View Full Version : Starting a clan
04-12-2008, 04:24 AM
I'd like to start my own clan, I have ten people already, but can't seem to find out how to start one.
04-12-2008, 12:03 PM
I can help u. Chat Lovele in-game.
04-13-2008, 09:17 AM
go to the first city after the intiation zone and there should be an clan registerey guy somewhere (im not familiar with ignis or alsius)
In Alsius, there is a large building in Montsognir. Make sure all members are above lvl 15, and you have 100,000 gold. Create a party and the founder, the person who pays, is leader of the party. Go inside the large building and speak to the Clan Notary.
04-13-2008, 03:47 PM
In Alsius, there is a large building in Montsognir. Make sure all members are above lvl 15, and you have 100,000 gold. Create a party and the founder, the person who pays, is leader of the party. Go inside the large building and speak to the Clan Notary.
I'll be making a clan in Syrtis. I don't know anybody in Alsius, they aren't very friendly over there.
One problem though, there's no way I can get all nine of the people together at one time. So what do I do about that? I'm lvl 23 right now but found out yesterday I still have two friends at lvl 10, and one at lvl 14. So it's going to be a while before I can get started. But even with everybody at lvl 15 or above, there's still no way I can get everybody together at one time, so like I said, what do I do?
04-13-2008, 04:31 PM
I'll be making a clan in Syrtis. I don't know anybody in Alsius, they aren't very friendly over there.
yes we are!
its just you a few nasty people but they are everywhere
04-13-2008, 04:41 PM
yes we are!
its just you a few nasty people but they are everywhere
Everyone must have been in the war zone yesterday.
I do know one thing I liked about Alsius though. People don't jump in and help you with your kills. I hate it in Syrtis when they do that. I don't like to party up when I'm trying to lvl up, because most of the time, I lose XP points instead of gaining them. I also don't like to party up with people who only speak Spanish, as I haven't the faintest notion what they're saying. I'm 60 years old and don't feel like learning Spanish. It seems that players jump in and help you with your kill, so they can get the few points they need to lvl up and they don't care if it helps or harms you.
04-13-2008, 04:50 PM
I'm 60 years old and don't feel like learning Spanish.
wow! your 60 i wish my grandad was as cool as you!
04-13-2008, 05:02 PM
wow! your 60 i wish my grandad was as cool as you!
I was introduced to this game by my older son. He knows what games I like to play. He'd played world of warcraft and didn't like it, so he knew I wouldn't like it. My middle son talked me into downloading wow and I got to lvl two before I deleted the game. I hate it, besides Regnum is free and wow costs $15 a month.
Also being legally blind, doesn't leave you much you can do, but play games, because nobody wants to hire you.
I love this game. I plan to start a character in Ignis today. I've only played that realm in the expermental world and didn't know where to find the quests. Yesterday I found the list of quests on Regnum.
04-13-2008, 05:03 PM
wow! your 60 i wish my grandad was as cool as you!
sicsiksix where are you? I'm in Texas.
04-14-2008, 08:16 PM
Im in england, southampton
04-14-2008, 08:46 PM
Im in england, southampton
I love English accents
04-16-2008, 08:59 PM
I've helped start 2 different clans and neither have been easy.
Gather up as many of your friends as you can. Get them into a party and make sure they are not in any other clan.
Then if you are short, start recruiting then and there. Grab anyone in Fis you can get your hands on. The first time it took about 45 minutes and I crashed in the middle of it. The second time it took about an hour and a half, and if people just want to help you to get the clan off the gournd do it. Once it is created then you can go about recruiting and running your clan, getting those people all in your party at one time is diffficult.
But everyone in the party has to match the criteria: over lvl 15 and not in another clan or it won't work and Regnum won't tell you why (and you hav eto have 100,000 in your pocket, which you probably already have).
04-16-2008, 09:24 PM
I've helped start 2 different clans and neither have been easy.
Gather up as many of your friends as you can. Get them into a party and make sure they are not in any other clan.
Then if you are short, start recruiting then and there. Grab anyone in Fis you can get your hands on. The first time it took about 45 minutes and I crashed in the middle of it. The second time it took about an hour and a half, and if people just want to help you to get the clan off the gournd do it. Once it is created then you can go about recruiting and running your clan, getting those people all in your party at one time is diffficult.
But everyone in the party has to match the criteria: over lvl 15 and not in another clan or it won't work and Regnum won't tell you why (and you hav eto have 100,000 in your pocket, which you probably already have).
