View Full Version : Changes in Regnum

05-10-2008, 09:30 PM
The following has been posted in the spanish section, its about the upcoming changes, I made a rough translation so hope this helps.

PS: sorry for my english

This is the original spanish post http://http://regnumonlinegame.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23290

Experience Curve:

Regnum was designed to be a short game, and with a level limit. Why? Because the fun part in the games is the RvR y we want ppl to reach that stage the quickest way posible.

But when we lauched this new bussines model ,we realized that the game is TOO short.
After a analysing the statistics generated by the game thoroughly, we have reached to the conclusion that the great majority of the players that reach level 50, do so in only 3 or 4 moths. As a matter of fact many people did it in less than a month. Thats a very short amount of time for a free game.
The experience curve has been modified in a way that its not going to affect levelling up to level 30 and is more pronounced in higher levels.
The total raise we are implementig from level 1 to 50 its ONLY a 15%.


The fatigue method its used by many games to discourage the irrational use of the game and balance the game experience between users who can only play only a few hours a day and those who have greater time availabilty (?)

This is not only a commercial issue but is more a social responsability by the company. We recommend that no one should play for more than 6 hours a day, that every 2 hours you shoul take a break of half an hour, etc. Like every other video game.
From the comercial aspect, we have to understand that our clients, Premiun Users, who are usually people who does not have much free time to play , thats why the buy experience partchments. On the other hand, there are some that play for free 8 hours straight consuming bandwith, resulting in greater costs.
WOW and StarWars Galaxies are among the games that use this mechanism.

More Atracctive Premium content

At NGD we pay a lot of attention to the community reccomendatios regarding Premium content. But, you must understand that this type of decisitions require a deeper knowledge in sales statistics, difficulties to develop the prestations and what really works in the market.
The Mastery Partchment and the 200% Bonifier where added because of their demand.
The Paints and tinctures are going to give the user the chance to customize their equipment and make their charachter really unique. We hope this new possibily is welcome by the community as it has demandes months to develop and its nearly done.

Skills reset limitations (next Version)

Regnum was never design so the charachter could change their settings so easily. In fact this generates a greta unbalance between classes, as there are somo configurations that are better fore levelling, others better for hunting and other for war.
The idea of any MMORPG its that you have to be previsor when you distribute your skill points and if one wants the easy way its going to get, in the long run, a weaker charachter that one trained with a lot more effort its going yo get a charachter better suited for PvP. The Community got so used to this charachteristic (that exits for the sole purpose of testing and fixing bugs) that we cant delete it completely, so we are going to limit it, and make it unlimited as a premium item only. Details are yet to be set. But dont worry, we are going to give the heads up before its implemented and every user si going to receive this new Premium item free of charge (with several uses) when we iplment this new system.

Other improvementes to be done befote the year ends:

Rewards and penalties systems improved for pvp (including Premium ítems)
Horse rental improvements
New creatures with magical powers
PvP oriented quests.
RvR improvement
Treasure System (conflict zone exploration)
New types of premium items (surprise box, lucky charm, etc)
Invasion system
Last and no least, the origin of Xymeral its going to be revealed in a terrifying way.

05-10-2008, 09:37 PM
NGD was supposed to make an official translation today (wasn't going to happen now I guess?), so thanks for stepping in.

05-10-2008, 09:44 PM
Niclam's post:

Just to make clear things we will take into account, so that people remain calm:

- We are going to show in advance (either on the website or from within the game) all the available powers and their descriptions.
- The graphical interface will be improved with the possibility to "Apply" changes made or to "Go Back" (this in a given points assignment session).
- Fixing the powers is something continuous and we will continue to work to improve them, as of now we have personal dedicated to testing and finding errors thus making it easier for us to gather the large amount of information required for that task.


05-10-2008, 09:47 PM
No prb.

here is what cuajoneta posted ( not my best work, im too tired right now :sleep_1: )

We are going to show on advance every available power listed by discipline and their descriptions (through the web or in game).

