View Full Version : Emergency!!!!

04-14-2008, 01:47 PM
is there anyone named jeff who knows me?a friend of mine is now wanted for hacking,which he never did.because of this jef fella he's gonna go to jail.pls.:crying1:

04-14-2008, 01:49 PM
is there anyone named jeff who knows me?a friend of mine is now wanted for hacking,which he never did.because of this jef fella he's gonna go to jail.pls.:crying1:
valorius' real name is jeff, go pwn him in the arena :D

04-14-2008, 04:48 PM
Good grief...where on earth do you live??

In the US they can jail you for suspected hacking; however, they can not convict you unless they have found evidence that proves you did the offense. This is typically done via a forensic analysis on your computer system (or systems) you may have had access to.

If he didn't do it....then no worries - the forensics analysis will return negative.

04-14-2008, 08:52 PM
Thanks god I live in Argentina... Here the electronic and IT laws are kind of unprotective and new, so it's like "take care of yourself, and if a 'hacker' hacks you... Hehe, we won't do a thing for you ^^".

Here you don't go to jail for spamming, cracking passwords, using open hotspots and stuff (well, you COULD go... but no one went)... That way you learn to protect yourself. And it works.

04-14-2008, 08:59 PM
Thanks god I live in Argentina... Here the electronic and IT laws are kind of unprotective and new, so it's like "take care of yourself, and if a 'hacker' hacks you... Hehe, we won't do a thing for you ^^".

Here you don't go to jail for spamming, cracking passwords, using open hotspots and stuff (well, you COULD go... but no one went)... That way you learn to protect yourself. And it works.
do you have a room available in your house?

04-14-2008, 09:01 PM
Good grief...where on earth do you live??

In the US they can jail you for suspected hacking; however, they can not convict you unless they have found evidence that proves you did the offense. This is typically done via a forensic analysis on your computer system (or systems) you may have had access to.

If he didn't do it....then no worries - the forensics analysis will return negative.

excuse me, but i dread to think that there isn't justice at USA

04-14-2008, 09:33 PM
In France, you have two choice :

get jailed
work for the DGSE or DST (french intelligence services)

Make your choice mate :dumbofme:

04-14-2008, 09:51 PM
valorius' real name is jeff, go pwn him in the arena :D
Obsession, it's what's for dinner.

04-14-2008, 10:04 PM
excuse me, but i dread to think that there isn't justice at USA

they just "make up fake evidanse" the jury could be actors US is loaded with those, its true the best you can do is show that your friend is not guilty; danm you big brother (probaly reading this now) the right to privisy is gonne they hack into your computer all the time thats how they will make up the evidanse.

they still cant jail him without a fair trial :thumb: (screw you jeffy)

04-14-2008, 10:13 PM
do you have a room available in your house?

Yep, come if you want... But you know what you should bring ;)

Here we got the SIDE, which is like the FBI, but it works sooooo bad that anyone can hack them. They relay on outsourced hackers.

04-14-2008, 10:29 PM
Yep, come if you want... But you know what you should bring ;)

Cherry Coke :wub2:

04-14-2008, 11:27 PM
Cherry Coke :wub2:

And women... Like, 2 at least. Remember that Cherry Coke has priority over the rest of the drinks.

BTW, bring me some MicroSD cards, I'm planning to backup everything on them.

04-15-2008, 12:53 AM
well.. use multiple proxys.... and random pcs... make user names off other peoples email... THAT YOU DONT KNOW... i never had any problems...

04-15-2008, 09:05 AM
In France, you have two choice :

get jailed
work for the DGSE or DST (french intelligence services)

Make your choice mate :dumbofme:

In France they just won't get you IMHO.

04-15-2008, 09:25 AM
And women... Like, 2 at least. Remember that Cherry Coke has priority over the rest of the drinks.

BTW, bring me some MicroSD cards, I'm planning to backup everything on them.
I'll bring my own women and then I'll bring (insert number of women you want here) women