Starting a clan is going to have to wait a while. I still have two people lvl10 and at present I have no way to get any one on line at the same time as I am. I've been asking around Fis, but nobody seems to want to join a just starting out clan, they want to join the ones who have been around a while.
04-17-2008, 07:31 PM
Good luck with the clan
04-17-2008, 07:37 PM
RuthieJo! im from texas too
if ur coming to ignis and making a new charter
pm in game ill help u out
i love ignis
Tripp Or Lord Razor THere the two im on the most :):theking:
04-17-2008, 08:35 PM
RuthieJo! im from texas too
if ur coming to ignis and making a new charter
pm in game ill help u out
i love ignis
Tripp Or Lord Razor THere the two im on the most :):theking:
I've got two characters up and going in Ignis already. I just made a goof on this last one though. I had wanted her to be a marksman, and I'm so use to hunters, I went straight to the hunter trainer and before I remembered, I'd made her a hunter too lol.
I joined Phoenix Fighters yesterday, with one of my characters. The other one isn't in a clan yet.
I'm at a stand still with my first character in Ignis. I have her at lvl 13 and have a quest to kill some enraged wasps over at look out point, which is suppose to be on the way to the arena and such. I found one of those wasps right after the lookout, and spent hours and couldn't find any more. I've been all around there, including around the arena and the beach and the mountain town, nothing.
I've never seen Tripp in my travels, but have seen Lord Razor a lot.
I tried a third character as a mage, but when I got into the enchanters place, I couldn't interact with the vase. It would light up and that's all, so I deleted her.
Incidently CHeesE_13, you're about 350 miles or so from me. I'm in Lubbock
04-18-2008, 08:21 PM
:jacky_chun: lol im all over the place
Dark RaZor is in the 30 so im in one part of ignis
Tripp is in his 20's so im in another of ignis
and Lord Razor Is in his teens so ya....
im bored O,o
04-18-2008, 08:59 PM
:jacky_chun: lol im all over the place
Dark RaZor is in the 30 so im in one part of ignis
Tripp is in his 20's so im in another of ignis
and Lord Razor Is in his teens so ya....
im bored O,o
The Amazon Desert Hunter just passed into lvl 16, after an hour and a half in the vocanic zone lol. I'm headed to the beach to kill big beach spiders then to kill something for my hunter trainer (I forgot what lol), then I'll go back to the vocanic zone to lvl to 17.
Tomorrow I'll run with the my character Gaalateaa, trying to get her up to marksman, she's only lvl 5 right now.
Then Sunday if I'm home, I'll run the Desert Phoenix, she's lvl 10. I'm going to start working each of them one day a piece.
Then one hour a day, I'm going to work my Styris characters, so they don't get deleted from not playing. I have nine there, so it'll take me nine days and then I'll start all over again with them. Maybe I won't be so bored with Styris, if I only work it once hour a day.
The Amazon Desert Hunter just passed into lvl 16, after an hour and a half in the vocanic zone lol. I'm headed to the beach to kill big beach spiders then to kill something for my hunter trainer (I forgot what lol), then I'll go back to the vocanic zone to lvl to 17.
Tomorrow I'll run with the my character Gaalateaa, trying to get her up to marksman, she's only lvl 5 right now.
Then Sunday if I'm home, I'll run the Desert Phoenix, she's lvl 10. I'm going to start working each of them one day a piece.
Then one hour a day, I'm going to work my Styris characters, so they don't get deleted from not playing. I have nine there, so it'll take me nine days and then I'll start all over again with them. Maybe I won't be so bored with Styris, if I only work it once hour a day.
Talk about multi-tasking! :eek24:
04-18-2008, 09:44 PM
and my 4 are driving me crazy
good luck with that!:bounce:
04-18-2008, 10:19 PM
Well I kinda cheat. You see, I printed off all of the quests for each realm. As I work a quest, I write on the paper, what the quest is, and where it is, then I put the initials of the character to the left, that way I know which character has done what quest.
I also have a paper with the names of everybody in the towns I've been too, that way it's easier to find the people with the next character.
I've also learned that if you lvl up real quick for the first ten lvls you have a much easier time with the quests. When I started out, I was lvl 4 before I hit the first town. By the time I was lvl 6, I was still doing quests for lvl 3, 4, and 5.
Now when I'm lvl after finishing all the quests, I try to lvl about one third of the way to the next lvl before I even start quests.
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