The user interface will be safer in the sense that will have to make the changes and confirm them or go back ( when you are assigning the powers)

Fixing the powers is something we are going to keep working on, now that we have a specially dedicated staff in charge of testing and findig bugs its going to be easier for us to compile the enourmous amount of information that there is.

Again this is only a rough translation

05-10-2008, 09:51 PM
Last and no least, the origin of Xymeral its going to be revealed in a terrifying way.

AHHH it's Soylent Green isn't it!!? Xymerald is people!

05-10-2008, 09:52 PM
AHHH it's Soylent Green isn't it!!? Xymerald is people!

Hahaha exactly what I thought when I first read the thread :theking:. I want Led Zep rather than Beethoven though. :eguitar:

05-10-2008, 10:07 PM
Xymerald comes from the teeth of newborn babies!

05-10-2008, 10:58 PM
The translation is going to happen just give me a second while i get back from the supermarket, geez, i need groceries! :D


P.S.: No, we don't have a translation team, we do it ourselves.

05-10-2008, 11:06 PM
Thanks (in advance) for all the work you're doing NGD.

05-10-2008, 11:15 PM
The translation is going to happen just give me a second while i get back from the supermarket, geez, i need groceries! :D


We wouldn't you to starve :no:.

05-10-2008, 11:16 PM
The following has been posted in the spanish section, its about the upcoming changes, I made a rough translation so hope this helps.

PS: sorry for my english

This is the original spanish post http://http://regnumonlinegame.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23290

Experience Curve:

Regnum was designed to be a short game, and with a level limit. Why? Because the fun part in the games is the RvR y we want ppl to reach that stage the quickest way posible.

But when we lauched this new bussines model ,we realized that the game is TOO short.
After a analysing the statistics generated by the game thoroughly, we have reached to the conclusion that the great majority of the players that reach level 50, do so in only 3 or 4 moths. As a matter of fact many people did it in less than a month. Thats a very short amount of time for a free game.
The experience curve has been modified in a way that its not going to affect levelling up to level 30 and is more pronounced in higher levels.
The total raise we are implementig from level 1 to 50 its ONLY a 15%.


The fatigue method its used by many games to discourage the irrational use of the game and balance the game experience between users who can only play only a few hours a day and those who have greater time availabilty (?)

This is not only a commercial issue but is more a social responsability by the company. We recommend that no one should play for more than 6 hours a day, that every 2 hours you shoul take a break of half an hour, etc. Like every other video game.
From the comercial aspect, we have to understand that our clients, Premiun Users, who are usually people who does not have much free time to play , thats why the buy experience partchments. On the other hand, there are some that play for free 8 hours straight consuming bandwith, resulting in greater costs.
WOW and StarWars Galaxies are among the games that use this mechanism.

More Atracctive Premium content

At NGD we pay a lot of attention to the community reccomendatios regarding Premium content. But, you must understand that this type of decisitions require a deeper knowledge in sales statistics, difficulties to develop the prestations and what really works in the market.
The Mastery Partchment and the 200% Bonifier where added because of their demand.
The Paints and tinctures are going to give the user the chance to customize their equipment and make their charachter really unique. We hope this new possibily is welcome by the community as it has demandes months to develop and its nearly done.

Skills reset limitations (next Version)

Regnum was never design so the charachter could change their settings so easily. In fact this generates a greta unbalance between classes, as there are somo configurations that are better fore levelling, others better for hunting and other for war.
The idea of any MMORPG its that you have to be previsor when you distribute your skill points and if one wants the easy way its going to get, in the long run, a weaker charachter that one trained with a lot more effort its going yo get a charachter better suited for PvP. The Community got so used to this charachteristic (that exits for the sole purpose of testing and fixing bugs) that we cant delete it completely, so we are going to limit it, and make it unlimited as a premium item only. Details are yet to be set. But dont worry, we are going to give the heads up before its implemented and every user si going to receive this new Premium item free of charge (with several uses) when we iplment this new system.

