truth, all you can say is "Like I said in my recanted post about using NightTwix as a symbol, it matters not who I am anymore." (btw what thread is that?) which means, You don't even play Regnum...
Such an impressionable little boy you are, LOL.
03-21-2008, 08:28 PM
Hell_Bound is Azakcry.
03-21-2008, 08:33 PM
Such an impressionable little boy you are, LOL.
Arigatto (Sorry, my Japonise is 0,000001 good xD) Mercy, Obrigado, Gracias, Thanks :hat:
sin starts in the heart
Grrrr, Sin!!! Sin of Final Fantasy X? Where is he? I'm going to kill it!!!! ups.. Sorry, you see, 1 friend of mine has got the game for then I've been playing it lately for my fifth time to tell him stuff, But I promise, I won't go to Square Enix forum to spam !!!
Hell_Bound is Azakcry.
No, if it was azakcry no one would be offended because no one would be able to understand his posts.
Also I saw an Alsius person named Hell bound once. Don't know if it was him or not.
03-22-2008, 01:16 AM
No thats not him the conju named hell bound is bully "excelsior(sp), fuckenguven"
03-22-2008, 01:22 AM
Hell Bound needs to be banned.
His abuse is way over the line.
I really would like to see some action from NGD on this.
I have reported his abusive posts - i hope many others have.
even i did, even i have got to admit he is a bad reputation for us spammers he even doesnt cary the make of a real spammer (-5 to -10 karma and 300+ posts)
but NGD is just a handful of developers, they need more help and ofcourse they wouldnt like to be talked trashed about in their own forums but its that the coomunity is getting out of hand, we need to stop complaining and see what we can for example if we log in make it worth, make worth while treads, and control your spamming. i been trying to do those lately :smile:
03-22-2008, 09:37 AM
Nice post Gigo! You are improving.
I agree that last months the forum is one mud-trow contest.
03-22-2008, 02:38 PM
It always was hah ;)
And to be honest, when this peace'o'sht started posting on this forum, I even stopped peeking on it.
Sad, but many ppl do that, thats how communities fail
03-22-2008, 03:08 PM
on this forum nowadays, there's only
a) spam
b) flame
c) whine
d) more spam
this hellguy is just a symptom for the downfall of this forum. Hes a typical troll who abuses the mismoderation here.
A year ago i was against any form of moderation cause the community was kinda mature and respectful to each other, and you were actually able to discuss things.
This doesnt work any more, there are just too many people working against the community by trying to profile themselves.
Additionally, NGD vastly ignores this part of the forum. A lot of insults and threats take place here and im sure this wont be tolerated in the spanish part of the forum. (remember how adrianpf was banned for calling someone ignorant or xeph for using a long signature)
Bugs/questions/suggestions remain unanswered which isnt like that in the spanish forums either.
The "report post" button is ignored as are PMs. All you can expect is that a thread might be mercifully closed in the end. The only guy that get regularly banned is putkonen but thats only because hes on NGDs shitlist.
Its sad to watch this happen as this community used to be extraordinary cool, but in the end its yet another forum on the interwebz
03-22-2008, 03:13 PM
NGD is in a process of hiring people, including a community manager, so lets hope after they done with all that the forum starts to become a better place for all of us to read (Hopefully).
03-22-2008, 03:19 PM
on this forum nowadays, there's only
a) spam
b) flame
c) whine
d) more spam
this hellguy is just a symptom for the downfall of this forum. Hes a typical troll who abuses the mismoderation here.
You know Knight I seek not any glory, country to your own self-confessed motivations.
What I am doing, as you know but don't agree, is exposing these motivations that dwell in not only you, but most here who claim to have knowledge.
You know if you looked past you own ultra sensitive and fragile ego you might be able to see exactly this in my posts. But no, you sit on high and claim that you know what is truth and you know what is good for the community.
Should I bow to you NightTwix and wait on whatever wisdom you seem to lack. Your nothing more then a leader of a school ground clique made up of bullies and dimwitted jocks.
All hail NightTwix!
Hi there,
the forums are moderated in a strange way the last days.
1) people like Smecheru-Gherla are banned but they didn't post something bad or spammed all the the day
dont talk if u dont know. He posted topic "f*** u all" with all the worst words, language. I was there when he posted and saw that topic instantly and reported bad language. That what he wrote is smthg that is sooo rude and terrible, with such language that needed urgent intervention, because there are younger players here too. I reported him, and thx to NGD for instant deleting and banning, 1 min passed btw report and reaction. if ngd even deleted it and not just ban, u can imagine what he wrote.
I hope if that guy ever comes back again, he will learn smthg from this.
2) people like Hell_bound are not banned but he insults people with very bad language in several posts, he spammed General discussion with lyrics etc
his posts werent a little close to one of smergla's. but for his posts, i think that ngd thinks is that they dont have words worth ban. but as community, u can demand together for his ban, and they ll consider it again. just like when dave was banned and community demanded explanation, and ngd reconsider ban, and apology ;)
3) When you post a bug there is no response
common, they need person for public relations. it was niclam i guess, but he is here only when they need to say smthg, or when some very important issue needs urgent response.
4) if you answer to a post of the balance team you get no response, even if they invited you to discuss about it
i assume they re reading it, but wont involve in discussion, but instead of it, they ll give task to balance team to check it. and i saw kailer and jpicon responding to some game related questions. they are also humans, and need time to check forum, which can be limited due to rl
5) threads that make NGD looking bad in public are deleted
didnt notice this, do u have evidence? the only bad things about them were threads of some players, nothing else.
together with lag, bugs and crashes this makes people to leave.
as u know , they are going to expand their team. its free game, its normal that it has bugs, but at least bugs are not soo obvious and all "big bugs" are solved asap. i personally can see their efforts in improving situation, but every time they make improvement about lag, server gets more online ppl which again makes their effort bit unnoticed.
btw, I won't wonder when I am banned for just do it NGD and you proved yourself no need for ban, a lot of other players already gave some bad words on work. its personal opinion, but not necessarly fact. and inyour post i didnt see any word or sentence worth banning.
03-22-2008, 03:30 PM
YAAAAY hell bound got a red karma box welcome to the club buddy i got -8 i swear if have more karma than me ill kill my self :beerchug:
03-22-2008, 03:40 PM
YAAAAY hell bound got a red karma box welcome to the club buddy i got -8 i swear if have more karma than me ill kill my self :beerchug:
I really don't care about karma, for it's a system riddled with abuse.
And a comment about the swearing - all those that rally against the use of swearing you know some of you have cussed in your posts.
I realize that when it came to the post about lag I cussed up a storm, but I couldn't take the whining any more. I mean even now my will to come on these forums is waning, all but gone.
And finally, in the over all picture, in the state of these boards, I the least of the problems. You guys don't like the fact that I originally used NightTwix as symbol for what I think is wrong on with this community. SO you harbor hate for me, and that is cool - I totally understand and even accept that. But you cannot accept it this as the reason to why you hate me so.
03-22-2008, 03:42 PM
dont talk if u dont know. He posted topic "f*** u all" with all the worst words, language. I was there when he posted and saw that topic instantly and reported bad language. That what he wrote is smthg that is sooo rude and terrible, with such language that needed urgent intervention, because there are younger players here too. I reported him, and thx to NGD for instant deleting and banning, 1 min passed btw report and reaction. if ngd even deleted it and not just ban, u can imagine what he wrote.
I hope if that guy ever comes back again, he will learn smthg from this.
Arr...I didn't know that, and I gone to see his posts and I didn't saw any that was "f*** you all" and anyways, Perhaps he had a resson, besides Hell_bounds, he's a: Spammer, Insulter,Whiner and Again a Spammer. All 4 things in maximum to get banned and he still wasn't. What's the big problem with NGD?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
Arr...I didn't know that, and I gone to see his posts and I didn't saw any that was "f*** you all" and anyways, Perhaps he had a resson, besides Hell_bounds, he's a: Spammer, Insulter,Whiner and Again a Spammer. All 4 things in maximum to get banned and he still wasn't. What's the big problem with NGD?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! there is no reason for such post he wrote. if u dont like game u can say just: stupid game, bye all, no need for caps lock and swearing.
for hell bound, i dont read his posts actually, they re always long and i barely have time to check even forum of my clan, because of some project in rl i m leading atm
03-22-2008, 04:49 PM
I agree only on how there is no proper moderation. I already said, for moderators I would like to see people like Xephandor, Reuhman, and Bully.
The rest im afraid your wrong on. Im quite tired really of people complaining about how NGD does nothing about lag. Thats a ton of bullshit, because I don't even need to hear from Surak he is working on lag. I KNOW that they are fucking working thier asses off.
Almost playing for a year know, ive watched this game progress pretty far, ive seen people do things, you can say ive been around. Things like this come and go, you will be complaining today, but then when its over will you hop to a next topic to complain about?
I know that I for one am thankful for this kind of connection between developers and community. I really can't find any other MMORPG's that connect with its players like Regnum. Im glad we have a forum to talk to our dev's with. Im glad they listen to us and continue to work in these horrible conditions WE the community create for them.
Im sure the dev's are sick of seeing posts like this because it just gives them a headache. I know we need to tell them whats going on. And what needs major attention, but you have to remember, this is a free game, way to free is you as me. If I was a developer I would stop listening to this kind of stuff since day 1.
Im a little more thankful, looks to me like other people want more, more, and more, and they don't realize what they already have.
And finally, in the over all picture, in the state of these boards, I the least of the problems. You guys don't like the fact that I originally used NightTwix as symbol for what I think is wrong on with this community. SO you harbor hate for me, and that is cool - I totally understand and even accept that. But you cannot accept it this as the reason to why you hate me so.
People are more like robots sometimes, all it takes is one person and the rest jump on the bandwagon and follow him.
03-22-2008, 05:50 PM
haha all of this makes me giggle.
03-22-2008, 06:09 PM
Yes, Hail Night Twix. He is a great player and person, something we cannot say of you. He made a good statement and I agree with him. I hope that, when the new community moderator comes, things turn better.
03-22-2008, 06:13 PM
Again: Do not feed the troll!
03-22-2008, 08:53 PM
Selling items for a game that doesn't work well is not a good idea. It creates a legal and fiscal liability. This is generally true in all legal systems. They should reduce the cost of the premium items until they get the game working better.
03-22-2008, 09:38 PM
What is going to pay the food of NGD's employers in that case?
03-22-2008, 09:43 PM
maybe they'll help get things fixed :)
03-22-2008, 09:44 PM
So fix the lag, or starve to dead? Without a proper meal you can't concentrate well, so the lag will be fixed later.
03-23-2008, 12:04 AM
hunger is a good motivator...I really doubt they'd starve :)
No, we are not going to threaten to torture NGD if they don't fix the lag.
03-23-2008, 02:44 AM
No, we are not going to threaten to torture NGD if they don't fix the lag.
ah comon it sounds like a cool idea :nunchaku:
well i think we should keep playing normaly you have the option to buy premuim so it only hurts then if no one does so, and laag is always a problem only rich games with 20+ servers can aviod that im sure they are working on it and hiring help. :closed1:
03-23-2008, 10:02 AM
the problem i face these days isnt the amount of ping its more the amount of fps like it usually drops to 4 fps when the ping is under 400
03-23-2008, 10:44 AM
Additionally, NGD vastly ignores this part of the forum.
Why do they ignore it? Because of stupid threads like this.
03-23-2008, 02:55 PM
NGD has a job beside this, at least that's what I know.
the problem i face these days isnt the amount of ping its more the amount of fps like it usually drops to 4 fps when the ping is under 400
this has something to do with the client and how it renders characters sometimes.
this has something to do with the client and how it renders characters sometimes.
oO care to elaborate what you mean by that?
03-24-2008, 12:59 PM
oO care to elaborate what you mean by that?
when more people show up at the same time, you may experience a freeze if your computer is a suckzor (like mine) and you'll be standing still while the computer stabilizes all these characters.
When I played serious sam the second encounter there were double as many enemies plus a meteor storm (I play multiplayer to have the extra enemy option, 200% extra player/enemy strength and infinite ammo so I won't run out of ammo because they are so damn tough) I didn't have any freeze.
THe reason for why your ping goes up while this happens is a theory, when your computer gets a freeze it's busy showing up the char models and uses all resources on it so it haven't been taking the ping it recieves from the server and calculate it to the ping showed up in the ping box (alt+p) and by the time your computer handles the pingdata (which includes a timestamp) it will be very old.
when more people show up at the same time, you may experience a freeze if your computer is a suckzor (like mine) and you'll be standing still while the computer stabilizes all these characters.
The problem is though that for some people the framerate used to be fine till a few updates ago, now it is abysmally bad.
That rather indicates some piece of new code is badly optimized for its function, wasting away CPU cycles needed for rendering.
