View Full Version : Barbs are overpowered, exhibit B
04-15-2008, 08:25 PM
Here you go Valorius...Learn...this was a 1on1until those guys showed up and interupted...^^
04-15-2008, 11:04 PM
You had a figth with gusano on 1vs1???????
Never seen that in all my life.
04-15-2008, 11:04 PM
:thumb: nice
04-15-2008, 11:11 PM
Ran alone to pb and then saw gusano on the other side...we both prebuffed and then fought...only slashing warriors are too easy;)
04-16-2008, 07:02 AM
lol... when I tried to fight him last time, he ran in the end when he understood he was gonna loose :D
Good job Red Star ^^
04-16-2008, 05:06 PM
Gusano is a good player.
04-16-2008, 05:13 PM
Hes a pt to use only slashing...
04-16-2008, 05:17 PM
There you go with the flames again. Gusano is a class player who never has issues with anyone in a negative way that i've ever heard of...but again you flame anyway.
04-16-2008, 05:29 PM
There you go with the flames again. Gusano is a class player who never has issues with anyone in a negative way that i've ever heard of...but again you flame anyway.
Of course never had negative issues with anyone.
You cant have them if the only thing you do in the game is running from stone save to pinos or samal bridge and when you see a pj of more than lvl 45 you run from him.
04-16-2008, 06:52 PM
Do you see any flame in this thread before Valorius started to reply?
04-16-2008, 07:35 PM
Well valorius every warrior that uses only slashing is a total pt to me no matter the level behavior or his skill....
04-16-2008, 07:38 PM
but look at the rp of gusano...he cannot be a pt :bounce5425:
04-16-2008, 08:27 PM
Good job red takes skill to kill a barb with auras :)
Well.. not really but for your lvl chea ^^
04-16-2008, 10:10 PM
Good job red takes skill to kill a barb with auras :)
Well.. not really but for your lvl chea ^^
what auras?onslaught?:P
04-17-2008, 01:47 AM
Deflecting barrier..
04-17-2008, 10:36 AM
Oh our auras:p
well you dont need aoo to kill just makes it easier^^
04-17-2008, 10:47 AM
Well valorius every warrior that uses only slashing is a total pt to me no matter the level behavior or his skill....
Well every hunter that does use camouflage with SotW is a pt.
04-17-2008, 10:51 AM
Well every hunter that does use camouflage with SotW is a pt.
+1 :thumb_up:
04-17-2008, 11:21 AM
+1 :thumb_up:
It was meant to be Ironic. Switching weapons IMHO should take time and not be instant. So warrior that use spears to do balestra then switch to slash to use southcross should be called pt because they used skills that shouldn't (IMHO) be used as a combo. As GpoMaL said to me: The players aren't to blame they used their skills. If you wanna blame someone blame the developers or play another game.
04-17-2008, 11:30 AM
No switching weapons in the middle of a fight takes skill...pressing a button to do 1k damage every 6sec is totaly stupid...
Switching weapons in the middle of a fight take pressing 2 buttons (F1 - 4 and 1 - 0 depending on what your weapon is on).
04-17-2008, 11:33 AM
No switching weapons in the middle of a fight takes skill...pressing a button to do 1k damage every 6sec is totaly stupid...
yeah, skill who presses the button for weapon switching first...
Who switches weapon more fast wins. This is skill of your fingers, not of your brain
But I know that especially knights have to switch weapons to survive. It is a pitty that they are desigend this way. For barbs...well, brabs can be efficent with just one weapon. Ask znurre...but he is a pt in your opinion I guess
04-17-2008, 11:42 AM
Oh please...try using a high lvl knight and switching weapons every 10sec...i use 5 weapons and 3 tabs with spell combos....try that in a laggy 20on20 fort fight....see if it takes only pressing 2 buttons...
I have an archer who uses 4 bows and a mage who uses 4 staffs.
04-17-2008, 11:51 AM
See?that shows you dont know what ure talking about....warriors have 3 weapon disciplines and its totaly diferent...
My main attack spell with one bow is different to the other.
I often switch between short and longbows, and I have skills to go with each of them.
04-17-2008, 03:17 PM
I just use one spear so I can max shields and vanguard at level 42.
04-17-2008, 06:55 PM
It was meant to be Ironic. Switching weapons IMHO should take time and not be instant. So warrior that use spears to do balestra then switch to slash to use southcross should be called pt because they used skills that shouldn't (IMHO) be used as a combo. As GpoMaL said to me: The players aren't to blame they used their skills. If you wanna blame someone blame the developers or play another game.
I beg your pardon?