Other improvementes to be done befote the year ends:

Rewards and penalties systems improved for pvp (including Premium ítems)
Horse rental improvements
New creatures with magical powers
PvP oriented quests.
RvR improvement
Treasure System (conflict zone exploration)
New types of premium items (surprise box, lucky charm, etc)
Invasion system
Last and no least, the origin of Xymeral its going to be revealed in a terrifying way.

My gosh, i'm so happy! :o
Any expected time these will be implimented (this year, next year, ect)

05-11-2008, 12:15 AM
Here is the official one:



05-11-2008, 01:04 AM
Skills reset limitations (next Version)

Regnum was never design so the charachter could change their settings so easily. In fact this generates a greta unbalance between classes, as there are somo configurations that are better fore levelling, others better for hunting and other for war.
The idea of any MMORPG its that you have to be previsor when you distribute your skill points and if one wants the easy way its going to get, in the long run, a weaker charachter that one trained with a lot more effort its going yo get a charachter better suited for PvP. The Community got so used to this charachteristic (that exits for the sole purpose of testing and fixing bugs) that we cant delete it completely, so we are going to limit it, and make it unlimited as a premium item only. Details are yet to be set. But dont worry, we are going to give the heads up before its implemented and every user si going to receive this new Premium item free of charge (with several uses) when we iplment this new system.

I don't like this, /reset_powers should be available for anyone at any given time, it's fine as it is right now.
Newbie players will be very frustrated if they have to go through levelling again because they made a mistake.
"do the right thing from the start or paeeh"

lucky charm
does this mean, something which makes you more lucky with chance spells? I surely hope not :/

05-11-2008, 02:43 AM
I think "lucky charm" helps mob drops.

05-11-2008, 02:47 AM
I think "lucky charm" helps mob drops.

I was just about to post that xD

05-11-2008, 08:56 AM
In Syrtis the quests gave me the idea that Xymerald was a sort of nature god who destroyed the buildings at the island in the lake of the ancients. In Alsius it's something they mine in Hopstad, where it gives a lot of trouble, and send to Gokstad to ship.

05-11-2008, 09:08 AM
The quests in Syrtis suggest Xymerald was a liquid consumable once found in crystal form at the bottom of the lake of ancients.

05-11-2008, 12:54 PM
The quests in Syrtis suggest Xymerald was a liquid consumable once found in crystal form at the bottom of the lake of ancients.
Does any realm quest show about Xymerald?! Curiousosity

05-11-2008, 01:17 PM
The quests in Syrtis suggest Xymerald was a liquid consumable once found in crystal form at the bottom of the lake of ancients.
In the Ignis quests they mention Xymerald as an aincient foriegn substance (I Guess we can say it resides at the Lake of Aincients)

There is a smuggling chain of the substance that traces from Ignis to Syrtis. And there is a person using it to make "drugs" from what ive learned. This person sells the "drug" to special customers.

The effects of it can be seen throughout Medenet, a man who lost his memory, Overdosed Guards.

In the quest you track down the dealer and learn that Xymerald is involved, he claims he gets it from a Syrtian black market. This quest also shows secrect connections between Ignis and Syrtis, most notabley Dark and White Elves working together.

05-11-2008, 01:41 PM
Xymerald is being mined in Hopstad and shipped to "foreign" areas in Gokstad. I still don't know what these "foreign" areas are though...

05-12-2008, 09:33 AM
Well, I don't think Syrtis, Ignis and Alsius ar ethe only nations at the entire world of Regnum.

05-12-2008, 01:26 PM
I'm also curious about the 'other' land. In Alsius someone speaks about the fleet fighting at the High Seas(naval battles!) and the Dwarves come from the North. In Syrtis there is a quest where you have to get soil, which comes from the slopes of the homeland of the Utghars, so it's the best. But where is that homeland? I'm really curious and hope we'll get new land soon!