When I played serious sam the second encounter there were double as many enemies plus a meteor storm (I play multiplayer to have the extra enemy option, 200% extra player/enemy strength and infinite ammo so I won't run out of ammo because they are so damn tough) I didn't have any freeze.
Ummm...congrats? ^^
THe reason for why your ping goes up while this happens is a theory, when your computer gets a freeze it's busy showing up the char models and uses all resources on it so it haven't been taking the ping it recieves from the server and calculate it to the ping showed up in the ping box (alt+p) and by the time your computer handles the pingdata (which includes a timestamp) it will be very old.
No, that theory is wrong (or maybe i just don't understand you).
ICMP packets do not have a timestamp, the roundtrip data is embedded and does not change however early or late a packet is processed. I haven't checked which kind of packets are used by NGD, maybe its UDP packets instead of ICMP, but in any case the data inside them is immutable. It wouldn't make sense for it to be any other way.
03-25-2008, 12:50 AM
The problem is though that for some people the framerate used to be fine till a few updates ago, now it is abysmally bad.
That rather indicates some piece of new code is badly optimized for its function, wasting away CPU cycles needed for rendering.
that's true
Ummm...congrats? ^^
that was for contrast :p
No, that theory is wrong (or maybe i just don't understand you).
ICMP packets do not have a timestamp, the roundtrip data is embedded and does not change however early or late a packet is processed. I haven't checked which kind of packets are used by NGD, maybe its UDP packets instead of ICMP, but in any case the data inside them is immutable. It wouldn't make sense for it to be any other way.
for the ping I don't know
but you'll see the ping go up because your computer is not responding to the ping packages it's sending, if it's not sent with a timestamp how can it calculate the ping?
for the ping I don't know
but you'll see the ping go up because your computer is not responding to the ping packages it's sending, if it's not sent with a timestamp how can it calculate the ping?
Some implementations use what you could call a timestamp in the data field of the ICMP packet, the original ping implementation just sends a type 8 packet and waits for the reception of the corresponding type 0, then looks into the network stack for the time difference.
If you are really interested in the gory details, you can read it up in the RFC and the ping sources. I'll refrain from going into it further here. :)
Like i said before, likely NGD uses UDP pings piggybacked on the UDP packets travelling between server and client anyway, which would mean they built something themselves.
I haven't looked into it (yet) but saying "your computer is not responding to the ping packages it's sending" doesn't make any sense. Your computer sends a ping and the server replies and vice versa. You don't reply to your own pings.
You see the ping go up because the server is busy handling all the traffic and is unable to process all packets as they arrive due to load, either caused by bad programming or high user count or whatever. Your framerate has nothing to do with network lag.
03-25-2008, 01:51 AM
blah blah blah..what is you problem with hell_bounds, in exact words, no BS im curious about this whole hate campaign.....hasnt everybody got the right to express his/her opinions, isnt that what forums are for
blah blah blah..what is you problem with hell_bounds, in exact words, no BS im curious about this whole hate campaign.....hasnt everybody got the right to express his/her opinions, isnt that what forums are for
Are you talking to me?
I'll just assume you are :P the problem i got with hell_bound is that he is way out of bounds with his personal attacks.
Having a personal opinion and flaming people in the most vulgar of ways are two different things.
If you have no social skills and act like a complete and utter asshole you shouldn't be surprised if you get knocked back.
03-25-2008, 02:03 AM
Are you talking to me?
I'll just assume you are :P the problem i got with hell_bound is that he is way out of bounds with his personal attacks.
Having a personal opinion and flaming people in the most vulgar of ways are two different things.
If you have no social skills and act like a complete and utter asshole you shouldn't be surprised if you get knocked back.
erm i wasnt necessary talking to you actually....i havent seen the "flaming" people bit..just seems like there has to be a bad guy on here...and hes allowed to express an opinion same as everyone else...
erm i wasnt necessary talking to you actually....
Your post came somewhat out of nowhere and was right after mine, and since i had some run-ins with hell-bound i thought it was directed at me.
i havent seen the "flaming" people bit..just seems like there has to be a bad guy on here...and hes it..
Maybe you should check up on some of his posts then before you declare yourself to be his biggest fan.
im allowed to express an opinion same as everyone else...
Who says you aren't allowed?
03-25-2008, 02:13 AM
blah blah blah..what is you problem with hell_bounds, in exact words, no BS im curious about this whole hate campaign.....hasnt everybody got the right to express his/her opinions, isnt that what forums are for
you are a fan of someone who insults people over and over again?
You agree with him on that?
I don't know if you read the thread that is deleted now. Solarus posted a link to a picture from himself and his little son. The response of Hell_bound was that solarus was breeding with his mother or whatever. Is this what you are a fan of?
Is this what we should tolerate? There are more of this insults, many has been deleted by a mod already.
Everybody has the right to express one's opinion, but in clear words without insults and without riddles, without bad language, without looking down to others, without thinking the own opinion is the only truth.
I agree when you are saying Hell_bound made some good posts and he pointed out some problems the community has. But way too often he used a bad way to tell us his opinion, too often to tolerate it, too often to be a fan of him.
03-25-2008, 02:15 AM
Your post came somewhat out of nowhere and was right after mine, and since i had some run-ins with hell-bound so i thought it was directed at me.
Maybe you should check up on some of his posts then before you declare yourself to be his biggest fan.
Who says you aren't allowed?
Do you know how annoying it is when people separate your sentences up.... but just a distant admirer of his winds you lot yeah...i like him...hmmm it seems like your not allowed to speak your mind on here...(without swearing or course)...go figure
Do you know how annoying it is when people separate your sentences up.... but just a distant admirer of his winds you lot yeah...i like him...hmmm it seems like your not allowed to speak your mind on here...(without swearing or course)...go figure
Somebody who makes public references to bestiality upon seeing a picture of a father and a son feeding a squirrel should go to 4chan.
You can of course do as you please, swear in whatever way you like, speak your mind to your hearts content.
Just don't be surprised if people react annoyed to aggressive personal attacks.
If you do not understand the fine boundary between your freedom of speech and the right of others not to be insulted i suggest you go study that principle now.
03-25-2008, 02:20 AM
Do you know how annoying it is when people separate your sentences up....
the person you admire does it as well and it is an easy way to answer to the arguments another one brought up one after another one.
but just a distant admirer of his words..
so you like bad language, spamming song lyrics, pseudo theological and pseudo psychological gibberish too?
03-25-2008, 02:24 AM
I voice my opinion openly on these forums all the time. It's the way you do it that counts.
03-25-2008, 02:24 AM
Somebody who makes public references to bestiality upon seeing a picture of a father and a son feeding a squirrel should go to 4chan.
You can of course do as you please, swear in whatever way you like, speak your mind to your hearts content.
Just don't be surprised if people react annoyed to aggressive personal attacks.
If you do not understand the fine boundary between your freedom of speech and the right of others not to be insulted i suggest you go study that principle now.
dont get high and mighty with me...i know the difference between freedom of speech and insulting people.."study that principle now" wtf...i havent made any personal attacks..and i dont what the hell are you rabbiting about ????
03-25-2008, 02:27 AM
the person you admire does it as well and it is an easy way to answer to the arguments another one brought up one after another one.
so you like bad language, spamming song lyrics, pseudo theological and pseudo psychological gibberish too?
Hmm i admire him cos hes different...not i said i like a rebel...:dance:
dont get high and mighty with me...i know the difference between freedom of speech and insulting people.."study that principle now" wtf...i havent made any personal attacks..and i dont what the hell are you rabbiting about ????
Ok plain and simple then.
Hell_bound attacks people and you defend those attacks as freedom of speech on the forum. I say they are personal attacks and as such don't fall under free speech.
It looked like you don't understand that difference, so i suggested you think about that before you write.
03-25-2008, 02:35 AM
Ok plain and simple then.
Hell_bound attacks people and you defend those attacks as freedom of speech on the forum. I say they are personal attacks and as such don't fall under free speech.
It looked like you don't understand that difference, so i suggested you think about that before you write.
ok back up....
1) i never defended his attacks
2) never said they fall under free speech
3) i said i understood the difference
4) i always think before i mum taught me, that and never write in red...
so why dont you think before you attack me and put words in my mouth
ok back up....
1) i never defended his attacks
ok, you sympatized and didn't defend. Wrong word.
2) never said they fall under free speech
You said: "hmmm it seems like your not allowed to speak your mind on here...(without swearing or course)...go figure"
Speaking your mind is exactly what free speech is about.
3) i said i understood the difference
but you asked what i was rabbiting about so i elaborated
4) i always think before i mum taught me, that and never write in red...
so why dont you think before you attack me and put words in my mouth
Have done so and will continue to do so.
03-25-2008, 02:50 AM
<speaks in to the mic> ... testing testing ..My name is Emily and i have a problem....that is..i love a rebel...a non makes life shoot me down...i dont really care...i say what i like...i dont swear and i dont attack people...i like being different..being different makes people wary of you..story of my life....anything you wanna add Tak ?
<speaks in to the mic> ... testing testing ..My name is Emily and i have a problem....that is..i love a rebel...a non makes life shoot me down...i dont really care...i say what i like...i dont swear and i dont attack people...i like being different..being different makes people wary of you..story of my life....anything you wanna add Tak ?
It's nice seeing a romantic :)
There is no need to get defensive, i am not your enemy.
03-25-2008, 03:24 AM
It's nice seeing a romantic :)
There is no need to get defensive, i am not your enemy.
Hmmm not sure how im romantic....but i glad your not my enemy...i just share some of his views....rebel without a cause....
03-25-2008, 04:45 AM
My psychologist at time once asked me about a tattoo on my arm and what it meant. I told him it meant to stand up for what you believe in, and to be ready to die for those beliefs. He surprised me with a question. "What do you believe in"? I quickly responded "What do you got"? True story.
If you've actually watched rebel without a cause, you'll understand. Classic movie.
03-25-2008, 09:19 AM
...Hell_bound attacks people and you defend those attacks as freedom of speech on the forum. I say they are personal attacks and as such don't fall under free speech...
First of all dimwit, free speech is allowing one to express their opinion no matter how offensive it is to those listening. Perhaps you need to study the works of Mill, who was the father of the ideas behind free speech and how true free speech lends itself to a true democracy.
But given the hate you harbor within your heart against me I see why you would allow your vision to dull on these issues.
... If you have no social skills and act like a complete and utter asshole you shouldn't be surprised if you get knocked back.
First I would like to point out the violent connotation in Tak's words, note also how often he used words of violence to express himself towards me in other threads. It's a pity to see this really, give the fact that I said I would not come back to these forms.
However, Tak, if you truly understood the value of free speech you would realize there would be no need to use words of violence. For true speech is fought with arguments, not words of violence.
... I don't know if you read the thread that is deleted now. Solarus posted a link to a picture from himself and his little son. The response of Hell_bound was that solarus was breeding with his mother or whatever. Is this what you are a fan of?...
You know Cumeri I stated how this issue, in your mind, came about. Again, from the responses of Solarus it seemed that he did not take it as me insulting him. And the very fact that he posted "maybe... but probably not..." suggested to me that he knew that I didn't mean it. It also suggests that he was playing around with this idea, knowing how ridiculous of an assumption it was, and thus making light of it.
And speaking of making light of it, what this shows of Solarus is he a thousand fold more assured of himself, then either you or Tak, about his personal life. For, as I stated before, if he felt it was a true attack he would have responded as such the very first time I brought up the suggestion of bestiality.
... Everybody has the right to express one's opinion, but in clear words without insults and without riddles, without bad language, without looking down to others, without thinking the own opinion is the only truth...
You know you insult me here right now, both you and Tak. For you twist the truth. One, there has only been one thread that I made comment in that was deleted. Two, you have no idea if it was my comments that cause that thread to be deleted or not. And three, your absolute of morality are only used to justify your opinions, but as stated many damn times before, you are so willing to abandon your morals at anytime - especially against a person that you hate.
So using words that are not seen as offensive does not assure that fact that what you write, and how you express yourself with those words are not offensive.
Which brings another point: are you and Tak so all knowing that you know what my intentions are? Perhaps you need to think on what it is that I am really trying to say then jumping at the first thing that, to you, seems offensive. I talked about this before, but still you do not understand.
...I agree when you are saying Hell_bound made some good posts and he pointed out some problems the community has.
I'm surprised that you would even say this, given the level of hate you have of me.
Which brings me to last and final point: I know I broke my vow to not post in these boards again, but given the circumstances that I still am being attacked, even after I say I will leave - again speaks volumes over the kind of people that are on these boards.
Lies are poisonous; thinking about your own self-centered goals in wake of a whole community that needs help is poisonous; and attacking someone here who is not here to defend themselves is poisonous. Sad, for many of you talk about the value of honor, but in the end the truth reveals, by your actions, that you also lack it.