Not sure if I understood. Shouldn't a melee warrior switch weapons during a fight? History says otherwise:
- Hoplites had a primary weapon: a *big* spear naturally; but also a secondary in close combat (when having a spear is not that efficient ^^)... a sword (short sword to be precise)!
- Legionaries had 4 (!) weapons: 2 javelins (one heavy called pilum), a short sword (wonder why ^^) and... a dagger!
- Vikings had... spears too as basic weapon! And depending on their social status they also had from bows and axes to swords!
- A samurai would have his katana (after the Edo period) but also...a bow! (/me wants my hunter with a katana!). He would also have another smaller blade, a wakizashi and/or a tanto to be used in seppuku. But, in the same period there would be japanese warriors holding a naginata (a sort of a polearm) and later a yari (a spear).
I could be here half an hour displaying my knowledge (acquired through many years of... wikipedia search) but the point is that throughout the ages, into modern warfare (ask Valorious about this), infantry has used more then one kind of weaponry to fit different combat situations... much like balestring someone to SC him after!
Anyway I wouldn't call anyone "pt" for having it's own style of playing (only Red is a true "pt"!), but my personal opinion is that having multiple weapon skills helps to overcome in different battle situations, but I acknowledge that there are players who perfectly manage themselves using only one.
04-17-2008, 07:04 PM
I beg your pardon?
Not sure if I understood. Shouldn't a melee warrior switch weapons during a fight? History says otherwise:
Argumenting like this I can say switching a weapon needs time to do it. But it does not in the game.
But I agree that warriors should have different weapons for different situations.
04-17-2008, 07:41 PM
Argumenting like this I can say switching a weapon needs time to do it. But it does not in the game.
Actually... it does: Changelog Version: 0.9.26 (Date: 2008/1/15) -> Fixed: Potential fix for quick weapons switch. You can't equip more than one item per second.
You also retain the lowest attack speed when you switch to a faster weapon, meaning you can SC with a Vslow axe but you can't do a normal attack with it at medium speed after even if you switch to a medium attack weapon (if my tests are correct... it may be lag! :o ), it will take the same time to do the next attack as it would take if you hadn't switched!
Last but not least, switching weapons burns attacking cycles, you'll notice that almost all warriors cast something before to ensure that the target does not get away upon spell activation. Example: if I cast ribs braker 1 and go behind a target, switch to spear and try to cast ripost at spear range there are many probabilities of failure if the target continues to run on opposite direction... it doesn't lasts that long!
04-18-2008, 08:15 AM
I use only a weapon per time. Yes, I'm a pt, proud of it, but at least I can't be blamed in how I do my job =P
I feel like buffing acurate swings, brutal impacts and the other one with different weapons type is like cheating. I feel like switching weapons is a loss of time when you can combine a good tactic with one weapon and TACTICS (look at the name xD ). I feel like casting balestra and return to slash can be good for the range, but totally unuseful with lag. I feel like I can replace this combo with another one. I feel like I miss only mind squasher in my setup that anyway is unreliable if not maxed and a bit too powerful (can make a knight totally unusefull in one hit).
I feel like I'm playing the way that best fits me.
For all these reasons I'm a pt :thumb:
04-18-2008, 10:16 AM
I beg your pardon?
Not sure if I understood. Shouldn't a melee warrior switch weapons during a fight? History says otherwise:
- Hoplites had a primary weapon: a *big* spear naturally; but also a secondary in close combat (when having a spear is not that efficient ^^)... a sword (short sword to be precise)!
- Legionaries had 4 (!) weapons: 2 javelins (one heavy called pilum), a short sword (wonder why ^^) and... a dagger!
- Vikings had... spears too as basic weapon! And depending on their social status they also had from bows and axes to swords!
- A samurai would have his katana (after the Edo period) but also...a bow! (/me wants my hunter with a katana!). He would also have another smaller blade, a wakizashi and/or a tanto to be used in seppuku. But, in the same period there would be japanese warriors holding a naginata (a sort of a polearm) and later a yari (a spear).
I could be here half an hour displaying my knowledge (acquired through many years of... wikipedia search) but the point is that throughout the ages, into modern warfare (ask Valorious about this), infantry has used more then one kind of weaponry to fit different combat situations... much like balestring someone to SC him after!
Anyway I wouldn't call anyone "pt" for having it's own style of playing (only Red is a true "pt"!), but my personal opinion is that having multiple weapon skills helps to overcome in different battle situations, but I acknowledge that there are players who perfectly manage themselves using only one.
And historically archers had melee weapons for close combat.
So where are our melee weapons for close combat?
You're all pt's.
