View Full Version : Best dueling class
04-09-2008, 08:25 PM
What do you think the best dueling (1vs1) class is in the arena and wz?
04-09-2008, 08:28 PM
A knight...we own
04-09-2008, 08:42 PM
a knight, is beautiful fighting with a knight
Conjurers :D
Mana burn gets right on my tits.
04-09-2008, 09:20 PM
Warlocks. They do high damage and they can steal hp from their opponents.
04-09-2008, 09:25 PM
Knights, hunters
04-09-2008, 09:58 PM
1v1 in the warzone hunters are awesome; however, due to size limit of the arena and we can't use pets there.....we suck in the arena...
04-09-2008, 10:00 PM
I have to say hunter, but i'm a little biased... :)
knight, u ll never know who will win till the last hp...
04-09-2008, 10:37 PM
I like to pvp hunters if I can get ready for confuse properly :p (my personal favourite).
Knights I also like to pvp as they are a big challenge and involve alot of keeping them away from you ^^ Same for barbarians (eep south cross and mind squasher)
Other conjurers can also be good fun :D
04-09-2008, 11:15 PM
The best? Id probably say a good warlock that knows their class is deadly 1 vs 1.
My favourite... Probably mages in general. They're not much trouble with Unstoppable Madness :razz:
04-10-2008, 12:01 AM
warjurer but imleft out of options like trainers in fisgael so i picked conjurers, i think we all know my reasons
04-10-2008, 01:54 AM
I voted for marksmen because they have a huge range (so they can dizzy before in range), they have a high evasion AND a high chance to resist spells.. Every spell which is not evaded seems to get resisted :s
Plus... They do hell of a lot damage :p
By Duel, do you mean an organised PvP? Every opponent starts off in a clear area 40m apart etc. ? In that case warlock due to Mind Push and a ton of mental spells as well as some pretty good DoT's especially under infuriate. If it's just a fight anywhere then I'd say marksman.
04-10-2008, 09:36 AM
A hunter with a pet will typically crush a marksman, but struggles in other ways. Once the pet is lost he is very weak.
A hunter with confuse will typically crush a conjuror, but one without confuse will find it very hard to finish him off. Give a hunter confuse and a pet, and this is a total mismatch.
A hunter with caltrips arrow or hinder can typically handle a barb/knight 'reasonably' easily, as long as you get some degree of luck.
A hunter with lvl 5 spell elude, lvl 5 acrobat, and lvl 5 defensive tactics will give a warlock fits. Having a pet vs a warlock often actually works against you.
It all depends on your setup.
If a hunter with a pet casts high lvl knockdown and stunfist on me, then I'm probably dead (on my warlock).
If he has a lower damaging pet (Ignean orc for example) I usually get an advantage - pets make excellent hp suppliers :D
04-10-2008, 10:36 AM
Against warlock if you can evade the first so predictable meteor with ambush. They are dead in less than 10s. And Pets help greatly IMHO.
04-10-2008, 03:27 PM
Barbarian or Warlock PvP's :)
04-10-2008, 03:49 PM
Mana burn gets right on my tits.
You have tits? :wiggle14:
04-10-2008, 04:06 PM
Continuing (or referencing Val's post)
A hunter with a pet (that knows how to use his|her pet) will (in a 1v1 fight) win in probably 90% of the cases. If the hunter is configured correctly they will deliver maximum damage given that they use Bestial Wrath and Skin of the Beast. If a hunter uses these two skills in addition with max short bow skills and tricks to lvl 11 - they will win.
Bestial wrath on an Ignean Orc Grunt delivers 600+ hits with criticals in the 700s. Skin of the Beast has 100% protection for the pet at lvl 5. I've used this in a few test pvp's and never lost. The configuration I used was:
Pets lvl 19 (used bestial wrath lvl 5 and skin of beast on lvl 1)
Short Bows lvl 19 (lvl 5 dual and lvl 5 tear apart)
Evasion lvl 19 (max acro, elude, evasive tactics, reflexes, sotw lvl 3)
Remaining in tricks...
That was a good config for pvp but shite for much else because besital wrath lvl 5 and skin of the beast lvl 1 chew up A TON of mana and are not very realistic for hunting....
You have tits? :wiggle14:
Ink, for the right price, I can have whatever you want.
04-10-2008, 04:19 PM
Marks and hunters i would have to say REALLY get on my nerves..
Mind you, for any range class if ur dizzy and a warlock casts wind wall you have very bad luck will dizzy OR windwall run out ^^
04-10-2008, 04:21 PM
Warjurer and Barbarian.
04-10-2008, 08:30 PM
Does skin of the beast protect vs soulkeeper and energy drain as well? I honestly don't know.
04-11-2008, 12:26 AM
Does skin of the beast protect vs soulkeeper and energy drain as well? I honestly don't know.