And so none will be confused I will state this: Given these facts then I stand by what I have expressed about NightTwix; I also stand by everything I stated about these boards being full of dimwits who cannot see the folly in their own words and suggestions. And above all I stand by my convictions that there are some here who harbor deep resentment against me, even though they may not realize it. And attacking others that question why you hate me so is validation of this! Yet none think that these are the only two, for even Xephandor (the want-a-be moderator) took shots after I said I was would leave these boards:
The poison is strong here and such children of darkness roam here! When shall we ever be free from the ignorance that claims to be wise, the ignorance that claims to know the intentions of a man, the ignorance that attacks but knows not why it attacks?
They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.
When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me!" For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of this man, you evil spirit!"
Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many."
First of all dimwit, free speech is allowing one to express their opinion no matter how offensive it is to those listening. Perhapses you need to study the works of Mill, how was the father of ideas behind free speech and how true free speech lends itself to a true democracy.
If you do not understand the difference between offensive swearing and personal attacks that explains a lot.
An excerpt from Wikipedia on the restrictions of free speech
Restrictions on speech that are sometimes characterized as assaults on freedom of speech include the following:
Defamation (slander and libel)
Product defamation (criticism of commercial products; sometimes called product libel or product disparagement; for example, the Texas False Disparagement of Perishable Food Products Act)
Lying in court (perjury)
Talking out of turn during a trial, or talk that causes contempt of court
Speaking about a trial outside the court room after the judge forbids it (subjudicy).
Speaking publicly without a permit
Speaking publicly outside of a free speech zone
Limits on the size of public demonstrations
Hate speech that is defamatory or causes incitement to violence
Noise pollution
But given the hate you harbor within your heart against me I see why you would allow you vision to dull on these issues.
Someone is projecting his feelings...
First I would like to point out the violent connotation in Tak's words, note also how often he used words of violence to express himself towards me in other threads. It's a pity really, give the fact that I said I would not come back to these forms.
Just go away. You are not funny, you are not witty, you are not clever.
However, Tak, if you truly understood the value of free speech you would realize there would be no need to use words of violence. For true speech is fought with arguments, not words of violence.
LOL for your arguments vs words of violence.
I wanted to answer to the rest of your post at first, but you are only chewing over the same old stuff. Boring.
03-25-2008, 10:18 AM
If you do not understand the difference between offensive swearing and personal attacks that explains a lot.
An excerpt from Wikipedia on the restrictions of free speech...
So wikipedia is you authority on such an issues of free speech? I see why you are so dull now Tak, however, let me clue in on what the father of free speech has to say:
The evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race, posterity as well as existing generation - those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth produced by its collision with error.
To refuse a hearing to an opinion because they are sure that it is false [ based on perceived offensiveness, lack of knowledge and so on] is to assume that their certainty is the same thing as absolute certainty. All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility.
He who know only his own side of the case knows little of that. If he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he doe not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion.
For they never thrown themselves into the mental position of those that think differntly from them, and considered what such persons my have to say; and, consequently, they do not, in any proper sense know those parts which explain and justify the remainder...
All errors which [one] is likely to commit against advice and warning are far outweighed by the evil of allowing others to constrain him to what they deem his good. We have a right to act upon our unfavorable opinion of anyone, not to the oppression of his individuality, but in the exercise of ours.
... we shall rather endeavor to alleviate his punishment by showing him how he may avoid or cure the evils his conduct tends to bring upon him. He... [shall not be] an object of... anger or resentment [and] we shall not treat him like an enemy of society.
I wanted to answer to the rest of your post at first,...
Yes I'm sure you did but found that you couldn't without using words of violence.
So wikipedia is you authority on such an issues of free speech? I see why you are so dull now Tak, however, let me clue in on what the father of free speech has to say:
Oh the father of free speech is on my side on this one.
"The object of this Essay is to assert one very simple principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with him, or persuading him or entreating him, but not for compelling him, or visiting him with any evil, in case he do other wise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him must be calculated to produce evil to some one else. The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."
The effective boundary for your personal free speech ends where it infringes on the liberty of others. Get that in your head finally.
03-25-2008, 10:57 AM
Oh the father of free speech is on my side on this one.
"The object of this Essay is to assert one very simple principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with him, or persuading him or entreating him, but not for compelling him, or visiting him with any evil, in case he do other wise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him must be calculated to produce evil to some one else. The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."
The effective boundary for your personal free speech ends where it infringes on the liberty of others. Get that in your head finally.
You realize you are taking him out of context. For example, how do explain these parts, which go against your ideas of what this passage means:
"... govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion."
"... His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant."
"... The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute."
Realize that he is not talking about a petite argument between individuals, but of state governments oppressing individuals of their action and speech. Thus, this statement, "Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."
Since that be the case - I have no where represented "absolutely the dealings" with people here that are connected to "physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion" when it comes to me talking here.
Also, when I speak I do not center my ideas around my "own good, either physical or moral..." No, for I know "is not a sufficient warrant." I center them around the good of the community, thus "... The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others."
Now Tak, is the father of free speech on your side? Also you only have one intention here and that is to flame me, use words of violence against me and even use theories you know nothing about against me. How far will you go Tak, to prove your ill conceived ideas about me?
Keep digging Tak, for soon it will be very clear to all that see how desperate you are.
03-25-2008, 11:01 AM
Hell_Bound, didn't you leave? You are clearly some emo kid who can't let go of these forums.
I would have left, but people here still attack while I was not around. And you call me an emo? LOL, dimwit!
You realize you are taking him out of context. For example, how do explain these parts, which go against your ideas of what this passage means:
"... govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion."
"... His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant."
"... The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute."
Realize that he is not talking about a petite argument between individuals, but of state governments oppressing individuals of their action and speech. Thus, this statement, "Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."
Since that be the case - I have no where represented "absolutely the dealings" with people here that are connected to "physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion" when it comes to me talking here.
Also, when I speak I do not center my ideas around my "own good, either physical or moral..." No, for I know "is not a sufficient warrant." I center them around the good of the community, thus "... The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others."
Now Tak, is the father of free speech on your side? Also you only have one intention here and that is to flame me, use words of violence against me and even use theories you know nothing about against me. How far will you go Tak, to prove your ill conceived ideas about me?
Keep digging Tak, for soon it will be very clear to all that see how desperate you are.
*plonk* :beerchug:
03-25-2008, 11:09 AM
*plonk* :beerchug:
Yes just as I thought, you ignore your errors but would be so willing to show others of theirs even when they do not error.
I have more class than you ever will, and I'll prove it by simply putting you on ignore from here on out. :wub2:
LOL! That doesn't show class, but shows how you are unable to deal with those that are different from yourself.
03-25-2008, 11:17 AM
Some people needs attention.
And Katiechan, do not compare your level to his, he is indeed beyond authism.
Sorry hell_bound i can't hear you!
03-25-2008, 11:20 AM
So that's what ignored posts look like. I always wondered.
03-25-2008, 11:28 AM
Some people needs attention.
And Katiechan, do not compare your level to his, he is indeed beyond authism.
I don't need attention, I get enough of that in real life. However, I came here to fight against the BS that is spread against me, while I was gone.
But being the dim bulb you are I bet you approve of people attacking others while they are not here?
Sorry hell_bound i can't hear you!
Funny thing is that you had me on ignore to begin with it, after what I spoke about your beloved NightTwix.
Since you're so willing to put me on ignore you shouldn't talk BS behind my back! And when you are exposed to the truths of this all you do is run and cover up your ears. Really, you should be ashamed of yourself, dimwit!
Now I shall leave again, but please never speak my name again!
03-25-2008, 11:33 AM
Hell Bound, you know its never too late to start over like Azakcry.
I'll give you a hand, if you'll take it...
03-25-2008, 11:39 AM
EMO's? Here? Oh no! :looking:
/me runs away really fast
/me returns with a flame thrower
Okay, where are the EMO's? xD
03-25-2008, 11:53 AM
Hell Bound, you know its never too late to start over like Azakcry.
I'll give you a hand, if you'll take it...
Rated_R_Edge you are really a truly blessed one, for we know not each other and yet you feel complied to not only understand a stranger, but also extend a kind hand to him. Truly if the world had more people like you there would be no more wars, violence nor tears.
I really appreciate your offer, but really these boards have left a sour taste in my mouth. I should have never got involved with these boards to begin with.
And I realize that the biggest problem is the way that I have expressed myself, but at the same time it's also that people here don't take the time to think. Whether it about issues in game, suggestions or even my comments.
However, I think my gaming days are over; for if anything my time being here (on these boards) has shown to me that I'm a relic, a dinosaur. So much so that these youth here don't understand me.
Rated_R_Edge, from the power that I see manifested within you I know that you will be able to succeed where I failed. May you always be filled with light, may you always pierce the ignorance of others with the wisdom and humility that you have proven to have, and may life always give to you her bounty of riches which are unlimited.
For blessed are you Rated_R_Edge!
/Hell_bound now exits stage left
03-25-2008, 12:28 PM
My psychologist at time once asked me about a tattoo on my arm and what it meant. I told him it meant to stand up for what you believe in, and to be ready to die for those beliefs. He surprised me with a question. "What do you believe in"? I quickly responded "What do you got"? True story.
If you've actually watched rebel without a cause, you'll understand. Classic movie.
wow ...your point...
03-25-2008, 12:36 PM
Still the question remains..why do you all dislike hell bound...and for me asking this question, and its a valid question all the my opinion it seems like to me that you all attack for the sake of speech is free speech..however it is dressed up and argued about...everybody has the right to say what they like on here..if its offensive to anyone in anyway..isnt that what moderators are for methinks. There is more to life than attacking a guy who has a different opinion then yourselves this is very sad...and seeing where this thread is going...your all gonna turn on me aswell... no skin off my nose... yeeeeehaaaaaa !!!!:wiggle14:
03-25-2008, 12:41 PM
I didn't have one.
03-25-2008, 12:42 PM
LOL then why say anything...:horsey:
heres what im listening to...woot...break the monotony...
03-25-2008, 12:46 PM
Free speech :superpusso:
03-25-2008, 12:48 PM
03-25-2008, 12:53 PM
Still the question remains..why do you all dislike hell bound...and for me asking this question, and its a valid question all the my opinion it seems like to me that you all attack for the sake of speech is free speech..however it is dressed up and argued about...everybody has the right to say what they like on here..if its offensive to anyone in anyway..isnt that what moderators are for methinks. There is more to life than attacking a guy who has a different opinion then yourselves this is very sad...and seeing where this thread is going...your all gonna turn on me aswell... no skin off my nose... yeeeeehaaaaaa !!!!:wiggle14:
I dislike no one. I just thought I saw an oportunity to kill me some EMO's. But it appears that I was wrong. :razz:
/me puts away his flamethrower.
03-25-2008, 01:04 PM
I dislike no one. I just thought I saw an oportunity to kill me some EMO's. But it appears that I was wrong. :razz:
/me puts away his flamethrower.
<takes away said flamethrower>...nah you dont need it...<hands you a water gun>....thats better:wiggle14:
Still the question remains..why do you all dislike hell bound...and for me asking this question, and its a valid question all the my opinion it seems like to me that you all attack for the sake of attacking....
I already said this but once more:
It is not about allowing or disallowing him to express his opinion. Whether he has a point or not is not the issue. He attacks people on a personal level, that is not covered by free speech in any way.
free speech is free speech..however it is dressed up and argued about...everybody has the right to say what they like on here..if its offensive to anyone in anyway..isnt that what moderators are for methinks.
You blatantly contradict yourself in the space of two sentences.
Free speech is free speech first, then you talk about moderation.
I do not mind offensive speech, swear as much as you like.
It's the personal attacks that have no place here.
There is more to life than attacking a guy who has a different opinion then yourselves this is very sad...and seeing where this thread is going...your all gonna turn on me aswell... no skin off my nose... yeeeeehaaaaaa !!!!:wiggle14:
I hope you understand now that it is not about attacking a guy on the basis of him having a different opinion, but about defending my personal right not to be insulted.
03-25-2008, 01:18 PM
You blatantly contradict yourself in the space of two sentences.
Free speech is free speech first, then you talk about moderation.
I do not mind offensive speech, swear as much as you like.
It's the personal attacks that have no place here.
Hmm i didnt contradict myself...i simply meant that you cant really have free speech on here..otherwise if we did...well anarchy would reign...hence why we have moderators......
03-25-2008, 01:55 PM
... I do not mind offensive speech, swear as much as you like.It's the personal attacks that have no place here.
I only come here to expose the real meaning behind this silly little lie.
It's important here that the first time Tak ever made a comment to me was when I revealed my full thoughts on NightTwix, who I dubbed (at the time) NightTwat.