04-18-2008, 12:24 PM
So archers should get daggers, mages swords and warriors bows. Would be nice.
So archers should get daggers, mages swords and warriors bows. Would be nice.
04-18-2008, 12:34 PM
So archers should get daggers, mages swords and warriors bows. Would be nice.
Actually the whole concept of classes, levels and restricted weapons is stupid. In Ultima Online you had skills that you would train in certain fashions; for instance if you would use a sword or an axe, you would train Swordsmanship "passively" only by using that weapon. That's how my Mage was grand master swordsman :). (actually the system was a bit more complicated than this, but still is better than a game 10 years younger :p).
04-18-2008, 12:41 PM
I suggested things like this before and I think ti will be Megrim's nightmare, but it would be incredible nice if you could select which weapons you could use.
Free access to all skill trees for all classes.
04-18-2008, 12:47 PM
Imagine a barb with trained evasion and necromancy wielding a 2h axe^^
04-18-2008, 12:50 PM
Well it is incompatible with Regnum's design obviously. In the old and good Ultima Online, you had a skill cap of 700. Meaning the sum of the 49 skills available in game was 700, you could be grandmaster (= 100.0) in only 7 skills, but other combinations were open if you liked. Then there were stats which also had effects on fighting and other stuff...
04-18-2008, 01:12 PM
Actually... it does: Changelog Version: 0.9.26 (Date: 2008/1/15) -> Fixed: Potential fix for quick weapons switch. You can't equip more than one item per second.
It's per second, It means you can do it once fast. You just can't use boosted item to regenerate your life with fast switching (it's what the patch is all about). So yes i found that casting balestra + south cross is overpowered. But I adapt, I don't want it to be nerfed before hunters camouflage is gone.
Now I'm pretty convinced that camouflage is a skill that should be removed it's lame, and it's too much used as a get out of prison for free card.
04-18-2008, 05:19 PM
You just can't use boosted item to regenerate your life with fast switching
Yes you can... exactly as the same speed you can switch weapons. A barb friend of mine boosts aprox. 15 const. points when returning from an area or when being badly targeted (he does this when he's on a good mood and has no lag nor fps failures...).
Well it is incompatible with Regnum's design obviously. In the old and good Ultima Online, you had a skill cap of 700. Meaning the sum of the 49 skills available in game was 700, you could be grandmaster (= 100.0) in only 7 skills, but other combinations were open if you liked. Then there were stats which also had effects on fighting and other stuff...
/me inserts *named game* on google search... I'm a multiclassing addicted...
04-18-2008, 05:59 PM
/me inserts *named game* on google search... I'm a multiclassing addicted...
This game is long dead, my friend, or I wouldn't be playing Regnum. The bastards, they killed UO! It still runs but it has few things in common with the awesome and original game, which is simply the best multiplayer game ever made. It's crazy that being the first famous MMORPG and inspiration of all the first-gen MMOs, it is still unequaled, but it was awesome.
I know that 95% of those who played UO from beta (Shattered Legacy) to UO:Renaissance (2000) agree with me... if you search a bit on the net there are still tons of nostalgia threads on the pure awesomeness of UO before renaissance. You see, dev teams change, patches are made, games are ruined, (online) lives are broken :crying1:. I will forever resent Electronic Arts for ruining Origin Systems and UO.
There are a few "private shards", ie amateur UO servers, aiming to recreate the best eras of UO, the original (the shard is called UO: Demise) and the best era imho, the second age (the shard is called UO: Divinity). Those shards are mostly PvP oriented, however the problem is that they lack the original numbers and community of UO (200k active accounts at the good times, and no kids, mostly mature players). Ahhhhh how I loved this game. It's like having played Chrono Trigger or FF6 and all the game copies get destroyed, and you know you will never be able to play them again... UO was that good, or maybe even better, and shared with thousands of players at any given time.
04-18-2008, 06:06 PM
It's crazy that being the first famous MMORPG and inspiration of all the first-gen MMOs, it is still unequaled, but it was awesome.
Couldn't agree more, you know they even had a linux client, at least under Origin, of course when EA invaded and replaced all the origin staff with EA-drones, the linux client was quickly discontinued. Fuck EA.
04-18-2008, 06:36 PM
Couldn't agree more, you know they even had a linux client, at least under Origin, of course when EA invaded and replaced all the origin staff with EA-drones, the linux client was quickly discontinued. Fuck EA.
Yeah I remember that, but at the time I was a Windows 98-running drone (still, I had RH on dual boot to program websites in PHP2-FI lol). Anyway, the current client runs perfectly under Wine, the only problem is that most 3rd party programs that make the game more enjoyable don't. :(
These few years I have made two hops back to Europa, my home server.