It doesn't protect from it - however, ever since hunters were allowed to tame lvl 51 mobs I saw my Ignean Orc Grunt resist Soulkeeper and vamp SEVERAL times.
04-11-2008, 01:26 AM
The Grunt didnt impress me much when i was using it the past few days. Dies way too easy even with performance 1 and Skin of the beast 1 cast.
It's good 1 vs 1 (really good vs other lvl 50 hunters because of it's blunt attack), but in any kind of decent sized battle, it's pretty sucky.
04-11-2008, 01:31 AM
The Grunt didnt impress me much when i was using it the past few days. Dies way too easy even with performance 1 and Skin of the beast 1 cast.
It's good 1 vs 1 (really good vs other lvl 50 hunters because of it's blunt attack), but in any kind of decent sized battle, it's pretty sucky.
Aye, sadly they have forced hunters to make a decision.
1. Be a really good hunter and use a pet
2. Be a really good hunter and fight with a group
One config is with pets, the other is without. This is sad but quite true....
I had about 3 different configurations I used one with pet, one just shorts and lots of camo, and one with longs and max tricks...
04-11-2008, 01:37 AM
A hunter with lvl 19 tricks is flat out awesome in group and fort battles, but is extremely limited in 1 vs 1s (except evading or pursuing)
It's all a compromise.
04-11-2008, 02:30 AM
I'll say warlock because its a death trap for other people marks dont have the advantage to move back<opps bumped into the wall> so yeah if warlock has you on the corner you can pretty much say ur dead, and using a warlock is based on a lot of tactic, even with the little space a mind push lvl 4 can kill any warrior unless resited/blocked
04-11-2008, 05:09 AM
Meh, i dunno. I can and have stood in front of a whole pack of warlocks and shrugged off spell after spell when protected by lvl 5 spell elude, acrobat, defensive tactics...not to mention SOTW.
I'm sure vs other classes, they're a lot more terrifying. :-P
A warlock vs. barb under beserk in the open field and the barb has no chance. None at all, unless he is *extremely* lucky. This is the case whether unstoppable madness is used or not. The warlock just needs 1 key spell...
04-11-2008, 07:00 AM
MARKS with sotw 5, acro 5, spell elude 5, confuse 4, recharged 5, decent dex and conc can usually outlast a hunter if rng is even on both sides.
04-11-2008, 11:23 AM
A warlock vs. barb under beserk in the open field and the barb has no chance. None at all, unless he is *extremely* lucky. This is the case whether unstoppable madness is used or not. The warlock just needs 1 key spell...
A Barb would be stupid to use Berserk, because he needs all his Evasion against a Warlock.
A barb will kill a Warlock any day with Unstoppable + TFB. How it works:
Charge with Unstoppable/Frenzy/Caution. At first Mind Push, Cast spiritual blow.
If the next mind push is evaded, just rape the Warlock.
If not, cast Howl if you're close enough. Then watch warlock die.
Simple enough :).
Best par:t Works even with MoD.
Even simpler, if you're in range, stun them with your long range stun then charge in, knock down, kill :)
04-11-2008, 02:20 PM
Yeah, one thing that's overlooked is that barbs actually have a pretty damn potent area attack too- with a knockdown feature.
04-11-2008, 02:23 PM
Yeah, one thing that's overlooked is that barbs actually have a pretty damn potent area attack too- with a knockdown feature.
Well considering how obvious it is when warriors cast areas, how easy it is for any class to get out of range, and that it takes 3s to cast and 500 mana, no it's not overlooked, it simply sucks at PvP. Deafening roar is way better for that.
But as I said it's better to dizzy a Warlock before knock... Because the opposite is tricky in timing...
04-11-2008, 02:25 PM
It's not very good for pvp- as is the case for any of the 3 second cast time area attacks for any class, but it is -extremely- good in battles.
04-11-2008, 02:53 PM
It's not very good for pvp- as is the case for any of the 3 second cast time area attacks for any class, but it is -extremely- good in battles.
Well of course it is.... but isn't that thread "best dueling class"? Btw it's a warrior spells, Knights can have it too. Actually it's better if a Knight uses Lightning Strike lv 5 then a Barb typhoon lv 5...
04-11-2008, 02:56 PM
Mana stealing + healing + barrier + sanctuary
It can take a long time to win against a conj.
04-12-2008, 10:44 PM
Mana stealing + healing + barrier + sanctuary
It can take a long time to win against a conj.
Hihi darkness is so awesome :wub2:
For me knights... there are very challenging if they use well their buff. I was the only spectator of a fight Ferraje (jailed into herbred held by Ignis) vs DF... Like a fool i just watched the fight for 10s then was like OMG but we're in herb... unfortunatly i have to speed up the end of this duel :ohill:
04-12-2008, 11:24 PM
I took out two more lvl50 Warlocks this afternoon in 1 vs 1s.
Sorry Ignis. >:}
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