Now, I recanted my use on the word Twat because: (1) CumeriTarenes pointed out to me in a logical manner how my use of the word made him feel, when I used it against him and (2) I found that people were confusing the vulgar meaning of the word (which is American) vs. the non-vulgar meaning (which the British meaning is idiot). So I stopped, and this is the first time since that time that CumeriTarenes showed me the errors of my ways that I used that term.
Also Tak is also using my statement to Solarus about bestiality, which he only perceives in his mind as offensive as reason to keep taking bs about me. Yet, Solarus himself never mentioned it as being offensive in that thread - not once and seemed to know I was joking about, by his statement of "... maybe, but probably not..."
The heart of Tak's expressed hate for me can be clearly seen by his words in a thread that I created, which happen to expose my ideas on NightTwix.
Words, which speak of who Tak is, for as he states: "You posted a disgusting sermon belittling what you did and hoped to get away with it.... You do not use him [NightTwix] as an example, you deliberately try to make him appear in a negative light. This is called libel and slander and is not covered by your personal opinion which you would have to keep to yourself."
Yet after this he claims, "Think whatever you want of Twix, neither i nor him care."
But yet he still goes on to attack me? See the hatred in his heart, yet he knows not why he does this. Even with me pointing it out as clear as day. Still he bemoans the idea that he does it for the community, that he is on the side of free speech and that he is better then me. But yet all he does is work against himself by preserving his ideas as absolute by still clinging on to the fact that I soiled the image of a person he sees as a god.
Which I might add that I stated many times that my opinion of NightTwix had changed while stating that opinion, but given these actions here I believe I was right.
Tak is far worse for this community then any other here, for he cannot see the errors of ways and will not listen to anyone that tries to point it out.
Tak for the last time stop spreading BS!
03-25-2008, 01:57 PM
Hmm i didnt contradict myself...i simply meant that you cant really have free speech on here..otherwise if we did...well anarchy would reign...hence why we have moderators......
I have to agree with this. Moderation is needed and true free speech is not possible this way.
But there is room enough to be funny and spam. So that is just what I will do:
/me fills his water gun with beer and starts shooting himself in the face while his mouth is wide open
Hmm i didnt contradict myself...i simply meant that you cant really have free speech on here..otherwise if we did...well anarchy would reign...hence why we have moderators......
Yup, and that is one reason why completely free speech is just an illusion.
It sounded like you were referring to the completely free speech, calling afterwards for moderation made it look a bit strange.
Though anarchy is basically a benign concept, you use it here in a macchiavellistic sense i guess. But since we are nowhere near a point where real anarchy would have a chance of success, chaos would truly reign without moderation.
03-25-2008, 03:24 PM
Yup, and that is one reason why completely free speech is just an illusion.... Though anarchy is basically a benign concept... [if] real anarchy would have a chance of success, chaos would truly reign...
...... ...... ......
see the animal in his cage that you built?
are you sure what side you're on?
better not look him too closely in the eye...
are you sure what side of the glass you're on?
see the safety of the life you have built?
everything where it belongs...
feel the hollowness inside of your heart
and it's all right where it belongs...
what if everything around you isn't quite what it seems?
what if all the world you think you know is an elaborate dream?
and if you look at your reflection, is that all you want to be?
what if you could look right through the cracks?
would you find yourself... find yourself afraid to see?
what if all the world's inside of your head?
just creations of your own...
your devils and your gods and the living and the dead
and you really are alone
you can live in this illusion
you can choose to believe
you keep looking but you can't find words
are you hiding in the trees?
what if everything around you isn't quite as it seems?
what if all the world you used to know is an elaborate dream?
and if you look at your reflection, is that all you want to be?
what if you could look right through the cracks?
would you find yourself... find yourself afraid to see?
03-25-2008, 03:28 PM
Some implementations use what you could call a timestamp in the data field of the ICMP packet, the original ping implementation just sends a type 8 packet and waits for the reception of the corresponding type 0, then looks into the network stack for the time difference.
If you are really interested in the gory details, you can read it up in the RFC and the ping sources. I'll refrain from going into it further here. :)
Like i said before, likely NGD uses UDP pings piggybacked on the UDP packets travelling between server and client anyway, which would mean they built something themselves.
I haven't looked into it (yet) but saying "your computer is not responding to the ping packages it's sending" doesn't make any sense. Your computer sends a ping and the server replies and vice versa. You don't reply to your own pings.
You see the ping go up because the server is busy handling all the traffic and is unable to process all packets as they arrive due to load, either caused by bad programming or high user count or whatever. Your framerate has nothing to do with network lag.
ungh, hm yes the server sends them back, client just doesn't handle it because it's busy rendering.
So at the time it starts to calculate the ping the timestamp it got from the last package is some seconds old
03-25-2008, 03:39 PM
damn, fuck, 4 more pages of bs to read about hellbound.
03-25-2008, 03:49 PM
Bad taste to misquote people.
03-25-2008, 03:52 PM
Bad taste to misquote people.
...... ...... ......
To the Mosquitoes,
We have more influence over your children than you do, but we love your children. Most of you love them too, very much. You want what's best for them. Consider them when planning the future. Right? Oh, mother, father, your blindness to our most blessed gift, NATURE, leaves us with the overwhelming task of correcting your utter mess. It also proves that you are no judge of art, nor of beauty. We learn from you how to become ideal adults? These are subjects that you've passed over. Or maybe they are too painful to speak about?
Nature and art - what could be more breathtaking?
I used to wish sometimes that I was a black man, I listened to the way black people spoke when they spoke about freedom, justice and human rights. And in the way they spoke, I was sure they were speaking the truth. At the same time there was a faint buzz spreading to all of us the suggestion that the black man was not to be treated equally. For this I envied the black man because it gave him a passion for his living and a cause to die for.
Would you ever imagine there would be children swinging in polluted playgrounds?
Do you have children? Do you see yourself in them yet? Do they do whatever you tell them to, or do they question authority? Do you take the time to explain things to them, or do you blame the rest of the world for their mistakes?
I used to wish sometimes that I was a woman. A woman is the most attractive creature nature has to offer a man. Why then is it such a shame to see her unclothed? I feel more shame as a man watching a quick-mart being built. How complementary a woman is to a man! Their giving of love is fearless. Nature did right in tying the infant to the female. Yet they also carry a sense of sadness. Quite like a premonition of danger they hide but can't shake from their minds. I understand why they want to protect their children, but for their own good, let me point out that though you may have to explain subjects to your children that you perceive as wrong, it is better to have the freedom to explain it in your own words than be silence under a government that has the power to squash anyone who opposes their views. It may one day evolve to be your children that stands as opposition. Who opposes the faint buzz that suggests to us all that women are beneath men. Women have cause to live and reasons to die with dignity. This was not always the case.
Try to restrict our freedom and we will fight even harder to preserve them.
Mothers and fathers, grandmothers and fathers, great-grandmothers and fathers, great-great-grandmothers and fathers, you are responsible for more destruction done to this planet in the last one hundred years than in all of mankind's history combined. You've invented weapons capable of destroying every form of wild animal and vegetation. I am not sure what condition the world we are inheriting is really in. I just have a fear of smokestacks, and I don't trust the men who feed their flames.
There is an invisible force, the same one you have heard faintly buzzing all your life. This time it buzzes much louder. I myself have felt its pain. When I looked down at the spot where it hurt, I saw a very small mosquito. A bug so old, it was known to Confucius as the "intellectual mosquito." He sucks off of you and he sucks off of me.
Sometimes to realize you were well someone must come along and hurt you.
I have grown to become proud of myself. I have aligned with all those who have been stung by suppression. As heirs to this planet, we must maintain, honor and enjoy the gift of freedom. A cause to validate everyone's life? Indeed.
03-25-2008, 04:27 PM
Even with me pointing it out as clear as day. Still he bemoans the idea that he does it for the community, that he is on the side of free speech and that he is better then me. But yet all he does is work against himself by preserving his ideas as absolute by still clinging on to the fact that I soiled the image of a person he sees as a god.
Which I might add that I stated many times that my opinion of NightTwix had changed while stating that opinion, but given these actions here I believe I was right.
Tak is far worse for this community then any other here, for he cannot see the errors of ways and will not listen to anyone that tries to point it out.
Tak for the last time stop spreading BS!
Night Twix is my clan leader, and really I wouldn't let someone talk about him like that either. Like I told you, its not to late to start over...
03-25-2008, 04:56 PM
... Like I told you, its not to late to start over...
And how do you purpose that I should start over, when things here, especially things concerning me, have fallen to such a sorry state of affairs?
Even where I recant, I still am sought to be crucified. Hell even when I say that I will leave they still talk BS behind my back.
Starting over cannot be done, for that would mean to erase the past which none here are willing to do. Proof of this can be seen in this thread.
03-25-2008, 04:58 PM
And how do you purpose that I should start over, when things here, especially things concerning me, have fallen to such a sorry state of affairs?
Even where I recant, I still am sought to be crucified. Hell even when I say that I will leave they still talk BS behind my back.
Starting over cannot be done, for that would mean to erase the past which none here are willing to do. Proof of this can be seen in this thread.
First step would be telling us who your characters are so that we can take on you in-game instead of on the forums :beerchug:.
03-25-2008, 05:09 PM
First step would be telling us who your characters are so that we can take on you in-game instead of on the forums :beerchug:.
That is not an option, for what would the purpose be? To harass me? To prove that I play the game? To follow me around as I hunt and kill the mobs that I am fighting so I don't get as much exp? Or maybe to have other realms search me out in the WZ and attack me as I level, or never let get out from the save point so I cannot level or leave the wz?
If that is the only option you got, then the state of affairs are more miserable then I thought.
03-25-2008, 05:23 PM
That is not an option, for what would the purpose be?
For song and poetry contests of course!
03-25-2008, 06:25 PM
Starting over cannot be done, for that would mean to erase the past which none here are willing to do. Proof of this can be seen in this thread.
after your sorry post you started to be more neutral, and so people was also more neutral towards you, maybe you noticed or maybe you didn't but I gave good karma for it.
Then somehow it seemed you started calling people names again, if it was the other way around, show me.
I think you're a bit paranoid
03-25-2008, 06:40 PM
after your sorry post...
Judge not me boy or my actions, least you find yourself without the ability to communicate. For my hell hounds love human tongues and hands.
03-25-2008, 06:45 PM
Judge not me boy or my actions, least you find yourself without the ability to communicate. For my hell hounds love human tongues and hands.
I love all animals and my relationship to them are good, no animal has ever hurt me, neither pink elephants or hounds from hell. I'm not scared.
Anyway, I ask something and you get offensive instead when I give you a chance to prove yourself...
I don't even know why I bothered
03-25-2008, 06:59 PM
... Anyway, I ask something and you get offensive instead when I give you a chance to prove yourself...
Yes, you came so humbly that you choose to use names such as "paranoid". You see this is what is wrong here, while you claim that I call names, but yet you walk around as if everything you say is gold?
Yet, somehow I'm the one to be faulted?
If you really were trying you would not use any connotations of disrespect in how you express yourself.
Sing me a song, you're a singer
Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil
The Devil is never a maker
The less that you give, you're a taker
So it's on and on and on, it's Heaven and Hell, oh well
The lover of life's not a sinner
The ending is just a beginner
The closer you get to the meaning
the sooner you'll know that you're dreaming
So it's on and on and on, oh it's on and on and on
It goes on and on and on, Heaven and Hell
I can tell, fool, fool!
Well if it seems to be real, it's illusion
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life
Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer
And it's on and on, on and on and on....
They say that life's a carousel
Spinning fast, you've got to ride it well
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's Heaven and Hell, oh well
And they'll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's Heaven and Hell, oh no!
Fool, fool!
You've got to bleed for the dancer!
Fool, fool!
Look for the answer!
Fool, fool, fool!
03-25-2008, 07:16 PM
hmmm this is sooo wrong on many much dislike...and you wonder why i keep asking why you dont like him....but all i get is a load of just doesnt sit with me right...hell bound i still think your cool...but seeing as i dont have a mouthful of dictionary words to defend you...well...i wish you the best...keep posting..
no reason for the song, it popped into my head...
03-25-2008, 07:17 PM
I thought you were leaving the forums..... ?
03-25-2008, 07:18 PM
I thought you were leaving the forums..... ?
Free Speech :wiggle14:
03-25-2008, 07:33 PM
hmmm this is sooo wrong on many much dislike...and you wonder why i keep asking why you dont like him....but all i get is a load of just doesnt sit with me right...hell bound i still think your cool...but seeing as i dont have a mouthful of dictionary words to defend you...well...i wish you the best...keep posting..
no reason for the song, it popped into my head...
Rock on Skatz! Radiohead rules, and that was a good choice given what is happening here, for on one level one could assume that I was the weirdo, the creep because of my choice to hang around this place still while being abused. But in truth, the last part of the song reveals the key to unlock the meaning of the song...
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
Youre so fuckin special
I wish I was special...
But Im a creep, Im a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here?
I dont belong here.
I dont belong here.