First was in january 2003 I think, three years after leaving. The game had been disfigured and was an incredible mess. I played for three months then OSI decided to increase the monthly fee to $15 (while it had been $9.90 since ever!). Not only I wasn't satisfied with what the game had become or where it was going, but they increased the price! That's what I put in the "reason to leave" form after clicking the "close account" button.
The second time was in 2005 or 2006 using the "Return to Britannia" operation, which gives you 7 free days back into your account. Actually I had two accounts and used another coupon from a friend (it worked on active accounts, lol), so I played there 3 weeks... or more like, I had my account active for three weeks. I actually could only play a few days because I was completely lost in the ocean of flashy fluorescent colors (now available to players as teinture), new über items (as if they hadn't ruined the game enough by creating a non-PvP copy of the map) and *incredibly shitty community*.
That was the worst part:
In 99 you'd go out with your guild, kill mobs in dungeons. I have never been a PvE guy but it was more a social convention and in UO, everyone had to pay for supplies (reagents for mages, arrows for archers, repairs, new player-made stuff, etc) so we killed mobs for money... and for the unpredictable adrenaline rush when those Player Killers would show up. Oh we were waiting for them, ready to give our best and own their asses. Sometimes, a player I'd meet wouldn't say "hello", and being offended as Pai Mei crossing path with Shaolin monks, I would kill him for his lack of politeness.
But in this new UO, people wouldn't speak together anymore. The French community, which was awesome in the old times, was now filled with insufferable 15 years old (the age I had when I played UO and I don't remember being such childish and writing in sms-speech). The only fun I had was some roleplay nights in dungeons with Aussies and American players. Those guys were awesome but hardly enough for me to remain in a game now so tainted.
Ha. So many anecdotes. So many wonderful people from every place, from every style. A wonderful and unequaled game system. A huge, huge world filed with towns, dungeons. No limit to what we could do -- whether it was cut some branches from a tree, light a fire, and cook some steak from a cow you just killed, then eat it, or steal from other players, hide and stalk people, decorate or build your house (later you could even make your own house plans), or kill your neighbors, a city guard -- WHATEVER. The PvP was awesome. But most of all: what would happen to you in Britannia was unpredictable.
04-18-2008, 06:48 PM
Ever heard of Iris2? A 3D OU client built upon the Ogre3D engine.
This project is very promising, I have tried the client and it works great even if it currently lacks features.
It works on Linux, Windows and MacOS
04-18-2008, 07:13 PM
Ever heard of Iris2? A 3D OU client built upon the Ogre3D engine.
This project is very promising, I have tried the client and it works great even if it currently lacks features.
It works on Linux, Windows and MacOS
I just saw what it is; there have been many attempts at no-OSI controlled UO clients so far. I must admit I'm a shameless fan of the original "UOGold" 2D client, back when the opening gump was a chest opening into the virtual world and jewels as buttons ;)
04-19-2008, 05:14 AM
Meh, I've been waiting for iris since its first inception, it does proceed but not very fast. I never played the old OSI servers, I only played freeshards (Elysium, New Elysium, Nemesis, DraygonFyre), but it was great, and I miss it. If you want you can check out a bunch of my old screenshots here ( (:
04-19-2008, 05:43 AM
Meh, I've been waiting for iris since its first inception, it does proceed but not very fast. I never played the old OSI servers, I only played freeshards (Elysium, New Elysium, Nemesis, DraygonFyre), but it was great, and I miss it. If you want you can check out a bunch of my old screenshots here ( (:
04-19-2008, 03:23 PM
Meh, I've been waiting for iris since its first inception, it does proceed but not very fast. I never played the old OSI servers, I only played freeshards (Elysium, New Elysium, Nemesis, DraygonFyre), but it was great, and I miss it. If you want you can check out a bunch of my old screenshots here ( (:
Whose are the screenshots from Atlantic, Pacific and Europa then? I knew malic on one of those screenshots :p.
And btw the house scam was fun; but really you had to be quite stupid to get scammed.
04-20-2008, 02:12 PM
off topic a bit, ha?
04-28-2008, 10:22 AM
shhh if it goes off topic then the developers wont take the people seriously. then the barbs will be saved and wont be nerferd again...
shhh if it goes off topic then the developers wont take the people seriously. then the barbs will be saved and wont be nerferd again...
Did you ever notice this was a thread to stop barbs being nerfed? :p
04-28-2008, 03:46 PM
shhh if it goes off topic then the developers wont take the people seriously. then the barbs will be saved and wont be nerferd again...
it's in the images section, no one takes this seriously
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