See it's not him who is the problem, but the people that define themselves and others around him. They view him as a creep, a weirdo because he doesn't make them happy or do what they want. Thus, the feelings of being unwanted.
03-25-2008, 07:35 PM
Yes, you came so humbly that you choose to use names such as "paranoid". You see this is what is wrong here, while you claim that I call names, but yet you walk around as if everything you say is gold?
I think you're a bit paranoid
read again, it says think, meaning it's not a total result or it's the truth, it's a thought that you may be a bit, and you seem to be defensive all over it and go all "oh what you say is gold" I'm writing from what I observe, instead of questioning my thoughts you seem to know what I think. Try to look back at the two first pages and you'll see some of it. I wrote you improved and your posts were actually neutral from my point of view with the words "I thought hell bound improved?" then I went out looked back through different topics and out of the blue suddenly you started calling names.
03-25-2008, 07:41 PM
read again, it says think, meaning it's not a total result or it's the truth, it's a thought that you may be a bit, and you seem to be defensive all over it and go all "oh what you say is gold" I'm writing from what I observe, instead of questioning my thoughts you seem to know what I think. Try to look back at the two first pages and you'll see some of it. I wrote you improved and your posts were actually neutral from my point of view with the words "I thought hell bound improved?" then I went out looked back through different topics and out of the blue suddenly you started calling names.
This is nothing but back tracking on the drivel that you spewed, a motion to try to whitewash your own actions and look pure. You proud, but small minded man!
You seek no truth from your observations, for nothing was linked (at least to the comment that I responded too) about past things said.
Perhaps you should have questioned your own thoughts, or better yet your motivations, boy!
03-25-2008, 07:44 PM
This is nothing but back tracking on the drivel that you spewed, a motion to try to whitewash your own actions and look pure. You proud, but small mined man!
nope, I tell the truth about my thoughts, you go again with what you think is the truth, you can't know what I'm thinking from what I'm posting, you're taking up assumptions instead and making yourself look stupid
You seek no truth from your observations, for nothing was linked (at least to the comment that I responded too) about past things said.
oh you want links? Let me do a search again, after that I'll go play
Perhaps you should have questioned your own thoughts, boy!
how can oyu know what's going on up in my head?
03-25-2008, 07:50 PM
nope, I tell the truth about my thoughts, you go again with what you think is the truth, you can't know what I'm thinking from what I'm posting, you're taking up assumptions instead and making yourself look stupid... oh you want links? Let me do a search again, after that I'll go can oyu know what's going on up in my head?
Do you think I'm that dumb boy? You twist it in your own mind, the justifications that you need to show yourself as pure and innocent of the statements I make.
Boy, you show no respect and thus will get not one ounce from me. I'm glade you think, that somehow by not looking at the original that I responded to, and looking at things said in the past will help you. For it will only show those that have eyes to see the type of person you are.
And you call me paranoid? LOL, boy go back to your cave!
03-25-2008, 07:54 PM
this was my first reply
then I went searching and saw these topics
look at your first two replies, they are unprovoked in my opinion
I can't find the other one I looked at, and I can't remember which one it is, sorry for that, anyway I'll go play now
after that I posted this reply in the same thread
03-25-2008, 07:56 PM
For it will only show those that have eyes to see the type of person you are.
I don't need people to try to guess who I am, I barely know myself, but I know this, you don't know me yet and haven't found out what kind of person I am, but, well, I know what you are, a troll. Have fun, no more food from me.
03-25-2008, 08:03 PM
I don't need people to try to guess who I am, I barely know myself, but I know this, you don't know me yet and haven't found out what kind of person I am, but, well, I know what you are, a troll. Have fun, no more food from me.
Those comments to byte me were in reference to many complaints about the issues of lag. Strange thing in that thread I never said anything harsh, but got a lot of bad karma for saying what I did.
However, I'm not sure how that was in reference to this, , post?
But seeing as you already know the answer, that it has nothing to do about it, you, like the rest when confronted with the truth, just run and hide.
Still, I'm the one called paranoid? LOL, boy please!
03-25-2008, 08:23 PM
didnt hellbound leave the forums?....:confused:
03-25-2008, 08:50 PM
didnt hellbound leave the forums?....:confused:
I did, but you guys keep spreading BS lies about me. And on to of that flame me, call me names and then argue with me.
Just don't breath my name, don't think you can argue with me, stop the BS lies and maybe I'll leave again.
03-25-2008, 09:14 PM
didnt hellbound leave the forums?....:confused:
nah, he'll never leave, he will always lurk around...
anyway, I made this thread to point out to NGD and to the community that some strange things are happening in forums. As you can see, even in this thread they happen...
So I call all people to use bad language and to insult other people, you won't have to expect any punishment, the worst thing which can happen is that a thread is deleted by a mod, but that's it. As long as you don't speak against NGD directly you can hurt the terms of use in every single point. This is what I learned the last days, this is what many users learned the last days.
to the great fan of Hell_bound:
you are wrong when you say there is a hate campaign against hell_bound. I don't hate him nor you. I just don't like bad language.
You sympatisize with a person who is using bad language, who have to state his arguments with words like "boy"
Of course there is the right of free speech, but everything you write here has to fit in the terms of use:
You agree not do to any of the following while on Regnum Online or in any communication feature provided by NGD:
1. transmit any message, information, data, text, software or graphic filed or other materials ("Content") that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harrasing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, that may be invasive of another's right of privacy or publicity, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
And more than one of Hell_bounds posts hurt these agreements.
That is why I cannot tolerate his actions. I already stated in another post that he made some good posts too. I agree with AWD, he impooved a lot after having a bad start in the forums. Everyone gave him a second chance until the bad language started again, until his feelings started to write again.
Hell_bound himself said I would hate him. I never showed towards anyone that I do so, because I don't. When you say I hate him you are most probably also saying a judge who convicts an offender hates the offender too.
So, that is all I have to say to this topic.
03-25-2008, 09:43 PM
CumeriTarenes, I would like to take this opportunity to say this to you, for I never really got the chance to say it...
Cumeri, out of all the people here you were the one to show the errors of my ways by using the word tw*t. And I must say after you explained it to me I understand how that word seemed from your perspective. This I thank you for because without your input I would have gone on and used that word forever.
However, I feel that sometimes you take the things I say to personal and yet most of those things I say are never directed towards you. Yet, one thing that I noticed about the people here is that anytime I use the word boy people give me a lot of bad karma.
Now call me ignorant, or maybe just old, but don't you think there are much worse things to call someone other then boy? Also, isn't there more harsher things that one could convey themselves then through the use of the words like vile and weak? And also lets not forget the words dim bulb and dimwit too. I just don't see where you keep coming up with this stuff Cumeri. For these, so called, insults are rather tame.
Now as to the "bad language" there was only one thread that I cussed up a storm on and was about lag - and that was because it was a senseless issue to talk about. It did no good and anyone who plays this game would know that NGD is taking the issue of lag very serious. The endless posts on this issue is stupid, hands down.
Also, as I commented before, your very hypocritical when comes to looking at bad language. For you think it's alright in a comic because the cuss words used are in context that seems funny to you, while when they are not you claim fowl? Very short sighted CumeriTarenes. And then on top that you try to organize a lynching of me, or to have me banned from the boards because of "bad language"?
You see, just like AwD and Tak, you attack me while yet looking at yourself as people who are pure from any wrong doing? How can you judge another for wrong, while yet you yourself are in the wrong? And because you do this it can only show one thing, that you hate me...
Now I talk to you as a normal person with no BS. You may disagree with these things, but this is the way I see it and have always seen it. I just wish you would see it from my perspective once like I did yours about the tw*t issue...
03-25-2008, 10:42 PM
Cumeri, out of all the people here you were the one to show the errors of my ways by using the word tw*t. And I must say after you explained it to me I understand how that word seemed from your perspective. This I thank you for because without your input I would have gone on and used that word forever.
yep, I needed a lot of patience to convince you that it is not good to use the tw*t word. You argued heavily with me about it, you thought you were right until the very last post from you in this topic.
However, I feel that sometimes you take the things I say to personally and most of those things are never directed towards you.
You are right, they are mostly not directed towards me personally, but this is because I don't tease you to offend me like some other people maybe do. But you, who you are calling others "boy" (which expresses you are more wise than the one you call this) react not very wise. Don't get too emotional only because some "boys" tease you. Be factually, don't offend others, don't tell big stories or try to express your thoughts with lyrics, which can be interpreted in very different ways, and for non english speaking people most of the lyrics are very hard to understand and for this even harder to interpret.
Be clear, tell us what you think, tell us your opinion. It can differ sooooo much from my opinion, I don't care. But write in a comprehendable way without beeing offending.
Now call me ignorant, or maybe just old, but don't you think there are much worse things to call someone other then boy? Also, isn't there more harsher things that one could convey themselves then through the use of the words like vile and weak? And also lets not forget the words dim bulb and dimwit too. I just don't see where you keep coming up with this stuff Cumeri. For these, so called, insults are rather tame.
I agree that these words are not that bad, but they still show no respect towards the person you talk to. I think when you talk to your mother you don't use these words. And I guess in real life you don't use these words in a conversation.
Now as to the "bad language" there was only one thread that I cussed up a storm on and was about lag - and that was because it was a senseless issue to talk about. It did no good and anyone who plays this game would know that NGD is taking the issue of lag very serious. The endless posts on this issue is stupid, hands down.
just because something is endless and senseless there is no need to use bad language. Especially you, who you call others "boy" should be able to control yourself.
Also, as I commented before, your very hypocritical when comes to looking at bad language. For you think it's alright in a comic because the cuss words used are in context that seems funny to you, while when they are not you claim fowl? Very short sighted CumeriTarenes.
A comic is a comic and nobody talks to nobody directly. Using these words in a serious discussion is realy another issue.
And then on top that you try to organize a lynching of me, or to have me banned from the boards?
No no, it is not directed towards you, you are just a symbol that stands for those, that use bad language. And as I said, hurting the agreement licences should be punished, isn't it? Why are there laws when you don't punish people who are breaking laws? This would make laws senceless.
You see, just like AwD and Tak, you attack me while yet looking at yourself as people who are pure from any wrong doing? How can you judge another for wrong, while yet you yourself are in the wrong?
I can judge you for beeing wrong because you hurt the laws. When you say you are not wrong, then you are going to say the law is wrong. Anyway, you claim that I judge you for beeing wrong and that I am wrong instead. So, how can you judge me for wrong, while yet yourself are in the wrong?
You see, it works the other way as well...
And because you do this it can only show one thing, that you hate me...
Hate is a feeling, and you cannot know what I feel. I don't hate you. Maybe you wish I would hate you, I don't know. But when I hate someone I will express these feelings then, and I doubt I did this. I don't hate you, I hate the way you hurt the agreement lisence because it shows no respect towards other human beeings. As soon as someone is on your side you show respect, you start to bless the persoan and you start to talk like a priest, in which you are educated (you know what I mean I think: May this happen and may that....)
But when there is someone who talks against your opinion you are telling: "Oh, how can you claim to tell the truth, boy." You as well as me and all others cannot claim to tell the truth, but everyone who is involved in a discussion has an own point of view. And everyone tries to defend this point of view, but sometimes you have to move your point of view. When nobody moves and everyone thinks he/she is right and the others are wrong it will end up in insults. Sometimes everyone has to admit that he/she was wrong. And only factuall arguments can convince others. As soon as you start to offend others, or as soon as you start to tease others too much, when you go too deep into their feelings you kill every discussion.
Now I talk to you as a normal person with no BS. You may disagree with these things, but this is the way I see it and have always seen. So...
Yes, thanks for talking to me as a normal person. i appreciate it and I think I did the same to you. I just wish you would always talk to everyone as a normal person without BS. This way you would show others respect, and you are respected by them as well. Sure, there are many quite young people here in the forums, but you as a more wise person should show your wisdom. Show them respect, even if they don't show it to you. They are young and have to learn, they should leran from you, how you handle people who are showing no respect to each other. They should not learn from you how to use bad language and how to offend others. You are well educated, you can show the community good ways to communicate with each other, you should be a good example. Don't go down to the level of people that show no respect or you are not better than them, you are even worse than them when you go down to their level, because you should know better, because you are more wise.
03-26-2008, 12:37 AM
yep, I needed a lot of patience to convince you that it is not good to use the tw*t word. You argued heavily with me about it, you thought you were right until the very last post from you in this topic....
LOL, well met CumeriTarenes!
Although I don't agree how you connect my use of that bad language and its ability thwart a serious discussion, because the only time that I choose to use such language is when inane subjects come up over and over on the boards; which being as such can only diminish the subject as being anything worth of value to totally turning all out rude towards NGD. And really, when you see me come unglued, like in the lag thread that is deleted, and use a lot of bad language (which was only once) its because people have forgotten the amount of effort it takes to make this game.
Now, I understand what you mean by how I offend others, by either teasing them to much or going "too deep into their feelings", but the reason that do that is because they know not the errors of their ways. And I realize what you are saying, that being that I am older and perhaps more educated that some how I should be able to tolerate this better then I do. But you should understand that even Jesus couldn't stand to be in front of people who act in full awareness of their ignorance to win an argument or are willing to deceive others to promote self-centered goals, how would you expect me to do so?
It's different to be ignorant of your own actions and then when someone points them out to you and you change, but its a very different story from not willing to consider the other person points and yet flame that person or precede in a matter and tone in which one believes they know what they are talking about, but don't. Or even what is worse, try to change the argument to something totally different or add things to it that wasn't originally there because they got far to deep into their own BS and don't know how to get out. It's these types of people, at least I feel, need to be shown the brutal reality of the errors in their thinking, for if not they will never know exactly how stupid they sound (not are, as individuals, but how they string thoughts together to create an argument). Also they will never learn that world doesn't revolve around them - meaning that what they perceive as reality is not absolute.
Which brings up a point that others state about me, and that is that people always think that I believe my ideas are absolute but this couldn't be future from the truth. For I have recanted a few times on my errors and even said sorry once, but who here has shown such humility to do the same towards me? Not one!
Now as to the idea of using me as a symbol, I must say that was rather clever, but by all means use me as such. For unlike others here I will not fear being risen to the occasion and allow judgement to take place on what I have said and done. However, with that said don't think lies wont go unnoticed or unchallenged. And speaking of such there are a great many here who choose to use such fodder to hasten a victory in such a judgement, don't think this also does not go unnoticed. Remember also the best laid plans of mice and men are best seen through the lens of time.
As you can see CumeriTarenes we differ greatly on these issues, but know that I thank you for taking the time to digest my words and deliberate on them before you responded to me; while at the same time speaking from your heart. This is what makes you stand out among the masses CumeriTarenes and also makes you a good person, not the master, of argument.
... Skatz1980 = Hell_bound... All of his posts in the other forums prove this, as he always mysteriously agreed and supported Hell_bound at every step of the way, but no one else ever did. Thanks for showing us who you are in-game loser...
LOL CumeriTarenes sorry but I have to do this:
Katiechan are you that stupid? Obviously you never looked at his post history to making such claims, such a dim bulb. Because of your blatant ignorance I'll point some out to you:
Let it be know that Skatz1980 also helped to reinforce CumeriTarenes' points on my use of the word tw*t. And if that were the case how can a house stand if it be divided against itself?
Perhaps you will do more research next time so you wont be seen as such a fool?
03-26-2008, 12:58 AM
... I would just like to point out that you not only come to defend Skatz for no reason, but also happen to conveniently have links to all of the posts that would that support such a defense. You are the stupid one here, sorry...
First of all I haven't defended him at all, or rather her (and I know that he is a she because of a post in the Inn that she left in a thread that I created).
Second about my speed in which I can find things, LOL, know that I'm not only an 'net pro but I also have a good memory and especially those that make me think.
And finally, Katiechan I'm really amazed that you would think this. Believe me I have no reason to use another account to speak for me or defend me. Those that choose to do so of their free will and only base it on what I say here, for none know my in game names here. This I assure you, dimwit!
03-26-2008, 01:00 AM
Normally I would not see this post but I was not logged in while browsing the forum, so I saw it.
I will reply just this once..
I would just like to point out that you not only come to defend Skatz for no reason, but also happen to conveniently have links to all of the posts that would that support such a defense. You are the stupid one here, sorry.
No one here falls for your little emo kid games anymore. Please leave forever.
I don't want to be the one stating the obvious, but he was arguing with her. I know this may sound down right insane, but can it be that a person can remember doing such things? I know I can't remember stuff I did ten days ago-- especially if it involves foul language. Oh well; carry on. Don't listen to ol' little not-grabbing-every-little-small-miniscule-and-completely-crazy-detail-and-blow-it-out-of-proportion-to-support-my-even-crazier-theory me here.
03-26-2008, 01:03 AM
This is actually just ridiculous on so many levels.
And now it seems pointless too, bah.
03-26-2008, 01:04 AM
Ah, yes. I forgot to add something: I can vouch for Skatz1980. I'm a proud member of her clan, Death or Glory, and I know her enough to say that's her. I know the way she types, and I know how she acts. This might be rather ironic, but don't be paranoid and go banana sandwich on innocent people.
03-26-2008, 01:07 AM
Oh really now?
You honestly expect others to believe that this is not you? It fits you in every way.
So yes, you do make multiple accounts to play games with people. And you do behave differently in some of them for the purpose of derailing others (notice how Skatz suddenly went from hating you to being a big fan :wiggle14: ).
It's well known tactics, because almost ever angsty little teen on the 'net does it at first.
You are such a loser.
Wow you really have lost your mind now man, for why would I post such a thing like that and then talk so highly of CumeriTarenes?
Man wow... Think what it is you want, but know when it concerns me your not only way off base, but living in a fantasy world.
03-26-2008, 01:17 AM
Ah, yes. I forgot to add something: I can vouch for Skatz1980. I'm a proud member of her clan, Death or Glory, and I know her enough to say that's her. I know the way she types, and I know how she acts. This might be rather ironic, but don't be paranoid and go banana sandwich on innocent people.
Thanxs long...but i did say they wud turn on me...this thread has gone way out of fecking what if i like hellbounds....he a cool guy...if anyone is being pathetic on this thread..its you guys who are dissing him..your just looking like idiots now...grow up..if you dont like him fine...but i do end of.. if you dont then moan to the moderators..thats what there there for..
03-26-2008, 01:18 AM
Don't just personally vouch, please provide physical evidence against all of my points and I'll honestly apologise.
Nothing wrong with it, but don't expect others to believe otherwise if even you don't have the proof...
I've stated plenty of reasons why it fits, I am interested in knowing why it does not? Besides your word.
Physical evidence...what you want my DNA too....ffs
Hmm ask that vouching enough....
03-26-2008, 01:20 AM
It's alot of 'disses' being dished out to everyone in this thread.
It's just a blame thread...
03-26-2008, 01:22 AM
Katiechan, I think Hell_bound and me made a quite good finish of this thread. But then you came here and blamed Hell_bound for something you don't know for sure.
Either you have real proves or you don't post something.
I realy think that Hell_bound is not Skatz1980. And to the person, that posted this bad link to offend me, well, there are always people that like little fights of bitching, and they did this to see me argueing with Hell_bound. Maybe it was the same person that gave valterbla bad karma in the name of Hell_bound.
Also you should think about the way you post Katiechan, just read my previous post and what i told about respect. Even towards people you don't like you should show respect, especcially to people you don't like.
Don't be so rude, I am glad I were able to convince Hell_bound to be not rude and you just started to tease him in an offending way.
Another point, don't think people who have an early join date and much post know always best, or that opinions from people that don't have high level characters are not important and that those people cannot bring up valid arguments. It is just just like with the tracking bug, where you wanted to hear opinions of forum veterans, where you did not believe me.
You should base your posts more on argumetns than on your feelings and vague statements.
Actually, when you read the whole thread you will notice, that something strange is going on in the forums, and you Katiechan helped to show this as well as many others.
03-26-2008, 01:24 AM
I honestly doubt any physical evidence could be provided to you through a typed, textual message. I can send you a package, if that's what you want, and you can palpate it to your delight. But being serious now, I can't suddenly pull out proof out of my *ssh*le (see? Doing good and keeping it PG-13 for all you squeamish individuals out there) to support my statement. I gave you what I have at this present time. I'm ranked Sagittarian in her clan Death or Glory and I always speak with her when I play. I know her.
This may be irrelevant, but I've been bashed with quite a lot of irony lately. "Plenty of reasons" just makes me laugh, for some reason unknown to me. Those aren't reasons. Those are, simply put, your erratic and unsound assumptions. Unless you can confirm this foolish theory of yours, it will remain always a foolish theory. Mere coincidences, pal. Those do exist, you know.
03-26-2008, 01:28 AM
... Actually, when you read the whole thread you will notice, that something strange is going on in the forums, and you Katiechan helped to show this as well as many others.
What do you mean by this?
03-26-2008, 01:29 AM
I think I just peed my pants? You just totally sided with Hell_bound. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay, have it your way. Since I'm just magically wrong, even though no one provided evidence, and because you closed up the topic by making best happy buddies with someone who you've flamed endlessly up until now, I really don't feel like hanging around in garbage like this anymore. I'll be taking a break from the forums for a while, bye.
Suddenly retiring from this discussion? "How quaint."
I just calmly replied to you, and I wish you to do the same. That is if you don't fear humilliation in the face of reality and reason. Hahaha! Reason... something you lack completely.
03-26-2008, 01:30 AM
Yeah, it's fun. :lol: But I'm not doing it out of spite. When they provide proper counter-evidence I'll stop.
Right now it's just "I'm not because I'm not" and ... "ask this person, ask that person".
Why is it so hard to just provide real evidence against the points that I made if they aren't true?
How very quaint.
Hey my chars are threefold return and me when you have the chance...
03-26-2008, 01:36 AM
How come every time I get sucked into a good conversation on these boards it gets drowned out by spam?
Blah, children!
03-26-2008, 01:40 AM
How come every time I get sucked into a good conversation on these boards it gets drowned out by spam?
Blah, children!
well thats the thing we were having a good happened...why did everyone jump on the band playing regnum...wiiii :horsey:
03-26-2008, 01:42 AM
How come every time I get sucked into a good conversation on these boards it gets drowned out by spam?
Blah, children!
Oh, please. Can you refrain from being so condescending, all mighty aged one, and get off that high horse of yours? Not everyone is spamming (NOTE: I'm not saying I'm not), and I'd appreciate if you would not promulgate your lousy ordeal in such an inclusive and obnoxious manner.
03-26-2008, 01:43 AM
well thats the thing we were having a good happened...why did everyone jump on the band playing regnum...wiiii :horsey:
I meant the conversation between CumeriTarenes and I. The rest of it was crap because it was me trying to defend myself from the haters.
Oh, please. Can you refrain from being so condescending, all mighty aged one, and get off that high horse of yours? Not everyone is spamming (NOTE: I'm not saying I'm not), and I'd appreciate if you would not promulgate your lousy ordeal in such an inclusive and obnoxious manner.
03-26-2008, 01:44 AM
I meant the conversation between CumeriTarenes and I. The rest of it was crap because it was me trying to defend myself from the haters.
Well that told me then..didnt it
03-26-2008, 01:46 AM
Well that told me then..didnt it
umm, come again?
03-26-2008, 01:48 AM
Amazing input; bravo! So profound. Keep up the good work, "boy."
03-26-2008, 01:49 AM
Amazing input; bravo! So profound. Keep up the good work, "boy."
LOL, surely you jest!
03-26-2008, 01:49 AM
I think I just peed my pants? You just totally sided with Hell_bound. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I didn't sided up, I am just objective and not biased like you seem to be.
Since I'm just magically wrong, despite all of the pieces fitting, and even though no one provided evidence, and because you closed up the topic by making best buddies with someone who you've flamed endlessly up until now, and who has treated you like total crap, I really don't feel like hanging around in garbage like this anymore.
this is what you want to see. I never flamed endlessly about Hell_bound, and he didn't treated me personally like total crap. In the end he even showed some respect towards me, something you should do towards your "enemies" too.
But you are right, it is garbage, and you just created it after I gave this thread a serious face again.
I'll leave you with this to remember how your new buddy treated you (posted of his own courtesy):
You call it to be a buddy when you agree with someone in one point? Just because I argued with Hell_bound a minute before I cannot have the same opinion like he on an other issue? I am not biased, I have my own opinion, and not always the same opinion than my buddies or always another opinion than my "enemies". This is called factuall and objective.
Maybe you realy should take a little break, you are way toooo engaged in this issue ;)
What do you mean by this?
just look in the trhead, or just look in the last pages of this thread, how many senceless posts there are, posts without arguments, spamming, offending posts, not logically posts, posts which tell biased opinions...all this is happening every day in the forums. And this makes it hard to read, and people who realy have something to say don't say it because they are afraid of other people reaction. This makes it also hard for NGD to read the forums and to get where the real problems the game has, are.
03-26-2008, 01:50 AM
I don't need attention, I get enough of that in real life. However, I came here to fight against the BS that is spread against me, while I was gone.
But being the dim bulb you are I bet you approve of people attacking others while they are not here?
LOL! Right like i keep responding to everyone to prove a small point. You spend too much time in the computer, get some sunshine you douche
Not here? Do you not linger here every 5 seconds of your life? Based the posts that you acquired, I can see you do.
03-26-2008, 01:50 AM
I assure you, my good man, I do not. That truly was a ground-breaking statement. It even brought tears to my eyes.
03-26-2008, 01:51 AM
umm, come again?
03-26-2008, 01:55 AM
The funny part is people actually took my posts for earnest. :)
Even though they were just random garbage I was spewing, and this would've been obvious if you knew me.
I figured with everyone spamming the forums lately and flaming legitimate "complaining", I'd contribute a little.
I just wanted to get a taste of what it is that you all seem to find so ... fascinating.
Hope you all had fun. :wub2: Can we quit polluting the forums now?
I laughed. From being fully backed-up and flawless comments, they promptly turned into humorous garbage to entertain you. You truly are a cowardly hypocrite.
03-26-2008, 01:56 AM
It's called knowing when to stop.
03-26-2008, 01:57 AM
... just look in the trhead, or just look in the last pages of this thread, how many senceless posts there are, posts without arguments, spamming, offending posts, not logically posts, posts which tell biased opinions...all this is happening every day in the forums. And this makes it hard to read, and people who realy have something to say don't say it because they are afraid of other people reaction. This makes it also hard for NGD to read the forums and to get where the real problems the game has, are.
Ah now the truth comes out, and also why you would hold me up as a symbol for a lot of this.
But you are right. Flaming is not the way to make a community more active, it either creates a reactive community or a disengaged one.
And the same goes for illogical arguments, for most of the time they make people just disengage or just start flaming.
And yes, I am guilty of this.
LOL! Right like i keep responding to everyone to prove a small point. You spend too much time in the computer, get some sunshine you douche
Not here? Do you not linger here every 5 seconds of your life? Based the posts that you acquired, I can see you do.
In light of the evidence pointed out to me by CumeriTarenes, I'll refrain from responding to this...
03-26-2008, 02:00 AM
I am being completely honest about it. Yes, I did plan it, although I made to make up alot of it as I went along.
No "physical evidence" (hahaha!), no service. Sorry, but you're still a cowardly hypocrite.
It's called knowing when to stop.
There is not stop to a discussion until an impasse is reached.
03-26-2008, 02:00 AM
Rock on, great songs! And I totally believe in Cobain, or what was Cobain ;(.
03-26-2008, 02:01 AM
There is not stop to a discussion until an impasse is reached.
Yes, read up.
Stop polluting the forums with this jargon.
03-26-2008, 02:04 AM
Yes, read up.
Stop polluting the forums with this jargon.
I'm afraid you haven't fully grasped what I meant. Both sides do not agree, in this case being Katiechan and myself. You can't just suddenly back out of the discussion with the ridiculous reason of all of it being a joke to you. Sorry Al Gore, but I will continue to express my opinion as long as I can.
03-26-2008, 02:07 AM
But I will continue to express my opinion as long as I can.
Good for you :wiggle14:
03-26-2008, 02:08 AM
Rock on, great songs! And I totally believe in Cobain, or what was Cobain ;(.
You are quite.. an enigma..interesting..
03-26-2008, 02:17 AM
You're missing the morale of the story: The rest of the thread, and all of these threads, is the same damn thing.
It is all just a joke to everyone, there is no point to it all.
And yes, I attacked someone. So do 90% of people in 90% of other threads... why do people do this?
At least my reason wasn't legitimate, although I tried to make it seem so, but in all other cases it is, and it sucks.
In truth I 100% agreed with CT in the whole of this thread, the forums have been uter nonsense lately.
And it pisses me off that in other threads, we have people like Edge flaming us for 100% legitimate debates.
Valour: Again I apologise for the drama. I'll stop here... under the hope that some peoples got the point. :nunchaku:
Blah blah
Drama drama drama....
Listen to might chill you out...
No "physical evidence" (hahaha!), no service. Sorry, but you're still a cowardly hypocrite.
There is not stop to a discussion until an impasse is reached.
Discussion? This is NOT a discussion, it is a flame war, now stop!
03-26-2008, 03:59 AM
Discussion? This is NOT a discussion, it is a flame war, now stop!
Yep...that it is..
03-26-2008, 04:38 AM
I'm not even going to bother reading the 6 new pages of crap that is this topic.
I'm not even going to bother reading the 6 new pages of crap that is this topic.
That would be wise :P
03-26-2008, 05:01 AM
That would be wise :P
I noticed it when I wasted my time reading more than 80 posts in a row to find out this was just a flame.
03-26-2008, 10:56 AM
He will continue to provoke people into arguing with him until people learn to not fall for it. And there's a few on this board that are just as guilty as he.
03-26-2008, 12:54 PM
OK I just read the new pages and I want those 10 minutes of my life back! Incredible bullshit drama going on here... Since I can't possibly get those 10 mins of my life back, I'll make you lose (at least) 10 more minutes. My turn to spill some shit over here. Thanks for understanding.
Thanxs long...but i did say they wud turn on me...this thread has gone way out of fecking what if i like hellbounds....he a cool guy...if anyone is being pathetic on this thread..its you guys who are dissing him..your just looking like idiots now...grow up..if you dont like him fine...but i do end of.. if you dont then moan to the moderators..thats what there there for..
Let's go!
For Skatz: Well, from what I read on the forums of your tastes in men, I am not surprised that you find a sociopath like Hell Bound cool; Hell Bound, do not give your password away :imstupid:. (now, is this gonna get even more out of control?).
For Hell Bound: you did dig for shit right from the start, why are you so surprised at the result?
For Katiechan: Too bad, but Skatz and Hell Bound are two different person, you fail :p. Nice retractal though :D.
Flame on. This is what you get for wasting those precious computer cycles, think of the environment, each time you post a trash comment, Al Gore earns a penny.
Or more like: :closed1:
03-26-2008, 12:56 PM
OK I just read the new pages and I want those 10 minutes of my life back! Incredible bullshit drama going on here... Since I can't possibly get those 10 mins of my life back, I'll make you lose (at least) 10 more minutes. My turn to spill some shit over here. Thanks for understanding.
Let's go!
For Skatz: Well, from what I read on the forums of your tastes in men, I am not surprised that you find a sociopath like Hell Bound cool; Hell Bound, do not give your password away :imstupid:. (now, is this gonna get even more out of control?).
For Hell Bound: you did dig for shit right from the start, why are you so surprised at the result?
For Katiechan: Too bad, but Skatz and Hell Bound are two different person, you fail :p. Nice retractal though :D.
Flame on. This is what you get for wasting those precious computer cycles, think of the environment, each time you post a trash comment, Al Gore earns a penny.
Or more like: :closed1:
My tastes in has that got to do with anything...personal attacks now...puhleeze...!!! Oh and the password have no idea...
Lastly me and Katie resolved the issue...nice girl..cant say the same for you tho..
03-26-2008, 01:08 PM
My tastes in has that got to do with anything...personal attacks now...puhleeze...!!! Oh and the password have no idea...
It has nothing to do with anything. I'm just being a jerk. I'm waiting for your clan mates to come over and flame my poor ass :).
Lastly me and Katie resolved the issue...nice girl..cant say the same for you tho..
Indeed, I am no nice girl. :beerchug:
/me sets himself to smartass trolling mode. Hail to Hell Bound my master!
03-26-2008, 01:13 PM
But Alsius' nice girls are the worst... they have so much body hair...
Don't ask me how I know that. :mf_hide:
Yeah but thanks to that they have no need to stuff their bras :p.
Mammary glands - wo wo! Mother nature's dairy delight
You can't make cream or butter cause it's just a human udder
And a natural mammalian sight.
Do you wanna pay to take a peek
At what drives men insane?
Well they're in anthro books galore and I'm
Just sure that you'll adore 'em,
Even cave women have the same two simple
The men decided that a certain shape
Stands out more than the rest
Well they made such a major issue
Women stuff their bras with tissue,
Thrust shoulders back to look their best, show off their
If you're more than 36, you are desirable
So don't be shy, they'll pay
For once you finally sold out, you may get a center foldout
They dig your dugs, you're on the way, with famous
It's a multimillion dollar enterprise
But no one know what it's about
If we'd think before we'd buy it
We'd bust the myth, we would defy it
And we might stand up and shout, "They're only"
03-26-2008, 01:17 PM
... For Hell Bound: you did dig for shit right from the start, why are you so surprised at the result?
LOL, your such a wanker. For I have no need to dig anything, for what I express and say has always been with me, which I cannot say the same for you or others that need to prove themselves against me!
... Hail to Hell Bound my master!
Yes, and don't you forget it boy; now back to your cave!
03-26-2008, 01:21 PM
It has nothing to do with anything. I'm just being a jerk. I'm waiting for your clan mates to come over and flame my poor ass :).
Indeed, I am no nice girl. :beerchug:
/me sets himself to smartass trolling mode. Hail to Hell Bound my master!
Hmmm i have better things to do...but thanxs for the invitation all the same :)
Strangely its turning me on... LOL :wiggle14:
03-26-2008, 01:22 PM
But Alsius' nice girls are the worst... they have so much body hair...
Don't ask me how I know that. :mf_hide:
How do you know that...baldness is the way forward...just not on my head
03-26-2008, 01:24 PM
<SurakSmiley> ¬_¬ </SurakSmiley>
Cute, but... ( (
SPAM....hmmm yummy to eat...
03-26-2008, 01:31 PM
LOL, your such a wanker. For I have no need to dig anything, for what I express and say has always been with me, which I cannot say the same for you or others that need to prove themselves against me!
Mwhahaha! :D. You don't need to dig shit because it has always been with you? I understand your troubled mind, please pay no mind to my previous posts, I should be compassionate :razz:
And who would try to prove themselves against you? You know very well it's doomed for failure, no one can surpass your almighty spirit, Lord! Amen.
Yes, and don't you forget it boy; now back to your cave!
Only if you come with me, I wish to introduce you to my Hell Puppies :wub2:
03-26-2008, 01:33 PM
This thread proved itself, this thread, the whole forum is full of senceless posts. Just look in this thread, or just look in the last pages of this thread, how many senceless posts there are, posts without arguments, spamming, offending posts, not logically posts, posts which tell biased opinions...all this is happening every day in the forums. And this makes it hard to read, and people who realy have something to say don't say it because they are afraid of other people reaction. This makes it also hard for NGD to read the forums and to get where the real problems the game has, are.
It makes me sick to see so many stupid posts in the forum, so many posts without sence. But I don't blame the players for it, it is NGD...NGD has to react, they have to moderate the forum. They cannot save money in public relations issues just to fix problems they created them selve, like lag and bugs.
Just look on the guy that posted that bad link to offend me in another thread.. I reported it, I wrote a quite big text why I feel insulted by it, and in which points it is hurting the agreement license. The user is not banned is rather poor
03-26-2008, 01:37 PM
The spamming that goes on here needs to stop. Also when making comments to magnet, realize I don't really care anymore.
If I learned anything from being on these boards, it's that most here have a very very small mind.
Go ahead, I'll give you the right to, flame me. I don't care anymore!
But really should stop spamming, for if not for the fact that it makes you look dumb, but also childish.
/Hell_bound now goes back to his cave
Oh and CumeriTarenes, I feel your pain; however, I think I really am going to leaves these forms now. Really other then you and maybe one or two others here, the conversations have been nothing but poo.
Peace CumeriTarenes and hope life blesses you with all that her bounty is willing to give.
/Hell_bound now seals up the entrance to his cave
03-26-2008, 02:31 PM
Thats funny
03-26-2008, 03:32 PM
/As Hell_bound puts the last rock in place to seal up his cave he thinks to himself
/Looking around he scribbles on piece of paper, then when finished ties it to his pet falcon and releases the falcon to spread the message that he wrote
/The falcon flew for many days and through wear and tare, the message it did fall
/Laying there under the sun, in a wooded place, a child picks up the message and reads it
/After reading it the child now knows what his task is to do
/So armed with Hell_bound's message and the password to these forms, the child now gives to you the message that Hell_bound wanted you know
/Let it also be known that this child here has gone to the cave that houses Hell_bound
/And this child here can verify that Hell_bound is now sealed in his cave
/May Hell_bound descend to where he came from and stay there eternally
/May life now begin anew!
03-26-2008, 03:46 PM
The child was never seen or heard of again.
Somebody calls the Police!
03-26-2008, 04:11 PM
Wow, I haven't read this thread for 2 days, then come back to find it is a mile long.
I have a suggestion, everyone. Add Hell_bound and scatz1980 to your Ignore list, like I did, and stop replying. I added Hell_bound because he added no useful content to any threads, just insults, mindless drivel, and posting lyrics that someone else wrote. I added scatz to my ignore list for pretty much the same reason: not adding any useful content. Now I can read through forums easily, reading only the posts from those that post useful info.
I did the same thing with Valorius months ago, since his posts were 90% self-worship or insulting others. It makes the forum experience far more pleasant and useful.
03-26-2008, 04:27 PM
Wow, I haven't read this thread for 2 days, then come back to find it is a mile long.
I have a suggestion, everyone. Add Hell_bound and scatz1980 to your Ignore list, like I did, and stop replying. I added Hell_bound because he added no useful content to any threads, just insults, mindless drivel, and posting lyrics that someone else wrote. I added scatz to my ignore list for pretty much the same reason: not adding any useful content. Now I can read through forums easily, reading only the posts from those that post useful info.
I did the same thing with Valorius months ago, since his posts were 90% self-worship or insulting others. It makes the forum experience far more pleasant and useful.
Ignores Octopus...... you are insulting others now...
I would rather not ignore anyone... that would possible make me miss out on something cool in the future...:closed1:
03-26-2008, 04:29 PM
Yep... all the insulting and flaming in the forums really started to make me mad everytime i read here..
Can't we all just get along :D
We need to have an in-game group hug event
03-26-2008, 04:34 PM
Now I'm starting to play planeshift, I read some critics as it about this game, but I don't see there the problems that you describe.
[If you don't want to hear about the train-wreck called Planeshift, skip this post]
I think the key word is "starting" to play planeshift. It takes time to see the crap that I saw on Planeshift. Well, the lag, jerky graphics and clumsy controls are immediately apparent, but most of the reasons I left are not instantly visible, such as:
Slow progress:
I started playing Planeshift over 3 years ago. At that time, 7 races all used the same female model, because they hadn't made the models yet. Three years later... they have only added 1 model, so STILL 6 completely different races all look the same.
Three years ago, the version was 0.3.11. Just a few weeks ago they released version 0.4. At that rate, it will be 18 to 20 years before it is version 1.0. LOL!
The server has always been highly unstable. It was a miracle if the Planeshift server stayed up for 2 hours straight. And half the time the server was up, the "npc server" was borked, meaning that mobs were stationary statues that could not more or be attacked.
There are over 200 spells in Regnum. 98% of them work, and most of them are useful. Planeshift has around 20 spells, half of which do not work at all. The other half are way underpowered. Many are bugged. For example, the Darkness spell is supposed to put a dark cloud over your victim's head, impeding vision. Instead, it puts a dark cloud over the casters' head! LOL! It's been like that for YEARS!
Magic is way underpowered in Planeshift. You can get your magic to level 100, but you will lose in a fight against someone with a skill of 20 in sword or dagger.
There is a huge lack of variety in the game. There are only three types of armor, and everyone looks EXACTLY like everyone else who is wearing the same type of armor. As a result, all higher level characters look the same. There are only a handful of weapon models: One staff, four swords, one dagger, two axes. No variety at all.
The game world is horrible. There is a command called "/unstick" that you will need to use often, since you will regularly get stuck in glitches in the world. The only way out is /unstick or suicide. Half the time /unstick doesn't work, so you'll have to kill yourself... and when you die, all your stats go to 50% for 20 to 30 minutes!!
The forum moderators will delete any posts that say anything negative about Planeshift, even valid complaints posted in the Complaints section. This is a major contributor to their lack of progress, since the developers prefer to keep their heads stuck in the sand and ignore the major bugs.
I could go on, but for a more complete list of the long-term problems of Planeshift, here's a detailed review:
03-26-2008, 04:39 PM
[If you don't want to hear about the train-wreck called Planeshift, skip this post]
I think the key word is "starting" to play planeshift. It takes time to see the crap that I saw on Planeshift. Well, the lag, jerky graphics and clumsy controls are immediately apparent, but most of the reasons I left are not instantly visible, such as:
Slow progress:
I started playing Planeshift over 3 years ago. At that time, 7 races all used the same female model, because they hadn't made the models yet. Three years later... they have only added 1 model, so STILL 6 completely different races all look the same.
Three years ago, the version was 0.3.11. Just a few weeks ago they released version 0.4. At that rate, it will be 18 to 20 years before it is version 1.0. LOL!
The server has always been highly unstable. It was a miracle if the Planeshift server stayed up for 2 hours straight. And half the time the server was up, the "npc server" was borked, meaning that mobs were stationary statues that could not more or be attacked.
There are over 200 spells in Regnum. 98% of them work, and most of them are useful. Planeshift has around 20 spells, half of which do not work at all. The other half are way underpowered. Many are bugged. For example, the Darkness spell is supposed to put a dark cloud over your victim's head, impeding vision. Instead, it puts a dark cloud over the casters' head! LOL! It's been like that for YEARS!
Magic is way underpowered in Planeshift. You can get your magic to level 100, but you will lose in a fight against someone with a skill of 20 in sword or dagger.
There is a huge lack of variety in the game. There are only three types of armor, and everyone looks EXACTLY like everyone else who is wearing the same type of armor. As a result, all higher level characters look the same. There are only a handful of weapon models: One staff, four swords, one dagger, two axes. No variety at all.
The game world is horrible. There is a command called "/unstick" that you will need to use often, since you will regularly get stuck in glitches in the world. The only way out is /unstick or suicide. Half the time /unstick doesn't work, so you'll have to kill yourself... and when you die, all your stats go to 50% for 20 to 30 minutes!!
The forum moderators will delete any posts that say anything negative about Planeshift, even valid complaints posted in the Complaints section. This is a major contributor to their lack of progress, since the developers prefer to keep their heads stuck in the sand and ignore the major bugs.
I could go on, but for a more complete list of the long-term problems of Planeshift, here's a detailed review:
i would suggest rakion.... its always fun :dance: im crossing players form there to here as well...
03-26-2008, 04:53 PM
well, I don't know if I should take the system of a down thing into account, oh well, I got a nice song out of it XD Tenacious D ftw
03-26-2008, 04:58 PM
i would suggest rakion.... its always fun :dance: im crossing players form there to here as well...
No Linux client is a deal-breaker for me.
03-26-2008, 05:06 PM
No Linux client is a deal-breaker for me.
snoochy boochy
03-26-2008, 05:07 PM
Wow, I haven't read this thread for 2 days, then come back to find it is a mile long.
I have a suggestion, everyone. Add Hell_bound and scatz1980 to your Ignore list, like I did, and stop replying. I added Hell_bound because he added no useful content to any threads, just insults, mindless drivel, and posting lyrics that someone else wrote. I added scatz to my ignore list for pretty much the same reason: not adding any useful content. Now I can read through forums easily, reading only the posts from those that post useful info.
I did the same thing with Valorius months ago, since his posts were 90% self-worship or insulting others. It makes the forum experience far more pleasant and useful.
Good luck having me on ignore seeing as you cant even spell my name right..hmm and im (gonna be) on ignore cos i like hell bounds.... his posts are far more interesting to read than yours...get over yourself..this post is cattle fodder..:closed1:
P.s im in the same league as thanxs for the compliment...<takes a bow>
03-26-2008, 06:12 PM
Good luck having me on ignore seeing as you cant even spell my name right..hmm and im (gonna be) on ignore cos i like hell bounds.... his posts are far more interesting to read than yours...get over yourself..this post is cattle fodder...
P.s im in the same league as thanxs for the compliment...<takes a bow>
/The spirit of Hell_bound rises up from its slumber and speaks in a soft voice to all in Regnum, yet also specifically to Skatz1980
/Speaking softly, but with authority that even the strongest demons did take notice:
Did I not say that the children of Regnum know not why they attack? Let this be the proof for you and from it may you know the truth and may it shine within you forever more!
/And with that a wind blew and there was silence again
03-26-2008, 07:48 PM
/The spirit of Hell_bound rises up from its slumber and speaks in a soft voice to all in Regnum, yet also specifically to Skatz1980
/Speaking softly, but with authority that even the strongest demons did take notice:
Did I not say that the children of Regnum know not why they attack? Let this be the proof for you and from it may you know the truth and may it shine within you forever more!
/And with that a wind blew and there was silence again
You definitely have a way with words, mesmerising....well i agree, attacking for the sake of attacking, but hey...i still thought you were cool, we had a our disagreements, but your words hold meaning, hence why i became a fan in the first place, keep on rocking !
:wiggle14: :wiggle14: :wiggle14:
03-26-2008, 08:40 PM
Please, move this to the inn as it doesn't have any relation with the game itself.
PS: I'm still dizzy of travelling in the bus, so sorry if I typoed something.
03-26-2008, 08:57 PM
Please, move this to the inn as it doesn't have any relation with the game itself.
read the first post
The basic statement of this thread is:
the forums are moderated in a strange way the last days.
As I pointed out a few times already, this thread proved this very good, everybody can talk about what he/she wants...there is no moderation.
I made a thread to make NGD aware of the bad moderation in forums, then even this thread is abused because there is no moderation. And now you come here and want it to be moved to the inn because it is not related to aspects of Regnm Online. The very first post in this thread is related to regnum, isn't it?
When you want to move every thread in which people spam and go offtopic you have to move almost every thread from all boards to the inn.
Imagine I post a serious game error and other people are going off topic in this thread and spam it with senceless posts. Is it a good solution to move the whole thread to the inn then?
03-26-2008, 09:12 PM
I saw Surak log into forums today for the 1st time since the 19th of March.
03-26-2008, 09:35 PM
I saw Surak log into forums today for the 1st time since the 19th of March.
Vr1, who is responsible for the english forum and especially for the general discussion board was last activ: 03-12-2008 02:48 PM
So, no wonder...
Every user who registers an account to join the game/forum has to agree to the terms of use. When you have to agree with them, then NGD is responsible to make sure the users don't break these rules in my opinion.
Of course NGD is in no way liable for things people are posting here, but NGD is liable to care about the abidance by the rules every user has to agree with.
If not the terms of use are useless and absurd.
03-27-2008, 03:21 PM
Vr1, who is responsible for the english forum and especially for the general discussion board was last activ: 03-12-2008 02:48 PM
So, no wonder...
Every user who registers an account to join the game/forum has to agree to the terms of use. When you have to agree with them, then NGD is responsible to make sure the users don't break these rules in my opinion.
Of course NGD is in no way liable for things people are posting here, but NGD is liable to care about the abidance by the rules every user has to agree with.
If not the terms of use are useless and absurd.
Are you telling me ive broken rules..and if i have which ones...please let me know...if i have to apologise for something i will gladly do so...cos i cant see that i have..other than to ask what everyones problem with hell_bounds is..
03-27-2008, 03:26 PM
Are you telling me ive broken rules..and if i have which ones...please let me know...if i have to apologise for something i will gladly do so...cos i cant see that i have..other than to ask what everyones problem with hell_bounds is..
dear Skatz1980,
are you telling me ive said you broke rules...and if i which ones...please let me know...if i have to apologise for something i will gladly do so...cos i cant see that i have...other than to talk about not-moderated forums
03-27-2008, 03:35 PM
Are you telling me ive broken rules..and if i have which ones...please let me know...if i have to apologise for something i will gladly do so...cos i cant see that i have..other than to ask what everyones problem with hell_bounds is..
Skatz I think he is talking about my behavior mostly. So you don't have to fear about yourself...
Though, I would like to state that if my behavior is to be used as the "symbol" of what not to do, surely I'm not the only one to engage in this behavior...
03-27-2008, 03:37 PM
dear Skatz1980,
are you telling me ive said you broke rules...and if i which ones...please let me know...if i have to apologise for something i will gladly do so...cos i cant see that i have...other than to talk about not-moderated forums
How childish...
the title sums this thread up perfectly
03-27-2008, 03:55 PM
How childish...
the title sums this thread up perfectly
Interesting Skatz, for the lyrics do follow a line of thinking that can be perceived in CT's behavior. The lyrics if anyone is willing to read:
Extreme ways are back again
Extreme places I didn’t know
I broke everything new again
Everything that I’d owned
I threw it out the windows, came along
Extreme ways I know, will part
The colors of my sea
Perfect color me
Extreme ways that help me
They help me out late at night
Extreme places I had gone
But never seen any light
Dirty basements dirty noise
Dirty places coming through
Extreme worlds alone
Did you ever like it planned
I would stand in line for this
There’s always room in life for this
Oh babe, oh babe
Then it fell apart it fell apart
Extreme songs have told me
They held me down every night
I didn’t have much to say
I didn’t give up the light
I closed my eyes and closed myself
And closed my world and never opened
Up to anything
That could get me at all
I had to close down everything
I had to close down my mind
Too many things to cut me
Too much can make me blind
I’ve seen so much in so many places
So many heartaches so many faces
So many dirty things
You couldn’t even believe
I would stand in line for this
It’s always good in life for this
Oh babe, oh babe
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Fell apart oh babe .. it fell apart
Oh babe it fell apart
It fell apart
Could you say my name
Say it again
You know I can
Oh, you know I can
Oh babe, oh babe
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Like it always does, always does
03-27-2008, 04:00 PM
Interesting Skatz, for the lyrics do follow a line of thinking that can be perceived in CT's behavior. The lyrics if anyone is willing to read:
Again, a random choice hell_bounds i was listening to it whilst reading that post......i must have a gift..xD
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